Member Reviews

Recovery Ground School
12 Lessons to Help Families Navigate Intervention and Recovery
by Adam Banks

#NavigatingRecovery #NetGalley

Is someone to whom you are close using alcohol or substances in a way that is harmful? Do you, as a person who cares deeply about them, find that you are unsure about your role and what you could/should do? If you answer yes to these questions, this title is worth a bit of your time.

As indicated on the cover, the author offers twelve lessons for families who are concerned about an addicted person. A few of these include Assume Recovery is Possible; Understand Addiction; Treatment; Create a Recovery Plan, and up to lesson 12, Post-Treatment. I am sure that it is no accident that there are twelve lessons, just as AA uses 12 steps.

This book wants to offer help and hope to the AP and their family. I It seems to be based on offering effective intervention strategies and long term planning. The stories of families offer readers a way to identify.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this title. All opinions are my own.

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