Member Reviews

Emmaline Bluewater, ran away from witch society when her fiancé departed town leaving only a note to his parents. She's spent the last 7 years in Chicago running a bar with her two best friends. But magical contracts come with severe punishments and Bastian Truenote is back, wanting to pick up where they left off. Emma's worried that her feelings will resurface but she can't let him know or suffer alone.

Why I started this book: Always on the lookout for more paranormal romance... and witchy is popular right now. Requested an ARC and started the book with hope.

Why I finished it: This romance was solid. Not inspiring or impressive but still enjoyable. It was distracting that the big bad was solved a little too easily... but I was interested in the back story of a couple of side characters, so win?

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Emmaline and Bastian were former childhood friends and witches who were engaged to each other... until Bastian ran on the day of the wedding with no reason why, leaving Emma to deal with the fallout from society and now years later he is back in her life acting as if nothing happened and saying they should get married because their marriage contract is killing his mom since it’s unfulfilled and if she marries him it’ll save his mom. Emma has always been in love with Bastian, the golden boy of the witch society, they were best friends as kids and she was absolutely heartbroken and devastated when he left her at the alter of their wedding with no note or reason just telling his parents he couldn’t marry her. Ever since then she’s moved out of her family home, opened a bar with her friends, and worked on shielding and protecting herself... until Bastian shows up again out of nowhere saying they should get married again. Bastian liked Emmas a friend, he was just doing what his parents wanted when he was getting married to Emma, yet when he overhears that by marrying her it would lead to her being able to steal all his magic he feels betrayed, it doesn’t help that someone cursed him to never be able to talk about that clause in the marriage contract, so he does the easy thing: he runs off at the wedding. Now years later when he discovers that the contract magic is killing his mom because he didn’t go through with the wedding he has to find a way to get Emma to marry him, except for the fact that when he meets her again she’s not the shy quiet girl who was his friend but rather someone who is sassy and cold and wants nothing to do with him. Emma agrees to marry him, but only in name because she doesn’t want to get hurt by him again, she can’t bear it. Bastian should be happy that its just a marriage in name only right? That Emma is letting him live his own life and even have other partners... but he’s not, in fact he insists on moving in with her and actually getting to know her, to starting over. The only problem? Neither of them can trust each other. Emma can’t trust Bastian to not hurt her again, she can’t trust herself to let him in... and Bastian can’t trust whether or not Emma knew about the contract clause to steal his magic and if she was in on it with her mother. They’re both hiding secrets, and as misunderstandings and frustrations grow, both of them will have to finally face each other if they want this second chance to work. Let me start by saying the premise really intrigued me, however the execution was where it really didn’t hit the spot. Bastian has his reasons for running but he really didn’t feel like such a good love interest for Emma, and Emma just got so annoying at points, all her secrets, lies, and the fact that yes I know she was abused by her mom but the fact that she never stood up to her, never grew a backbone despite being in her twenties and having her own business and a family to look after, until the last like 10% was just sad. Overall, it just didn’t really work for me and I found the romance to be meh, Bastian goes on and on about how they were best friends but he only liked her shy and quiet nature back then yet it never really felt like they were even friends or knew each other at all. If you like second chance witchy romances give this one a go, maybe you’ll have a better time with it than I did.

*Thanks Netgalley and HARLEQUIN - Romance (U.S. & Canada), Harlequin for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

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I have been enjoying the witch trend in books lately, and I wanted to like this book a lot. The cover is cute, and the premise is really fun, and has a lot of potential. I think the world building was enjoyable, and there's a lot of potential in the portal world travel ability. It was used to great effect for setting the book in multiple locations, notably Chicago and New Orleans. I also really appreciate the way the author brought a quiet character who dealt with a difficult mother and family life into the center of this story, and tried to share both sides of the conflict between the two main characters with an even hand. I did feel good balance in the way they were both centered in their own chapters/sections, voice and perspective wise.

