Member Reviews

Ama Torres, a small business owner and wedding planner, takes on a huge celebrity wedding and is forced to work with her ex, the gorgeous, tall, tattooed Elliot Bloom of Blooming, a local flower shop. Over the course of several months, the two of them plan this showstopper wedding. They’re spending a lot of time together, putting out fires to make sure things go well for the happy couple, Hazel and Jackie, and memories of their past relationship start to come to the forefront of their minds.

I really wanted to love this book. I mean, look at that cover! Is it not the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?! However, I really struggled to like the main characters. I can’t pinpoint what exactly put me off of them, but I just never felt that connection that I want when I’m reading a romance. I was more invested in Hazel and Jackie’s wedding and how Ama was going to pull that off that I was in her and Elliott’s relationship. The book kept me entertained, and there were quite a few lines that made me laugh and smile, but I didn’t feel entirely satisfied at the end.

One thing that I actually enjoyed was the fact that we had dual POVs and dual timelines. The only POV we get from Elliot is set in the past, slowly leading up to the present and giving us glimpses into his and Ama’s relationship before they broke up. I think I would have appreciated having Ama‘s view of the past as well, or also having Elliot‘s point of you in the present, but all that to be said, I think it actually set up well for telling their story and showing us why Ama was so scared to work with Elliot, and why Elliot was so attuned to her in the present. My only issue was that by the time Elliot’s POV got to the present moment, the book was over. I feel like I didn’t have as much of an emotional impact, and that the ending was just very rushed. The entirety of the romance took place in the past and in the present they’re just planning this wedding together. Both of them are thinking about the past, but they’re not actually having many impactful, romantic interactions in the present until the very end of the book. I think that’s why the ending felt a bit rushed for me.

This was a solid debut, and I look forward to the author’s future books.

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”Flowers are better than people.”

3.5 stars rounded to 4.

A moment of silence please for this absolute stunner of a cover. Going into this book, I knew that Julie Soto is a fanfic darling, but I hadn’t experienced her writing for myself. Pleased to report that this was a wonderful traditionally published debut!

The drama behind the celebrity wedding in the present tense, the visuals my mind conjured when the floral meetings were described, and Elliot just being *cough* Elliot were all strong aspects of the novel. I haven’t read many romance novels with a wedding planning setting, and it was fun getting to experience the ins and outs of what goes on behind the scenes, while also seeing Ama and Elliot’s creative genius at play. The narrators for the audiobook are fabulous, and the steam is 🥵 🥵 🥵.

I can’t explain what precisely caused me to keep from giving this a higher rating, but I think it had something to do with the structure of the past vs present unraveling of Ama and Elliot’s relationship and the resulting balance of the relationship dynamics. It takes until about 80% in the book to catch us up to speed fully on the past, and the first half of this I was so on board for.

Without spoilers, once Ama and Elliot begin seeing each other, we only get a handful of moments before things escalate at a rapid speed which causes the falling out to feel… off? I can’t blame Ama for her reaction, even though mine would be the same result for different reasons. I understand the author was trying to show how Ama’s mother’s behavior affected her own outlook on long term relationships and marriage, but the final 20% of the book felt rushed and that everyone began acting majorly out of character with what we saw for the first 80%.

This sounds super critical, but I promise it is not. This was such an enjoyable read and the climax with Whitney was particularly satisfying! If you’re looking for a fast paced read that has some incredible steam and a swoon worthy MMC, give this one a try in July!

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Thank you to NetGalley, and Forever for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I think this story was not for me. From the blurb I expected something different and while the bones of this story were good, the execution felt clunky. I wanted to give this a higher rating but at the last quarter the story got so convoluted and filled with unnecessary drama, that I was over it.

Let's start with the good: I absolutely love the cover for this book. I think this is my favorite book cover of 2023 so far. If you like second chance romance, and grumpy sunshine vibes, no labels or if you are a Sophie Kinsella fan, this would probably be more enjoyable for you.

But here's what I didn't enjoy: The dual pov with past & present tense got annoying and tedious. I wish we could have gotten to know more about what Ama was feeling when they met. It may have helped me understand her a bit more. The wedding descriptions. If you love weddings you will love this book, and I get it set some of the scenes, but it was too much and I found myself skipping over parts. The repetition of Ama getting donuts really didn't add anything to the story. The way the characters met and fell for each other was <spoiler>insta-love</spoiler> which is one of my least fav tropes. I also think both characters are pretty fickle and messy. I do enjoy real and messy characters but these two needed therapy. It was hard to root for them and as the story went on I wasn't as invested as I wanted to be.

