Member Reviews

In Ryan Steck’s follow up novel to Fields of Fire, Matthew Redd battles familiar foes. He is tested to his limits in Lethal Range. Steck writes like has has been doing it for years. Fans of Don Bentley, Brad Thor and Nick Petrie will love this series.

Another fantastic military thriller from Ryan Steck that I couldn’t put down.
Matthew Redd has been off helping the FBI track down a very dangerous man when they find out they’ve been set up causing him to defy orders. While Matthew is overseas, his wife, Emily, is home in Montana taking their sick baby to the doctor when she is attacked by a biker gang. She and their son are shaken but safe when Matthew returns home and finds out what happens he knows there is more coming and who is behind the attack. With what happened on the mission, his family being attacked, and facing financial troubles, Matt is facing a war he might not be able to win.
The second book in the Mathew Redd thriller is just as good, if not better, than the first with all the action and drama readers will love. I particularly loved the parts with Matthew’s family, it made me care about him on a whole new level. The threats he faced both overseas and around his home kept him on his toes and almost over the edge. It was obvious that he would do anything to keep his family safe and when they are in danger, it is almost more than he can take. I loved it when his wife got in on the action and even when he wanted her safe she wanted to be with him and keep him safe as well, it was a great dynamic that moved the story along well. I would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys military thrillers that are clean, well-written and fun to read.
I received a complimentary copy of this title from the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within are my own.

Terrific sequel by a writer who is a student of the genre. Ryan's ability to put Matt Redd into more precarious positions, to give the reader the struggle inside Redd's head to react the way he wants versus the way he should, is outstanding. Now married and with a child, the stakes are ever higher as Redd continues to rebuild his life from his unceremonious departure from the Marine Corps in "Fields of Fire." Balancing the hunt for a criminal tech mogul with a new threat to his new family, Steck turns up the heat on Matt Redd to the boiling point. Definitely recommended.

What a great thriller! I love spy/action thrillers, especially when they have ties to Montana and this sequel was just as great as book 1. This was an intense, action packed wild ride and I loved it.

Matthew Redd is on the hunt for one of the nation’s most sought after fugitives - Anton Gage. Gage has his sights set on revenge and changing the course of humanity all at the same time. While Matthew is dealing with Gage, he is also worried about his family. A notorious motorcycle gang has set their sights on destroying his family even his wife and young son. Does Matthew set aside his search for Gage to save his family? And at what cost is he doesn’t? Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for this read!

This story starts a few months after Fields of Fire ends, but you could read this one without having read the former. Matthew Redd is still chasing Anton Gage, the mega-billionaire who turned his world upside down in Fields of Fire. In addition, he's got the Infidel bikers gang on his back seeking payback for his interaction with them a year ago. Little does Redd know that his world is about to explode.
This was a good followup from Steck's first foray into the action genre. His storytelling is tighter and there's some good character development. I struggled once again with Redd's brooding nature and his willingness to tackle fire with fire rather than seek out an alternative solution. I get there are men like this but I found it a little dull with the repetition of it in the first half of the story. But I found the first half sets up a tense action packed second half which had me turning pages quickly and I enjoyed it immensely.
There is mention of this being Christian fiction, but it's not really. It's a story written by a Christian and there's mention of church going and listening to sermons but not a lot of evidence of God-changed individuals in the story. And really the overall premise of the story involves lots of killing, getting payback and protecting one's family with violence. But I hope that maybe a key element of Redd's character development through the series may involve him drawing closer to God and the ensuing impact his faith and relationship with God has on him.
This is a thrilling action-packed adventure and is set up well for the next in the series.
I was fortunate to receive an early ebook copy from the publisher via NetGalley with no expectation of a favourable review.

Lethal Range is the second book in the Matthew Redd Thriller series. I had not yet read the previous book in the series and found that it could be read just fine as a standalone as well... though, I do wonder if I would have perhaps enjoyed it a little more if I'd read the first.
If you're looking for a fast paced read that will keep you on the edge of your seat--- look no further than this one! There was a lot going on in this story and just when things seemed to settle, it would pick back up. This is definitely one that will keep you turning the pages to learn what would happen next. While it was a very well written story and kept me invested... I must admit I wasn't really the biggest fan of Matthew's character. There were several moments where I found myself wondering why on earth he wasn't more cautious with the stakes at hand. This very well could have been because I'd not read the previous book... or it could just be me being the overly cautious person I am not being able to relate. Either way, I found it to be a good story that fans of action-packed thrillers are sure to want to check out.
While this is a Christian fiction read, it did have minor swearing (repeated use of the p-word) so that is something to keep in mind if that will bother you.
**I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All opinions are my own.

Fabulous!! This was a great story which I could not put down. Would recommend this to everyone who loves this genre.

Ryan Steck aka The Real Book Spy delivers another action packed novel. Matthew Redd returns in this intense thrill ride. Without giving away the plot or any details this definitely is a book that needs to go to the top of anyone's TBR pile. After years of reviewing books for authors, Ryan takes his turn in writing thriller novels and neither one of his books have disappointed. Ryan Steck is solidifying himself as one of the best thriller writers in the business. Well done Ryan, I loved this book and cannot wait for what Matthew Redd does next!

