Member Reviews

Ama Torres thrives as a wedding planner despite her aversion to marriage. Elliot reluctantly runs a flower shop left by his father, and his relationship with Ama is tangled. When Ama is hired for a high-profile wedding, Elliot is already contracted as the florist. The two brides play matchmakers, unaware of Ama and Elliot's complicated past. With a meddling ex-boss and a reality TV crew documenting their every move, their hearts and livelihoods hang in the balance. As they navigate the chaos, will they find a way to embrace love amidst the wedding whirlwind?

I listened to the audiobook for Forget Me Not and I would highly recommend it! Both narrators were phenomenal and I loved the dual POV. The narrator for Ama perfectly captured her enthusiastic energy and the narrator for Elliot did a great job with his broody energy.

Forget Me Not is a classic grumpy and sunshine romance set in the wedding industry. If you’re a fan of wedding romances, this one’s for you!

Thank you to @readforever, @librofm, and @netgalley for the advanced copies! All opinions are my own.

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Julie Soto....WOW! I love dual POV novels as they allow for us to see both character's personalities and perspectives. I enjoyed getting to follow Ama and Elliot through a huge rollercoaster of emotions. I truly loved Julie's writing and her storytelling, can't wait to read her next novel!

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REVIEW: Forget Me Not ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5 (4.5)

"I want to know you. I want to know what you like and hate–even if it's me. I want to love what you love, even if it's extinct."
― Julie Soto, Forget Me Not

Ama and Elliott work in the wedding industry, which is how they initially met. Ama is a wedding planner who loves to add personalized touches, and Elliott is a florist taking over his dad's shop. They previously dated but are separated. When a high-profile client wants Ama and Elliott for her wedding, will they be able to work together again?

This is my second book from Julie Soto, which did not disappoint! She writes romances that draw you in. Forget Me Not was unique because it was from a dual point of view, but Elliott's point of view was in the past, and Ama's was in the present time. There was plenty of funny banter, sweet romantic moments, as well as some heavy spice between the main characters. I also loved the main storyline about wedding planning and the wedding industry.

The only thing I wasn't a huge fan of was the amount of flashbacks compared to the current time. There should have been more present-day events from Elliott's point of view with less from the past. I just wanted more insight into his current point of view.

Overall, I really enjoyed Forget Me Not! Its excellent combination of romance tropes, such as enemies to lovers, grumpy meets sunshine, and second-chance romance, kept me hooked the whole time.

Thank you, Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing), for the free advanced copy for my honest review!

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This book made me feel all of the feels, I absolutely loved each character and how real they both felt. I also loved getting the glimpses of the past, while getting to see their connection in the present. I wish I could have 100 more pages of them together just because I loved them so much.

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I am absolutely KICKING MYSELF that I just now read this book, Regrets for putting it off because it was PERFECTION! I could not put it down, read it on one sitting, and could not have loved it more! The dual timeline was so good, and the tension surrounding Elliot and Ama was so good, so swoony, so hot!

Elliot is so DOWN BAD and even when he is heartbroken, he loves Ama SO MUCH. Gahh he is so broody but also so sweet.

As much as I was fully invested in the romance, I really enjoyed the rest of the plot/action, and loved all the other characters. I couldn't stop reading because I loved everything that was happening in the story. Ama really processing her feelings about love and marriage felt so real, and she felt so authentic in that.

Such a huge fan of this book. Off to read Julie's newest book immediately!

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This was beautifully written. I particularly enjoyed the second chance romance aspect of the story. Soto's writing was very lyrical and evocative, bringing both the characters and the setting to life. The dual POV narration added depth to the narrative, allowing me to connect with both main characters on a more intimate level. The angst and banter between the two main characters kept the story engaging and dynamic. I really enjoyed Elliott's character, who brought warmth and depth to the story. However, I found Ama a little annoying and immature at times, which occasionally detracted from my enjoyment. Despite this, the emotional depth and beautifully crafted prose made Forget Me Not a compelling read.

Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this eARC in exchange of an honest review. All thoughts are my own.

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This was so hot!!! I loved how utterly obsessed he was with her from the very beginning and their tension was so good in their current timeline chapters. I'm not usually someone who is patient enough for then/now timelines in books, but this one was great. A lot of fun, full of romance, introspective, and impactful.

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Oh. My. God. A second chance romance? A five star read? Who has taken over my goodreads?

