Member Reviews

What a fantastic book. The main character Chloe was someone you could relate to and understand. Loved her friend circle. Friends and colleagues all seemed lovely. The book was very well written and flowed well. I was hooked from the beginning. It was fast paced throughout. Twists and turns to get your heart racing and leave you wondering what’s next.

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I enjoyed this book. It drew me in straight and was shocked with some of the twists. The ending was excellent and such a great story. Fantastic thriller which I will be recommending to all thriller book lovers.

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I really enjoyed this book. It quickly drew me in and was shocked with some of the twists. The ending was fabulous and seemed to bring it all together.
A great domestic thriller and one I’d definitely recommend.

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I really liked this but I suggest you push through the first half if it doesn't quite get to you. You'll love the last half.

I've always loved a good stalker novel and this is a good one. And I love when there's all kinds of twists and turns. I mean who doesnt, right. I never figured them out so that was great.

Recommend this very much.

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I enjoyed the story/plot but I did not care for the main character. I felt she made dumb mistakes/choices. Normally, I can suspend belief while reading but I could get behind the main character. It really pulled me out of the story.

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I enjoyed this book! It was different than anything I’ve read and the premise was great! There were a couple of things that could have been a bit better, like more scenes with Danny as his obsession grew not just happening out of nowhere.

I also did not expect any of the twists! I thought I had what really happened a few times, but I really didn’t.

There were times where Chloe made me crazy. I thought she was so naive and scared and there was more she could have done, but now knowing the reason, it makes sense.

Definitely recommend this book to anyone!

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Overall, I really enjoyed the premise of this story but felt it got to the plot too soon - it seemed like we saw Danny only a few times before he became obsessed with the main character. There were a lot of suspenseful chapters but I wish I saw more of the main character and Danny interact before it jumped to him becoming so obsessed with her.

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This book was okay, it definitely started out good and was more than enough to engage me, but a lot of its pull was weakened by the halfway point.

Having never experienced being stalked myself, and thank god for that, reading about Chloe’s struggle through one of the most disturbing experiences in her life was very unsettling. Getting into her mind, watching her reactions to situations, I thought the author handled them pretty well. It was as real as could be, in my opinion. It was a stark reminder of how the system can fail so many people who go through something so difficult and horrifying, and in many cases, with devastating consequences. So, for the psychology of all who’re involved in this story, I found this book to be strong.

But like I said, after about the halfway point the book started to be repetitive for me, and slow paced. Everything I thought was intriguing in the beginning kept going nowhere, and I felt like Chloe, the main character, was going in circles in everything she did. While the author succeeded in making me suspicious of almost everyone in the book-messed up with my psychology as well as Chloe-, I felt my connection with the story and Chloe’s character coming close to snapping by the end. And speaking of the end, things just played out too much like an average tv thriller for my taste. Things just moved too fast and made less sense by the end, I’m sorry to say. And that’s where the book lost one star for me.

I do appreciate the author tackling such an important theme with care though, it’s not always a success when someone attempts this. The end result was just only okay for me.

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This book was so good. I highly recommend giving it a read if you are a fan of thriller novels.

When I tell you that I AUDIBLY gasped during many scenes in this book.

The MF Chloe has so much going. She is infuriating at times throughout the book with the decisions she make, but in the end it all makes sense. I absolutely love her with Tom. 100% Ship Tom & Chloe.

The MM Danny is certifiably crazy. He's possessive and controlling and manipulative and his character really gets under your skin - but in the best way for this novel.

Definitely give it a read when it releases on February 12, 2023.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an E-Arc of this book.

I have mixed feelings about this book, did I love it not really, was I able to stop reading it absolutely not. I did enjoy the later half of the book more than the beginning half as more plot twists came into the picture. However, I would say this is a good book to pick up if you’re looking for a quick paced thriller with some surprising plot twists towards the end.

I will say for just liking the book, I was so engaged and at times wished I could cancel some of my real life/adulting things to keep reading.

What I didn’t care for in this book was the strange and quick romance that seemed to blossom out of nowhere for me with the main character and a friend/co-worker. I also really didn’t care for every character in the book. The main character (Chloe) was very frustrating at times, she did things even though she knew she shouldn’t in situations, which was frustrating but then I thought about if I were in her shoes how would I act. The friends of the Chloe were also in my opinion not very good friends, as they didn’t really seem to listen to her concerns when she brought them up.

