Member Reviews

This was a great book.
It was very true to what a crazy narcissist acts like. Add in a couple of twists you don’t see coming and you have to agree it’s a great story.
Can’t wait to read more by Ms. Lawrence.

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I really enjoyed this book, was a fairly quick read which I read in a day as I couldn't put the book down. Good thriller with a plot line which was easy to follow.

Danny infuriated me so much, I don't think I've ever disliked a character in a book so much for a long time!!
Few twists I didn't see coming and the ending was good and nicely tied up. Would recommend this book.

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This is the first book I have read by this author and enjoyed it somewhat! Chloe was not the most likeable person with a thought process that just didn't ring true to me. She has found herself a stalker, not by choice but her actions, inactions, didn't sit well. Surely a stalker of this calibre must warrant a call to police?
2nd half of the book was very good and moved quickly to end with an unexpected twist!!
Many thanx to NetGalley, the author and publishers for allowing me to read and review this book.

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I wasn't sure what to expect and I will admit that at first I did not like the main character, Chloe. Her actions did not make sense. and it did not make her likable, but I kept reading because I HAD to know how it ended. As the book progressed, the character grew on me. I didn't see the ending coming and it kept me reading until way past my bedtime.

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While this book is a thriller it has a different spin than traditional thrillers. The main character definitely is not a very likable character. Her decisions are questionable at best but at the end you are offered an explanation for why things happened the way that they did. It was a very quick read and nice break from the traditional domestic thriller pattern.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc. This was a fast read, thriller, fantastic characters. I was taken by suprise by the twists!

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Chloe needs to get her life back on track after the collapse of her marriage. So, when she meets handsome, charismatic Danny on a night out, she is open to see what develops. It should be normal, exciting, boy-meets-girl, but something about Danny is.... off. He's a little too interested, a little too intense. So, she doesn't give him her number. End of story. But Danny isn't going anywhere. He pursues Chloe with a determination that frightens her, ignoring the warning to leave her alone.

This was a page turning psychological thriller. The pace is fast throughout. There's a creepy vibe running throughout the book. There are lots of twists to keep our interest while we fathom out what's going on, and some of the twists are shocking. The suspense builds as the story progresses. Danny is quite a creepy character. Chloe makes a lot of bad decisions. I was quickly pulled into this story.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #InkubatorBooks and the author #GMLawrence for my ARC of #YoureNotAlone in exchange dor an honest review.

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I have mixed feelings about this as far as I read it. I really wanted to like it but I simply couldn't get into the story and the characters - Chloe and Danny - both grated on my nerves. The story was incredibly dark in places and I could see its potential. It pulls out all the stops on psychopaths, gaslighting and stalking. Plus many other sinister aspects hidden within.

I wasn't entirely drawn in from the beginning as the opening scenes was a club and (showing my age here) clubs are not my thing. Drinking to abandon, also not my thing. Going out the drink your troubles away and put oneself back out there on the market? Also not my thing. I can't imagine meeting a lasting relationship in a club where everyone is drinking and dancing till they throw up and then wake to remember nothing, or hardly anything, of the night before. Why do people do this to themselves? Also not a drinker myself I can't see the value, the draw or the point.

But that aside, that is not why I couldn't get into this book. I didn't warm to Chloe from the beginning. And Danny gave me the heebee jeebies with major sinister vibes radiating from him in waves like a beacon in the night. I could feel the intensity of his stare and it made me uncomfortable just reading about him. I just didn't want to be in his presence and don't get me started on Chloe. She made some stupid choices and came across a little naive at times that I couldn't believe her stupidity. She was so blindingly frustrating at times. I just couldn't connect to her so therefore I couldn't really sympathise with her either. Therefore making my care factor zero. I found her a little one dimensional but that might just be me.

Having given up on it, I have since read some favourable reviews which highlight its highs as well as lows but also revealing that the second half was way better than the first. So I didn't stick around long enough to find out. Maybe if I had I'd have discovered the same. But honestly? Something about Danny just made me want to get out of his presence quick smart.

Despite my negative feelings about the book, the issue tackled is one of importance and while it was done with sensitivity, the end result was a bit of a miss for me. Not because of the writing...that was actually quite good. But the characters. And the story I really found repetitive and even a little boring.

I wish I could have finished it...but I just couldn't. That's not to say that this isn't a good twisty thriller. It just wasn't for me. I hate leaving negative reviews as I know that every book is a labour of someone's love and hard work. But reading is subjective and what might enthrall one may not excite another.

I would like to thank #GMLawrence, #Netgalley and #InkubatorBooks for an ARC of #YoureNotAlone in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at

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Chloe goes on a night out with her friend and ends up with a stalker. Following her, turning up at her work, breaking in to her flat, a really frightening experience.

However things are not always as they seem and with a massive twist we find out what has really been going on. I absolutely raced through this book unable to put it down I needed to know what was going to happen.

Thanks to net galley and the publishers for this arc.

4 stars

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I really loved this book! It started out a little slow, but I quickly found myself not being able to put it down. I read the majority of the book in 3 days once I got into it. I found myself wanting to scream at Chloe through a lot of the story, but then you get hit with the giant twist at the end and it all makes sense. Which I also have to commend the big twist at the end because I’m usually pretty good at predicting how things can go but I 100% did not see that coming! It all feels so easy to relate to as well because it is a real fear most women experience these days. Great story and wonderful thriller.

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Well well well! I really did not see that plot twist...

