Member Reviews

Ok, that just happened! Lol. I'm trying to figure out what I just read here.
This book is translated from French by Barbara Abel and it's a vicious one. We have two couples: David and Laetitia Brunelle and Sylvain and Tiphaine Geniot who live next to each other. They are good friends who are always over and their two son end up being best friends. Unfortunately, Sylvain and Tiphaine's son Maxime is killed in a accident and both couples go into insta-crazy......
Without going into any spoilers this one just goes off the rails as both couples try and deal with Maxime's death. One couple starts to blame the other couple and off we go....
The good: This one is mean and lean. No wasted time or verbiage. Short chapters. With a ending the equivalent of getting your head kicked in by a horse. Or, ok, maybe not that bad.
The bad: Like mentioned above it's translated from French to English so some of the dialogue is clunky. Kind of like watching a show with subtitles? You get use to it really quick, however, and the translation is top notch.
Highly recommended if you want a fast book that isn't scared to "go there....."
I really appreciate HarperVia for giving me the opportunity to review this book and it has a publication date of May 16, 2023.

Thank you to Netgalley and HarperVia for the heart-pounding, tragic tale. Who knew where Barbara Abel was going with this story, not where I pictured or anticipated? Have you ever watched a movie that ends and you are mad? Get ready for this storyline where you are shocked just when you think you know the ending. Grab it and really be prepared for a thrill ride!

I could not put this one down! Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. Such a great read. It kept me guessing the whole time as you don’t know what to believe. Looking forward to the movie and I can’t wait to see what other stories follow.

Tense chilling I was drawn in from the first pages.Great characters kept me reading late into the night.Looking forward to seeing this book come alive on screen with these two fantastic actresses.#netgalley #harpervia

First, I want to thank Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book! The book for me was fast paced, and I enjoyed it for the most part. My least favorite part was the main character names, they were a little hard to pronounce for me so I found myself just saying T or L for those characters. I was a little disappointed in the end, and hoped for a better ending for everyone involved. All in all, this book was 4 stars for me, and I would recommend it to friends.

Grab this novel now as it is soon to be a movie starring Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain!
This twisty and suspenseful domestic thriller is a tale of best friends living as neighbors separated only by a hedge. When both women have children in the same year, the families spend even more time together and grow closer. But when Tiphanie's son Maxime is killed at home, the tragedy forcers a rift between mothers Syvian and Tiphaine. There is guilt, envy and secrets and a tension begins to build on the block. When Milo, the remaining child suffers more than one life-threatening accident, His mother Laetitia has no recourse aside from looking more closely at her best friend and neighbor...
#HarperVia #MothersInstinct #BarbaraAbel

By the time i got about 4 chapters into this book i was hooked. The story was very intriguing. I had all sorts of plots in my head on how this story was going to unfold and i loved seeing all of them shot down and i believe i actually gasped when i caught on towards the end...then i know i gasped when i realized what actually happened. This was full of twists and i loved every bit of it.

Zut alors! What an amazing domestic thriller!
I’m not usually a fan of translated books, because I always figure some thing is lost in the retelling, but I enjoyed the translator’s language as well as the story and character arc. As others have commented, it sounds like a bog, standard neighbor/mom domestic thriller, but this one got dark and took some crazy turns that were unexpected. It’s not always easy for me to read books about mothers losing children, but this was engaging enough that I could turn off the mommy angst and plow through. I hope to see other translations of Abel’s work available soon!

A good mystery thriller. This was a quick read that kept me engaged in the characters story throughout the entire book. I can see why it would make a great movie adaptation. I suggest this book to thriller lovers.

