Member Reviews

Three and a half stars rounded up. There is a lot that had me rolling my eyes in this story. It was good. The plot was interesting. I even loved how the author took it day by day for each chapter. That was clever.
What had me rolling my eyes: our MFC, Mary is all over the place, and she makes the most brash choices. I asked what this lady was thinking so many times. I had a feeling Ben was going to be a douche (yes. I said douche) from the get-go. I mean, there was no chemistry at all between him and Mary. I was glad when he turned out to be the bad jerk we knew he would be. And then there is Mike and Mary (don't get me wrong. I am very Team Mike). There is still no chemistry there. At all. And she claimed she loved Ben and then she really loved Mike. 🙄 Girl. Stop.
This story's saving grace was the mystery (and even that could have been more clear and more deeply developed). All in all, I found it enjoyable. That being said... What about Ellen?
I received this book from #NetGalley. Thank you so much for letting me try it. I would give another Mary and Mike another go, because I need to know what happened to Mary's friend, and I want to know more about Mike's world.

I was intrigued by the eye-catching cover design and the title.
This was a modern book, but something about its tone reminded me of historical fiction, and although it fits into the mystery genre, there was something about it that seemed romantic, comforting, but also slightly eerie.
Some of the characters had amusing nicknames, I thought.
The book itself was separated into small segments (days, rather than chapters), which made it very light and easy reading.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

This was a cute book that kept me entertained.
I just reviewed One Hundred Days by Donna Sage. #OneHundredDays #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

4/5 stars! This is a quirky, interesting take on a mystery novel. After surviving a traumatizing event in her childhood, Mary has done her best to move on. When a young boy is kidnapped, everything rises to the surface and Mary finds herself in an unexpected situation: pairing up with a ghost to find the boy and bring him to safety. This story held my attention and I thought it was a fun way to handle the situation. Despite there being some dark themes, this book handles the subject matter with a bit of humor and a few shocking twists. A good read and I would definitely read more by this author.
I received an advance review copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily