Member Reviews

Sebastian Truenote leaves Emmaline Bluewater at the altar despite their love and years of childhood friendship. What Emmaline doesn't know is that he'd lose his power and be hexed from a medieval clause if he goes through with the marriage. Fast forward 7 years and Emmaline has moved on when Sebastian shows back up with excuses of why he vanished in the first place. This is a paranormal trope-tastic novel filled with second chances, enemies to lovers, and slow burn. If you love paranormal/witch fiction and romance, than you won't be disappointed by this fun book by Sophie H. Morgan.

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This was a cute witchy rom-com. This book was a second chance romance with a fake marriage. I love a second chance romance, it's one of my favorite tropes! This book would be great to read during spooky season!

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Funny and entertaining. This book is everything you’d want to see in a witches/paranormal book. Witty, lots of adorable characters and a good plot.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin for the eARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. First time reading this author. This was a pleasant surprise. I truly enjoyed this book. It was a quick fun read. I think if you enjoy paranormal romance you might enjoy this one. The characters are likeable and interesting. I really liked when Emma stood up for herself-and I know that this can be difficult. Her mom is a true terror. Bastian is just a nice guy. 3.5 stars

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This was my first Sophie Morgan book and it was a delight to read. I am a sucker for a good witch book and you've added on some of my favorite tropes. This was fun and cute and I really enjoyed the storyline. The characters were great and I loved how she built them. Definitely will check out more of her books.

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The Witch is Back
By Sophie Morgan

Rating: ⭐️⭐️.5 rounded up to ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

This wasn't for me, AND THATS OK!!!

*Creating summaries for books I didn't enjoy is a challenge for me, so here is the Goodreads blurb*

Love is a hex of a thing. Former childhood sweethearts fake a relationship in this charming, witchy romcom.

There’s nothing wrong with being a wallflower. Not to Emmaline Bluewater, anyway. Emma may have been born into witch society, but her days of trying to fit in where she doesn’t belong are over—they ended seven years ago, when the man she’d hoped to marry left town without a word. She’s much happier now, living a delightfully mundane human life in Chicago and running her bar, Toil and Trouble.

Until Bastian Truenote walks through the door and announces that he wants her back.

Bastian had his reasons for leaving—even if he can’t tell Emma what they are. Now, to win Emma’s heart, he’s got to face down an adorably goofy dog familiar, a best friend who’s all too eager to hit him with a carefully aimed hex, and a woman who’s far from the meek witch he remembers.

Magical contracts aren’t easily broken, but as far as Emma’s concerned, not even a marriage of convenience will have her falling under Bastian’s spell again…

Honestly? I think witchy romcoms aren't my jam?I keep wanting to love them, but each one I read just.... isn't doing it for me.

This was a book that I never felt "connected" to. Because of this, I felt like I was constantly missing a crucial part of the story.

I unfortunately didn't like the plot or the characters. I found Emma annoying and didn't like the miscommunication issue that is a big part of the book.

Remember, just because this wasn't for me, doesn't mean it won't be your next fave read!!

Thanks to @harlequinbooks and @netgalley for the Arc! Always appreciative!

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After Bastian left her before their wedding, Emma created a new life for herself in Chicago, outside of Witch Society. She is running a successful human bar with Leah and her witch friend Tia, when Bastian comes back and asks her to marry him to save his mother's life. Secrets are revealed as feelings are shared, but in the end, Emma must share her biggest secret and risk losing the man she's grown to love.

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Emma was devastated when Bastian broke their engagement and left the country years ago. She has since moved away from her hometown and witch society when suddenly Bastian shows back up in her life proposing marriage again because his mom is dying to due a clause in their betrothal contract.

I had a pretty difficult time with this book - the world building was pretty non existent and then all of a sudden new things would be randomly introduced with no explanation or having any set up. The whole book was set up on a miscommunication which we only found out after 50% through was because of a silencing hex and Bastian was literally unable to tell Emma the truth. One of my book pet peeves is when characters know something, have alluded multiple times to a secret, but the reader is still in the dark. This whole book was built upon miscommunications and keeping secrets. We spend a majority of the book not understanding the characters motivations which doesn't lend well to the likability of either character.