An excellent and surprising domestic thriller focusing on the power of a mother’s love for her child, especially in the face of a threat. The question is, is it a perceived or real one…

I promise myself over and over again that I will stick to my thoroughly planned out list of books I need to read in order .
Do you think I stick to this list?
Not when a book like Mothers’ Instinct was just approved .
I, like most of us blogger, get to the end of the month and fear missing out on just one more book. So instead of going to work like a normal human, I called out to read .
Don’t judge me .
The one thing I don’t regret is playing hookie when I just concluded another banger of a book. Giving this book ONLY five stars would be an insult . This book breaks every rating scale we have put forth.
If you want to know what I’m talking about you better run on over to your favorite bookstore and preorder this mind bending thriller.
Also, a little birdie told me this book is going to hit the bring screen .
Teaser :
David and Laetitia Brunelle and Sylvain and Tiphaine Geniot are inseparable friends and next-door neighbors in a pretty, tranquil suburb. Their sons Milo and Maxime, born in the same year, grow up together as close as brothers. But when Maxime is killed in an accident, their idyllic world shatters. Maxime's parents, Sylvain and Tiphaine, are consumed by grief and bitterness, while David and Laetitia are wracked with guilt for their role in the tragedy. Soon the couples are barely speaking, although they maintain a polite façade.
Then a mysterious series of “accidents” begins to happen to Milo, raising Laetitia’s suspicions. Are their former best friends trying to punish them by threatening their son? As an increasingly paranoid Laetitia frantically tries to protect Milo from harm, the little civility left between the two families curdles into outward hostility. Is Laetitia just imagining things? Or are Sylvain and Tiphaine secretly conspiring to exact their revenge . . . and if so, who will pay?
In her American debut, blockbuster Belgian author Barbara Abel plunges into the deepest, darkest corners of her characters’ hearts and minds to explore the limits of friendship, the overwhelming power of maternal love, and how far hate, fear, and vengeance can drive us. Tense and blood-chilling, with a surprising final twist, Mothers' Instinct will keep you on edge until the final page.

What a fun and fast-paced book! Actually, “fun” may not be the right word…this book was at times quite emotional and deep, but it was also a fantastic thriller book (soon to become a major motion picture).
Laetitia and Tiphaine are next-door neighbors, and best friends. Laetitia grew up in the duplex the two couples share, and feels so lucky that a couple their age has moved in next door. The two couples become close friends - and that friendship grows even more when the women get pregnant within months of each other, both bearing little boys who became to be like brothers.
For years, these families had great times together. Long nights enjoying drinks while the boys played, always having built-in emergency childcare with friends they trust completely, watching their sons grow up together - it was the idyllic situation, until one day, tragedy strikes. When one of the boys dies, a wedge was driven between these families, and both women started (understandably) going off the rails.
While I saw the ending coming throughout most of the book, it didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the story. There is obviously a trigger warning for the death of a child, but that part was written thoughtfully and true-to-life. Towards the end, some things did get a little wacky and implausible, but overall this was a fantastic book with excellent writing. If the movie follows the book well (and the all-star cast won’t hurt anything), it should be pretty good. I’m giving this 4.5 stars; it was definitely a page-turner and a great story.
(Thank you to HarperVia, Barbara Abel, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review. This book is slated to be released on May 15, 2023.)

This was one heck of a domestic thriller. Mind-bending, nerve-wracking, pulse-pouding - wondering how many more hyphenated phrases I can use?? It was twisty-turny deliciousness as the story unfolds. I did figure some things out before the reveal of what was actually going on, but that's simply because I've read so many of these types of stories lately that I am always looking hard at the clues. I did NOT expect what ended up happening as being how it would necessarily play out, so I found myself will my mouth hanging open and yelling DAYUMMMM that's harsh. I really enjoyed this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
So I really liked 85% of this novel. It was good. It was believable. Had some gaslighting.
The ending I absolutely hated. The ending ruined all of the book for me. Im curious to see how the movie adaptation will go. But yeah the ending was just ugh.

"Soon to be a major US motion picture starring Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain, Mothers’ Instinct is a dark, twisty domestic thriller in which the bond between two couples—best friends and next-door neighbors—mutates in dangerous and deadly ways in the wake of a tragic accident."
What a treat to have the chance to read and ARC of Mother's Instinct courtesy of NetGalley. I'm giving this book four stars. It's twisty and filled with emotions. I thought the writing was well done having been translated from the French work out in 2012.
I can't wait to see it on the big screen!