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I have never read this author before but I really enjoyed it, I look forward to reading more from them

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You're Not Alone
by G.M. Lawrence
I honestly wanted to enjoy the book more. Yet, Chole was so unbelievably nuts and just never did anything to want to stop things. I suppose if that was what was intended, the book did hit the mark with Chole being the most annoying person knowing she had a stalker and not doing anything to halt this (stalker).

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I really enjoyed reading "You're Not Alone" - it was a real page-turner, with an enticing storyline that kept me hooked throughout the novel.

Chloe, recently divorced and back on the dating scene, finds herself meeting the rather charismatic and yet enigmatic Danny on a night out. After a somewhat awkward encounter on the night out, where Danny is a bit too clingy for Chloe's liking, Chloe attempts to distance herself from him and continue her life as normal. However, Danny is not giving up nor going anywhere, and continues to involve himself in all aspects of Chloe's life, following her, making unsolicited posts online about her, and ultimately threatening that they will be together at any cost.

I did not manage to guess the final twist to the story, although I was sure that one was coming! I found the writing really easy to read, and felt compelled to read through the book in a small number of sittings.
Some of the writing was a bit too cliché for my liking, and I think that some of the events of the plot were to exaggerated for real-life (I found myself smacking my head against a metaphorical brick wall numerous times at Chloe's actions); however, it all came together in the end.

Overall, a great read for anyone who's looking for a suburban, contemporary thriller that wants that "Joe Goldberg-esque" vibe!

3.5 stars ⭐⭐⭐

Thanks so much to Netgalley for supplying the ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts!

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He only has eyes for her.

Still bruised from the breakdown of her marriage Chloe surrounds herself with her friends. On a night out she meets Danny, will be be the one to help her move on? Charming and attentive soon leads to obsessive and intense. How does he know so much about her? He tries his hardest to work his way into every aspect of her life which Chloe finds disturbing. How can she stop him?

I really enjoyed this book, very tense and great pace. A few nice twists along the way which made it feel fresh throughout. Thank you to @netgalley for the opportunity to read and I wish the author success on its release.

Publication Date - 12/02/2023



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This was a pretty good story. Full of suspense and progressively more and more creepy. However, the main character was so dumb. She was a complete idiot, as though she was living in an entirely different world than the rest of us women.

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This was a decent quick read. I personally was really put off by how idiotic the main character was. In this day and age, every woman is so hyper aware of the risks and dangers and we go all out to protect ourselves and our friends so I can't see anyone being stupid enough to take the course of action that the main character did. Women are more independant and less tolerant of toxic behaviour now more than ever so it seems like shes written as an idiot just in order to further the plot which is insulting and a bit lazy. The stalker was really creepy and he was written well and realistic but it would have made for a better, more believable book had the author given the main character a bit more common sense. After all, anyone can stalk an idiot who does nothing about it..... its way more eerie to know that anyone can be stalked, regardless of how aware you are or how many of the "right things" you do these days which is the reality. It's a pretty quick book though so it's not wasting much time. The writing is decent, the twists are there, the tension is built really well..... its just the characters actions that dragged it so far down for me.

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You're not alone was well written and a fast-paced read.
I was left feeling on edge about what would happen next.
A thrilling story line which is right up my street.
Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for my early copy.
This author is certainly someone i will check out in the future.

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I was captivated throughout this exciting thriller. Thrilling situations and fascinating characters were presented in a quick-paced book that was enjoyable to read, which I couldn't put down.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the eARC to read and review.

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I will say this is different than any other thriller I’d read before. I feel like so often with domestic thrillers, the same themes are repeated over and over, so I really enjoyed that this one was different.

I didn’t love the main character Chloe. It was frustrating to read page after page of the questionable decisions she was making, but you sort of find out at the end why she was doing what she did.

Overall, this was a quick read that I would recommend!

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"You're not alone" is a great psychological thriller with an amazing twist. I didn't expect this turn of events. I was very afraid for the fate of the main character - Chloe. She has been hurt by life. Her husband did something to her. At first I didn't know what happened. Currently, our heroine has begun to recover. By chance she met a man who ... I won't tell you that. You must find out for yourself. It will be dramatic. The author has created a very realistic work. The world today is full of psychopaths hunting their victims. Can you free yourself from them? Will Chloe come out of this whole thing? It was my first encounter with the work of Gemma M. Lawrence. I am enchanted by her. "You're not alone" is worth reading. A surprising plot, fast-paced action and an amazing heroine make it impossible to stop reading. My time spent on this book was not time wasted.

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