Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for the E-Arc in exchange for a honest review.

Listen if there’s one thing about me, if a Dramione or Reylo fanfiction author writes it, I’m going to read it. Not to mention this is the author of The Auction (IYKYK).

I was so swept away by this romance book I managed to read it in less than a day. I knew I would devour this one and that exactly what happened. Told from both perspectives and flashing back and forth between now and the past I was hooked from the beginning.

I don’t always love second chance romance but I was obsessed with the grumpyxsunshine vibes and the PINING. Oh man, so much delicious pining - I loved it.

The main characters were great and I loved the side plots and other storylines as well. I could tell there was some Reylo and Star Wars inspiration but that’s a good thing for me, I eat that up.

If you’re a romance reader I highly recommend giving this one a go and I can’t wait until her next book!

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Calling all my second chance romance girlies 🌹 Forget Me Not is a swoony, quick, sometimes stressful (weddings, sigh) and spicyyy read that I think you'll enjoy 🥵 Probably not as angsty as others, but satisfying nonetheless. Plus that cover art? Just gorgeous!

The wedding planner/florist aspect was really interesting to me. I loved the way the author chose to show dual POVs with Elliot's chapters set in the past and Ama's chapters set in the present. Elliot was the silent broody type that falls first (be still my heart!), whereas Ama was the complete opposite (and also one of my least favourite FMCs lol). She was too selfish for my liking, but I guess the heart wants what the heart wants. Though I totally understood Ama’s hesitation towards committing to “forever” given how she grew up.

All in all, I can’t wait to pick up Julie Soto’s next book! I’m here for it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you Netgalley and Forever for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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What a great debut! I was really hoping this was going to live up to the promise of that GORGEOUS cover and the stellar recommendation from Ali Hazelwood, and it definitely came pretty close. Told in a mix of flashbacks and present day, we see the strained relationship of these former lovers as they work on the wedding of a lifetime together - she as the wedding planner, he as the florist. Juxtaposed with scenes from the early days of their relationship, we can see all the ways they've broken each other's hearts. I loved the "he falls first" and black cat vibes. Elliot is such a sweetheart of a man, who would've gladly handed his heart over to our heroine if only she'd let him. The depth of feelings between them was immediately apparent, and I loved digging in to see how it all unraveled. It's upbeat one minute and heartbreaking the next, with contrasting tones that give it such a dynamic feel. I was rooting for these two to find their way back together, and this debut had me hooked the whole way through.

The story follows Ama, a wedding planner who doesn't believe in marriage. Her mother has been married so many times that Ama now thinks of weddings as great parties, and she does her best to make them special. Ama has been building her own business, and she's presented with a fantastic opportunity - a high profile wedding with a budget unlike any she's dealt with before. The only catch? The happy couple has already selected their florist, and it's the man who stole Ama's heart a few years ago. Ama and Elliot haven't spoken since their devastating breakup, and working together is sure to stir up some complicated feelings... but how can they say no? It was through work that these two connected the first time around, and teaming up again is a recipe for disaster.

The writing pulled me in immediately, and I was desperate to figure out what went wrong with Ama and Elliot's relationship the first time around. I'm selective about the second chance romances I read, but it was clear from the start that these two have not gotten over each other. Elliot is this quiet, artistic, flower-obsessed boy, and his devotion to Ama was clear from the start. I loved him so much. Ama makes a great character as well, though I was a little upset with her for toying with my guy, lol. They are obviously perfect for each other in all ways but one, and that added some tension and conflict. I do think the first half was stronger than the second - the wedding is as much a character as the main couple, and I definitely could've used more scenes of them connecting in present day. That sort of got lost with all of the wedding content. But that would really be my only complaint; this was a very strong debut, and I am excited to see what's next from the author. Well worth a read.

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I love Soto's Dramione fan fic so when I learned she was writing a novel, I was very excited. This was sooooo good! I read it in one sitting. I loved everything about it. I will purchase this for my library.

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Okay obviously if you can’t put a book down and finish it in one day it’s gotta be a 5/5 right?

I absolutely loved this book more than I expected. A heroine with commitment issues? Felt to the core, she just like me fr.

The tension between the 2 characters keeps you on the edge of your seat. Elliot is such a character to simp for

Things I loved in this book:
-The dual POV (hers in the present his in the past)
-Second chance romance
-Grumpy male who’s lowkey a simp
-Forced proximity
-The ending quote LOOOVED IT MAN

Thank you Net Galley for this eARC I love you! You

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First of all I read this in 2 days, but the bulk of it I devoured in like 3 hours. I couldn’t do anything else and nothing could distract me.

