Member Reviews

I knew where Julie got her book published, I just had to have it. As a long time fan of her fan fiction I devoured this book.

Grumpy and sunshine
Second chance

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Oh, wow. This book was more than I expected in the best possible way. I love both of the flawed MCs, even when they both had me frustrated at their missteps. Everything was just so romantic. Gah. And it wasn’t even cheesy! Forget Me Not is funny, sexy, authentic, romantic, and filled with characters that perfectly imperfect. I’m mad I can’t read it again for the first time.

I received an ARC courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. All opinions are mine alone.

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Forget Me Not is a fun, romantic, slightly spicy and humorous tale about Ama, a wedding planner beginning her own business, and her working relationship with her ex-boyfriend, Elliot, a flower shop owner. I love how both of them support each other to become successes, even when they were still at odds with each other. Everyone knows they belong together, but because of their pasts, fears and insecurities, it takes them a while to realize it too. I would have loved to have more of the relationship between Ama and her mother fleshed out, since so much of Ama's relationship anxiety stemmed from seeing her mother have many, many husbands and weddings. I hope this someday becomes a movie/TV series as I loved the characters and would LOVE to see then and their wedding/flower creations come to life!

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This book lived up to all of the hype. I literally could not put this one down.

Amma Torres is a wedding planner who has gone out on her own after working for someone else most of her career. After landing the wedding of her career, she realizes the florist the couple wants to use is none other than her ex boyfriend. While Ama tries to pull off the wedding of their dreams, she is also trying to navigate her feelings for Elliot, the florist.

This book is sweet and full of wonderful banter. The story felt fresh and unique and the characters were perfection. I could not stop reading.

This was definitely a 5 star read for me.

I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed this book so much. It’s got some of my favorite tropes, enemies to lovers, second chance romance, and grumpy sunshine.

Ama is a wedding planner who left a large event planning firm to start her own company. She plans weddings with slightly lower budgets until she’s approached by an actress/influencer and her fiancée. Their wedding will be an extravaganza that could put Ama’s business on the map.

She works with several florists but not with Blooming, now owned by her ex boyfriend Elliot. However, for this wedding, she’ll have to work with him because 1) he’s friends with the bride and 2) he’s the only one who can produce the elaborate arrangements that will make this wedding special.

As they work together, their old feelings come back. Ama isn’t a believer in marriage, her mother has been married 16 times. As she and Elliot get closer and closer she starts to wonder if she’s been wrong the entire time.

This is a well written romance that I recommend, 4 stars.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed as in this review are completely my own.

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I absolutely loved this book it’s definitely worth the read. The cover is amazing which added to such an amazing review. I like the dual timeline although it had me a little confused which stopped the rating from being higher. I loved the drama behind the wedding that took place, and the second chance was just spectacular.

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Ama gets the chance to plan a wedding for a prominent couple and is forced to work with the grumpy, silent, tattooed florist, who is in fact her ex. Of course, shenanigans will ensue.

I absolutely adored all of my time with Forget Me Not. I liked that the dual POV was also partnered with a dual timeline. So we read Ama's POV in the present and Elliot's POV in the past, it made for an engaging experience. It baited me along for the ride as Elliot falls in love with Ama, but then when we flash to the present, I was hooked needing to know what happened between them!

This novel carried emotional weight, along with the lovely fluffy romantic parts and I am honestly coming to love that about some new romance novels. It felt balanced alongside the running gag of donuts & Ama's broken car.

Of course, the romance is my favorite part of a romance novel , but the growth that Ama experiences going from basically imposter-syndrome to shining bright star was so heart-warming to read.

I don't think that Forget Me Not is a revolutionary piece of work in the grand scheme of things, but it gave me exactly what I needed from a romance novel and I won't be forgetting it anytime soon.

What to Expect:
- Sacramento Setting
- Dual POV, Dual Timelines
- Flower Language
- Second Chance
- Grumpy/Sunshine
- Workplace Romance
- 'He Falls Harder'

Thank you to NetGalley & Forever Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved this romance. I was so fully invested in it, I couldn’t put it down from start to finish. Literally kept reading while at a concert. It’s spicy, it’s sweet. I loved the characters, the setting, the premise, the tropes… all of it.

