Member Reviews

This was a quick, fun read! I'm always down for an alien romance, and this certainly delivered! While there were some aspects that left something to be desired-- namely, the sex scenes could have been written better-- I had a fun time reading this!

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Thank you BooksGoSocial and NetGalley for providing an arc for an honest review.

This is definitely a book for those who enjoyed IPB. Think IPB but with less snow and more consent and technology. The premise was cute and I really enjoyed reading about Drex and Katy and how their story progressed. Unfortunately there were a few things I couldn't get past, one being the lack of basic editing for the book. There were countless spelling and grammar issues throughout the book and it really got in the way of the flow of the story. The second was the language used during the spicy scenes. It wasn't overly crude, offensive or inappropriate just very cringy at times. I think this series has a lot of potential and I enjoyed the story but another round of edits may be in order.

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