Member Reviews

Thoroughly enjoyed this first in a new series (I think? Hope?) about a chef turned food columnist in the southern US (Louisiana?). The characters were very well done, and I liked Tiffany and her best friend Hilary as they sorted through their love lives and the murder of a rival newspaper columnist, Jenny Lee Plumm. Sure, most folks had nothing nice to say about Jennie Lee, but surely no one hated her *that* much?

The writing is excellent and the story flows well, but I did guess the baddie at about halfway. It didn't really detract from the story too much, though, and there was still the 'why' after all. Also, I wasn't clear where the intense love interest sprang from after one interview. It felt a bit heavy handed the rest of the story to have sprung from one conversation. But, there we are.

Regardless, it was an enjoyable read and if this is indeed a new series, I look forward to the next one!

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A food critic and a social columnist banter and battle through this quirky cozy mystery novel about two women trying to maintain their positions in the world of magazine publishing. Recommended for readers who like verbal chick fights and competition

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I really enjoyed this first in series cozy mystery by T.C. LoTempio. The main character, Tiffany, gets a new job as a food blogger and it's no surprise when her rival is murdered. It was also apparent that Tiffany would be pegged for the murder! As the suspects piled up (as well as the dead bodies) I tried to think outside the box and figured out whodunnit before the end. Even so, this was a well planned mystery with characters I'd like to learn more about. It seemed like the romance between the main character and detective came about a little too quickly but I definitely would like to read the next book in this series.

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Eat Drink and Drop Dead
A Tiffany Austin Food Blogger Mystery, Book #1
Toni LoTempio
5 Stars


A former chef gets mixed up in murder when she moves back to her Southern home town in the first Tiffany Austin food blogger mystery - a culinary cozy that will make your brain work and your stomach rumble!

"I was hooked from start to finish!" Laura Childs, New York Times bestselling author of the Tea Shop Mysteries

Food critic and blogger Tiffany Austin has the best job in the world: she gets to eat for a living. At least, she hopes she has a job. Her trial period at Southern Style magazine is up - and rumors are swirling that management are making a choice between Tiffany and a rival columnist: the ambitious Jenny Lee Plumm.

Former chef Tiffany knows she has a battle on her hands . . . but she didn't realize it was to the death! When her rival's body is discovered after the two have a very public argument, Tiffany finds herself the prime suspect in a murder investigation. The lead detective might be very hot - but Tiffany's definitely not ready to go down for a crime she didn't commit.

Ably assisted by Hilary, her best friend and partner in (non) crime, and bolstered by the unconditional love of her Siamese cat Lily and King Charles Cavalier puppy Cooper, Tiffany plunges into an investigation of her own. After all, she has a degree from the CIA - the Culinary Institute of America - and she's not afraid to use it. But can she find the real killer before she's served up to the cops on a silver platter?

Eat, Drink and Drop Dead is a great pick for fans of delicious culinary cozies by Joanne Fluke, Lucy Burdette, Krista Davis and Jenn McKinlay - if you like smart, savvy female sleuths, twisty mysteries and delicious food, why not give it a try! (Amazon)


Sometimes when you read a book something clicks and you know you are in for a real treat. That is what happened when I read this book. The characters were great, the setting enjoyable and the mystery top-notch. Hilary has to figure out who killed a rival blogger before she is sent away for life for a crime she did not commit. She will have the help of her friend and her furry animals.

The writing style flows smoothly and the book is an easy read. The author is very talented in her descriptive writing and these descriptions brought the story alive in my mind’s eye. The mystery was well plotted and there were plenty of suspects to consider and clues to sort through.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a well crafted cozy mystery. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series when it is released.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book provided by the publisher, Severn House, and NetGalley, which I greatly appreciate.

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I'm a fan of food and mystery themed series. So, when I heard about this book I just had to give it a try. A chef/food blogger, murder, food, and mystery? Yes, please!

I really liked this book and the idea of a chef as a food blogger. The author does a wonderful job with introducing his characters, series, and story. I recommend that others checking out this book!

My thanks to Severn House and NetGallery for a digital copy of this book for my review!

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Those looking for something a little lighter in their crime and mystery reading may want to try this first in a new series from TC LoTempio, a bestselling American author of modern ‘cosy mysteries’ featuring reporter turned sandwich shop owner Nora who solves crimes with the help of her adopted cat Nick, who used to belong to a private eye.

Food and pets are again prevalent in this moreish new series starring chef turned food blogger Tiffany Austin, though this time the latter provide love and support rather than sleuthing and clues. Writing for Southern Style on a trial basis, Tiffany is hoping for a permanent gig. But when she’s chosen and acerbic celebrity columnist Jenny Lee Plumm is let go, the joy is short-lived. Jenny’s body is later found, and Tiffany is a prime suspect! Can Tiffany use her amateur sleuthing skills to find the real killer before the attractive lead detective puts her behind bars? Or her own troubled past comes to light?