I thought both Emma and Bastian needed to do some serious growing up. I sort of believed their chemistry but man both of them need some serious therapy and communication classes. I could see the third act breakup coming from a mile away.

Things I did like: Emma's friend group, Emma's brother, the writing itself was okay too. I also liked that Bastian stood up to Emma's mom which in turn gave her the confidence to finally do so also.

Ultimately this just wasn't for me, though it might have been had there been less miscommunication and better world building. I actually think this would have worked much better as a marriage of convenience rather than...whatever it was that we got here.

Thank you to Netgalley and Harlequin for the eARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Not quite the funny, flirty rom-com I was expecting. There are some humorous moments but I would call it more of a lighthearted family drama than a rom-com. Still, I overall really enjoyed this one.

Emma and Bastion were cute together and the growth of their relationship, and themselves, was really well done. They both had reasons to distrust the other and I like that this wasn't instantly resolved in the first few pages. However, this lead into one of my least favorite tropes: lack of communication. Yes, there were reasons but ugh, not a fan.

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I have to admit - I was a little worried at first.

Emma initially came across as a doormat. I was SO worried that she was only allowing Bastien back into her life because of her inability to stand up for herself. But the whole progression of character development and how the story unfolded was perfect. The slow burn to fiery hot relationship, the unexpected source of the hex, and Bastien's true character revealing itself, added to the story as a whole.

I really hope that this turns into a series!

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This one wasn’t for me.

I’m gonna be honest, I skimmed…a lot. I didn’t like the FMC, Emmaline or the MMC, Bastian. I mean, they’re supposed to marry and he runs off. Then he comes back almost a decade later and asks her to marry him to save his mother and she’s just like, okay!


She’s a doormat. Pushover. Her personality was flat.
He’s a self-entitled prick.

The plot seemed everywhere because I wasn’t into it enough to pay attention.

But the writing was pretty good and lacked major flaws. For that, I give it 3 stars.

Thanks NetGalley & the publisher for gifting me an arc for an honest review.

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I had a hard time with this. I thought this was going to be a second chance romance filled with witchy vibes, good grovel and a guy trying to get back his girl but this was really different and fell very flat for me. This is another case of the "bones" of this story being good but the execution just not doing it for me.

My biggest issue is Emma and Bastian as individuals and as a couple. Bastian can't communicate and expects to just show up out of the blue one day and for things to be back to normal? He shows various times how selfish and emotionally unintelligent he is. How am I supposed to root for a MMC like this? Emma is supposed to be a "wallflower" who moved away and who is suddenly sassy now and won't fall for Bastian but she does. The author made Emma's character revert back to a total doormat vs shy. Also I am so tired of people using shy as a negative word or connotation when it is just a way to describe a personality trait. Her character is a bit more complex and has gone through quite a bit of trauma but what girl really needed was therapy.

Don't even get me started on the relationship these characters had in the past. This is a spoiler free review but let's just say I feel like they already didn't have a very solid foundation to work of off.

Actually, both these characters probably needed therapy vs being in a relationship with each other. They are both very emotionally stunted and showed minimal growth by the end of the story and it was not enough to convince me of their chemistry. When I am not rooting for the main people to be together, that's when a romance book really is not for me.

Thank you, Harlequin and NetGalley, for providing an eARC of this book. Opinions expressed here are solely my own.

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The premise to The Witch is Back promised everything I love: witches, second chance, childhood friends to lovers to strangers to lovers. Unfortunately, it did not meet my expectations and I had to DNF at 20%.

Emma was heartbroken when Bastian, her childhood best friend and fiancé, left without explanation years ago, but suddenly he is back. Bastian does not offer explanations for his absence, but he does ask Emma to marry him, to move in with him, to give him a job at her bar, and to trust him even though he does not trust her. Literally within the first few chapters. Emma for some reason agrees to all of this, still without any true explanation for his actions.

