Member Reviews

Another great addition to this romance “series”, love that these summer books have the small interconnections while still bringing their own unique things to the story!

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My biggest regret is that it took me way too long to pick up this book! I really enjoyed this book because I found ways to relate to each of the main characters. I love to run, read, and hang out with the cats so the two sisters were in good company. I also love a good second chance romance story so I loved he storyline of Hannah and Josh. I don't love the miscommunication trope quite as much so Libby and Adam fell second in line as far as romances. This was a quick read and as soon as this one was done, I decided to pick up a copy of the author's next book. If you're looking for something sweet and cute that doesn't make you think a lot, this book is it!

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Hannah and Libby inherited their grandmother's PR firm, and things are not going well. They get a last chance to save the business with a new client, but in order to win the business they have to agree to participate in Lou's "Crush Your Comfort Zone" program. The book takes us on the pair's adventures in conquering their fears - making small talk with strangers for Hannah and completing an obstacle course race for Libby. There is a lot of humor in the book as they embark on achieving their personal goals all in the name of saving the family business. There is also depth and emotion since both of the characters are doing things that they aren't comfortable with, and there are romantic interests that put the "rom" in this rom-com. I really enjoyed taking the journey with both characters as they struggled and progressed to improve themselves.

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The Comeback Summer
By Ali Brady

I held off on reading this book in my anti-romance year and I’m so glad I finally got to it! This is the sophomore book for the writing duo Ali Brady and I’ve really enjoyed both books (though I think Beach Trap was better and was actually included on my yearly top ten that year).

📖 The Comeback Summer follows two sisters who have one summer to crush their comfort zones to win over a high profile client and save their grandmother’s PR agency.

This book contains a second chance romance with the one that got away, a bit of You’ve Got Mail style meet cute, a “bigger girl” heroine who would rather read romance books than live her life and thinks she’s always the best friend instead of the MC, and more that I already forgot cause I tend to remember vibes and not plot 🫣.

But, I do remember that I was equally invested in each girls’ story, just like in their previous book. I related a lot to Libby and found myself rooting for her to succeed. It felt nicely balanced and kept me wanting more.

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Oh my gosh - I loved this book so much!! It was the perfect summer read - filled with some fun and steamy romance, a great sister bond, and great friends - all tied together with the underlying idea that opening yourself up to new adventures will give you the best possible life! The sisters are Jewish and I loved the Jewish references throughout the story - own voices Jewish rep is always a plus for me! I also loved the conversations about mental health and body positivity and I thought they were really well done!

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If you missed the release of The Comeback Summer last year, put it on the top of your beach reads list this summer! You won't regret it! This book is the second book from author due Ali Brady and it brings the same feel-good vibes that The Beach Trap did.

The Comeback Summer is both lighthearted and serious, as sisters Libby and Hannah spend the summer getting outside their comfort zones. Along with the self-discovery and the very relatable sister relationship, there’s also plenty of swoony romance. 😍 If you're a romance and romcom lover, you'll adore this book that has two heartfelt relationships unfolding.

It's hard to believe that the book is written by an author duo. Every chapter meshes so seamlessly with the next and it's so incredible to me that two people wrote this together! I can't wait for whatever they write next.

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@alibradybooks has hit it out of the park again with their second novel! I enjoyed this one just as much as the beach trap and can’t wait for it to be released to the world next month! I really enjoyed following both sisters stories and watching them grow together and separately. I loved the realistic ending this book had as it wasn’t your typical HEA.

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I love Ali Brady's writing and the characters she creates, so I was thrilled to get an ARC of The Comeback Summer. This was a delightful read! This author duo has a great way of creating some crazy circumstances that should be completely unbelievable and making the readers buy into it and follow along with the story happily. And even more so, they make you wish you existed in the worlds they create. This is such a fun story about two sisters who are forced to face their worst nightmares in order to save the thing they love most: the PR company they have run since their grandmother died and passed it on to them. It has heart and some really special relationships and zany characters.

