Member Reviews

“Her eyes meet mine, and I know she’s remembering the same. I don’t look away, trying to show her that I kept it for the memories of her. That I could never get rid of a piece of her.”

Ama and Elliot. She’s a wedding planner that doesn’t believe in marriage or commitment and he’s her grumpy, florist ex. They haven’t spoken in years after she broke his heart and now they’re working on a wedding together.

- dual POV
- she’s a wedding planner, he’s a florist
- grumpy x sunshine
- second chance
- floral tattoos
- workplace romance
- flashbacks
- he falls first and hard
- “i hate everyone but you”
- forced proximity
- high-profile wedding
- banter & sarcasm
- donuts are her love language
- sacramento setting

cw: commitment issues, death of parent, divorced, mention of lung cancer

Thank you to @netgalley and @readforeverpub for the advanced copy! Forget Me Not is available on July 11, 2023!

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Agh, what a fun, sexy, and quick read! I had a great time with this book... right up until the very end.

This book is told in past and present timelines, with Ama always narrating the present, and Elliot always narrating the past. I always enjoy a dual timeline book and this was no exception. As the reader you're always just getting prepared for what went wrong in the past to know the full story. I LOVED being in the past, especially from Elliots POV where we can really see how much he loved and care for Ama. I absolutely adored this couple together. This man was definitely giving boy obsessed. There were also some very steamy moments in this book that I was not expecting, but I'm certainly not complaining! They were SO good. Ama and Elliot have serious tension and chemsitry.

I enjoyed the present in Ama's POV as well, especially once we actually got to the wedding that her and Elliot have to work together. The months preparing for the wedding were fun to, but nothing compared to the big day. The antics that ensue were so fun to read about. I couldn't put the book down at that point - so addicting! There were also some lines and scenes that had me laughing out loud.

My main complaint comes with the ending. There's something that happens literally in the last 5% or so that I felt was so unnecessary and too big of a 180 for the character to do. And not only was that action weird, it's also the OTHER character's RESPONSE to that action that also had me confused. Both characters acted in a way that I felt was not really in line with how they had been the previous 90% of the book.

Even with that criticism, I still thoroughly enjoyed the book. It was a quick, addicting read! Thank you Netgalley and Forever Publishing for the ARC.

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"I want to love what you love, even if it's extinct."

Ama Torres is a wedding planner... that never wants to get married herself. She's lived her whole life going to her moms various weddings, and it's impossible not to have grown a love for the chaos that comes into planning the wedding parties. Ama was born for weddings.. just not her own.

Elliot Bloom would not have picked flowers... but somehow they picked him. When he inherited his family's flower shop after his father passed, he didn't expect to have Ama in his space all the time. There was a lot he didn't expect to happen. Like falling in love with her, proposing to her, losing her, and finding a deep appreciation for these flowers he's surrounded by.

After their "relationship" ended, Ama did what she could to stay away from Elliot's business, but it's hard when you run in the same circles. Now she has to suck it up and work with him after two years, because it means landing celebrity clients that could take her business to new levels.


I am not typically a fan of fanfic vibes, but this one just drew me in and I knew I had to give it a shot. A grumpy florist x sunshine wedding planner is a dream I didnt know I had come true.

I really enjoyed that this story was set up with not only dual POV, but also past/present story telling. The biggest thing I wish we got in this book, is more of them interacting in the present. I definitely preferred all the past scenes because that's where we got to see them grow and connect. Julie Soto does a great job of getting you to connect with with the characters feelings. I understand exactly why Elliot was a broody, silent, grumpy character and Ama was closed off, flighty, and noncommittal. I really enjoyed their characters, and loved to see that they did grow after being apart for a couple years.

This book had some great scenes, I loved all of Ama's chaotic wedding planning, and Elliot running the flower shop. It created a very vivid world for readers to jump into. I could 100% visualize the flower shop and Ama's little working corner. All the details like donuts, yellow gatorade, and THE TATTOOS make this such a fun read. I'm already a sucker for a tattooed mmc, but Elliot, and his flower ones?! That's swoon material.

This was honestly a fun read. I wanted a little more present, a little more communication, but I'm glad I read it overall. I can see fanfic readers really enjoying this, or even people who don't care for/are unsure of fanfic vibes, this is a good little dip into that. The sex scenes in this were honestly great, minus the dirt... or is that just me?

So much stress, heartache, passion, bantering, and cute moments in this book. I recommend if you enjoy a second chance romance, grumpy x sunshine, two broken main charactersread.