Eat, Drink and Drop Dead is a fun and frothy read. Seasoned liberally with humour, it’s a tale that has a deceptively strong narrative drive. LoTempio sets the hook well and pulls readers quickly through the pages of an enjoyable read that's occasionally over-written. More filling than fast food, while not approaching the Michelin stars the mystery genre is capable of. Still, I tore through it in an afternoon, and had a smile on my face to finish.

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A fun first in a new culinary cozy mystery that plays on a lot of traditional cozy tropes. I liked Tiffany and her friends, Tiffany's plans for blogging, her connection to the Southern Magazine. Not a lot of remorse over the death and lots of suspects who had a reason to want her dead. I liked how technology was integrated into the story. Looking forward to book 2.

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Good start to a new series. I loved the food blogger aspect but the rest felt off. It's set in the south but the setting could have been anywhere with vague descriptions of locations and stereotypical "southern" things . Also, for a chef, I would expect more food knowledge. I wanted to learn more about the food items rather than just a listing. When she did cook traditional food, it was missing ingredients - no gumbo is complete without the trinity. May seem trivial but these are things that make a big difference in showing expertise in a field. The mystery itself was OK. I figured out who the murderer was early on but still enjoyed the typical jumping to conclusions and accusing everyone and being proven wrong. I'll try the next one but hope some of these things are cleared up.

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Eat, Drink and Drop Dead is everything I love about cozy mysteries: A strong protagonist who is a lot of fun, a sidekick who is the Ethel to the heroine’s Lucy – or vice versa, a swoony romantic interest (bonus points if he’s a detective), a cute pet or two, a quirky cast of supporting characters, and a layered mystery that keeps me guessing.

I’d never read anything by this author before picking up Eat, Drink and Drop Dead, but this will definitely not be my last read by LoTempio. For starters, I will definitely be following this series, as I was completely charmed by it from beginning to end. Tiffany Austin was a talented, up-and-coming chef in NYC when a messy situation caused her to jump ship and head to small town Georgia where she is thriving as a food blogger and magazine columnist. I loved her personality, her warmth & wit, and her relatable blend of gutsy and anxious. Best friend Hilary is a hoot and reminded me a lot of Nancy Drew’s Bess, and while she may not be the most reliable sidekick, she is sincere in her efforts.

The murder mystery is full of delicious layers, and you’re never quite sure what Tiffany will uncover next. There is no shortage of people who strongly disliked the victim, so she has her hands full trying to pin down the right suspect and the right motive. Why is a food blogger/chef investigating a murder? Well, for starters, this is a cozy mystery haha. But also because Tiffany herself is on that suspect list and she just can’t seem to help herself when it comes to puzzling this one out. In the process, she ends up in yummy Detective Bartell’s crosshairs more than once, allowing ample opportunity for the attraction that hums between them to spark into flame.

That messy situation I mentioned earlier? I am still not quite sure why Tiffany reacted as strongly as she did to Jenny Lee’s threats to uncover the truth behind her NYC exit – it didn’t seem to warrant that level of panic. It also felt like Tiffany could have resolved that issue in the first place by having a conversation with a certain boyfriend instead of fleeing NYC, particularly as we can see how dogged she is in solving Jenny Lee’s murder. So I’m interested to see if this comes back into play in future books, more specifically if that former boyfriend shows up in some way, and we get some more information that will clear it up for me.

Bottom Line: Eat, Drink and Drop Dead is my first read by author T.C. LoTempio, and I was drawn into this delightful mystery from the very first scene. Tiffany is such a fun character, which works out well considering the story is written in her first person POV, and I also loved her best friend Hilary and their relationship. They make a dynamic amateur sleuthing duo (well… mostly haha), and it’s certainly never boring when they’re on the case. I would hang out with them in a heartbeat. Speaking of great relationships, the chemistry practically sizzles between Tiffany and the swoony chief of detectives and, champion of KissingBooks that I am, I cannot wait to see how this plays out in future books. The mystery is full of twists and turns and the ever-present red herrings, as well as all the yummy food Tiffany gets to eat while investigating. A series I’m definitely going to follow, while I catch up on this author’s backlist!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

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The First Tiffany Austin Food Blogger Mystery

Tiffany Austin, former New York City Chef, has completed her trial period and is now the permanent food critic and blogger for Southern Style Magazine. Her co-worker, the vitriolic gossip columnist Jenny Lee Plumm, doesn't fare as well. With her benefactor gone, the magazine's board of directors fired her. Blaming Tiffany for her dismissal, Jenny Lee vows to ruin her, digging up any dirt she can find, including the real reason Tiffany left NYC. When the antagonistic columnist is found dead and Tiffany becomes a suspect Tiffany decides to find the killer...or die trying.

