Member Reviews

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley.
This book is based around Art Concello. I mean, most stories we hear about the circus are about Barnum, so it was nice to see something different.
The main issue I had with this book was how slow it was. It was interesting at times, but it definitely was super slow. ;/

This was a interesting read with the focus on Art Concello who at an early age decides school is not for him especially when he is told when he asked if there is money in being a trapeze artist, he is told there is a gold mine. Who would have thought that Bloomington Illinois would one of the capitals of the world if not the capital of the world for training trapeze artist. Even though he was considered one of the greatest trapeze artists he realized that it would not last forever and with his attitude that everything in his world was an opportunity to increase his wealth and power. He was a man who wanted lots of money. He progressed from being an artist to training teams that were supplied to other events and other circuses and eventually he was manager and owner of various circus including many years with Ringling Bros. It was interesting to read all of the many implements and changes he brought to the circuses to make the more efficient even eventually moving away from circus tents. Even though he was a great businessman you will see his moral character was not considered the greatest with many infidelities and getting a cut of all things illicit on the circus grounds but wrong or right there were some benefits with keeping the workers on the circus grounds and out of trouble and this allowed him to always know what was going on in his circus community. The only downside i seen with this book was it was a little slow in the beginning but overall, a pretty good read.

This book is very well researched. It didn’t read like a fiction novel for me and I had a hard time getting into it. I have read several circus/big top themed fictions and enjoy exploring this world, but unfortunately, this one didn’t work for me. I appreciate the copy I received from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

This book chronicles the live of Arthur Concello from teenage trapeze artist to circus owner.
The book was not very engaging, especially at the beginning. There were so many people introduced at once that it was hard to keep everyone straight. It also didn’t flow. Too many characters were given backstories (including parents names and occupations) so it felt a little clunky and impeded the flow of Arthur’s story.
Throughout the book there are tons of facts, but it didn’t feel like a story.
I found myself rushing through and hoping I was close to the end before I was halfway through.
The idea did peak my interest and I will likely search out more reading material on this time in circus history.