If you love a guy who falls harder and faster, spicy romances, or any of the tropes listed in the slides, then you should definitely check this book out.

Funnily enough this is not the first enemies to lovers romance I read this year where both characters work on weddings, the guy’s career goes differently than expected, one of them is a wedding planner, and they do the deed in a closet during a wedding.

I liked this one more though. Any guesses for what the other one was?

+ The chemistry, pining and tension was so perfect from the very beginning. I was rooting for them the whole time. And even though I don’t always like flashbacks in romance, in this one, it really helped establish their past.
+ Elliott was a fantastic love interest. He’s grumpy and curt but he’s also so clearly in love, so caring. thoughtful, and deep down extremely romantic. I loved reading into all of his actions and witnessing how in love he was even when ama didn’t.
+ I also loved all the work stuff. Elliot’s flower design work as well as Ama’s wedding planning and design work. I just loved how she got to know the couples and tailored weddings to them despite some baddies trying to convince her that was a weakness. I really enjoyed seeing Ama slowly grow her backbone.
+ Everything felt authentic. Ama doesn’t want to get married, which I could definitely relate to, for very solid reasons. Their past isn’t just a silly misunderstanding. Even when Ama’s actions and words don’t match up, it feels real and not like drama for the sake of it.
+ Also, competent people make me really happy so I loved that they were both great at their jobs and even better working together.

Thank you to Forever Publishing and NetGalley for the eARC!

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This book has everything a romance lover could want. The chemistry between the characters, the backstory, the supporting cast, the spice! I smiled while reading and can’t wait to read her next!

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This book was so much fun, once I was really into the story all I wanted to do was just read it.
This was dual pov which is sometimes not my favorite but I loved how it was done in this book! Elliot's pov was in the past from when they first meet and get to know each other, and Ama's pov follows the present timeline in which her and Elliot haven't spoken in years but now must work together. |loved how that was written and I think it made it easier for me to flow with the dual pov because the voices did feel distinct to each character.
Give me Julie Soto's next book now pls I want to read anything she writes!

Also! This is the fourth reylo inspired book I read and I think I've found that if it's reylo coded I'll end up loving it, don't know the science or math behind that but the facts back it up! Please give me anything written by Julie Soto because I will be reading it!

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I don't know if I was in the mood for this much angst, but I did very much enjoy the way the author portrayed the timeline. Also, now I'm craving a doughnut.

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This book was an absolute necessity. I have followed Julie Soto's fanfiction prior to being a published author and knew I had to be here to support this journey. But I was absolutely floored to receive an ARC of Forget Me Not!

”Flowers are better than people.”

+ Commitment Issues x One Night Stand Opposed
+ Forced Proximity
+ Coworker Romance
+ Second Chance Romance
+ Dual Timeline and POV

Second chance romance is generally a hard pass for me, but I trusted Julie and she did so beautifully, as I anticipated. The dual timeline allowed us to see their initial meeting and relationship and the inevitable fallout from it while also getting to see their second chance. When the timelines catch up, the romance is beautiful and organic.

Ama was a wonderful character who was independent, strong, and ambition driven, and I loved seeing her in her element, but is it any shock that I was obsessed with Elliot? Their initial breakup had me screaming at the pages, though it was done for reasons that were realistic and made sense. This gave us the journey of Ama overcoming those reasons and allowing their relationship to bloom as intended. The journey wasn't just for Ama, though. Elliot had obviously been burned by her and there was a real commitment to earn back his trust afterwards instead of a quick reunion.

Ama's fears for commitment were so valid. For someone that has a job revolving around what should be happily ever afters, she has seen so many marriages tarnished before they could even begin and the repercussions of those actions. She sees a side that many do not, but she keeps with the job she loves and attempting to give people those perfect beginnings no matter how guarded her heart must be in response.

There's so many little moments and hidden meanings sprinkled in the pages, Elliot's tattoos being my absolute favorite.

And I know that you're here to find out, yes there is hot, hot spice that accompanies all that tension and pining between Ama and Elliot.

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Absolutely in love with these two!!!

