Member Reviews

This was a fast pace and kept me hooked at most parts. So we start the book with Chole in a bar with her friend Laura after a painful break up of her marriage. Thats where she meets Danny. What appeared as sweet and charming at the beginning turned to get rather creepy as the book progressed.
I found the storyline very intriguing but female character was so naive that it had me so irritated. I felt it to be a little unrealistic. I mean if you know you’re being stalked shouldn’t your first thought be to immediately report it. Or at least talk to someone who would give you helpful advice instead of brushing it off.

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Chloe is mourning the break up of her marriage, and her friend, Laura is trying to get her to start living her life again by taking her to a club.
At the club, she meets Danny, who cannot keep his eyes off her.
She made the mistake of speaking to him and now he won't leave her alone. He stalks her despite the fact that she has told him she wants nothing to do with him, and he stalks and intimidates those close to her.

Actually a terrifying plot. It made me feel quite claustrophobic, as at every turn, Chloe is being watched. It is very tense to begin with.

Chloe irritated me quite a lot. She has a policeman in her home and does not report immediately that someone broke in?
She keeps letting Danny into her house and speaking to him despite being warned not to?

I am not convinced that this could happen in real life the way it did in the book, that a woman can be so stupid as to disregard advice and not seek help.

She doesn't report the female following her?

I was disappointed in the last few chapters, the conclusion was not satisfying to me. Others may disagree. The first 90% of the book was great, the final 10% was unbelievable.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read this very suspenseful book

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This was a very quick to read book that offered exciting scenarios and interesting characters. The book didn’t lag at all and I was kept interested the whole way through. I like good twisty endings and this one was satisfying..

I will definitely look for other books by this author.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for allowing me to read an advanced copy in return for an honest review.


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Thank you NetGalley and Inkubator Books for an early copy of You're Not Alone. I really do not like giving bad reviews but I had no choice with this one. I did finish this book, WHY I don't know but the female main character was RIDICULOUS, there is no other word for her. The main male character was definitely creepy AND no way would this have happened in real life the way it was written. I'm sorry this was not the book for me.

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Good book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, and so many crazy twists and turns! the main female character did make me mad at times! Lol she did a lot of foolish things! But The storyline was very interesting and had me glued to my Kindle! I will definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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3.5 stars.

Arc provided by NetGalley.

After the collapse of her marriage, our protagonist, Chloe, has been coerced into having a fun night out with her friends. Classic tale, girl goes out, finds a handsome, charming man staring at her, she's reluctant but also intrigued. Who wouldn't be?

This book had me gripped from the very beginning, the premise, the setting and the fact almost every woman has probably gone through something (minor or major) like this was initially what intrigued me. About 35% of the way in I was absolutely enamoured but then I realized that I was starting to lose focus. And it was because of one specific trope which I'm absolutely tired of. And that is the "dumb girl energy".

I'm so sorry but we are in fact in 2023, like, do we really still need to have the main character being just so naive and idiotic? Every woman that has gone through even a quarter of what our protagonist went through would know to act 10 times smarter/safer than Chloe. In some of the scenes, I just found myself baffled at how naive she was. And to top that off she also gave off, the "I don't need anyone, I'm a bad*ss" vibe. Like, no ma'am you are not. You need to get your friends and the authorities involved.

Another minor thing that was frustrating to me was our main character's friend named "Laura" (view spoiler on goodreads)

Our "villain" (we should call him that I suppose?) was genuinely terrifying, the guy was the god of gaslighting. He just made my blood boil, reading it I kept thinking now, that's how you write a villain!

If you like movies like "Halloween", "The boy next door" or "Fear", you might enjoy this!

Overall, I had my differences but honestly, I would recommend this to anyone looking to read a quick thriller, this book reads very fast and you can easily finish in one sitting.

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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This was a great book, kept me gripped from the first page to the end , couldn’t put it down, imagine going out on a night out with your friends for a bit of fun and meeting someone who wants to take over your whole life….

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