Thank you Netgalley, Forever Publishing, and Julie Soto for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

-4.25 stars

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I could not put this book down and ended up reading it in less than 24 hours. Second chance isn’t a trope I normally navigate towards, but I absolutely adored Forget Me Not. I loved the dual POV alternating between Elliot (past) and Ama (present). I really liked how Elliot was a florist and worked in a creative field. I feel like a lot of books always show the male lead in a more traditional job, so I really enjoyed his passion for flowers and arranging.

This book had so much angst. I was rooting for them the whole time and felt what they were feeling. My heart was breaking for Elliot as he settled for every tiny piece Ama would give him. Add in his strong and silent, and sweet but only for you demeanor and I was a goner for him.

I cannot rate this book less than 5 stars because it enthralled me and I had to finish to see what happened. We wait so long to see what happened in the past and I thought that was really unique. As much as I loved this one, I would have loved it even more with some more dialogue between Elliot and Ama in the present and some more chapters of them being happy. The ending wasn’t tied up in a neat bow, but there relationship was nontraditional from the start. I really hope future Ama is able to work through her feelings because I think her mom left her with a ton of quiet baggage and would have loved to see her work through some of that.

I hope we get Mar’s story next because her character was great and I need life updates from Elliot and Amama.

Thank you so much to Forever for an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.
*will post on social platforms closer to release date.

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A sweet slow burn with a satisfying ending. Elliot and Ama were relatable and well-fleshed. The pacing of each newly-revealed detail was well done.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the ARC.

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Julie Soto's Forget Me Not is a book I won’t be forgetting any time soon—I loved this so much! Ambitious wedding planner Ama Torres is getting the break of her career doing a high profile wedding—the only catch is the florist the couple has chosen is her ex, the silent and brooding Elliot. It’s told in the dual perspective, with Ama’s POV in the present and Elliot’s POV in the past when the two met and first dated. This story is emotional and spicy. It’s sweet and endearing, Elliot is quiet and brooding and sexy and is so protective of Ama, even in their breakup, and Ama is all sunshine and hope. She is so ambitious and vulnerable and I loved the balance of these two leads. Their voices are so distinct and lovely and their chemistry so real. I wish there were more moments of them in the present timeline, but the story builds beautifully. There is so much love and heart in this story. And the side characters are all so wonderfully developed. It is a perfectly crafted, emotional and sexy second chance romance and I just didn’t want it to end!

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ARC provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I would like to thank Forever and NetGalley for sending me a copy of this ARC, It’s been a while since a book was so perfect that it made me cry when it was over because all I want is more.

Julie Soto is an author I've known longer than I've known her name, and that is something special all on its own. When she announced her debut novel I screamed at pretty much everyone I could about this book and how excited I was for it. She is one of the most talented romance authors of this generation, and I am thankful to have been given an early look.

Forget Me Not was a brilliant take on a contemporary romance, where rather than bouncing between Ama and Elliot in present day, scenes in present day were her POV while the flashbacks were in his. I think this shift in perspective made it refreshing and exciting to experience so something unique.

Most Contemporary Romance's build up to the expected third act breakup, while Forget Me Not instead brought us back in time to a breakup that has already come and gone. To say I loved this factor was an understatement. It felt like I didn't have the anticipation of the breakup to come, and I knew things could only get better from where we began. I was able to look at the story with pure hope and go on the journey with them, and have no lingering dread.

I've talked a lot about the story and the writing, but the characters themselves perfect--grumpy sunshine personified. I couldn't make it a chapter without bursting out laughing from their banter. Bits of humor were scattered throughout, from forcing your step sister to call your ex, to an almost death by peanut butter donut, and don't get me started on Ama's car. So many infinitesimal memorable moments have compounded, and I can say with confidence that I can't imagine this book having any competitors for my favorite book of the year.

This is Julie Soto's debut, and if this is where she starts, I can only imagine how far she will take us. Brava.

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I will not easily forget Forget Me Not by Julie Soto. It was such a wonderful second chance romance, and I loved every page. (Thank you very much to Forever Publishing for my advance review copy and for my complimentary audiobook.)

Ama, a wedding planner, lands the wedding of a lifetime—a huge social media influencer and her fiancée are getting married and want HER to take care of it all. The only problem is that the florist they insist on using is AMA’s ex, and it did not end well.

The story is told from dual perspectives—hers and Elliot’s—and dual timelines—the past and the present. This opportunity will change both of their lives, giving both their careers the exact exposure they need—but can they set aside past hurts in order to focus on their future?