Such a good read! the freaking suspense had me at the edge most of the book!

Chloe is trying to get her life together after the disaster her marriage left! She stars by going out with the girls where she meets Danny. She doesn't get a good vibe from him so she tries to ignore him but he's not one to be ignored and he is now everywhere. There is nowhere to hide, and he won't stop until Chloe is his!

PS: Be prepared to yell a million times "COME ON, CALL THE POLICE!!!"

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Well that certainly took an unexpected turn! Danny is quite the creepy and unhinged stalker. And Chloe, how many times I wanted to smack you upside the head for the decisions you made and your seeming naivete. I'd have been to the police a million times and told everyone who'd listen to me about what's going on - but who knows, perhaps there is a method to her madness? This had quite the twist to it, if you make it to the end and tolerate her bad decisions - and I suggest you do!!

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Fast pace story with some fun twists that kept me page-turning. The first half of the book was a little slower for me with keeping my concentration, but the second half really took off and kept me engaged with all the surprises that would pop up!

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After a failed marriage, Chloe needs to get her life back on track. One night partying with friends turns into a nightmare for her. A man she just met there starts stalking her, turning her life upside-down.

A fast paced thriller with the fear of a stalked person so well written. The main character was smart and not a typical helpless person we come across so many books.

The plot twist was totally unexpected and I almost thought another one would be coming before the story ended.

Thank you Netgalley and Inkubator books for the ARC

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Thank you, NetGalley for this advance copy of You're Not Alone in exchange for my honest review.

"Chloe needs to get her life back on track after the collapse of her marriage. So when she meets handsome, charismatic Danny on a night out, she is open to seeing what develops.

It should be normal, exciting, boy-meets-girl but something about Danny is…off. He’s a little too interested, a little too intense. So she doesn't give him her number. End of story.

But Danny isn't going anywhere. He pursues Chloe with a determination that frightens her, ignoring her warnings to leave her alone. He invades every corner of her world, makes every effort to get between her and Tom, a friend who could be more.

Chloe finds herself in the fight of her life as she realizes that Danny is deadly serious about his promise that they will be together – at any cost.

And with Tom and Chloe growing closer, her fear for her new man only escalates as she struggles to answer one terrifying question – how far will Danny go to get what he wants?"

One thing I really enjoyed about this book is it felt different than other thrillers I've read. When you read a lot of thrillers the themes get quite repetitive.
The book also held my attention and was a very quick and easy read.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the MC Chloe or a lot of her decisions and that made me struggle with the story at some points.

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Wow I was gripped by this book from the first chapter. It had me checking all the windows and doors. I couldn't really understand why the main character acted the way she did but it all becomes clear at the end, and what an ending it was. Didn't see that coming at all.

Definitely an author I'll be following now

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'You're not alone' is a good psychological thriller with a twist. Chloe, the main character, hurt in the past by her husband is on a recovery path. By chance, she met a man and her life changed dramatically. The plot is engaging and fast-paced, which makes it impossible to stop reading the book.

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It's such a fast-paced and exciting read. I was drawn in very quickly. When Chloe first met Danny, I was thinking what a great catch he was. As I progressed further, obviously, things changed. What once came off as a good guy in the right place changed to how creepy he was at every turn. How was he always where Chloe ended up unless he was stalking her? Danny's obsession became clear quite fast. He came on very strong and seemed unrelenting in his quest to lay claims to Chloe. Chloe's reactions and lack of were concerning. Why was she not taking this more seriously? Why were her friends not more helpful or concerned? Chloe's naivety was annoying and frustrating at times. Overall, my heart was pounding reading this, wondering what was going to happen next.

Thank you to Netgalley, Inkubator Books, and G.M. Lawrence for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

You're Not Alone will be published February 12, 2023.

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Well this book left me thorn… because it was really engaging and very creepy, but on the other hand the plot was just so badly constructed around the main character.
But let’s start off with the good. The things I liked:
• The character of Danny. I loved how well his character was constructed and how creepy his storyline was. This stalker truly gave me goosebumps.
• The story was really engaging, fast paced, easy writing style. Everything you want from a thriller.
But then the bad.
• Chloe must have been the stupidest woman I have ever read about. The choices she makes, the things she does…. I just honestly can’t believe how incredible stupid she was.
• And not only Chloe, but her so called friends. Who are these people?
• And no the end twist didn’t explain any of the stupidity, it just make the stupidity even bigger and more mind boggling.

Quick read, important topic, but just executed completely wrong.

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I got an ebook version of this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

I was pulled into this book fairly quickly; I felt it was easy to read and kept me engaged. It was a fairly quick & easy read.

We meet the main character, Chloe, while she is out dancing with her friend. She meets Danny at the bar, who shows her interest straight from the second they meet. From there, we quickly spiral into a world of craziness and obsession.

And when I say quickly spiral, I really do mean quickly spiral. Danny's obsession with Chloe seems immediate. There is very little build-up, meaning we are dropped pretty much straight into the plot without getting much chance to settle in and get comfortable.

The book stood out as being pretty different to other books that run along similar themes. This was a welcome factor.

But I must say that Chloe irritated me more than is reasonable. And despite the fact that I now know how the story ends, I still don’t feel able to forgive this! I just got so angry with her even when we were told (explicitly or implicitly) there was a reason for her being frustrating.

Overall, this is a good book for anyone looking for a quick psychological thriller that is a bit different.

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