Member Reviews

First, i think there is something between Wayne and Sarah but i am wrong. Second, where Leona lawyer when she on hospitalized for thirty-six hours? When she get interrogation? Isnt she cant speak without her lawyer present?

I enjoy this book so much, i can feel Leona grief, her deep love, yeah she is codepedency. Wayne kind of man that trigger my fear in relationship. Sweet, caring, loving but behind that manipulative, liar, using other people to aim his goal. I hope there are more between Leona and Jeremy.

Thank you to NetGalley for provide this book, it is pleasure to review this book.

#TheWidowsSecret #TheoBaxter #InkubatorBooks #ARCProvidedbyVictoryEditing #VictoryEditing #NetGalley #NetGalleyCoop #ARC

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Interesting plot,lively characters and hidden secrets.Difficult to know who to trust in this novel,kept the reader interested in the plot and the final outcome.

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A good and easy to read thriller that I devoured in one night. A good twisty domestic thriller. You'll never know who to trust xx

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The Widow's Secret by Theo Baxter is a pacey read that pulled me in from the start, though my interest waned slightly as the narrative progressed.

Leona is hiking with her husband Wade on the Appalachian trail when he suddenly slips and falls to his death. In shock and grieving, Leona finds herself in a battle with Wade's brother Wayne, who accuses Leona of murder. Leona's only ally, it seems, is Wayne's wife Chelsea, who soon goes missing following her own husband's death. Suddenly, Leona is plunged into a world of mayhem with only her wits to unravel it all.

This was a quick read that kept me quite entertained, though I never felt truly invested. 3.5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for an ARC.

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With thanks to #NetGalley and #InkubatorBooks for an #ARC of #TheWidowsSecret. This book tells the story of a widow (Leona) and her husband Wayne who falls tragically to his death. Leona struggles in her attempt to move on with the help of her sister-in-law Chelsea, however she is abused at every turn by her Brother-in-law, Wayne's brother, Michael. When tragedy strikes again will Leona get through it, while trying to prove she's not who Michael thinks she is.
I found this book slightly dragging at times, and slightly slow to take off. I overall enjoyed the story and looked forward to how it was going to pan out when I eventually got into it.

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This book wasn’t as good and twisty as I’d hoped it would be. Firstly, I guessed the ending and I sussed out exactly what was going on early on. Secondly I disliked all the characters immensely they were so shallow and selfish. It’s a shame as I thought this would be a great book. But it wasn’t for me. My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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Aww this was such a wee whirlwind right from the start! It's a fast read and gives you evryrhtijg you'd want from a domestic noir. There are plenty twists and turns and the plot keeps up a good pace throughout. There are a few loose ends but nothing too major. I'd definitely recommend as a nice, easy wee thriller! The characters were well fleshed out and got under your skin, even if they did make some stupid decisions lol. I've been a ping time fan of Cole baxter and hadn't realised he had an equally talented brother who wrote in the same genre so I've a lot of downloading to do now that I've discovered this amazing author

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I really liked this book. Everything flowed perfectly together, the main characters acting well within their personalities; the villains acting villainously and pathetic, with a heroine who beats them at their own game. This psychological thriller was a great start to the new year, and I have to go check and see if this author has any more amazing books.
5/5 rating from me.

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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Great book! Oooh I loved this one! This book was filled with suspense, action, intrigue, murder, mystery a great who done it and good detective work! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle! I highly recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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