Overall, I think this will be either a hit or miss depending on your reading preferences.

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4.5 Stars

Thank you to NetGalley, and Forever for an eARC in exchange for a review!

I really enjoyed this romance! It was a quick read that I easily got sucked into! I loved the relationship between Ama and Elliot in both the past and present. The past is filled with the build up of how they came to be with the present showing a lot of longing, tension, and some jealousy. Like it had me screaming and kicking my feet whenever they looked or didn’t look at each other. It’s so obvious that they belong together and make each other better. This would’ve been 5 stars but I just wanted more of them actually in a relationship in the present. Yes, we see them together in the past but I wanted at least one chapter besides the epilogue together again now that they’re older and grown and can actually happily be together.

Overall, this was a great second chance romance and I recommend you read it when it comes out!

Read if you like…
•grumpy x sunshine
•second chance romance
•workplace romance/forced proximity (they have to work at the same wedding)
•dual pov and time periods

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4.5 Stars [rounded up]

Thanks to NetGalley & Forever Publishing for the ARC!

- second chance romance
- grumpy / sunshine
- forced proximity
- dual POV
- dual timeline

I’m such a sucker for weddings and second chance romance so I was immediately intrigued by this one & it exceeded my expectations! (despite somewhat high expectations following rave reviews from @kim.reads.romance on ig & TikTok)

Forget Me Not is a second-chance romance following a wedding planner, Ama, and a florist, Elliot, who are forced to reunite to work together on a high profile wedding. I absolutely loved the banter and chemistry between Ama and Elliot and I flew through this because I was so eager to find out how their story would end up. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for future Julie Soto releases!

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Beautifully written, heartachingly lovely book.

The characters are all so well written they leapt off the page and took hold of me. This story moved back and forth from dual POV and past to present so effortlessly and weaves together a narrative that had me racing through to make sure the characters were able to work everything out (don't worry you are in good hands).

Its not often that I read a book where I am solidly in the MMC's corner rather than the FMC and even rarer when I see one where the FMC is the one who needs to grovel. Maybe its because I'm not usually a fan of second chance stories, but this one is so well done and instead focuses on the growth and journey of the main characters rather than just the romance. I do wish that there would have been a bit more therapy and growth from Ama before the big resolve, but that might be just because I adored Elliot so much and he deserved a big apology.

At almost every step, I loved that this book is not the typical romance - all the best tropes are there, but tweaked as to be unexpected or nontypical. And all put together it makes a book and story that felt more universal and reflective of the world than 80% of the romances and books I've read. The human element of this story just rings so true that this book is an easy edition to my favorites shelf.

SPOILER: I will say one of most unique (and my favorite) parts of this book is the ending. Soto could have easily pushed and had them get married, but she stayed true to the characters and her story with the "choosing you every day" HEA. It shows once again that this book is more a reflection of the world and the plethora of people and choices by being true to itself rather than trying to hit all the usual expectations.

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𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆:
- Second Chance
- Grumpy x Sunshine
- Dual Timeline
- He Falls First

A second chance romance with a grumpy hero who is also a florist and falls first? Yes, please!

Forget Me Not took me a little longer than usual for me to really get into but once I did, I could not put the book down and needed lots of more Elliot in my life. I think it took me a little longer to get into it because Ama and Elliot do not spend a lot of time together but as you get bits and pieces of the past, it all makes sense.

The first half of the book is the slow revealing of Ama and Elliot's past, then the second half comes in and is faster paces and packed full of sparks and emotion.

Not gonna lie, Ama was not my favorite character but as her character developed and you learned all the little pieces of what make Ama, Ama then I fell in love with her.

Elliot on the other hand was instantly swoony even with his extreme grumpiness. From the beginning I was curious as to why he was so grumpy. Yet, despite his grumpiness, he is always there for Ama when she needs him (and even when she doesn't want his help) which made him even more swoonworthy!

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Title: Captivating and Poignant: "Forget Me Not" by Julie Soto

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


"Forget Me Not" by Julie Soto is a beautifully written and emotionally resonant tale that left a lasting impression on me. This poignant story follows the journey of its main character as she grapples with loss, love, and the complexities of memory.

Soto's writing style is captivating, evoking vivid imagery that transports readers into the heart of the narrative. The pacing is well-balanced, allowing the story to unfold at just the right pace, keeping me engaged from beginning to end.