Thank you to the publishers @harperviabooks and @netgalley for this e-ARC of Mothers’ Instinct, releasing May 16th and soon to be a major motion picture featuring Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain!
🇫🇷 enjoy translated books
💨 want a fast paced read
😮 love jaw dropping twists
👀 like unreliable narrators
Laetitia and Tiphaine are best friends with sons that are nearly the same age, but when a tragic accident occurs, it tears an irreparable hole in their friendship.
Laetitia and Tiphaine have been friends for a while when they find out their kids will be just 3 months apart in age. Living in a duplex in France, the two friends can’t wait to watch their boys grow up together, but when a sudden accident leaves one of them childless, tensions rise and friendships begin to collapse. Will this loss tear them apart forever or will they find their way back to before?
One word - WOW. This was such an unputdownable read. The pacing was fast, the chapters were fairly short, and the POV changed between characters in an easy to understand manner. I had no idea what to expect when I first opened this story, but I was not disappointed! That ending will have your jaw on the floor and wondering what the hell just happened/this can’t possibly be real. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of Mothers’ Instinct when it drops May 16th! I cannot wait to see the movie version!

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of Mothers' Instinct.
I love Jessica Chastain so I can't wait to see the movie! But I'm one of those people who prefer to read the book first before the film adaptation comes out so I was excited my request was approved.
David and Laetitia Brunelle and Sylvain and Tiphaine Geniot are BFFs and next-door neighbors who do almost everything together.
Their sons, Milo and Maxime, grow up together, practically like brothers, but when a horrific accident occurs, the tragedy threatens to tear both families apart.
That's when the downward spiral begins. Soon, Milo begins having accidents, incidents Laetitia is positive has been engineered by Tiphaine, because the grieving mother blames her former friend for her son, Maxime's death.
As Laetitia grows increasingly anxious and fears for her son's safety, and her husband downplays her concerns, little does he know that he should heed his wife's desperate pleas.
The ending is bonkers, and if you're willing to suspend disbelief, pretty diabolical.
I was glad to read a domestic thriller featuring couples that don't talk constantly about how attractive and handsome their spouses are.
The writing is okay, kind of stilted but that might be because it's translated.
There's very little exposition about the men and women, minus the brief overview of David's dark past and the secret Sylvain carries.
We don't know much about the women so their personalities and characters are one dimensional. They're not just mothers. Who are they?
The narrative isn't very suspenseful; the first part moves slowly, like life.
Minus the scenes where Laetitia is freaking out or arguing with her ex-BFF, the drama doesn't play out until the end and even those scenes are condensed into paragraphs devoid of thrills.
This wasn't bad for a debut, a bit Lifetime-y if you're into that.

Can't wait for the movie with Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain!
What a wild ride that Barbara Abel took me on with this psychological thriller, that didn't read like a psychological thriller until the unanticipated end. Two BFF next-door-neighbor couples, David and Laeticia with their son Milo, and Sylvain and Tiphaine and their son Maxime. The two groups begin pregnancy until mid-childhood in which an accident changes the dynamics for one couple. As as result, dynamics also change for the second couple by attrition.
I read this in 24 hours, which is fast for me because I couldn't put it down. Thank you NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Best friends and neighbors, Laetitia and Tiphaine, both have sons that are three months apart from each other. They grow up playing together and become best friends. Then one day, Tiphaine's son, Maxime, has a freak accident and Laetitia is blamed. Soon after, their friendship falls apart. This sets off a whirlwind of events for both families.
I was blown away by MOTHERS' INSTINCT. I will warn you this was not an easy read, but also one that I could not put down. I can't imagine the feelings both of these woman had. It is unimaginable to me to lose a child, but the way Tiphaine handled it had my mind spinning! This story will not be one I will ever forget and I look forward to seeing it when it hits the big screen at the theater! I do recommend it if you like a twisty domestic thriller, but I would like to remind you of the trigger warning of child loss.
Thank you to NetGalley and HarperVia for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.
This review will be posted to my Instagram (@coffee.break.book.reviews) in the near future.

Wow this book had me addicted i couldn't turn the pages quick enough it was outstanding and that ending was brilliant absolutely jaw dropping i highly recommend this book to all book lovers!!!!
Much thanks to #netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this ARC
All thoughts and opinions are my own