Unfortunately, overall, this book fell flat for me as a reading experience, and I struggled to engage with it at all.

Emma and Bastian are thrown together in a magical engagement after Bastian broke their betrothal and ran away years ago. Both of them keep so many secrets from each other and the amount of willful miscommunication that this plot relies on is truly staggering; that is my largest critique of the book. It's my least favorite thing to find in any book, and every time either character made the choice to withhold information, I felt my frustration grow. The more Emma chose to sabotage herself by not believing that Bastian could deserve a chance, the less I liked her and the less sympathetic I found her as a main character. I also found the secondary characters to all be rather one-note, even the cruelty of the antagonist.

I almost DNF'd this several times because I got bored and found the text repetitive and convoluted. I'm glad I pushed through because I do feel that the ending wrapped things up fairly neatly, but I still wasn't buying the chemistry between the characters. While the premise was fun, I struggled structurally with this book. The individual lines did not feel well written to me, and I often had to re-read paragraphs or sentences to figure out what was being said and what the meaning was. I think it could have gone with some structural and stylistic edits.

While I enjoy easygoing romcoms, I struggled to dive into this one enough to call it an easy read.

I was provided a free copy of this ARC via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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To say "I enjoyed this book" is an understatement. It, literally, ended my romance hiatus! If you love an unrequited wallflower love trope and/or an arranged magical marriage (hex included!), you should snatch this one up!

Here's how I'm feeling:

Friendships: Obsessed with Emma's choice in friends. Tia is utterly hilarious and so protective of Emma. It a beautiful and sweet sisterly relationship. Leah, who is human (and forbidden to know about magic, but DOES), is nothing but sweet and loving toward Emma. They're always laughing and she's constantly rooting for her friend. The three of them own a human bar in Chicago and I loved reading how they managed it together. And don't think I didn't see the potential for the second and third book with these ladies, Sophie! Please, please, please write them... we NEED THEM! Especially Emma's brother! Eep!

Bastian: Oh Bastian. Gah! Bastian ended up being exactly what we all wanted for ourselves, and Emma. That's all I'm going to say. Pick this book up to find out more. Let's just say, telling-off the worst person in the world?? I'm still fanning myself.

Magic: Though I was hesitant to read this book because of the magic elements, I felt like it was just enough magic to keep me interested. Especially as someone who loves to travel. The idea of portaling to Egypt at a moments notice is a dream come true. I loved how it didn't over power the book, because they work and live in the human world, and how it was used to up the emotion factor a lot.

Cover: I was drawn to the cover but after reading the book? I don't think the cover fits. It was much more complex than the actually cover. I'd like to see them more mature and a little bit more of a "wild" Emma owning her bar, rather than Clarissa'a Emma, on the cover. Not to mention Bastian is WAY more hunkier and masculine in all our minds. He's practically a preppy warlock god.

I'm so thrilled I got to experience this book. A major thank you to Sophie H, Morgan, Harlequin, and NetGalley for this eARC. I cannot wait to see what else Sophie H. Morgan writes!

* Review on blog will be out 06/29.

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Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin for the ARC! The Witch is Back by Sophie H. Morgan is a second chance romance with a witchy twist! Bastian Truenote betrayed Emmaline Bluewater when he disappeared without a word seven years ago. He was her childhood best friend and fiance. She thought she would have all that she'd dreamed, including acceptance in the witch community, but abandoned, she leaves and recreates her life in the mundane world, opening a bar in Chicago. Now, Emma is suddenly thrust back into high witch society when Bastian sweeps in and begs Emma for help. The catch? They must get married! Bastian and Emma's love story is bittersweet and overflowing with charm. The Witch is Back is sure to please readers who like a little magic with their romance.