Dear Julie,

This was so perfect. Thank you for writing Elliot Bloom. My life will never be the same - for the better!

THAT IS MY REVIEW!!! Read this book if you like second chance romance, grumpy/sunshine, dual POV - this is the book for you. SWOON!!!!!!!!!

Thank you.

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Thank you Julie Soto, NetGalley, and Forever Publishing for this e-arc of Forget Me Not!

Forget Me Not is told in a dual POV and dual time-line. While Ama tells her side of the story in the present, Elliot gives us his point of view of past interactions he's had with Ama.
Ama has seen her mom get married and divorced over and over again, so while she believes in love to her the wedding is simply a party and marriages never last. Despite her views on weddings, Ama is a rising wedding planner, and when the chance to work with a big Instagram influencer pops up, she wants to say yes yes yes. The catch? It means working with her ex, Elliot, and his flower company. Elliot has only truly been in love one time, and when he says something that spooks Ama into leaving, he is at a loss and can only remember all the times they were together. Seeing each other after so long is definitely weird and uncomfortable for both of them, but they try to stay as professional as possible in order to pull off this career-defining wedding -- even if it means remembering all the touches and whispered words from before.

I absolutely, thoroughly enjoyed reading Forget Me Not! There's second chance, dual timelines, dual POV, a good amount of spice, fun supporting character, and character growth for both Ama and Elliot. I didn't realize it until the end, but all of Elliot's POV flashbacks showed something physical that happened between him and Ama; from them first meeting, to partnering, and then more intimate goings-on . Obviously it's important to be in the book, but he remembers all of those days, and can tell how far back they go to the week and day. I also loved Ama's passion for what she does, and how she finally sees in the end that her becoming involved and attached can be a good thing, if not a bit hazardous (re: the "basin").
Overall I rated Forget Me Not 4.5/5 stars (rounded to 5)!

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This might be a little long because I have some thoughts about this. I know everyone gave this like 4.5 or 5 stars and I feel so bad to give this the rating I’m about to give it lol But I know the things that bothered me were probably small to others who actually like these specific tropes or things. But for the most part, it just wasn’t me.

The only thing I really liked about this book was the flowers and the flower shop. Not even the person who ran them. He was hot yes, but he actually really annoyed me. There was alot about him I didn’t like. But his tattoos and the reasonings behind them? That was so beautiful. And the time they spent at the flower shop and on the work bench!? Phew Chile I was fanning myself. Idk why the thought of them on the work bench in dirt and flower petals was so hawt to me lol But it was.

As for the characters, I just want to say, literally ALL of them needed therapy. I don’t think I liked a single one of them besides his dad. And he wasn’t really in the story. They all had some underlying trauma that they were trying to work through, but unfortunately they were trying to do it by themselves and it just wasn’t happening. Ama and the reasons she didn’t want a relationship, her mom and never wondering why Ama never brought anyone around, Elliot just for being him. We never really were told why he acted like he did to her. And if it was about their first ever interaction, bruh, you gotta let that go. Like he was mean to her as soon as he saw her at the first wedding they did. And if it was because she was with that one planner, I don’t know how he was mad at her for working for someone. Idk he was just so weird lol Definitely confirmed in my eyes why friends to lovers is my favorite trope.

Ama the FMC is also allergic to peanuts. Well, so am I. I spent the majority of my time so stressed whenever she went to get donuts because WHYYYYYY get a peanut butter one?! Just asking for someone to kill you smh And then of course that scene happens and I freaked out. I had tears streaming down my face and didn’t even know I had been crying. For some context, I have a friend who has a peanut allergy who can smell a Snickers bar across the room. Me personally if I eat anything with peanuts my throat immediately starts closing. There’s not talking or explaning, it’s like immediate. Her’s was a slow reaction yes, but the whole thing seemed so slow to me. And I’m sorry, as someone who has a peanut allergy and there’s peanuts in the vicinity, the first thing she should have done was TAUGHT HIM WHAT AN EPI PEN WAS. Like girl bffr. By the time she was done explaining all this to him I would have been gone. Idk it just wasn’t realistic and it actually scared me. Idk how to explain it. Anaphylactic Shock is way too scary for it to be treated like it couldn’t be fatal.