The characters are deeply human and wonderfully developed. I found myself empathizing with their struggles, cheering for their victories, and shedding tears alongside them. The author skillfully weaves their individual stories together, creating a rich tapestry of emotions and connections.

What struck me the most about "Forget Me Not" is its exploration of memory and its fragility. Soto beautifully captures the nuances of human recollection, delving into the power of forgotten moments and the impact they can have on our lives. The themes of love, forgiveness, and the ties that bind us are delicately interwoven throughout the narrative, leaving a lasting impact on the reader's heart.

While the story was deeply moving, I felt that some sections could have been further explored to enhance the overall depth of the narrative. Nevertheless, "Forget Me Not" remains a powerful and thought-provoking read that will stay with me long after turning the final page.

I highly recommend "Forget Me Not" to readers who appreciate heartfelt stories that delve into the complexities of memory and the enduring power of love. Julie Soto's storytelling prowess shines through, making this a book that will touch the hearts of many.

Note: I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the author and publisher for this opportunity.

#BookReview #ForgetMeNot #JulieSoto #EmotionalReads #netgalleyarc

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This dual time wedding planner/florist story brings a whole new level to enemies to lovers. I get that there was a lot of past hurt but Elliot was so short with Ama it was painful.

I did like the second chance aspect of this story though and I love how eventually they were able to be what each other needed.

I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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What a great book to kick off Summer and Wedding Season! A romantic comedy with a lot of steam and weddings galore! Ama is doing well as a wedding planner with a unique gift of giving her couples exactly what they're looking for. She loves weddings...the party part, that is...not the commitment part. Helping her mom through her sixteen divorces has affected Ama's belief in the happily ever after - for her at least. Elliot is curt but vulnerable when it comes to Ama. Taking over the family flower shop when his dad becomes unexpectedly ill, means working side by side with Ama. They're great partners, until they're not. Dual timelines and dual POV done masterfully! The banter is entertaining and you will feel the frenzy of the wedding planning business. There are some great side characters that add to the fun and drama of this book, but the heart of it is Ama and Elliot. I am already looking forward to Julie Soto's next book!!

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This was such a fun book to read. It gave off The Wedding Planner and Four Weddings vibes. It’s told in a dual POV in a past and present timeline. I can’t get enough of second chance romance books! I liked all the characters except for one (IYKYK). Ama is a wedding planner, and Elliot is a local florist. They have a history of working together and will be working together again on an upcoming celebrity wedding. I enjoyed the wedding drama, all the donut references, the chemistry and witty banter. Bravo to Julie on her debut novel!

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This book was exactly what I hoped it would be. I loved every second of reading this book, and seeing as I was in a bit of a slump that says a lot.

I loved that the author switched it up a bit and had the female character, who was a wedding planner of all things, have a fear of commitment and labels. It was an interesting turn in dynamics from the way it’s always portrayed as the male having these feelings. Put that with her dream career and it creates an extremely interesting dynamic. It also allowed us to see a lot of growth in this character’s feelings and I always love going on those type of journeys with characters.

I enjoyed how Soto used the technique of going back and forth between the past and present. Especially how later on you realize how important those past chapters relate and pull into the ending. It was an incredibly sweet fill circle moment, even if there were times I was wishing we stayed on the present because of where the chapter ended.

I think the author created something new and interesting with this entire book. I was overjoyed to see that while this is a second chance Romance it also felt like a slow burn. It wasn’t any issues that were easily solved and then a third act breakup. Instead it was about growth and character development leading to a happily ever after. Plus seeing it play out in the wedding industry was extremely interesting. Especially when the ex lovers make an amazing duo when it comes to putting together a wedding.

I would also like to mention the side characters all seem to hold their own. You find yourself rooting for the couple involved, they even begin to feel like friends for the reader as well as the main character. Oh and the stepsiblings give me pure joy, and I hope some of them may get a book in the future.

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DAMN! I LOVED THIS BOOK! SWEET AND SPICY! made me both laugh and cry.... and Elliot... swoon!

excellent, excellent romcom!

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I freaking loved this book! The fact it’s a debut novel is just mind blowing, I’m so excited to read whatever else Julie Soto comes out with. This book is HOT and steamy, Elliot Bloom is the grumpy book boyfriend we all know and love. If you’re a fan of grumpy/sunshine or second chances, this is the book for you!

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I'll. be the first to admit it - I normally hate second chance romances, but just like Ama I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong.

This book has everything I could possibly ask for in a romance:
beautifully-executed dual pov
forced proximity
he falls first

Watching Elliot and Ama reconnect was a delight from start to finish. My first must-read of the year.