Julie Soto has created such a beautiful story. I honestly can’t believe this is her debut romance. It’s definitely going to be a favorite of 2023..

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I accidentally stayed up way past my bedtime to finish Forget Me Not, and I don’t regret a single minute.

This book is phenomenal. Second chance romances are a top trope for me, and I especially love when authors write dual POV with one persons perspective of NOW and the others in flashbacks. I find it adds layer upon layer to the story and it is utilized so well in this book.

The chemistry between Ama and Elliot was electric and you could feel it from their very first interaction. I loved watching them fall in love, and then fall apart, through Elliot’s eyes and I loved watching how they came back together through Ama’s.

This book is also surprisingly steamy and obviously I’m here for it. I loved how assertive Ama was with Elliot in those moments, how unafraid she was to take what she wanted. It served as a great juxtaposition to how she was in her day to day, especially in regards to Whitney.

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There’s not much I can say besides I LOVED it. Ama was so frustrating to read about from Elliott’s POV at certain points (I think I maybe resonate with Elliott’s general grumpiness lol) but I liked how neither of them were perfect. Getting to read all about the wedding planning and seeing Whitney get her slice of karma was so rewarding! Can’t wait for the next Julie Soto book!

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I FREAKING LOVED THIS BOOK. I am an event planner and seeing the ins and outs of event planning written out so well made me so happy! I am honestly not really a second chance trope lover but holy shit this was done so well. I loved every single second. I could not put it down! It’s steamy and technical with event planning and it’s everything I needed! I can’t wait for this book to come out and to share the love with everyone!!!

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You have no idea how HAPPY I am that my first time EVER reading an ARC, is by one of my favorite fanfic writers, @juliesotowrites who is now a debut author, so please don’t mind me and my excitement, I am thrilled for this privilege.

Forget me not is one of those books that keep you entertained from page 1. The witty banter these two characters have is hilarious and the overall tension is just delicious. I love a grumpy mmc like no other, so this one was a winner for me; I honestly could not put it down. It’ll also make you love flowers, even if you didn’t care for them before (like me).

What to expect ?

*second chance
*enemies to lovers
*opposites attract
*dual POV
*past and present timelines


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Thank you so much to Forever Pub for an advance copy of this!

I have kept seeing early buzz for this mid summer release and was super excited when I got approved for this.
If you love weddings, second chance romance, grumpy/sunshine, dual timelines - this is your book!

"Marriages will never be perfect. They're always a work in progress."

Ama Torres is a wedding planner who has a vision and a passion for crafting the perfect wedding for all the couples that come her way. She is involved from the very beginning and executing what clients want. She worked under a very esteem wedding planner Whitney Harrison and learned all about the business until she branched out on her own. Ama didn't really grow up with the best example of a "perfect" marriage as her mother had been married more times than one person should but hey to each their own. But seeing her mother float in and out of relationships makes Ama not want to be committed. Enter Jude. Jude works at a local flower business that was started by his father. They would run in the same circles and same weddings and one night, one kiss changed it all. There was a conflict that arose that broke them apart and as you read you piece together what happened to make them become enemies and why they are forced to work back together like old times.

This was told from dual POVs and dual perspectives which I thought was very interesting. Ama's POV was told in the present whereas Jude's was told from the past. Jude is the epitome of a grumpy character. He was moody and man of a few words right from the start which made me intrigued. Ama was sweet, ray of sunshine who also was such a boss and in control. I really respected her and the business that she built from scratch. Always catering to her clients over her own needs.

The spice in this was whewww! I was not expecting it! It was crafted so well and definitely made me blush. I had also paired this with the audio (courtesy of Libro fm) and Teddy Hamilton can do no wrong when it comes to narration. He was the perfect narrator to get the tone of Jude across.

My only critique was I wish we could've gotten some of Jude in the present time and I wish we got more from the ending once they reconnected. I just loved them together and selfishly wanted more and more.

Bravo to Julie Soto for a stellar debut!

One of my favorite quotes from this book was from Jude early on when talking about how flowers were better than people: " They only need light, water and attention. But it's not as simple as that. Because you need to know how much light, how much water, how much attention. But if you can get it right - if you can crack the code - flowers are infinitely better than people. Because you can find a person's ratio of light, water and attention and it still won't be enough. For flowers, it's enough."


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This was so much better than I expected it to be!

Amaryllis (Ama) is a wedding planner who just landed the most high profile wedding of her career, which is great expect the brides want to work with Blooming flowers…as in Ama’s ex-hookup-not-boyfriend.
Should be fine, right?

