Member Reviews

Chloe is mourning the end of her marriage and is persuaded to go out with her friends which is where she comes across Danny who has decided that he wants her and nothing is going to get in the way. So far, so good. Scary how easy it is for someone to infiltrate your life and create havoc. This book was slightly different from others of this genre as it uses another angle. It was quite good and engaging in parts but others seemed to drag not helped by Chloe’s apparent obtuseness. Mad decisions by her the whole way through which might be explained later. She’s the sort of character you want to have a word with to try and get her to see sense! Things happened which shouldn’t have been possible and ends were left loose. Either for a follow up or for the reader to make their own mind up. It would easily pass the time on a journey or something to read on holiday.

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After the end of her marriage, Chloe is ready to get her life back on track. She has a killer job and is up for a promotion. When out at a club with her girlfriends one night, Chloe meets the handsome and charismatic, Danny. However, Chloe feels that something is a bit off about him. So she decides not to give him her number and leaves the club. But is not the end for Danny. He continues to pursue Chloe, to the point of harassment. Danny is EVERYWHERE and will not leave Chloe alone. Chloe becomes increasingly scared when she realizes Danny will stop at nothing for the two of them to be together.

This was definitely a disturbing read. I felt really uncomfortable with Danny being everywhere and following Chloe around. It definitely feeds into every woman's worst nightmare.

I found Chloe really frustrating at times. I also did not enjoy the sub-romance plot with Chloe's coworker, Tom. There were way too many pages about this romance. So, at times, this book actually felt like a romance! I did not care about this part of the plot at all. Probably wouldn't have read if I knew that it was going to be so romance heavy. Finally, I did not really care for the ending/final "twist". Didn't really do it for me.

Overall, an average read. Not the most exciting but not the worst, haha.

Thank you Inkubator Books and NetGalley for the copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book had a strong beginning and got way too much for me in the middle. I did NOT see that ending coming at all! Not a great book but it killed time and was mildly entertaining. I will definitely try more books by this author though!

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A gripping read, full of tension and with some surprising twists. Really enjoyed it and will definitely look out for more from the author.

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This thriller did not work for me, unfortunately. The twists were predictable, and the storyline was meh to me. I finished it, but I thought the ending of the book was lackluster, and I wanted to DNF it. I hope to give this author another chance in the future. I don't like to give low ratings, but if a book is not for me, it is not for me.

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This was requested when I first found out about NetGalley and I had requested so many ARCs that I could not get to all of them before they were archived. I really wanted to get to this one, as it seemed interesting. If I can find this somewhere for a reasonable price, I will try to get it! I am giving this book three stars, as I don't want to give it a good or bad rating, since I did not get to it.

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A tale of suspense, obsession, and the haunting question of how far one person will go to fulfill their desires. Chloe, grappling with the aftermath of a broken marriage, seeks solace in a chance encounter with the charismatic Danny. What begins as a typical boy-meets-girl scenario takes a sinister turn as Danny's intense interest in Chloe becomes increasingly unnerving. The story takes a gripping twist when Chloe, sensing something is off, decides not to share her contact details with Danny, only to find that he refuses to fade into the background.

The narrative unfolds as Danny's relentless pursuit of Chloe intensifies, breaking the boundaries of comfort and infiltrating every aspect of her life. The tension escalates as Chloe tries to protect her newfound connection with Tom, a friend who might offer more.

Thank you to NetGalley, Inkubator Books and author G.M. Lawrence for the opportunity to review the advance copy of this book.

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He only has eyes for her…

Chloe needs to get her life back on track after the collapse of her marriage. So when she meets handsome, charismatic Danny on a night out, she is open to seeing what develops.

It should be normal, exciting, boy-meets-girl but something about Danny is…off. He’s a little too interested, a little too intense. So she doesn’t give him her number. End of story.

But Danny isn’t going anywhere. He pursues Chloe with a determination that frightens her, ignoring her warnings to leave her alone. He invades every corner of her world, makes every effort to get between her and Tom, a friend who could be more.

Chloe finds herself in the fight of her life as she realizes that Danny is deadly serious about his promise that they will be together – at any cost.

And with Tom and Chloe growing closer, her fear for her new man only escalates as she struggles to answer one terrifying question – how far will Danny go to get what he wants?

This is a thrilling read.
Wonderful well written plot and story line that had me engaged from the start.
Love the well fleshed out characters and found them believable.
Great suspense and action with wonderful world building.
Can't wait to read what the author brings out next.
Recommend reading.

I read a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.

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This book proves that you cannot trust anyone!!!! Omg what an amazing thriller with an amazing twist I didn't see coming I absolutely loved this book.

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Great novel with goosebumps guaranteed.
Full of twists with a satisfying ending, you can't trust anyone in this great thriller

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Chloe whilst out with her friends in a club, trying to forget about her collapsed marriage meets Danny at the bar. He is confident but slightly creepy with his excessive flattery, that he lays on a little too thick.