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“You may think everything ends one day, but you haven’t had everything with me”

Okay, I know the term obsessed is grossly overused when describing books these days. However, I am OBSESSED with Forget Me Not by Julie Soto!!! From Julie Soto's writing flo to the then-and-now POV’s of Ama and Elliot. All of it was pure romance perfection. I devoured this book within 24 hours, funny smart, sexy, romantic, everything I want for a perfect escapism!

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This book is special. What I really love about this book is that the story feels real. It displays the characters’ scars, their fears, and personality flaws which caused our lead characters’ relationship to fall apart. But this story has a happy ending. It’s a second chance to the one that got away. It took me a while to read this book because I really wanted to absorb it. It’s a beautiful piece of literature that transported me to Sacramento and made me feel like Ama and Elliot are real.

This book introduces us to Ama, a gifted and ambitious wedding planner and Elliot, a grumpy florist who had to drop out of architecture school to run the family business after his father passed away of cancer. It is written both Elliot and Ama’s point of view both in the present and in the past.

Ama, a small business owner in the Sacramento area, is approached by celebrity to plan her and her fiancés wedding. The betrothed couple has already picked out a florist; a friend of the family, who happens to be Elliot, to Ama’s dismay. Ama has avoided working and being in the same place as Elliot, but is forced to do so to plan this wedding which could put her work on the map.

I highly recommend this book. It explores the grumpy meets sunshine trope, enemies to lovers, forced proximity, and second chance love tropes. The level of angst and spice is *chef’s kiss*. It is fun, and incredibly romantic, a novel I would not hesitate to read again.

Thank you to Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This novel should be the new standard for second-chance romance books: the backstory, the tension, the yearning, the inside side jokes, the heartbreak and the personal growth. In their relationship Ama is the one to initiate things between them which was really refreshing, getting to be in Elliot's head and seeing how he feels (overjoyed, overwhelmed, all the feels), was so refreshing compared to most romance novels which feature a male whose the initiator and the more confident one.
Dual POV, Dual Timeline, second chance romance, Julie Soto delivers a novel full of chaos and the glowing warmth that comes from being seen for the person you truly are.

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Forget Me Not was such a pleasant surprise! It's a second chance romance between a wedding planner and a florist. I honestly wasn't sure I'd like this one because there were some minor hiccups in the beginning that annoyed me. But the delicious romantic tension and chemistry made up for these minor flaws.

This is everything that I love in a second chance romance. The chemistry, the tension, and the angst gave me so much life 🤌🏽 Elliot's flashback POV is EVERYTHING. I loved being inside his head and seeing how he fell for Ama. He pined for her so much and he was so reluctant and grumpy about it. It made me laugh and swoon at the same time 😂 I love it when the sunshine character brings out a different side to the grumpy character 😂 I lowkey wish the entire book was told from his POV, but I love that the present was told from Ama's POV because it really highlighted the awkwardness after the break up. Especially since she's the one who broke his heart.

I personally didn't care much about the wedding planning stuff. It all went over my head. But I did love the beautiful discourse on flowers. What I like the most about this book is that the author really capitalized on the themes and tropes of her story. She didn't let anything go to waste. There was ample discussion on the significance of Elliot's tattoos, to the point where they almost felt alive. I also love that flowers were the focus of many scenes, including intimate ones. All of these things elevated the romantic tension, angst, and intimacy between Elliot and Ama. The only thing missing from the romance is an open discussion on compromise.

I highly recommend this one on audio. The narrators were perfect. I can't wait for more books from this author!

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This book is a second-chance romance between a wedding planner and a florist and Soto did a great job telling Ama and Elliot's story through alternating past and present chapters. Having worked countless hotel weddings, I'm always hesitant to try a wedding-themed book, but this was absolutely delicious. There were flowers and career goals and awkward moments, plus angst and wistful longing. Ama's a bit of a people-pleasing mess and I loved her. Elliot's a grump... or is he? The fanfic behind this is subtle if you're not looking for it, but it's a delight either way.
There's also a sapphic relationship front and center as Ama guides her first celeb couple through their wedding process. I will definitely be reading whatever Soto puts out next!

I listened to this book early on audio thanks to Hachette Audio. Callie Dalton and Teddy Hamilton nailed it, as usual. Excellent pairing of voices to character temperament and a smooth transition between POVs.

For extra fun, check out the lingerie set I made and paired with this book on Instagram.


Content Warnings: emotional abuse/manipulation from past boss, past death of parent, MC's mom has been married so many times it's caused MC damage

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