Member Reviews

This book wasn't exactly my cup of wine. While it was insightful, the writing often seemed quick and not very intentional.

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Wow what a book! It was certainly inspiring and I think many women can relate to this story and her wonderful return to the real world after such a heart wrenching time

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Thank you to the author, Dundurn Press and NetGalley, for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This memoir is a compelling read that draws the curtain back on an industry that could do with a bit of closer scrutiny. The author experienced an "annus horribilus" on several fronts, and writes openly and honestly about her own mistakes and failings, but also how she dusts herself off, gets back up and fights on. What she describes is deeply personal, emotional and a prime example of a woman making her way in a secretive, male-dominated industry. The self-righteousness of the men, both IRL and as online bullies, that she has to cope with is absolutely infuriating, and I hope this book would be an opening to change some of the structures that allow this abuse. My only quibble was the slightly disjointed timeline about midway, which was a bit confusing to me. .

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I love the author's transparency. The wine world is notoriously sexist and reading first hand accounts from this author are really eye opening. I loved learning more about the author and her experiences as a wine writer. It's funny that you never really associate a sommelier or someone makes a career in the wine world as someone who may struggle with alcoholism even though it's a real hazard of the job. Your first impression is that they're professionals, and a professional couldn't possibly struggle with alcoholism. Thank you to Natalie Maclean and NetGalley for an advance copy of this memoir. Well done.

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Noted wine writer Natalie MacLean's memoir reminds me of the phrase, "when it rains, it pours." With the collapse of her marriage, accusations of plagiarism and copyright infringement by those in the wine industry, as well as her ever present dependence on wine, MacLean spends the years 2012-2013 digging out of this mire.

To MacLean's credit, she perseveres in the face of all these difficulties noting how hard it is to work in an industry that can be very misogynistic. She faces her demons head on -- both those aimed at her as well as her own internal demons. While I found her writing style honest, straightforward, and sometimes gritty, I also felt that there were points in the book where it became disjointed-- jumping from one storyline to another without any clear transition.

The disjointed storylines left me a little flat, but MacLean's perseverance in the face of so many adversities is to be admired. Thank you to #NetGalley and Dundurn Press for providing this electronic ARC of #WineWitchOnFire.

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A memoir by Natalie MacLean about the wine industry. Divorce, a custody fight, and fighting for her right to be in a industry that doesn’t welcome women.

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Fascinating and intriguing memoir.

Wow, has Natalie MacLean been through the wringer! I really appreciated that she took the time to let the events of 2012-2013 settle and form scars before writing this book (taking the Glennon Doyle advice that she mentioned here to write from the scars not the open wounds.) Her writing style is very approachable and her story reads like a novel--I'm sure she wishes some of it was actually a novel and not her real life.

This is a book looking back at one of the worst years of wine writer and reviewer MacLean's life. She begins the year with a split and eventual divorce from her husband of 20 years and ends the year with accusations of plagiarism, copyright infringement, and basically being torn to shreds online by misogynistic, hateful male wine writers and reviewers. The extent to which these people went to defame and malign her character were absolutely jaw dropping.

Throughout all of this, she continued to write about and review wines. Her love for wine became both a balm and a bane in her life. As she moved through the rough times, her dependence on alcohol to numb and calm her anxiety crept closer and closer to untenable. She chronicles her talks with her therapist, as well as help by her boyfriend, to show how she needed to adjust her mindset and her habits in order to live a healthier life both mentally and physically.

Sometimes funny, sometimes tragic, this book is ultimately relatable, especially for women who have had to forge a path in worlds typically dominated by men. MacLean calls out the blatant sexism and excusing of poor behavior, when all she wants to do is claim her own space at the table, which she deserves and has earned.

If you like a memoir that focuses on overcoming obstacles and heartbreak and finding peace in the chaos, then Natalie MacLean's latest book will resonate with you as much as it did with me. Plus, there's a lot of fun insider wine information, which is always fun if you're as intrigued about the wine business as I am.

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Wine Witch on Fire is the kind of memoir that makes you feel like you’re sitting around drinking a glass of good wine, chatting with your girlfriends. Which is to say, it’s honest, vulnerable, funny, raw, and refreshing all at once.