The first Tiffany Austin Food Blogger Mystery gives us a well liked protagonist, who, though a bit of a goodie two shoes, is determined and does whatever is necessary to find a killer. I do think her leaving NYC the way she did was a bit ridiculous. Good Lord, say something woman! But she made up for it with her dogged determination to solve the crime. Lots of red herrings and a good number of suspects made for a compelling investigation. Although I cottoned on to the real killer fairly early on, I wasn't absolutely sure until the end.

I found a few inaccuracies in the book, Peanut shells covered the floor of the bar, yet the baskets on each table held unshelled peanuts. In another instance a female suspect was given a pat search by a male detective even though there was a female police officer on the scene. That would not happen-the female officer would complete the pat search. Since I read an advanced reader's copy, I'm hopeful these errors were caught and fixed. Their inclusion, though a bit jarring, didn't diminish my enjoyment of the book.

With great characters, lots of food, and an intriguing mystery EAT, DRINK AND DROP DEAD is a wonderful start to a new series.

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This is my first book by T. C. LoTempio, but it won't be my last. This was a fun modern cozy mystery that I cannot wait to read more in this series, and others by this author. The main character is smart, sensible, and fun to follow as she works to find clues. Too often first books in cozy mystery series are filled with waffling by the main character or plotlines that are too madcap to find realistic, but this book has none of those problems. The plot pulling the main character through the mystery felt realistic, but still fun and generally light. While the love interest(s) are cops which is a bit of ick for me, I appreciated that Tiffany was given a romantic plotline that didn't feel like a Lifetime movie (super clean, sweet, and inevitable).

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Dollycas's Thoughts 

Welcome to Branson, Georgia. Hometown of chef turned food blogger and critic Tiffany Austin. She left a big job in the city and has been working on a trial basis for Southern Style magazine for the past 6 months and her efforts have been well received. With her trial period coming to an end she hopes she will be hired on as a regular employee but she has heard that the powers that be are deciding between her column or another penned by Jenny Lee Plumm.

When the decision is made, Tiffany is in and Jenny is out and she isn't going quietly. She stops by Tiffany's office for a very loud verbal communication with some choice words thrown around by both columnists before Jenny storms out of the building still voicing her threats and opinions. But the last thing Tiffany expected was having the police at her door questioning her about the untimely death of Jenny Lee Plumm.

In an effort to clear her name, she enlists the help of gal pal Hilary to uncover any clues to find out who could have killed the Society N Style maven. Who knew there could be so many suspects? Many have means and motives so she needs to pare them down and strain out who had the opportunity to take the woman out and tried to frame her for the crime.


Oh, these new characters are fun! Tiffany knows her stuff but was done wrong. Strong woman that she is she didn't let it get her down. She came home and found a job that still allowed her to eat for a living and she is darn good at it. She is creative with great ideas and she has talents that also come in handy for sleuthing. Two being organization and curiosity. Best friend Hilary Hanson also works at the magazine and helped Tiffany get the job. Friends since the 5th grade she has Tiffany's back but she also gives Tiff a push whenever needed and sometimes when she doesn't. LOL She also reunites with former classmate Dale Swenson who is now the editor of Southern Style. The friendships feel genuine and their dialogues are true to life especially the final one Tiff had with Jenny. Seriously, we have all been there.

Ms. LoTempio has put forth a very well-plotted mystery with an abundance of suspects. The victim was a real piece of work so Tiffany has a huge task ahead of her and she wasn't backing down no matter how many warnings she received from the cops to butt out. I appreciated her zeal but worried about some of her actions. I was able to focus on the right suspect early but kept second-guessing myself. Actually, I was pretty surprised when everything came to a head. The ending was very exciting.

I love the food blogger theme and the fact that readers tag along with Tiffany as she tries everything from empanadas, to tacos, tartlets, and cheesecakes. My stomach was growling just reading the words and descriptions. I also enjoy the behind-the-scenes look at the magazine industry today, both print and digital. It takes creative ideas like Tiffany comes up with to keep readers engaged. That is so important even for me and my blog and at times it is really a struggle. While I don't critique food I may pick up a few tips from Tiffany.

Eat, Drink and Drop Dead is a marvelous debut for this series. I really enjoyed the way Ms. LoTempio told this story. She gave us interesting characters and mixed them up in an entertaining mystery. I hope we don't have to wait too long for the next Tiffany Austin Food Blogger Mystery. I am excited to visit these characters again.

