Member Reviews
An interesting premise and I was sucked into reading through to the end to figure out what was going on, but I wasn't truly invested in the story or the main character's struggles.
This was a pretty good read, the buildup to the reveal was just enough to keep me reading. It's easy to follow without having to try to remember too much. The ending left me wanting a little bit overall a good book.
The premise of this book is right up my alley! I absolutely loved the mixture of psychological thriller and horror that this book had. It had everything I love in a book.
Ella moves back to her childhood home after finding out that her father died. Ella hopes she can make peace with all the trauma she endured there but when creepy notes start turning up unexpectedly Ella starts to spiral.
A but if a slow burner but it was quite short so I still flew through it. My first book by this author and I was pleasantly surprised.
I just reviewed Gaslight by J.E. Rowney. #Gaslight #NetGalley I wanted to love this book, after reading the premise I was so excited to get started. But unfortunately it fell a little flat for me, the suspense and buildup was great! It kept me wanting to read but nothing ever came of it. I kept thinking, "okay where was the big shock?" Not a bad book as it kept my attention but I just needed more from this one. Thank you to NetGalley and JE Rowney for the ARC ebook for a chance to review this title. Out now!
This arc received through netgalley and the publishers after reading a lot of negative reviews i wasn't sure about if i would enjoy it.
I gave it a go and raced through it in a day and although the explanation at the end was a bit far fetched i suppose anything is possible. You often need to suspend reality with some of these books
Overall a good read 3.5 stars
I was intrigued by the title, cover design and description, so I was excited to read and review this.
This didn't take me long to finish, but it was a very good psychological thriller. I found it quite eerie, even chilling at times.
I was drawn in from reading the first paragraph. The protagonist talked to the reader in a way that encouraged them to relate to her, and feel compassion. I was gripped and kept turning the pages until the end.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.
I accessed a digital review copy of this book from the publisher.
Ella moves back to her childhood home with Dan, her boyfriend of only a few months. Since Ella left home at eighteen she has lived an unattached, migratory life. This will be the first time she has settled down in a relationship. Added to the stress are all of the bad memories that are brought up with being home. The longer she stays in the home, the more strange things begin to happen.
I thought that the premise was interesting but it did not play out as well as I had hoped. While I know that this is meant to be in the character's head, I feel like there needed to be more external to spur this on or more internal justification.
Thank you NetGalley for the kindle copy in exchange for a honest review. When Ella’s father dies the last thing she wants to do is return to her childhood home Bittersweet Acres. Her new partner Dan talks her into it and they move in. Ella finds the memories of her troubled childhood overwhelming. Strange notes begin to appear and Ella can her footsteps at night. Is the house haunted? A brilliantly written gripping thriller with a twist at the end.
Gaslight was very ominous and I definitely understand the origin of the title. I enjoyed the characters and really cared about the direction of the story. The twists also really caught me by surprise.
DNF at 40%
Honestly, this book was not for me. I think if I read more into what it was about I might not have requested it. I think other people will enjoy this, but not me.
This book was a little slow going for my pace. I also expected a twist at the end, but didn't see one. Having said that, I am willing to try another book by this author. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this arc.
Ella is returning home after the death of her father. She’s inherits bittersweet acres (loved the name) this is my first book by J E Rowney and will not be my last. she writes her characters so well I feel like o actually know them. I enjoy the twisted at the end. It’s a nice easy read. The ending was unique.
Gaslight means to manipulate someone using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning.
First of all the title is super apt for the book, for the story itself. The book is about Gaslighting only.
Can you trust someone if you don't trust your own self? Ella, after hearing of her father's death, the last thing she wants is to return to the childhood home. Because unlike others that childhood home still haunts her. Dan, her living partner managed convincing her to relocate or to move there as she inherits it plus she don't have to face anymore major financial crises now that a roof above her.
At first, the memories of her past overwhelm her, but the move to Bittersweet Acres is more dangerous than Ella could ever have imagined. Strange notes start to appear, Ella's behaviour becomes erratic, and she's sure that Dan is responsible for the bizarre events that threaten her mental and physical health. Dan says he's trying to protect her, but nothing is as it seems.
This was a super fast paced read, I read it in few hours. I guess its quite short, but mostly because I couldnt get enough of it!! I so loved the plot twist, however I did see it coming from a mile away!
I absolutely love the way it was written, the vocabulary and sentence structure and everything! Most importantly the English is very easy to read... no complex words. This my second book by the author and she already became my favourite and go to author in instant.
Highly recommended.
Read and reviewed voluntarily, opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.
Thank you @netgalley @booksgosocialgroup @Littlefoxpublishing for the #arc in exchange for a honest review.
This slow burn kept me wanting more. The whole time, I was doubting everything! Was El the victim of cruel mind games? Was she being drugged? Was the home she returned to after so many years away truly haunted? The characters were great and terrible all at the same time. I knocked out this read in one day, I couldn't stop. The ending was sensible and not far-fetched, wrapping it up with a nice feel-good bow.
I can definitely say this was a very fast-paced read for me but it didn’t really intrigue me. The first chapter was pretty good but it started to diminish after a couple chapters after.
This was a short book so read very quickly. The story was a good one but the characters did not grip me as much as I had expected. The twist at the end was good and unexpected so overall a good read.
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book. Sadly it didn't deliver what it promised. In particular I felt that the characters lacked depth and as a result I failed to feel overly invested in them. There was however, a twist which I didn't see coming, and this suggested that the writer had much more to offer!
Actual rating would be 2.5
I really liked this book I'd never read anything by this author before but I will be looking out for books from him/her I was able to read this book in sitting it was that good!!
A short book, though I felt had it been longer we could have had more character development and a bit more backstory to provide some substance to the decisions that Ella made. I just couldn't get on board with some of the rationale. Ben was also really irritating! I didn't mind the twist, but the end was a bit of a letdown and again I just didn't quite understand the 'why'. However, it's an OK thriller and easy to read in a day or two. I will read more by this author.