There was no true discussion about why he left and how it affected Emma. He was simply back - and not because he loved her or missed her -and they were about to embark on a marriage of convenience and that was it. This may have been something addressed later on in the book but by this point I was not interested. Emma gave too much too soon and without the tiniest bit of groveling from Bastian.

Emma also desperately needed to stand up to her witch of a mother.

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Format - E ARC (Netgalley)

Rating- ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 💫

Spice- 🌶

Series- N/A

Troupes- Second Chance, childhood friends to enemies to lovers, forced proximity,

Representation- N/A

CW- Hateful mother, verbal abuse

This is my book by Sophie H. Morgan and I liked it! Ok I know liked it a loaded term so let me elaborate. I liked this book as a whole, but I did have to push though the beginning in order to get to the parts that made it good for me.

Neither of our MC’s are very likable in the beginning, Emma is shy to the point of frustration, and Bastian is unrepentant for his past mistakes. Also Emma’s mother though she is one of the meanest mothers I’ve read in a while and we are never supposed to like her. But that’s besides the point. These two are oil and water and while they have an extensive history together, it doesn’t seem strong enough in first handful of chapters to be enough to bring them together.
As the Story goes now you continue to wonder why they are making the choices they are and its not till after 75% mark that things become crystal clear about their past and all incidents that have build up into this one giant problem. So those were my struggles and for a fantasy romance these can be typical so don’t let them dissuade you.

The things I liked about this book, Emma’s friends/brother they are her family and the support they offer her is wonderful. Bastian’s parents, they have their flaws but love him without reservation. The Animal familiars are adorable and I want one. The burn is slow but steamy and when we do finally get to the Spicy bits those are also steamy and swoony.

It took sometime but I did finally fall for both Emma and Bastian, they are very flawed and made some really terrible decisions but ultimately I wanted them to figure it all out and make it work.

Thank you Sophie H Morgan, Harlequin and Netgalley for this advanced copy, all opinions are my own.

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a cute and charming romcom that was delightful.

thank you to netgalley and to the publisher for this review copy.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. The characters and magic and witchy world felt like they had a lot of promise, but it never felt like anything came together well. The last 25% of the book seemed unnecessarily chaotic - things could have been wrapped up nicely after Emma realized she cast the silencing hex on Bastian, but instead it turned into drama that just added length to a story that should be ending. All of the miscommunication was already a little annoying, but understandable for most of the story, however Emma didn’t even realize it was Bastian who she hexed (and he somehow didn’t recognize her voice as who he overheard?) so it made no sense for that to set off a whole new series of miscommunications and mistakes. It could have been a moment where they both realize they screwed up and they go into the Exhibition with nothing holding them back and then come together to get married and “take down” Emma’s mother, but instead it became a jumbled mess of suddenly there’s another hidden part of the contract and suddenly Emma’s mother knew all along about Sloane, and all sorts of convenient new information just popping up to move the story in a new direction.
I think I really would have liked this book if it had been tied up neatly after the Exhibition, but the way it went off the rails really ruined it for me.

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Found this book at random on netgalley and i was drawn to it by the blurb so i requested this book. So happy that i was approved to read it and honestly im happy i was. This was an inserting book to read. 5 star book and i do highly recommend it. have already told a few people that they need to read this book big time.
might reread this book later on this year or next year but it did keep me pulled into it. and couldnt put it down at all. since a good book to read.

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If you are looking for a fun fast read with romance and magic than this is the book for you. I found that initially I didn't love the main character Emmaline but she grew on me as the book progressed.

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I think I struggled with this one because of the history between Bastian and Emma, but also the reason why they had to reunite again. It felt like it started off on the wrong foot and then it felt difficult to root for Bastian and Emma because of that. But the pacing of this felt right to me and I think fans of cute, witchy romances will eat this up, especially with Halloween in the not-too-distant future!

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I had never read a witchy romance in my life. Imagine my surprise when I thoroughly enjoyed this one. This is just an absolute romp. Sophie Morgan doesn't take herself too seriously, but she still offers an enjoyable, well-written story about a witch and a warlock inhabiting a world not-so-different (or possibly the same) as our own. I do hope this is the first in the series, because she sets up a second romance that I will happily read.

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