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I like T.C. LoTempio's mystery novels and I'm a huge fan of Nick and Nora series. I was very happy to read this novel, the start of a new series.
It's a good one, a solid and entertaining mystery that kept me guessing. There's a lovely cat, a likeable and fleshed out MC.
As most of the first book in a cozy series it's a bit slow at the beginning but I enjoyed it and can't wait to read the next one.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine

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Anything I've read by this author always has characters you'd like to have as friends and storylines that pull me in right away. And this book didn't disappoint in either of those things. I really enjoyed meeting Tiffany and her coworkers at the magazine. Hilary was such an awesome bestie. I don't think there's anything that girl wouldn't do for her buddy, Tiff as you'll read when they go sleuthing. And Hilary was very good when it came to enabling Tiff on dating a certain handsome detective. Dale was the kind of boss anybody would just love to have. He was fair and easy to get along with...and he didn't mind hybrid employees as long as they came to the staff meetings.

The mystery was a good one and I was stumped until a clue came along toward the end of the book. Then I knew exactly whodunit possibly a little sooner than Tiffany did. That was one good showdown too, and the ending was super sweet. I can't wait for more in this series!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book provided by Severn House via NetGalley, and my opinions are my own.

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Strong introduction to new culinary cozy mystery series from T. C. LoTempio. Please see my complete review at

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This was such a fun start to a new cozy series! I loved the premise of a food blogger, and the plot was so much fun. The portrayal of people in the South and the Southern culture was a bit inauthentic.

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This is a series starter from an established cozy author, and the first I've read by her. Foodie cozies are my top jam, but this one was just okay for me. The community felt a little inauthentic, and since that's such an important part of a cozy series that was challenging. The food was well described and sounded fantastic, but the main character didn't seem to know her field as well as I'd expect. Overall, not a new favorite but there's some potential.

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Tiffany Austin is a former chef who leaves her New York City restaurant job to become a food critic and blogger back in her hometown in Georgia. The trial period at her job is almost over and a rival columnist, Jenny Lee Plumm, is out for Tiffany's job. The two women get into a public altercation, so when Jenny Lee is found murdered, Tiffany becomes one of the suspects. With the help of her best friend, Hilary Hanson, Tiffany launches her own investigation into Jenny Lee's death.

I really enjoy this author's Nick and Nora series so I was eager to try this new series. It is well-written and has many strong points. I like the premise of a food column and a few recipes are included in the back of the book. The friendship between Tiffany and Hilary is believable and I like their scenes together. I also like the chemistry between Tiffany and the detective investigating the case. Sometimes romances in cozy mysteries seem forced, but this one has a lot of potential. 

On the downside, the book starts out slow. Tiffany's experience at the restaurant doesn't really make sense. Jenny Lee came across very over-the-top, although her behavior did give a few different people a motive to want to see her dead. Something about the story just didn't grab me and I would rate it 3.5 stars, but many culinary cozy lovers will enjoy this new series.

I received an advance copy of this ebook from NetGalley and Severn House at no cost, but my review is voluntary and unbiased.

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What a fantastic, fun, and totally engrossing cozy series debut!!

First, the series theme. I LOVE IT! A chef turned food critic who eats at local restaurants and reviews/rates them for a living. What a dream come true moment! Don't get me started on all the mouth-watering dishes that Tiffany gets to eat - from cheesecakes to empanadas, reading this book made me drool.

Next, the writing - LoTempio's the best. I loved the storytelling, the dash of humor and romance, inclusion of furry babies, and everything else.

When Tiffany and Jenny fight in the office and Tiffany says she would kill Jenny, the whole world hears them. So, when that same night, Jenny is found dead, the local cops would obviously suspect Tiffany, right? But Tiffany is innocent. In fact, Jenny had asked Tiffany to meet her at a restaurant - and Tiffany was waiting for her when she was 'busy' getting murdered.

In spite of being warned (multiple times) not to interfere in a police investigation, Tiffany starts to poke her nose where it doesn't belong. She HAS to know who killed Jenny. And that 'HAS to know' comes at a price - the killer might be aware of the fact that Tiffany is onto them.

Speaking of killer, their identity was a huge shocker. I was like, jaw dropped, heart skipped a beat, WOW! I didn't see it coming (the killer's identity and not my heart skipping a beat.)

I enjoyed reading every bit of this fantabulous series debut. This is one of the best cozy debuts I have read this year. If you are looking for a super fun, unique and engrossing cozy mystery, you might want to give Eat, Drink and Drop Dead by T.C. LoTempio a try.

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The first in what appears to be a new series about a former chef now food blogger who also solves murders. Tiffany moved to Branson, Georgia after an incident in New York and remade herself into a writer for a digital magazine, Unfortunately, her rival ends up dead and she's the obvious suspect but she's got a good friend in Hilary and a possible romantic interest in one of the detectives on the case, Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC, This is vey conventional - there's even cute pets- so those who read the genre regularly might not find anything new,

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