And don’t get me started on “that other planner” and Ama. Ama seemed oblivious. I don’t know what it was about the other one that made Ama unable to see anything, but girl, it was making me mad. Maybe I’m just jaded and don’t trust anyone because of things I’ve seen or things that have happened to me in the past, but her telling all her info was just crazy. At the very least you can tell whoever you want, just keep it from the opps. This girl went to the opps and told her entire plan, as if she wasn’t in the same business as her. I didn’t understand it at all.

The wedding planning and florist plans were great tho. As someone who loves weddings in books, I was so happy that she gave great descriptions of all the decorations and things. I remember even wondering if Soto was once a wedding planner or if she was a florist because she seemed so knowledgeable. Yes these facts that she used could probably be found in Google, but Idk I liked it. I went and looked up each flower and different things that might be included in the weddings. Soto taught me something without making it too teachy or preachy and I loved that.

This was a cute book that I hoped to love more. I wish I had loved it like everyone else, but I know I had some issues with some real things, so I’m ok with my review. I hope to love her next book as much as everyone else loved this one.

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Absolutely loved! Thank you so much for the opportunity of reading this book, I was hooked from the very start and the tension and build up was just *chefs kiss*
The way it goes from past to present was AMAZING and it’s one of the aspects I most loved!!

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I read this fairly quickly, so it was obviously engaging and entertaining. I think it will be a memorable romance for me. But it was far from perfect.

Some things felt a little off. The writing, especially at the beginning, took a minute to get into. There were some clunky phrasing that took me out of the story (I was reading an ARC, so maybe that has been edited for final version). Like this description of a café being a barn back in the day "i don't know what day that was, but it was back." It just feels unnatural like trying to be too unique.

While I did like the structure of Ama's chapters being in the present and Elliot's in the past so we get the whole story (and still get both POVs without being repetitive), Ama in the past did not match up with Ama in the present. She was confident and really outgoing in Elliot's chapters. But then seemed so unsure and almost meek at times in the present. Is that because of what happened with Elliot (and a bit of Whitney)? Maybe? But that isn't made clear that she has been knocked back or changed because of those events. Or maybe it is because we are in present Ama's head we see her whole range of emotions and her insecurities and she's really good at hiding them to other people? But again, that isn't addressed. A line about how she learned to feign confidence or something could have explained that.

The romance does feel a little more physical and the emotional connection takes a bit of a backseat. But Ama and Elliot do have chemistry. And the romance was good and pretty spicy. The ending is pretty abrupt and rushed. But I was really pleasantly surprised at the ending (no spoilers)

I know that's a lot of complaining, but I did really enjoy this book and will be looking forward to Soto's next one.

(More like 3.5 rounded down)

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If Julie Soto writes it, I’m going to read it. One of my favorite fanfic writers is now a published author and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve been struggling with every romance I’ve been reading lately but Out On A Limb and Forget Me Not changed that for me. Forget Me Not was so good! My only critique is honestly that I think it could’ve been just a little longer. The ending wrapped up SO quickly and I wasn’t ready to be done with the book or the characters. Elliot and Ama were so, so great. I loved their chemistry and I definitely swooned a little over Elliot. A gorgeous cover for a perfect book. LOVED it.

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I adored Forget Me Not by Julie Soto! This romance between Ama and Elliot has different timelines. Ama's timeline happens in the present, and Elliot's timeline is in the past during the first part of their relationship. I feel so hard for Elliot and wanted the best for this second-chance romance trope. I will be thinking about this book for a long while. Read a copy of this book ASAP! I loved the audiobook especially!

Thanks, Forever, LibroFM, Julie Soto, and NetGalley for my ALC and ARC.

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Seeing all the buzz around this book made me really excited for it, but sadly it was not for me. I love that it’s set in Sacramento, but I could not care less about the wedding industry. My main issue is that It felt like we never truly got into the heroine’s emotions and motivations for actions in the way that we understood the hero’s despite more of the book being in her POV. I did enjoy Julie Soto’s writing enough in her debut novel that I would love to read more from her in the future.

Thanks to Forever and NetGalley for my copy to review.

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