I seriously relate to Ama. Her mom has been married so many times and she has just lost the concept of love and happily-ever-after, and while my experience isn’t that, I did lose that concept for a while (maybe still? Where’s my Elliott??) Ama uses this experience to become a wedding planner, even though she has lost the appeal to love for herself she loves planning perfectly crafted weddings and receptions for everyone else. And Mr Grumpy himself, Elliot, is the florist. 🙃

Julie writes romance scenes so well. And I like that she makes me feel part of the story, almost as if I’m a friend hearing the story over a few drinks.

If you like grumpy sunshine, friends to enemies to lovers, open door romance, and comedic banter, consider picking this up.

I’m so grateful to Julie Soto and Forever Publishing for the advanced copy.

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Some books are just fun to read, and this was one of them. For me, that's what I most want out of a romance. I don't need believable, I want FUN! This title feels like an excellent beach read. The stakes are low, and the romance is hot. Miscommunication is my least favorite plot device, but it's handled well and is pretty believable of the characters. I didn't find Ama to be the most relatable (she certainly plays fast and loose with her allergies!), but I enjoyed her anyway. She's a whirlwind of a character, which made her fun to read about. I wanted more of her siblings, but maybe their is potential for their stories to happen in future books. I definitely wouldn't mind revisiting these characters!

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I love everything about this book! The mechanic of having one person in the couple each narrate a different timeline worked really well for me. I definitely need more Julie Soto in my life, and I can't wait to read more! I'm also ready for my physical copy to annotate favorite parts!

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This will definitely be a favorite book of the year. It was perfect in every way. The characters, the plot, the banter. 10/10. A+. I absolutely loved the dual POV with one of the POV being in the present and one being in the past. It added to much tension and made me love the characters even more.


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Julie is a new to me writer, though I have heard of her fanfictions before. I really loved her style of writing, and this book was just so enjoyable. I loved the dual timelines and how each timeline was a different perspective. I felt like I got to know each character really well. I think my only complaint was the past timeline from Elliot's POV had me a little confused because Alma in the past didn't seem to match with Alma's POV from the present timeline. I just couldn't see Alma doing the things she did in the past. I just felt there was a disconnect there with her character, though I loved both Alma past and Alma present either way.

I don't think this was as steamy as the descriptions made it out to be, but it is still an open door-work place- second chance romance and I think so many people will enjoy this one!

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Here comes the wedding planner and her hot florist ex. Mix the two together and you get a spicy, grumpy/sunshine romance that will melt your heart and make you blush.

Ama is a wonderful wedding planner who left her previous job with the top wedding planning agency and has started a new path on her own. Her talent, attention to detail, and relatable personality make her stand out and that helped her land a high profile wedding. This is a larger scale than she has done but she vows to make it a day to remember.

It looks like Ama will be even more stressed with planning this wedding when she finds out the couple requested a florist who happens to be her ex, Elliot. He is broody and a grump but he can't help but feel vulnerable when he is with Ama. They share a past and working together in the present might just bring up old feelings.

There is really something for every romance reader in this book. The characters are so great and the chemistry between Elliot and Ama is so strong. And if you enjoy some spicy scenes you will have a lot to enjoy!

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Big Phat 4.5-Star review~!

I don't even know if I have the proper words to form a good enough book review for "Forget Me Not" by Julie Soto. This was one of the best grumpy-sunshine tropes I've read. A wedding planner meets grumpy ex-boyfriend florist? Say no more. Thanks to her talent in writing Dramione fanfic, I am a fan of Julie, so I knew I was in good hands. AND LOOK AT THIS COVER! It was giving me mega Midnight Poppyland vibes from the cover alone but the banter and the grumpy MMC just solidified my opinion.

I absolutely devoured this bad boy and highly recommend it to those in a slump or who want some laughter and grumpy-sunshine trope madness.

Thank you NetGalley for the eARC!

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Forget Me Not by Julie Soto will not be a book that I forget. This was like the raunchy version of a Sarah Dessen novel.

When a wedding planner and her ex are thrust together for an event after not speaking for years, the two are forced to make it work. After all, both of their reputations are riding on the event (one more than others).

Steamy, fun, and filled with drama from start to finish. At its core, this book is a romance. I was able to read it thanks to NetGalley providing me the ARC and to for granting me access to the ALC!

What I truly enjoyed was how different Ama and Elliot’s perspectives are and how much they complement one another while still being opposites at times.

I highly recommend this novel! It was a fun ride and made me think of all the ways I would design my perfect wedding!

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This book. This freaking book!!! I am a sucker for wedding themed romances and this was EVERYTHING. The characters, the plot, the setting! If this book doesn’t make you want to go to Sacramento and explore all the locations, I don’t know what does.

You need to put Forget Me Not on your TBR immediately if you love:
-sunshine and grump
-workplace romance (with steamy workplace hookups 🥵)
-second chance

Seriously the angst from Ama and Elliott’s interactions (past and present) had me screaming and swooning at the same time. SO GOOD!

