Member Reviews

Delilah has never forgiven Sebastian for calling her out in the middle of her acting performance at Eton where she was pretending to be a boy so she could attend. She has deemed him her nemesis ever since. While Sebastian did feel bad for the Eton incident, he had good reasoning for it to keep her safe, only Delilah has no idea his motives. But, now years later, he has stumbled upon her once again on the stage of a traveling show and he decides to join the company as a carpenter to keep an eye on ‘Lilah.’ Now that they are in forced close proximity, their repressed feelings for each other are MUCH harder to fight.

I thought this was a very sweet, quick read; the ending was my favorite when he hosts a masquerade ball because she has never been to one!

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This is the fourth book of the Windermeres in Love series and it is Delilah and Sebastian's story. We have seen them as enemies in the past, but this story sheds a new light on their relationship as they share a magical summer together, travelling the country. Delilah is just getting over the scandal caused three years ago when she was called out by Sebastian while masquerading as a boy for a chance to perform on stage. Now she has an opportunity to spend the summer with an acting troupe, while her family thinks her to be in Switzerland. When she is performing on stage in a small village, who should happen upon her but Sebastian himself. Seems she cannot escape him. He threatens to reveal her identity unless she allows him to follow her on her journey. She reluctantly agrees, and as they travel the country as simply Lilah and Seb, unhindered by their respective titles, they begin to really get to know one another and see each other in a new light and the feelings between them grow stronger and stronger. Their chemistry is undeniable and you could really feel the tension between them.
The book was well-written and highly entertaining and enjoyable. It's the perfect end to what has been such a delightful series. While the book can certainly be read as a standalone, I would highly recommend reading them all and get the total Windermere experience!
I received a complimentary copy from Dragonblade Publishing via Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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Taming Delilah

If you’ve met the Windermeres, you know that taming one is impossible. Delilah is a free spirit, and some might consider her wild. Delilah loves the theater, but she doesn’t just love watching it; she wants to act; however, that’s scandalous for a noble lady. Sebastian makes an enemy of her when he exposes her during one of her performances, but does he have a reason for doing so? Can she ever forgive him? Now, he finds her acting again. He makes it his task to protect her, so he takes on the job of a carpenter. What happens when Delilah and the duke turned carpenter spend a summer together? The attraction has always been there, so love and scandal are surely inevitable. This is a delightful historical romance that put a smile on my face. You can’t help but fall in love with the scandalous windermeres.

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In this book it's time for Delilah to go and give it all to her passion, running away with a theatre company pretending to be just an actress and not a Lady. Her nemesis finds her and follows her, only it turns out he is not so much her enemy but her protector and her heart's desire.

Their story is peppered with lovely moments and hot, hot scenes. It's their becoming and maturing into a couple who celebrates each other's freedom and passion for the arts. I enjoyed reading this book, it showed that not everything is what it seems, there are layers to everyone.

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Lady Delilah Dares a Duke by Sofie Darling is the latest in her Windemeres in Love series and features the youngest, Lady Delilah. Delilah has always been the most difficult to control in a family of people difficult to control. He had seen her several years earlier on a stage at his alma mater, Eton, and called her out at the top of his lungs just as she entered the stage. Unbeknownst to her he had heard some young toughs talking about calling her out and disrobing her right on stage. You see, Eton was for young gentlemen, not young ladies. She was beyond furious and hadn’t spoken to him for years. Sebastian Crewe, Duke of Ravenswork was now dressed down to watch a performance by a traveling company, a place he should not be, and who should be on the stage again, but Delilah. God, how he’d missed her. Instead of calling her out, he joined the crew. He looked the part and could protect her from the wings. When she discovered him, she was not happy.

They were both behaving in a manner opposite the way they had been born and raised. Actress’s reputations were little better than those of prostitutes. Ladies did not appear on stage. Gentlemen of the ton did not work with their hands. Yet these two did. No one in the company knew and no one in society knew. Seb discovered she didn’t need protection, the company loved her and took care of her. Delilah learned he wasn’t her enemy. It was a good plot, different than any I’ve read. They are both headstrong characters, which made it more interesting. I enjoyed this book.

I was invited to read a free e-ARC of Lady Delilah Dares a Duke by Dragonblade, through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #SofieDarling #LadyDelilahDaresADuke

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This was such a fun story to read. Lady Delilah and the Duke of Ravensworth Sebastian (Seb) were a fun couple to get to know. The book starts out with them being enemies, but that changes when Seb runs across Lilah (Delilah) performing in a traveling troupe. He can’t let her continue alone, so he joins them as a carpenter to keep an eye on her, but an encounter at a lake just might change all they are familiar with and lead to another type of relationship, enemies to lovers.

