Member Reviews

The Summer of Songbirds by Kristy Woodson Harvey
Publishing Date - 07/11/23
Rating (4/5) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank you Netgalley for this advance copy. I loved it! It’s the perfect “summer” read even though it’s February. Grown friends who developed a sisterhood from attending camp many years ago. Highly recommend adding this one to your summer reads this year.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley for this advanced copy read. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS BOOK!!!! Indian Summer meets The Parent Trap in a nostalgic, funny, happy book that revolves around friendship and summer camp. LOVED IT!

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Daphne, Lanier, and Mary Stuart met as young girls at Camp Holly Springs. They grew up, set out on their own paths, but never forgot how magical their summers were. Now they are headed back to camp for a bachelorette party, where they learn that Daphne’s Aunt June may have to close the camp for good. The Summer of Songbirds is a tale of three dynamic women coming together to save their beloved summer camp.

The Summer of Songbirds brings to mind friendships, sisterhood, lost loves, second chances, and the sweetness of summer. Whether you were a summer camp kid or not, we can all relate to the simplicity of life way when we were younger.

Thank you to Gallery Books and NetGalley for an advanced copy of The Summer of Songbirds.

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I like this author. I really like this author. I loved THE WEDDING VEIL. My daughter gifted me that book. This new book was sent to me electronically by Netgalley for review. Thanks to the publisher and the author. I liked this book. I really liked this book. When I repeat, it means…yes…a fantastic book. The characters come alive on the pages of this novel that reads like nonfiction. At first, it was somewhat confusing with the correspondence, but I persevered, and the story ensued. I could not put this book down. The stories of the women, friends forever, were captivating. Love and romance…family and friends…what would happen next? I laughed, and I admit I shed tears. I will read it again and savor each story. It would be great if this talented and gifted author wrote a series. One book for each of he friends. In the meantime, curl up in a comfy chair, grab a cozy throw…a cup of steaming herbal tea…become lost in the lives of these women. Enjoy…enjoy…enjoy.

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Ugh I loved this book! I wish I would’ve saved it for summer because it’s a great beachy read. I loved the plot and will definitely be recommending this to a friend! Thanks Net Galley for the ARC!

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A pleasant summer read with the requisite happy ending for all involved.

*Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

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I can honestly say Summer of Songbirds is KWH at her FINEST, and I have read all of her books! Add this to your TBR, preorder a copy, request it from the library because I promise, this will be one not to miss this summer!

What I loved:
-SUMMER CAMP setting! Being a huge sleep away camp girl myself, I was immediately transported right to my childhood summers at my favorite place ever. KWH made me feel all the nostalgia from the bunks to the blob to camp songs and so much more.

-The full cast of characters! This story alternates between the POV of two best friends, Daphne and Lainer, and then Daphne’s aunt, and owner of Camp Holly Springs, June. All three characters were equally lovable and had great arcs. Daphne and Lainer also had a third best friend, Mary Stuart, and while there were no chapters narrated by her, we got to see POV through email exchanges with her friends and amazing friendship dialogue, which I loved!

-All the romance! While this is a women’s fiction story at heart, readers will get to witness two epic second chance romances. I loved both Huff and Rich, especially how forgiving and sincere they each were.

-Found family theme! Once you start reading, you will quickly learn that these characters have formed one epic, interconnected family throughout the years, and I wasn’t ready to say goodbye!

-Single mom trope! Daphne is a successful, hardworking mom who has the most adorable four year old, Henry. What’s even better is how her son’s father, Steven, was integrated into the story. While never married and not together, the co-parenting was drama free and full of platonic love. It was so great to see how much Daphne and Steven cared about each other, which is something I don’t see in books a lot.

-The last few chapters were excellent. All the loose knots were tied up perfectly, and it brought a lot of closure to the themes unraveling in the story.

I hope this has persuaded you to read this one!!

Thank you so much Gallery Books for the ARC! Pub date 7/11

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