Member Reviews

The characters are so interesting and described so well, the reader can picture them clearly in their mind. The story has love, jealousy and spiteful emotions running throughout. One scene actually brought tears to my eyes as I was reading and able to feel how the characters felt at that moment. I highly recommend Aced.

Grow up in foster care make Pauline have to stand for herself, being independent, taking care of herself. When Grey put attention to her, put the right word, she fall for him. She can see red flags but she ignore it. Finally she feel needed, not alone anymore, not leave behind.
Archaeologist and fantasy. Know history of things, known the story,listening to souls of the objects. Like messenger find item, deliver it ot the right owner. Beside that there is Chaitanya who guide and her pair. There have soul conection, oneness, unity, sense of belonging. I awe with this book. I enjoy this book so much.
Thank you to NetGalley for provide this book, it is pleasure to review this book.
#TheNighthawkers #AmyLBernstein #TheWildRosePress #BacklitPR #NetGalley #ARC