Member Reviews

The premise in “The Second You’re Single” is a lot like the movie “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”, but on Valentine’s Day and with a heart-throb baker. What is not to love about that plot? While the premise of this book should make it an insta-hit, there were some issues that I just couldn’t get past.

If you have are triggered by fat-shaming, verbal abuse, or miscarriage you should NOT read this book. Also, if you have an eversion to bacon, or honestly even if you like bacon but don’t want it mentioned 100s of times throughout the book. I do not think I will be eating bacon any time soon, and if I hadn’t already given up tequila that would also have to go.

The main character, Sora, is just a hot mess and not a very likable one. She thinks that going #solo for Valentine’s Day will fix all of her problems, and then doesn’t even last an hour. The way the people in this book treat each other is absolutely deplorable. I honestly didn’t even want the MCs to end up together.

The best character in this book was a precocious little cancer survivor decked out in all the sparkles. She was by far the best part of this book. The male MC, Jack, is a cinnaroll of a baker that you immediately love and want to root for. Every scene with Jack or Ellie was just perfect. I think that a lot of people will appreciate this romcom, if they do not have the same triggers that are mentioned above.

I listened to the audio of this book and thought that both narrators did an excellent job. If I was reading this as an ebook or paperback, I would have DNFed 8 chapters and 20 bacon references in. The only reason I was able to finish was because of how much I liked the narration.

Overall, I just could not get past the fat-shaming, toxicity, and obvious need for counseling. No way could there be that much character development in Sora in a little over a month. Premise: 5 Star. Execution: Barely a 2 Star.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

This was a cute romance and I loved the messaging throughout the book that self care and love is important. I love how Sora tried the single February as a way to find herself, but ended up meeting her Prince Charming because it is true that love comes when you least expect it.

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This book was so good, I could not put it down. The two main characters were written as if I could be friends with them. The supporting characters added such fun banter. I loved how Wes was written with flaws and acceptance of who he is, but was still loveable. A must read.

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The Second You’re Single by Cara Tanamachi was a fantastic read. It’s a great romance story. The story was lovely to listen to and the narrator did a fantastic job reading it. I thought Jack was a fantastic MMC in this book. It was just so cute and I think everyone should read this book.

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I had a hard time getting through this one.
Sora decides not to sleep with a married man (w/kids) ANYMORE. She decides to go Solo, then runs into Jack, an old classmate. Jack is a hot baker with an ex-girlfriend.
I felt no chemistry between the 2 main characters.
Thank you RB Media and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Sora is a writer for a popular magazine. She decides to write a column called "Solo February" where people focus on themselves rather than trying to find a date. She thought this would be great after she had a few too many failed relationships. Of course, this decision was made before she runs into an old childhood friend, Jack, at the supermarket bakery. Who would guess they would have some flirty vibes and run into each other again later on in the story?! How can she stay loyal to her article while entertaining the idea of a new man in her life? .... You want her to stay true to her fans, but you also want to root for her to win the guy.

I really liked this book! First of all, I love that it takes place in Chicago, where I was born & raised. I understood all the details, the mention of Jewel, the snow and winter months there, the surrounding towns that were mentioned, living by trains- all of it. Ahhh, memories of home. The story was very well written, and absolutely hilarious! I found myself laughing out loud on more than one occasion! I listened to the audio -which I think is the way to go! The narrator was fantastic!

Things I didn't like: Were there 1 too many mentions of bacon? yes. A bit overkill. Were some of the sex jokes corny or too much? At times, yes. Were there body image issues and some fat shaming? Also yes. It was mentioned the MC is a size 14 (which is about average even I'd say) but she was very self-conscious about her weight. There were many mentions of the body size of all the characters in the story, so if you're sensitive to this sort of thing, maybe I wouldn't read it. Does this contradict her idea of self-care & embracing yourself for who you are solo February challenge? A little bit. I am looking past it...

There is a mention of childhood cancer, but it doesn't dive deep into details. The point of this was to show how Jack, the male MC, came to realize how short life was once his niece fought a battle with cancer. She is in remission in the book, celebrating a birthday & living her best life. The child is fine. Did it HAVE to be part of the story? Probably not, but I didn't write the book, so. again, looking past it. It's not a huge part of the storyline.

Advice? Listen to the book and don't overthink or over analyze it. Just enjoy it for what it is. This is great read for a lead into Valentine's Day- the holiday the book is centered around.

Thank you #Netgalley & publishers for a free audio version in exchange for my honest review! Publishing date Jan 31 2023!

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I loved this book during my first read-through and still loved it the second time going around. Gotta love that second-chance romance trope. I also loved that he fell first which is something we don't see enough of these days. Also, the main character, a woman of asian descent being depicted as slightly plus size is refreshing. Loved it!

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DNF at 20%

I tried reading both the e-galley and listening to the ALC copy I received and I just couldn't get over the constant talk about body shape, body shaming, and the MC's obsession over food (especially bacon). It felt incredibly shallow.

I also found the female MC really unlikeable with an extremely low self-esteem and respect. I just couldn't root for her.

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Sora swearing off men is completely understandable because if I went through some of the stuff she did, I’d never have gotten married. I loved Sora and Jack’s banter! I wasn’t totally sold on the problem Jack had with Sora’s writing when she was very up front about it and it’s her JOB. Overall, I really liked this book!