I really enjoyed this story and Seb and Delilah. They had so much sizzle between them, it lit up the pages as you read. Not your normal stuffy Duke and wallflower Lady. And that’s a good thing. I highly recommend.

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What a fun, sexy read!

This story is about Lilah and Seb, and getting to explore the possibility of "us" outside of the Ton's purview. I love it when a hero knows what he wants and goes after it, while still understanding when to push or not push said lady. The only thing I would have like to see more of honestly was just a little longer read. I really enjoyed the story and while it didn't feel rushed, I wanted more from Lilah and Seb.

The book has some steamy scenes, but nothing over the top.

I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this story and this is my freely given opinion.

This is book 4 of the Windemeres in Love series and the story of Delilah Windemere and Sebastian Crewe, the Duke of Ravensworth. They have had a brooding, seething animosity through the first three books and we finally find out their story and history here.

For years Delilah blamed Ravensworth for ruining an opportunity and exposing her disguise as a student at Eton, in a quite public way, and she seemed to despise him henceforth. Ravensworth is good friends with Archie, Delilah's brother, and is frequently in their social sphere. He is wealthy, influential, and keeps a cool, detached demeanor, being used to being pursued for his title and influence. He uses his time and influence to raise funds for the arts. One night, he overhears one of the maids talking about a travelling troupe in the nearby town and decides to slum it in disguise to enjoy the entertainment. He is stunned when he recognizes one of the actresses as Lady Delilah.

Delilah, after the marriage of her closest friend and cousin, Juliet, to Rory MacBeth, was at a bit of a loss, being the one single Windemere left. She decides this is an opportunity to run off and spread her artistic wings, and while her family thinks she is on a visit with friends in Switzerland, she runs off to join a travelling acting troupe.

Ravensworth cannot leave her, his best friends younger sister, alone with the troupe, and joins it in the guise of a handyman/carpenter to keep an eye on her. During their weeks together working as actor and behind the scenes grunt, they learn more about each other, including dispelling previous misperceptions and learning to appreciate each other. Also, this is time and space away from their families and Society, so they have the freedom and opportunity to explore their attraction to each other - and Sofie Darling does some lovely steamy sex scenes in this series.

Have been watching Delilah seethe at him, and Sebastian watch her from afar while being the target of her ire through the other three books it was satisfying to get their story finally and this was fun to read and to get a summary of their family relationships too. The ending was an interesting epilogue of the entire Windemere family, and it was a bit of an unexpected outsider view as well.

Fun, sexy read and I presume the end of the series?

4.25 stars out of 5

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Lady Delilah is the wildest Windermere yet. She's fiercely independent, and now most of her family are married she can gave an adventure.

Sebastian Crewe, Duke of Ravensworth is a patrón of the arts. He knows that a lot of the best art is made by people who high society wouldn't look twice at. He's made it his mission to help them.

An evening watching a group of travelling players will shake up his life.

This is a very amusing historical romance with fabulous characters. If you've read any of the previous books in the series you will have met them before. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy this one on its own . You can.

This story is packed with adventure and is a little steamy.

Great fun.

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The last of the siblings is finally getting what she wants. Only she is so used to not getting it she panicks. Should she follow through or should she reach for the stars?
I adore Darlings writing style especially her epilogues. I read her books just to see what her epilogues will bring!
I recieved a free copy so that I might tell you what I honestly think. Hope you enjoyed my review. Now go enjoy the book.

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Sebastian Crewe, Duke of Ravensworth, is the most romantic duke that's turned up in a romance book. The man may seem cold, but he's anything but. Delilah only sees him as interfering with her passion to act on stage, until he spends the summer working as a laborer with the Albion Players. As she learns about the man, Seb gives her the freedom to choose. How can she resist the lure of his body and his heart? The heat between these two burn up the pages!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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Lady Delilah Dares a Duke by Sofie Darling is book four in Windermeres In Love series and was an absolute dream! I enjoyed the strong female character that the strong hero helped see what she was running to. The story was amazing. The Windermeres are a family I can't wait to read the rest of the books for.
I received a copy on Netgalley and it doesnt impact my review.