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3.5 Stars - The Witch is Back is a cute witchy romance. It was an easy read and I enjoyed the relationship between Emma and Bastian. I would recommend it to anyone who likes a little magic on their bookslhelf.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin for sending this ARC for my review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I had hopes of this book and really thought it would be a cuter read than it was. It had some ok elements but the characters and the writing really fell flat for me. The premise was cute enough, but the book as a whole was not enjoyable. The characters didn't resonate with me and just were kind of blah. It was a hard book to really dig through, it just didn't keep my interest and wasn't a great read for me. Overall the cover art and the description was cute, but the book was not something for me.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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A paranormal "witchy" second chance romance between Emma and Bastian. I enjoyed the connection between these two and found myself rooting for them to get back together and for the relationship to work.

Thank you Harlequin and NetGalley for the ARC for my review.

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A thoughtful romantic tale of old love, heartbreak, and reconnection. I absolutely love the ex returns to make amends trope. I felt all the feels and totally cried while reading this! Loved the chemistry between Emma and Bastian!

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The Witch is Back is a quick and fun romance about two magic users who care for each other and are engaged, but who don’t trust each other. Emma and Bastian face some outside conflicts, but their biggest roadblocks are each other.

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The Witch is Back by Sophie H. Morgan has the raw materials of an excellent book. The structure, plot, and general characterizations are great. I began the book really wanting to follow Emma and Bastien through a satisfying, slightly spooky, second-chance romance. But by 25%, I was wishing that Ms. Morgan had a better editor. Poor Emma had too many strikes against her, it was a wonder she could walk under the weight of it all. And Bastien? Well, he needed some fine-tuning to make him a hero I wanted for Emma. Instead, for most of the book, he seemed like one more anchor around her already-strained neck. And the former best friends angle? I didn't buy it at all. Repeating that they were best friends multiple times did nothing to actually prove that was the case, and, sadly, that was the one plot point that could have saved this romance for me. But I didn't see it, and I didn't feel it. The ending was mostly satisfying, but I almost didn't make it there.

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Thank you to Harlequin for a review copy of this book!

The Witch Is Back follows the story of Emmaline, but she goes by Emma now, and Bastian, who were once childhood best friends engaged to get married between the ages of 21 and 25. However, when Bastian comes across some questionable information in their marriage contract, he runs away, leaving Emma in the dust, and their contract unfulfilled. Years later, Bastian is back and ready to get married. But, Emma is not quite ready to take the plunge.

I thought that this was a really cute book. I love a good witchy romance, so I was already sold on it based off of description alone. However, the more I read, the more I was finding myself enjoying the book. Emma was such a relatable lead female. For all us shy girls out there who always kind of went along with everyone else because we didn’t feel like we could speak up, or did what our crush wanted so we could keep them (pathological people pleasers anyone??), seeing Emmaline was very much relatable. And then, seeing her as Emma, the stronger version of herself, and seeing her truly find her voice, was so satisfying. I also thought Bastian was an interesting character as well. His growth was very realistic, and it was refreshing to see. A lot of times, we don’t get realistic growth of characters. Either they always stay the same (charming, perfect, etc) or they have dramatic and drastic growth. With Bastian, you see him go from being a perfect Higher son (at least in the eyes of Emma, and himself some as well) to someone who has seen the world and grown and developed some humility. You see him admit to his past mistakes, and that’s always so refreshing. Their relationship, while not my absolute favorite in the world, was very good as well. You see Bastian lifting Emma up, and Emma holding him accountable. They both help each other grow. And the chemistry was pretty good as well, but I think where I found their relationship to be the most rewarding was in the emotional aspects.

Another thing I really liked about this book was the magic and society. I think there are a lot of witchy books out there with very similar worlds and systems, especially if they are more urban fantasy like this one. However, I think Morgan did an EXCELLENT job making things just unique enough in the world to really stand out. The societal structure, the way marriage is utilized within this structure, and the disconnect between the witch society and the human world were all very interesting. I’d love to read more in this world that Sophie Morgan has created.

Overall, this was a solid 4 star read for me, and I’d definitely recommend picking it up if you’re a devourer of witchy romances like I am!