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When her new column and #SoloFebruaryChallenge goes viral, Sora Reid finally gets her big break in the magazine business. As the likes & comments roll in and continue to fuel her career, Sora vows to stay #single for her #SoloFebruaryChallenge.... but when she runs into her dorky Kindergarten classmate turned super-hot pastry chef, Sora wonders if the things she is getting in her career are worth what she's giving up in her personal life.

Overall, I liked it. It was hokey and dramatic as you expect from a Rom-Com. The characters were cute, and it was written in a way that kept you going. However, as much as I love a good normal main character (it's mentioned several times that Sora is a size 14), I really, really hate when it becomes the focus of the book. Every chapter has Sora eating something, pigging out on pastry or candy or bacon. It's a little much. There's so much emphasis on 'oh my gosh a muscular, good-looking man couldn't possibly find a not-size-two woman attractive! How lucky am I?!?! Enough. Men date bigger (not that size 14 is even huge) woman all the time, let's move on.

I also don't understand the title, as all of the main characters are single throughout 99% of the book. It's not as if she's dating someone for her column, the entire point is that she's single. So I don't really get that.

Still, it's cute and corny and it's a quick read. It would make an adorable movie. Highly recommended for fans of "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days".

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DNF. I couldn’t stand the main characters, actually most of the characters. Way too much talk about weight, bacon and just plain being judgmental. I didn’t find the book funny or interesting, I’m sure this will be a favorite for some but it wasn’t for me and I can’t see myself recommending it.

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This is a light, quick listen with the childhood friends to lovers and boy falls first tropes. I liked the narrators.

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The Second You're Single is an adorable romance with Sora, a freelance writer, who's fed up with valentines day and men letting her down; and Jack, the personification of a golden retriever in human form, a baker who's loved Sora since they were kids. After reading this everyone is going to wish they had Jack, a kind supportive man who is understanding of Sora's pledge to go solo for February is willing to wait for her.

I loved reading this, it is so refreshing to have two successful main leads with Sora being a writer, who is on her way up, and Jack being a successful baker. Also their chemistry is amazing, the writing is just so cute and this is a quick cosy read for whenever you want to get that hit of romance.

I recommend for any who wants to read an adorable short romance with two awkwardly in love main leads, that just don't know it yet.

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Thank you for an ALC! Although I liked some of this, the whole singles Valentine's and a lot of the base of this plot just felt so overused. Love the author's voice and style of writing, though, so I'll be looking to future books!

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This was so god!
I loved the character development of both characters especially the female main character, I love that it was set in and around Chicago, Illinois. The male main character was obsessed with the female main character and had a crush on her when they were in elementary school.
I will say the chapters in this book are long. It was insta-love but it was fine in this case because they knew each other as children and it worked with this story line. I also did cringe and get some second hand embarrassment but it was not bad at all.

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Thank you Netgalley, RB Media, author for an ALC in exchange for honest review. I loved this book from the first hook line. It is such a perfectly narrated audiobook with a great cast of voices. The atory was good and almost gave me how to lose a guy in 10 days & yet updated and fresh. I will recommend this to all my rom com romance reader friends

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I enjoyed this one!

A huge thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for my gifted audiobook!

I'm going to keep this short and sweet.
I loved the narration of this book.
The Second Your Single has a dual POV and the audio showcases two equally talented narrators.
The story was easy to follow and the characters were enjoyable. (IMO)
I liked the drama and the romance.

Where this book lost a Star- I feel like the conflict could have been solved with honesty and communication. It was frustrating.

Overall- Solid. I look forward to reading more by this author.

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A different perspective on Valentine's Day. Sora is a freelance writer, but seems stuck in her life. With a family that is constantly wanting her to do whatever she is NOT doing (exercising, eating healthy, etc.), being unlucky in love, and having the worst neighbor ever that hates her dog, Sora is basically down on her luck when she comes up with a great story idea. Instead of looking down on people without partners, Sora is going to show it's ok to be alone and GO SOLO for February/Valentines. Runs into her ex husband in the grocery store with his new Lululemon friend. Jack had a crush on Sora from kindergarten and when she's close enough for him to tempt her with his samples at the grocery store, he reels her in. Sora and Jack's story is hilarious and a totally fun read.
Sora has think and decide about her life choices . This is a cute romance that can be read in a day or so.
Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley as well as the author for the opportunity.

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I wanted to enjoy this book. I really, truly did.

I did not.

Too many of the details are too unrealistic for me to get past (not including them because: spoilers), particularly surrounding her injury.

The narrator reading Sora's voice was annoying, as was the voice of Sora's character.

I wanted to love this book so much. It has a lot of things I appreciate: bacon, dogs, baked goods, second chance romance. It was perfectly well paced.

Unfortunately, I simply could not.

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Read if you like:
♥️ BIPOC Representation
♥️ Asian Representation
♥️ LGBTQ Representation
♥️ Discussion around Body Image
♥️ Insta-Love
♥️ crazy Ex-girlfriend vibes
♥️ Bacon

Unfortunately this one was not a slam dunk for me. It had all the makings to be a great romance and I was so hyped for it, but it didn’t live up to my expectations.

I wanted more body positivity, less talk of bacon (as someone who doesn’t like bacon it was too much), and more feeling of why the couple had insta love… I just wasn’t feeling it and usually don’t with insta-love because it’s always so cheesy and there is a lack of building the characters when insta-love is used.

Overall, it was a solid audiobook but not my favorite.

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