Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this ARC! Thank you for allowing me to read it early!!

I really loved the characters, plot, and trope! The energy between the main characters was great! I absolutely loved seeing Ellilot’s POV from the past. I want to read more.

I can’t wait to suggest this to patrons and friends!

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I've been eagerly awaiting this book since the day it was announced, and I'm so glad to say it did not disappoint.

Right from the very beginning chapters, this book already had me giggling and kicking my little feet over how cute it was. Even though this book follows the pretty standard rom com formula and you know exactly how things are going to unfold, it still managed to feel free fresh and unique— which I have to credit to Julie's writing style that I love so much.

I think the only thing I wish I had seen from this book was more time spent on the current-day side of the romance. Most of the scenes in the present are really focussed on the logistics of wedding planning and Ama and Elliot don't really interact all that much, and at some points it almost felt like I was reading a lit fic book about wedding planning with the romance just being a side plot. Pretty much all of the romance development we got occurred in the past, and while it was incredibly cute and fun to watch their relationship bloom (no pun intended), I wish we had seen more of their reconnection in the present so them getting back together at the end felt more earned.

On the whole though this was still so much fun and I finished it in basically one sitting because I did not want to put it down. If you enjoy a second chance romance with your classic grumpy/sunshine characters, I highly recommend picking this book up when it comes out! I've been a fan of Julie's writing for awhile now, and all of her charm and wit translated perfectly to this novel. I fully believe she's going to be one of the big names in romance before long, and I'm so glad I got the chance to take an early peek at her debut novel.

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I’m a huge lover of this authors fanfics so THIS was a 100/5 for me! Absolutely loved every second of it and cannot wait to purchase a physical copy when it comes out 😍

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Ama Torres is a wedding planner. She says she knows everything about weddings from her mother getting married 16 times. Yes, you read that correctly 16 times which is insane.

Ama gets selected to be a wedding planner for a famous influencer and her fiance. The descriptions of the wedding couple and the love they share will warn your heart. They have different opinions for the how they want the wedding to go but are trying to blend their ideas so both will be happy. This will be the biggest budget she has ever worked with and largest guest list. She now has to work with her ex-boyfriend Elliot who is the florist they want to use. She wishes she could say no but this wedding will be good for her career so she vows to be professional.

Ama and Elliot are a fun grumpy/sunshine or enemies to lovers trope. They are forced in close proximity to work with each other and the day of the wedding doesn't go as planned. Ama will have to learn to delegate and trust Elliot.

It made me laugh when Whitney shows back up at the wedding and tries to step into the limelight. She gets what she deserves.

This was a fun quick read that will have you believing in second chance romance.

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Very sweet and cute. The main characters have great chemistry. Books that are duel POV are my favorite, i love getting into both characters heads. This had a great amount of spice. The writing style was a little different but once i got used to it, it flowed well. The cover is beautiful, thats what drew me in.

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This book is a five-star read for entertainment value; and for the delicious, hilarious scene where Elliott's mom visits the flower shop (iykyk)!

Forget Me Not follows a wedding planner and a florist with a strained relationship who are forced to work together on a wedding. Through flashbacks from Elliott's POV, we discover what happened between them, and then their story is furthered by present chapters from Ama's POV.

I was surprised by how much I got into the story's wedding planning/business portion. Elliott and Ama worked so well together, where we mainly see them interact. They clearly inspired each other creatively. We see their romantic relationship in flashback chapters, mainly hookups, but their chemistry, heat, and connection are fantastic.

This romance is a bit wedding-heavy, and I wish we got more of present-day Elliott, but soooo worth the read!

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The synopsis of this one had me hooked from the beginning but unfortunately the writing style kept me from enjoying a lot of the story. It felt as if I was reading a fanfic, it was very juvenile and quickly paced. This also seemed to rub off onto the MC’s so much that I couldn’t really hang onto their relationship while reading. While I may not have been the perfect audience, this book is perfect for anyone who loves second chance romance and a reas that feels as if you’re in a reality TV show!

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I loved this story so much! I absolutely will need a signed physical copy!!!

The build-up, dual timelines, dual POV, and workplace/entrepreneurial theme were great!