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Ama Torres is the wedding planner of your dreams. You want a horse-drawn carriage at your wedding? No problem. A completely renovated and transformed venue? You got it. The best damn flower arrangements you can ask for? You’ll have to see the brooding and gorgeous Elliot Bloom for that.

There’s the wedding that will outdo all weddings, planned by Ama, for the brides Hazel and Jackie. We see the entire venue come to life through Ama’s imagination and with the help of Elliot, it’s a blooming success.

Grumpy x Sunshine
Second-chance Romance

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I think this book might be perfect? The narration slayed me with the outright sexual tension between the broody Elliot and the perky Ama. The plot was killer and the steam was perfectly timed - it didn't feel like there was ever a sex scene just for the sake of it. This is a great second chance romance in that there are NO miscommunications! Their initial breakup made complete sense to me, but wasn't ultimately something that couldn't be worked past in time. So when they're thrust together for the wedding of the century? Yeah, something was bound to sprout. Also flower tattoos are a kink I never knew I had, but between Beckett in Lovelight Farms and Elliot Bloom... it's canon now.

I'm hoping that the moody cellist we see at the end is a setup for another wedding themed book, because I'm not done with Ama's stepsiblings yet. Julie Soto, you killed it girl.

*Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review and to LibroFM for the gifted ALC*

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FORGET ME NOT is a second chance romance between Ama, a wedding planner that doesn't believe in marriage and florist Elliot. Ama is running her own wedding planning business after leaving a job with a more established wedding planning company. She's hired for a high profile wedding that takes a life of its own. Her clients already hired Elliot, not knowing their romantic past. I loved that the past was told through Elliot's POV because we get to understand the complicated feelings he has about taking over his family's flower shop. It also softens him a little because he is generally outwardly rude. And it gives us so much context as to why there's so much tension between them. In their first go around, their romance went from zero to sixty despite Ama's insistence to keep things casual. In the present, while its apparent they both still care for each other, it takes longer for them to confront their feelings and readers are the real winners of their journey. This books gives you all the drama of wedding day stress and joy while delivering a sexy story about two people who, deep down, are real romantics.


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Forget Me Not was a great debut novel. I am familiar with Julie Soto's fanfiction writing and it felt just as gripping as her stories, I remained curious as to what was going to happen next. This one had two main tropes: second chance & grumpy vs, sunshine. I don't really enjoy second-chance romance, but I love grumpy vs. sunshine.

Soto did a fantastic job making Elliot the perfect grumpy male lead. I really enjoyed him as a character and I liked that we got some chapters through his POV. I think having all of his chapters as past time jumps didn't really serve the story, I think it made it seems a bit dragging. I wish that maybe some here and there could have been past time jumps or inserted flashbacks and then the rest present day.

I really enjoyed the plot of the story, it takes place within a few months and centers around a wedding of a high-profile influencer. Ama is a great main lead, her character flaws are clearly laid out throughout the book and resolved by the end.

The ending I found was a bit rushed. About two chapters or so from the end there is a conflict and then there was a rush to wrap it up into a HEA. I wish that was flushed out a bit more.

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I have to admit, it took me a bit to really get into this book. Not because I wasn’t enjoying it, but I struggled some to find a flow with the back and forth timelines. That said, I flew through the last 40% when things really ramped up with the major wedding that was being planned.

Things I loved:
-The plot revolving around the wedding industry. It felt fun and fresh, and it provided endless different scenarios of low stakes outsider drama and opportunities for Ama and Elliot to be thrown together.
-Ama’s style of wedding planning. It was very obvious that she really cared about her clients and truly wanted to know them as best as she could to bring their dreams and visions for their wedding day to life.
-Elliot and his quiet demeanor with the understated ways he would show up for Ama. Even in the present timeline when they’re not together, it’s clear he still cares deeply for Ama and he wants to support her.

Things I didn’t love:
-The limited positive interaction between Ama and Elliot in the present timeline. So much of what we see of them together is in the past. I think finally getting some real moments between the two of them in the present is what helped speed things up for me toward the end.
-The tv show covering the wedding. It paid off in a couple satisfying moments, but overall it felt unnecessary when there was already a lot going on surrounding the main wedding in the book.

This ended up being a lighthearted, fun, and unique read that I enjoyed very much.

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I enjoyed the wedding planner vibes because I am a lover of weddings. I think the fact that the female MC is someone who has been in a family of someone who is constantly getting married and then failing, it brings an interesting experience to the character.

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