Julie Soto’s writing hooked me from the first page and I cannot wait to read what she publishes next. Forget Me Not easily made my top reads of 2023. All the stars!

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Oh. My. Gosh. Second chance and grumpy sunshine? Julie Soto delivered perfection in this story! Ama and Elliot and their second chance romance will be in my top books of the year.

The longing and tension were both spectacular and heart wrenching, but I’m not even upset about it my heart being put through the ringer because this story was SO SO good. Ama and Elliot’s growth, both individually and together, was honest and tender, and I was rooting for these two from page one! I loved the dual POV and timeline, and how the melded together, creating a new dream and partnership.

No notes, just all the stars for Soto!!

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Ama is a wedding planner who loves weddings but doesn't believe that marriages last. When she lands a celebrity wedding that could be her big break, she is forced to work with Elliot Bloom, the florist whose heart she broke two years ago. They've successfully avoided each other until now but everyone around them can still see the chemistry between them.

This book blew me away, particularly given that I typically don't love second chance romance or books with dual timelines! I thought it was a really smart decision to have the dual timelines told in separate POVs - Elliots POV was in the past and Ama's was in the current timeline. I thought this worked super well for the story.

I'm just always going to be a sucker for a quiet, brooding MMC who is just absolutely GONE for the FMC. And for those of us who hate second chance romance because it's usually based in miscommunication, that is not the case here, which was actually very exciting to see! I also think there was the perfect amount of spice in this and it really helped us to understand the progress of their relationship.

What this has:
- Second chance romance
- Dual timelines, told in separate POVs
- Great side characters
- Grumpy/sunshine
- A manipulative ex-boss who has a very satisfying experience with karma

What this needed:
- Not a damn thing

Thank you to Netgalley and Forever for the eARC in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I loved this book and Ama and Elliott so much! Ama is a wedding planner that doesn’t believe marriages last forever based on the fact that her mothers been married over a dozen times. They’re just a party to her and she loves planning them. Elliott didn’t want flowers to be his life but is now the owner of his fathers flower shop. This story jumps between past and present. It’s a second chance romance. I absolutely loved all the banter in this! And the spicy scenes were perfection🥵 I loved both of these characters so much and I loved the setting that Julie Soto created. I could see the flower shop and weddings so easily with the details, and she did it without over detailing. Some authors add too many descriptions for my preference and I end up skimming things because it’s too much. I was surprised at how well detailed this book was without going overboard and therefore I didn’t feel the need to skim any part of this. I can honestly say that enjoyed every second of this and I highly recommend!
I received this as an ARC from NetGalley for my honest review

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Ama Torres just landed the every wedding planners dream wedding. Unfortunately it comes with the small caveat of having to work with her ex, Elliot Bloom. If they can work together, the wedding will be spectacular, but that might be harder than she thought.

Julie's unique approach to telling the backstory in this book is spectacular and really draws the reader into the story and invests them in the characters. Elliot, by design, is a struggle to like in the beginning but as the book continues, you really start to see through his sharp exterior to how much he adores Ama. This is such a lovely grumpy-sunshine, forced proximity, second chance romance. What a fantastic debut book for Julie Soto!

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I wasn’t sure if I would like Forget Me Not. It has many elements I’m typically not attracted to, but I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I’m not usually wild about split POV but because Elliott is such a hard cookie to read, we definitely needed his internal dialogue. I wish we’d been able to see him with a life more than his work and Ama, like with friends, but other than that, I enjoyed his character. I was also really into AMA’s internal battle re: her old boss. Definitely recommend this modified sunshine & grumpy romance. Especially loved Elliott’s tattoos.

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Thank you for the advanced copy Grand Central Publishing & NetGalley!


Wedding planners and grumpy florists>>>>>

From the start I knew that I would be completely obsessed with Ama and Elliot and boy, was I right!

I really enjoyed not just watching Ama work on the main plot of the story which was Hazel and Jackie’s wedding with Elliot but also seeing how Ama and Elliot met and what exactly led to the end of their relationship.

The flashbacks of Elliot and Ama were AMAZING, I found myself laughing at the peanut butter donut scene, you’ll know when u read about it ;) and crying when we find out exactly what led to Elliot and Amas breakup.

As for present scenes in working on the main wedding, I thought they are great but in a sense i wish we could've seen more of Elliot and Ama interacting with one another. Don't get me wrong, the angst was so real between them. My heart hurt for them but it seems like in the present scenes we only get a couple scenes of them together and as much as i have grown to love them and as a strong Ama and Elliot shipper i would have loved more content.

Amas wedding planning and Elliots arrangement of flowers combined make such an amazing partnership and as every character pointed out in the book they work perfectly hand in hand.

Overall this was such a cute read and I definitely recommend everyone to read it!! Especially if you love second chance romances with lots of angst with the MMC being grumpy but loving at the same time 🙌

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