I’ve enjoyed @nataliemacleanwine’s previous books, and this one ranks right up there. Natalie’s transparency around the year of her life which saw her marriage end, and her professional reputation be called into question reads like a wildly crafted character drama - except the drama was all her reality. She pulls no punches in sharing the ups and downs and everything in between and I flew through this one wondering how it would all play out. And I won’t lie - the wine recommendations throughout had me hooked - I love reading about good wine.

Definitely one I’d recommend for readers who like memoirs, wine and stories of perseverance. A great summer afternoon companion and I expect it pairs well with any of your favourite wines.

Thank you @dundurnpress for the copy!

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Wine Witch on Fire is a memoir about Natalie MacLean's experience of cancel culture and how she drank her way through it. It explores the sexism she and others have faced in the wine industry, as well as her job as a wine critic. It is perfect for a book club with good friends and a good bottle of wine. A pairing guide is available on her website.

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The author invited me to be a beta reader about a year ago. I was very much enjoying this book and wad about 70% in when my computer crashed. This was quickly followed by some life-altering events which kept me from getting back to the book. I was so grateful to be able to read and advance copy through net gallery this spring and finally finish the book. It was definitely worth the wait and is an excellent story of personal perseverance, overcoming adversity, survival, & triumph. Filled with fun facts, fantastic quotes, wonderful wine recommendations,
tons of puns, And many recollections. Some will make you laugh at loud, some are truly cringeworthy, and some will make you want to scream in frustration for Natalie. Natalie shows us another side of the wine world that's often thought of as only glamorous and romantic. Honest, touching, emotional, humorous... Richly layered with plenty of depth and dimension, sit down, get comfy, and enjoy this with your favorite glass of wine 🍷 Also, Check out Natalie's. Other books… I've read and re-read, listened, and am relistening to them!

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An inspiring story of one woman’s deep fall to the worst time in her life to her triumphant rise. Inspiring!

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Absolutely loved reading Wine Witch on Fire. A memoir about the unfortunate effect of cancel culture on Natalie MacLean’s career and how she drank her way through it, her story is deeply personal, heart wrenching, and fascinating. From discussing the sexism she and others have faced in the wine industry to detailing her job as a wine critic, there is much to learn and enjoy. Perfect for a book club with good friends and a good bottle of wine – a pairing guide for the book is available on her website!

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This is an interesting read. In many respects it's a book a lot of women will relate to but this is also a story about the dark side of being a woman online and the tear downs that can follow.

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An interesting and illuminating book. How your seemingly safe world comes under attack from within and outside. Jealousy can be destructive and how some elements of industries are threatened by others being successful.
I recognised feelings and physical reactions that I have experienced at different times in my life.
Knowing i am not alone in those reactions helps.
A brave and courageous memoir.

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Natalie MacLean's memoir covers many themes: heartbreak from divorce, online bullying, the wine industry, misogyny, struggling with drinking, history of witches, parenting with an uncooperative coparent and dating post divorce. There were points in the book that I felt there were too many things happening, but there are times in life that there are too many obstacles. I am happy that after everything, she found success and happiness!

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book.

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Natalie Maclean tells a story of triumph through adversity, with plenty of wine knowledge and storytelling prowess in between. “What do you do when your life is going down in flames”Apparently, it’s figure out what the best wine pairing for it is - and then figure out if that wine relationship is the healthiest addition. I’m in no way a wine expert but found the book to not be alienating to my beginners knowledge and found it a great read.

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A rather loppy narrative that's hard to follow at times and pulls into question established fact in the wine world. Perhaps stylistically there are some people this work may appeal to, but it could have have benefitted from further rewrites as well as fact checking by an independent third party.

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I’m not big on Memoirs, but when I see a book about a woman making it in a male dominated industry? You can bet your sweet dessert wine I’m gonna read it!

Having been a woman in the formerly male dominated technical industry I can relate to her story and am proud of her for not standing down but fighting back and succeeding! It’s women like this who pave the way for other women to come behind them and Natalie has certainly earned each and every success she has had. YOU GO, GIRL! Now let’s go open a bottle of wine and share some more stories!

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I will not be reviewing this book. It was not wat I expected and I was unable to read it for review.. I would rather not read or review than write a poor review.

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The aspect of 'marketing that encourages women to drink too much' while going through personal hiccups cannot be more brutally honest and relatable. We live in a world where coming face to face with our own 'tragedies' is frowned up, yet, Natalie was able to put them down in words, her relationships, career and mental health, and share them with the world.

Highly recommend it, especially for all adults! Because being a woman isn't easy like we make it seem like.

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