In all seriousness though, this book was excellent! I liked all of the characters. A sunshine/grumpy love story will forever be a favorite. I liked the flashbacks that filled in the missing gaps. I liked that the drama wasn't really the couple, it was a bit of course but it never felt like they were incompatible or anything like that. I loved the resolution and the hopeful note of the end.

I'm so glad I gave it a chance and I cannot wait to read Soto's next book and meet her next month! Thanks Netgalley and Grand Central Publishing for the ARC.

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This was not at all what I was expecting but it was beautiful. These characters are probably some of my favorites.

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One of my favorite reads of the year! This was so angsty and I was OBSESSED with this romance. It flashes to the past when Elliot and Ama first meet and start falling for each other. Then, it goes on years later when they break up and haven't spoken to one another but are forced to work together at a wedding. Ama is a wedding planner taking on her first big client and they insist they use Elliot as their florist. I was so in love with angst and the pining in this book! Elliot was so in love with Ama but they were both so heartbroken over what happened. I usually hate when the breakup reason isn't revealed until much later on, but I didn't mind it here! I could not stop reading this and the audio was amazing.

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This was one of my absolute top romances (or books period) of 2023. I am always here for a grumpy MMC and the banter in this book was so good. I'm also a total sucker for wedding-themed romcoms and this book scratched that itch with a kind of undefinable edge that I can't quite put my finger on??


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The cover definitely drew me in, and I am glad it did because wow this was good! I really enjoyed the 2nd chance romance and all the event planning.

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A very well done second chance romance. The characters are believable and well developed. Will look forward to more by Julie Soto!

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I loved the beginning and overall thought it was super cute. Blooming romance, passion, and a heartbreaking story all in one. It wasn’t original but it was a book I didn’t want to put down.

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Thanks netgalley for the arc!

Ama Torres loves being a wedding planner. But with a mother that has been married many times, she has decided that marriage isn't for her. However, as a wedding planner, she loves to give her clients their dream wedding. Elliot ends up with his father's flower shop and he keeps up with it. When Ama is hired to plan a celebrity wedding, Elliot is contracted to design the flowers. The exes have to work together in front of the cameras. Will their hearts be on the line again?

I enjoyed the wedding planning part of this book. I liked all the descriptions of the decorations and the locations, as well as all the flowers. I especially liked the floral dance floor on the roof. I truly felt like I could see it in front of me! I also enjoyed the flashbacks to Ama and Elliot's past relationship. They seemed cute. However, in the present, I felt like they lacked a lot. Especially Ama. I felt like she didn't treat Elliot very nicely and he deserved better. They was hardly any scenes of them spending time together, so their relationship didn't make sense to me. I would have like more plot development between them. Overall this book was okay for me.

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I should not have slept on this story! The chemistry between the two leads (so tension filled too!) is so great.

Ama is an amazing wedding planner (though I could tell from the get go that her mentor didn't think so). She also has a mother that has been married more times than anyone I've ever heard of (kind of sad when you think of it).

Elliot is an incredible designer with flowers. He has such a beautiful vision. He's also super grumpy and always scowls but that's part of his charm.

I love the then/now storyline we get for them. We get insight into why there is so much animosity/uncomfortableness with them. I absolutely loved when he stepped up when she needed him most and I'm so glad she had that confrontation with her mentor!

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Second Chance romance is not one of my favourite romance tropes but I really enjoyed Forget Me Not by Julie Soto! Ama and Elliot work in the wedding industry and reconnect on a big upcoming wedding.The angst, the flashbacks, the yearning was everything I wanted and needed. I could not put this book down and highly recommend trying her out if you are fans of Ali Hazelwood, Emily Henry or Jessica Joyce.

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This was a super cute contemporary romance! The push-and-pull between these characters kept me hooked. The chemistry was fabulous, and the setting made the second-chance elements even better! I look forward to more by this author!

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I absolutely loved this 2nd chance romance. Beautifully told from both perspectives and the past and present. Highly recommend!

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Somehow I didn’t review this one on my feed or include it in my top romances of last year and that is a huge fail on my part.

I just reread this on audio which I enjoyed even more (hi Teddy Hamilton 🤤).

This is a second chance romance at its finest.

I will read any book about the wedding industry, and this one was SO good. It was so fun to follow a wedding planner and florist plan a high stakes wedding.

The dial timeline was unique with all of Elliott’s POV chapters being from the past - I LOVED hearing their origin story from his POV.

Also loved: the flower references, super steamy, the storyline of Ama’s mom, how deeply and obviously Elliott loved Ama.

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