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Love a second chance romance when the first chance was a betrothal engagement contract between two witch families. Bastian left Emmaline to deal with the fallout of the broken engagement. But years later when he returns the engagement contract is still active.. Cause you know witches. 

A magical alliance between a high magical family and one that is trying to make alliances. But these two though they seem ill paired to the community are actually the right fit. If only outside influences and past mistakes don’t keep interfering.

Loved the chemistry and the familiars! The banter and the amazing friend group was also perfect. 

Hope there are more stories with this group!

Thank you HarlequinPublicityTeam & HarlequinBooks, sophiehmorgan for the gifted copy and including me on this book tour.

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I struggled with this one and nearly DNF it a few times. I found the couple lacked chemistry. I really hate long drawn out noncommunication plot devices, which this novel was chocked full of. While I liked seeing the character growth, it wasn't quite enough to have me rating this higher. Overall, a decent paranormal romance.
* I recevied an ARC of this book from NetGalley and this is my voluntary and honest review.

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I enjoy witchy romances and this was no exception. Suspend belief and just enjoy the story. The characters are young but they do grow as the story progresses. The story is an enemies to lovers romance, and includes a cute dog and cat. A light, easy, happy read.

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The Witch is Back by Sophie H. Morgan is packed with cozy moments, cute familiars, clever word-building, and a deceptively complicated marriage contract. Emma is shy and used to being a wallflower. Bastian is an outwardly confident golden boy who ran away to escape his troubles?Years later and running is no longer an option. What could possibly go wrong? We recommend this one if you enjoy second-chance love stories, strong character development, and a fun found-family!

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i always love a good “it’s always been you” moment and this delivered! it was a little repetitive at the beginning but overall, very good.

thanks to NetGalley and publishers for this ARC!

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I enjoyed this book, but it was a bit predicable. And I personally don't love the virgin trope in romance! That said, I know that this will do very well with book clubs, with folks picking up books for summer vacations, and for readers who are new(er) to romance. I will definitely recommend to the right audience.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Carina for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

CW: death of a parent (past), toxic relationship with a parent, abuse by a parent (emotional and physical(past, briefly recounted)), grief, cheating (non-MCs), bullying, sick parent

I would recommend if you're looking for (SPOILERS)

-m/f paranormal romance
-second chance romance
-engagement of convenience
-forced proximity
-unrequited crush

This was such a fun and cute witchy romance. I really enjoyed how the world building was just built into the story for this one. Both Emma and Bastian escaped their witchy destiny's but a marriage contract from years ago has brought them back together.

I kept turning the page trying to figure out what happened between Emma and Bastien in the past and how they would overcome things in the present. These two definitely grew up and learned things about themselves to become friends and then lovers again. The bit of spice added some fun and I'm always here for animals in a romance book. I was especially here for Bastien standing up for Emma but also enabling for her to find her own inner strength and fight for what she wants in this world. Who needs a savior when you can have a partner instead?

There was plenty of witch dynastically family drama as these two struggled to fight a forced engagement to decide whether things could be real between the two of them. A great summer read.

Steam: 3.25
Disclaimer: the author and I share the same agent

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This is such a fun witchy romance! It follows Emma and Bastian who had a contract to be married until Bastian mysteriously ran away. When Bastian shows up 7 years later asking Emma to marry him to save his mother, Emma reluctantly agrees. I really loved the dynamic between Emma and Bastian. Emma is shy and has major social anxiety which I related to. Bastian is a confident sunshine character. The magic aspect of this was also fun because it was always there playing a role but it blended with the story really well. I also liked how developed the side characters were. Tia, Leah, Sloane, and Kole were so fun and I would love to see future books about them! Now, can we talk about Emma's familair/emotional support dog. He was such a great addition to the story and was always there when Emma needed him. One major plot point in the book is that Emma and Bastian are both keeping secrets from each other. These secrets turned into the conflict in the book and I understand why they kept the secrets but some simple communication could have helped. Overall, this was a fun, spicy, second chance witchy romance!
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for a review!

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