When Danny keeps turning up like a bad smell and will not take no for an answer, Chloe soon realises she has a problem as Danny is convinced that they are a couple and will do anything to ensue this!!

I loved this book, it's creepy, full of suspense and 100% addictive.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC. I really enjoyed this read! The author totally nailed the creepy stalker vibe in this one. The story was suspenseful and kept turning pages well past bedtime. Grab a copy you will not be disappointed.

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Thankyou to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this ARC.
This is my first title from this author, i really enjoyed and will be reading more from them in the future.
This book drew me in with the cover and i knew i had to read it.
I love creepy, stalkery vibes in stories and this was right up my alley.
I really enjoyed this book with all the twists and turns that i did not see coming.
Thanks again
5/5 stars

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I have never read this author before but I will certainly be looking them out in the future. Tense and gripping from the start with a couple of twists that I didnt expect. .A book that I will highly recommend.
Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC

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A tense, heart-pounding read. I like the way the whole story built up to a stunning climax, with all the loose ends neatly tied up. Excellent read. Highly recommended.

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Thanks to Inkubator and Netgalley for the eARC of this novel.

You're Not Alone - G. M. Lawrence

I have always found stalker cases and stories fascinating, and “You’re Not Alone” is a captivating read, well written and… creepy really.

The main character of this story is out for a night of drinking and dancing with her friends when she encounters a predator who proceeds to systematically destroy her life.

The last 4th of this book is so spot-on realistic that it made my skin crawl. The author does a marvelous job of drawing you into the story, you identify with the terror and frustration of the main character, as her life slowly disintegrates.

A good read, however I was disturbed by the overwhelming importance placed in this novel on being "half of a couple", although it is an accurate reflection of a larger problem in today's society. The idea that a person cannot lead a happy well-rounded life unless they have a mate is a dangerous message to propagate. I have seen friends remain in abusive (emotionally and physically) relationships because they are terrified of being alone.

Choosing to be (and stay) single can be a wonderfully satisfying state of being, and not promoting this as a valid and satisfying option is a concern.

However, I liked the supportive structure of truly good friends and family that provided the main character with hope and support.

Until next time, stay tuned - this novel has a wowser of an ending that I personally found mesmerizing!

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I received an arc copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for my honest opinion of it. I really enjoyed this book. I experienced someone following me and the calls and messages but not quite to this extreme. Basically it shows the truth of a restraining order being just a piece of paper and feeling helpless and always on guard if being followed. Great book and characters

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Enjoyed this book it kept me interested throughout! Thank you to Netgalley & G.M. Lawrence for the opportunity to read for an honest review!

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WOW !!! Tense and gripping from the start, and a great read with a couple of twists that I didnt expect. .A book that I will highly recommend, and what a great film it would make.
Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC

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Close best friends biggest goal is to get her out and having fun again. She’s recently single after being cheated on by her husband and now she’s at a club with her best friend who seems to be having the time of her life. While Claire is dancing and living it up close keeps seeing a man staring at her and although it’s unsettling she tries to blow it off, but when she makes her way to the bar he decides to make his move. He introduces his self as Danny and he is handsome but there is something about him that gives Cloe an uneasy feeling she is polite but ultimately just wants to get away from him and go home. Before she can get away though she will meet his drunk friend who is the birthday boy. When she finally makes her way out the door she realizes in her haste she left her clutch on the bar she went back in to look for it but it was gone as she knew it would be. When she wakes up the next morning she is surprised to see she has a friend request from Danny… She don’t remember giving him her last name but later on at her job she is even more surprised to see Danny is there and he has her clutch. She is thankful but doesn’t like his persistent way of wanting to take her out she once again blows him off but this will not be the end of Danny and as a matter of fact it is just the beginning. It seems everywhere Claude turns there he is she was grateful when he interceded between three cat calling teen boys but her good friend Tom at work made her think that may have not been coincidental at all. When he shows up on a girls night out and insist since they’re going to be together he should meet her friends she quickly remind him they are not a couple. Being a persistent jerk he introduces himself to her friends and even though she’s told them her concerns about him they act like it is all in good fun. Things just get worse from here he post a pic on Facebook that looks like they were in bed together and her coworkers hadfriend requested him, so everyone saw it. When she doesn’t answer her phone he consistently calls her and will not let up as if things are bad enough a woman approaches her after work and tells her to stay away from Danny and she isn’t nice about it at all. Who is this woman and who is Danny and why won’t he leave her alone? This book was very intense and although there were a couple of eye rolling moments I still very much enjoyed the book I loved the momentum that never let up throughout the book and I absolutely loved the ending! I don’t believe I had ever read a book by G M Lawrence before but definitely want to read more in the future. I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it. Please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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