The spicy scenes were perfection, never taking away or a substitute for the plot. They were hella hot--rose petals, dirt, and a tabletop...okkkay?

Ama is a go-getter and has worked hard to build her own business as a wedding planner. I related to her drive and also her moments of fear of failure as a business owner. Being an entrepreneur is fun, exciting, hard, and scary; this story captures the journey well. Elliot is a florist and architect. He is also a business owner. He is brooding, moody, and protective. When he stops production from filming because she hasn't eaten all day!!

The ending was also perfect--just everything about this book was SO good. Please add it to your TBR and preorder for July! Trust--this is such a good Summer read!

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I could not put this book down! I loved the fast pace of the book and really enjoyed the main characters and the back story. Plus, the setting of wedding planning was so fun and beautiful! I can’t recommend this book enough!

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I can not express how much I loved this book. Ama was giving Jennifer Lopez Wedding Planner mixed with Jennifer Aniston Along Came Polly. I loved her personality. She was strong, independent, carefree, fun, feisty, and unique.

This storyline was drawn the fuck out. It kept me on edge until the very end. True story at 95% I was still waiting for the ball to drop, at 97% my heart was seizing and I wanted to throw my phone. At 99% I was smiling sooo fucking hard and I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders!

Elliot is a sexy grumpy nerd. He was so insecure and vulnerable. His people skills sucked, and you can't help but be drawn to him.

This features two POVS and alternating timelines. One is giving us the events leading up to the present and the other is 100% in the present processing their feelings. This is somewhat second chance but doesn't play out as expected. It gave me 90's alternative romance vibes.

There is spice but the storyline is everything. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!

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I loved Forget Me Not and felt so very much for Ama and Elliot. Watching them fall in love, break up, and come back together in dual timelines was delightfully frustrating.

Ama and Elliot’s chemistry was never in question and I was rooting for them from the start. I loved that we got to experience both of their POVs, especially Ama's POV which showcased her character's emotional growth. I think it would have served Elliot better if we could have been in his head in the present and not just in flashbacks. I understood Ama's hangups about commitment and I understood Elliot's need to define their relationship, and I wish the story would have spent a bit more time in the present addressing what led to their initial breakup.

Elliot was left heartbroken at the end of their relationship and was understandably on guard around Ama, but his love and care for her continued to shine through. He believed his grumpiness would keep her way. Ama was in denial and heartbroken herself, she simply did not believe she was capable of being what Elliot needed. Obviously, they were both wrong.

I was thoroughly entertaining the entire time and fully invested in the wedding planning aspect of the story. I loved Ama's relationships with her ex-stepsiblings and hope that we get to see their stories in the future, starting with Mar.

Forget Me Not was a charming second chance romance debut and I cannot wait to see what's next from Julie Soto.

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This was AGONIZING but in a good way. First I wanted to shake Elliot. Then I was like, actually Elliot makes some good points and I would like to shake Ama. Then I was like OKAY ENOUGH FROM BOTH OF YOU, just kiss already.

I’m gonna be real honest, I would probably feel the same way about marriage if I had Ama’s upbringing. But also, that sounds like something her friends should have lovingly demanded she get extensive therapy for.

As for Elliot, we all love a brooding grumpy MMC who is mysterious etc but bro. Dial it back a notch or twelve on occasion. You are allowed to feel and express a positive emotion from time to time.

All in all, these two were weirdly perfect for each other and I hope they live happily ever after.

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This book is a captivating novel that follows Ama and Elliot, a wedding planner and a florist, who used to be together. The book is told from both their perspectives, jumping between their past and present as they meet again while working at the same wedding.

I live for the grumpy sunshine tope, and the fact that Ama's a wedding planner and Elliot's a florist is just the best. The way they work together and run with each other's ideas is so sweet. I adored this book, especially Elliot. He will always hold a special place in my heart!

This is such a feel-good book that will make you all warm and fuzzy inside. The cover is just so beautiful. The writing style is super engaging and kept me hooked from start to finish.

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I really enjoyed this book! It’s told from the perspective of two characters at two different times. Their storylines eventually intersect. It’s cool to see how the past events shape their present situation. I’d recommend to any rom-com fan! Thanks to NetGalley and Forever books for the ARC.