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Perfect end of summer read! I love that the whole premise of the book is growing out of your comfort zone and learning who you are meant to be. Super fun and will highly recommend this to fellow readers!

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The Comeback Summer follows sisters Hannah and Libby as they work to keep their grandmother's PR firm alive in Chicago. One of their potential clients wants them both to complete her 12-week Crush Your Comfort Zone Challenge. Libby must learn how to overcome being conscious about her body image, and Hannah must learn to be a more decisive leader and communicate for herself. I enjoyed seeing these two characters develop and grow to support each other throughout the book.

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Sorry for the delayed review! This was a great summer read seller for our store! Super fun for bookclub discussions too!

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I loved this book madly, finding myself addicted to its every mouth-watering scene, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking not just a great book, but an unforgettable one too.

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This was just the heartwarming Summer read I hoped it would be, after loving this author duo last year when I read 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙥.

I loved the writing style once again, and the theme of sisterhood and sister dynamics between Libby and Hannah at the very core of the story. It was such a fun, lighthearted read, and I appreciated the body positivity message, as well as featuring Jewish representation.

🎧I loved the audiobook narration and even though I paired the physical book with the audio, I found myself gravitating towards the listening format because I was so engrossed with the story.

💖loveable characters
🏖️themes of sisterhood
💖second chance romance
🏖️Jewish rep

*many thanks to Berkley, PRH Audio and Netgalley for the gifted copy for review

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I really enjoyed this story. The setting in Chicago was nice. The different viewpoints of each character was interesting. I would recommend this author!

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This was just such a cute summery book with 2 sisters and 2 love stories. I was hooked from the get go and the plot flowed very well with the dual POV. Super cute!

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Two sisters Hannah and Libby need a miracle. The PR agency they inherited from their grandmother is losing steam and its threatening to go under. When the opportunity arises to save the agency by “Crush Your Comfort” program owner Lous, the two are up for the challenge. Both Hannah and Libby think they can get out of their comfort zone for 12 weeks in order to save it. But when certain secrets come to light, can they make a comeback or are they pushing themselves down the wrong path?

After loving The Beach Trap last summer, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Ali Brady’s latest book. I really loved the premise of this book and thought the sister dynamic plotline was really well done (as someone who has a sister!) and authentic. I think its one that many people will be able to relate to! The challenges were entertaining and I liked the differing perspectives from the sisters. I felt like some of the challenge portion dragged a bit and the book could have been a bit shorter. Overall this was a super cute (albeit a bit cheesy!) summer read that I think many will enjoy!

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Hannah and Libby are two young ladies who were incredibly close to their grandmother. She just happened to be the owner of a PR Agency that she assumed her granddaughters would take over and run it upon her passing.

Being around their grandmother they knew how strict she was, not a hair out of place, not a page left unturned type of person. With her passing though the daily running of this agency takes a lot more than they thought and they are floundering. The sisters have their normal fights growing up but have always had each other’s back.

They each have challenged themselves to do something out of their comfort zone this summer. As tensions rise and their employees are unhappy with their management the sisters have to reexamine if this is truly what their dream is or are they just doing what they thought they wanted to do because it was their grandmothers dream for them.

When the sisters realize they have both been keeping a secret from each other to avoid hurting the other one will the discovery hurt more than if they had just told the other? Will their relationship recover?

What paths do the girls want to take, honoring their grandmother’s wish or making their own discoveries in life? I enjoyed reading about the sister’s relationship, their ups and downs and their self-discovery. This would make a fabulous vacation bring along book!

I was given a complimentary copy of the book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Liked the story and the bond between sisters. Some parts felt a little long but liked that each one was facing their own struggles. 4.5 stars

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This fun, heartfelt story of two sisters discovering their true selves in an attempt to save their grandmother's business hit the perfect note for my summer reading list. Each sister's romance certainly adds to the story, but the complicated, loving relationship between the two siblings truly makes this novel sing.

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I liked this one but not as much as the first. But a good solid fun beach read! Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for this copy for read and review

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