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Well done to the writer. I was impressed with how the writer was able to keep me engaged with the book through the story of Delilah. Her mission of just wanting to be something that the elite society shunned at was heart felt. Then with Seb’s story of wanting to keep the arts alive through charities and donations from the elite was a slap back to the elite in their face. I would ask that the writer could extend on the scenes though. To me they seemed to be rushed in certain scenes. It was ok they are in bed and then next they’re dressing and on to the rest of the story. The romance between Seb and Delilah was seductive and very steamy. Talk about some let’s get it on! I liked it a lot.

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Oh, those Wild Windermeres! What a bunch they are ! And Delilah might be the most unconventional of them all, being a total enticement to a Duke! Sebastian, the Duke of Ravensworth, was her brother’s best friend, that has followed her, and sought to protect her for years. She, however, only sees him as her nemesis, until the day she finally sees him as Seb, the man, apart from the title he carries. Truly a wonderful story! I loved their romance, how he wooed her, loved her and was so patient with her. Their dialogue and banter was delightful!!

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Lady Delilah Windermere and His Grace Sebastian Crewe, Duke of Ravensworth are at loggerheads. He is determined to protect her from her adventures whilst Delilah is determined to avoid going home. He ruined everything three years ago but this time, she won’t let him stop her from living her dreams. Yet when they meet again, they begin to see each other differently. Revelling in their freedom, they can’t resist indulging in a forbidden passion, but Seb realises that he has to convince her that marrying him, will not be the end of her freedom.
Sebastian was such a delight to read about, particularly as he sees beyond the class system. His regard for Delilah is clear, yet it is his ability to convince her that he will support her whatever she poses. I loved seeing all the Windemere family together, to see what stage that were at.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Lady Delilah Windermere craves adventure, and she has found it in a traveling theater troupe. The family thinks she is in Switzerland, so the last thing Sebastian Crewe, Duke of Ravensworth expects to find when he visits a local performance is the girl he has always tried to watch out for. When she refuses to leave the troupe, he hires on as a carpenter. Now the stage is set for both of them to have an adventure. Who knows what might happen away from society and all their rules. This is a delightful story with great characters, lots of fun, a bit of steam, and a brilliant ending. An entertaining read and a wonderful addition to the series.
I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily reviewing it.

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As a regency romance fan, I was very pleased with this read! Not only did I like main characters that this book provided, but it also had a very well-thought-out and constructed plot. There were enough shifts to keep me guessing the whole way. I was also very happy with the dialogue: it can always be a hit or miss in regency reads, and bad or inaccurate dialogue yanks me straight out of any escapism. Sofie gave me no problems in that regard!.

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Those delightful, crazy Windermeres! Finally Delilah's story and what a delight!!

He has always tried to look at for her, getting her out of one scrap or another. Now when he finds she has joined a travelling troupe of actors and so he hires on as a carpenter.

She has the chance when her family thinks she is in Switzerland, to join a troupe and finally do what she loves. Then she finds him there!!

Being thrown together though, just might be the best thing to happen to bring these two together!
A fun adventure..

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Another enjoyable book by Sofie Darling. This book is about Delilah and Sebastian. A few years ago, Delilah feels Sebastian ruined her stage performance and has hated him since. Delilah has told her family she has gone to another country, but what she really has done is travel with an acting group. One day Sebastian sees her acting, and feels like he can not leave her in this group by herself. He decides to travel with them so he can protect her. While they are traveling, they get closer and become Lilah and Seb to each other, they have a passionate, romantic relationship which Sebastian does not really want to end, but he knows he can never force Delilah into anything. I believe this is the last book in this series and at the end of the book you see the characters from previous books, which is nice to run into them again.
I received an ARC from NegGalley and I am leaving my honest opinion.

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I was able to read an advance copy of Lady Delilah Dares a Duke via NetGalley & I couldn’t wait to start reading. I suspected I’d love it, & I wasn’t disappointed.
First off…
The prologue. What a way to set the tone for the book. All that has been going on throughout the series & I hadn’t paid enough attention? Lots of speculation & animosity finally explained. I found myself perusing the previous books for mentions as soon as I finished this one.
Like all of the author’s books, this is a well-written story with interesting characters. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in Lady Delilah & Lord Sebastian’s fun, steamy story. I found it refreshing that for much of the book they’re just Lilah & Seb in a setting far from society. With their interests so aligned, it seems almost fated that they find their way together.
Loved the epilogue where everyone in the family is doing their thing. I’m not ready for the Windermere world to end!

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