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Unfortunately, while I did enjoy the main plot of this novel, the writing style of this novel was not it for me. A lot of the language used felt rather juvenile which turned me off right from the beginning.

That said, if you are a fan of second chance romances, romances surrounding weddings, or reality-tv settings, this may be the book for you.

Thank you to netgalley for providing me a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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f you’re the type of person to buy a book based on the cover, then I’m sure you will be buying this one AND YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.

What this book offers:
- second chance romance
- queer wedding
- hot guy with tattoos
- wedding planning
- lots of flowers!!
- a bitch named Whitney
- did I mention romance?
- 2 great main characters
- someone whose been married 16 times??

Forget me not is the type of book I wanted to savor, but also couldn’t wait to finish because it was too good to no. I’m a sucker with books that have a wedding planner or anything wedding themed because they always end up being so fun. And also the huge plus is the romance! There are two main POV’s here that are Elliot and Ama. Loved both of them. Their chemistry was undeniable and I thought the second chance romance was done well. Also, Hazel and Jackie were theeeee cutest!

I can’t wait for Julie Soto’s next book! Thank you so much Forever for the ARC!!

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The story was cute and sweet but I just never really felt connected to any of the characters. It felt like there was so many "in the weeds" moments with regards to the details of wedding planning that I grew a bit bored of Ama and her profession. The best parts of the story were from Elliot's POV. I just wished that his weren't all past timeline events. I really would have enjoyed his POV during the current storyline. The couple who was the focus of the wedding drama were actually quite entertaining and I'd love to read their backstory! Just a little too much unnecessary drama throughout and not enough character development for either MC. The writing was good. The story flowed well. Would read this author again if the plot intrugued me.

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I received an e-Arc from Netgalley and the publisher for an honest review!!

Wow! I kept seeing this book on Instagram by the publisher Forever and I knew I had to request it on Netgalley. Behold I got it. I’m so glad I read it because this was a second chance romance with so much fun and quirky moments and a few steamy moments. Whoo!

Ama is the main character in the story who breaks from from working with Whitney and starts on her own for a wedding planner. I love how Ama is filled with creative ideas and takes on challenges. You see her grow which is awesome. Best ever to see. She is also the type of gal who wants to do it all.

Elliot is a guy who is a man of a few words and has a this instinct to know what people want for flowers and set ups. He works magic with creations. He does hate donuts until he meets Ama. Under his gruff expressions, he’s a kind soul with tattoos! Tattoos are art…I love how you get to know what tattoos Elliot has.

The connection between Ama and Elliot is electric! I loved the banter between them and how they click so well together. I was hooked on their story and could not stop reading. The book does go back and forth from the present and to the past. I could follow along with that. I thought the pace of the story was well done. I just really really liked this story.

Since this is a second chance romance, but will they get their chance? I’m not telling..go get the book when it comes out.

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What a wonderful debut. A sweet, second chance romance that swept me up and was so fun to read. The pacing, the writing, and the characters were all so well done.

I adored Ama and Elliot. She’s the perfect sunshine wedding planner to his grumpy florist. Their romance was angsty, and you could absolute feel the chemistry between them. Oooh and the spice was 🥵. I enjoyed that the story is told in dual POV but uniquely the present is told by her and the flashbacks to the past by him. It made me root even harder for them reading it this way. I had such huge need to find out how their past led to the present, that I could not put it down. I loved seeing everything come full circle.

What I liked;
💜 Dual POV/Timelines (Flashbacks)
💜 Slow-Burn
💜 Forced Proximity
💜 Grumpy/Sunshine

Mark your calendars! Forget Me Not publishes 7/11/23.

Thank you NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Ok, this was very cute. I can see why the Ali Hazelwood girlies would be all over this. The setting of this book was super fun with its wedding planning details and flower references. The hero was a little too stoic in the beginning, but I softened to him later in the book once I more clearly could see what was in his mind. The heroine was a commitment-phobe, and this is just a me thing, but that trope just drives me bonkers. The ending resolved nicely though. I will definitely be on the lookout for this author's next book.

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