The cowboy versus biker scenario in LETHAL RANGE was like something out of the Hatfield vs. the McCoys—and Redd was crazy enough to be on a team of one. There were times when I could not read fast enough, especially all scenes regarding Little Matty—what a way to suck someone into the story. I must hand it to the author for not giving the hero an easy win. In fact, things were looking grim for Redd while facing off with the Infidels at his home.
A few points of view could be consolidated, with some of the others that were also sparse. Such as, the blonde special agent could have been condensed into Gavin’s POV. Although, I felt sorry for Bobbie Sue very quickly, which is testimony to how the author creates compelling secondary characters.
The story continued to ramp, and I was left with an action-packed, exciting climax.
Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher, for giving me an ARC copy of this book to read and review. All of these thoughts and comments are my own.

Ryan Steck has made a career as a book reviewer using the profile The Real Book Spy. Additionally he does some freelance editing and other work. Lethal Range is the second novel in the Matthew Redd series, and with it Ryan cements the title Author to his bio as well.
Ryan is a great storyteller and has compelling plotlines and characters. His pacing is excellent. The story continues to flow with no real "dead spots". The setting, predominantly in Montana is also refreshing, as it gives the books kind of a western flare.
Lethal Range reminds me of early works by CJ Box, Vince Flynn, and Brad Thor in that you can tell the author has that "it factor" to continue to write and make a career as an author. The stories are solid, and the writing is good, well on the path to greatness. If the continued improvement and refinement of their craft is any indicator, Ryan will continue to grow as an author and be a force within the genre for years and decades to come.
I wish to express my gratitude to the publisher, Tyndale House, for giving me an ARC in exchange for my thoughts and opinions.

Ryan Steck is not only a great influencer and book reviewer (The Real Book Spy) He is also a great author, now with two books done he is a serial thriller creator. Lethal Range is the second book about ex marine corps soldier Matthew Redd. In this book he is on the hunt for the businessman responsible for the mayhem in book one. At the same time some new troubles occur at home when some bikers scares his wife and the bank wants him to pay his debt. He should be set with his ranch, new wife and son but I get the feeling that we haven't seen the end of complications on the horizon for Matty. I really like this new series and the characters and setting but I get somewhat fed up with Redds lacking temper. I find it irritating that he just storms into one confontation after the other and only makes things worse. Apart from that I am hooked on the series and will look forward to the next book. I thank Tyndale House and Netgalley for supplying me with this advance copy.

A good second book, it is fun to watch this new author and reviewer we know so well find his author legs. While Lethal Range is 100% Steck, I was reminded of his love for C. J. Box as I noticed parallels between some of his characters and Box's, i.e., Matt and Joe and their father issues, Emily and Marybeth as strong and independent while supporting women, Mikey and Nate who have their friend's back, and the uncouth societal dregs as antagonists. Many of the characters from Fields of Fire are back, some with a vengeance. Rob Davis and team want a second shot at the Twelve and Anton Gage. Gavin Kline continues trying to support Redd and rebuilding a relationship. Enjoy.

Former marine corps Matthew Redd is confronted with old enemies in this thriller, that reads like a modern Western. When they attack his family, Matthew sees red. Action packed from the start until the end, this was a very entertaining read, set in Montana. I just sometimes wished, that Matthew Redd would act a little less impulsive.

A good follow up to the debut Fields of Fire; Lethal Range builds on the characters introduced in the first book and the story gets going and doesn’t letup. Matthew Redd is out for vengeance after his family is provoked and the plot just builds from there. I look forward to finding out what happens in the next book after the way Lethal Range ends. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this in advance.

Matthew Redd is on the hunt for Anton Gage with a FBI fly team when he is sent home and suspended for not following orders. Back in Montana, Emily and their son are threatened and almost ran off the road by a biker gang. Redd isn't going to put up with their crap and decides to take the fight to the bikers. Everyone knows this is a fight he can't win alone except Redd. Redd's crusade to keep the people he loves safe will take him down a road where there's more at stake than his family.
Ryan set a high standard with his debut, Fields of Fire, A real high standard. Lethal Range is better. I mean, two books in and both have been as good, if not better, than some of the biggest names in the genre. Blown away.
It rips from page 1 and doesn't stop. The pace is frenetic but doesn't feel rushed. The characters are well developed and have an aura of not only being important to Redd, but also in Ryan's day-to-day life. I'm not sure if I've had that feeling before in a book . If I have I certainly don't remember.
My one bugaboo is the dialogue is a little hokey. There is violence and mayhem and destruction all around and the characters are speaking like they live in Mayberry. It made me chuckle a bit.
Lethal Range should eliminate any doubts regarding Ryan's prowess as a writer and he should be listed among the genre's biggest names. Lethal Range has my highest recommendation!
Thank you to Tyndale House Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of Lethal Range.

Maybe not as good as the first book but still a very good thriller. It’s fast paced and Matthew Redd is such an interesting character. Highly recommend this book.
Thanks to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for the advanced copy.

ebook Review – Lethal Range – Ryan Steck
Former Marine and FBI agent Matthew “Matty” Redd is back in Book 2 of the Matthew Redd series by new author Ryan Steck, entitled, “Lethal Range.” This action-packed second installment picks up right where the first book left off, as Redd and his ‘off-the-books’ FBI team continue to pursuit a global terrorist set to destroy the world’s food supply. Simultaneously, Redd – living in Montana - and his family are also threatened by a violent local motorcycle gang hell bent on getting revenge from their earlier confrontation with Redd, also in the first book. As expected, Lethal Range has plenty of action and a C.J. Box military western-like plot. It’s action-laden storyline is much simpler than the first book, and Steck does a nice job of setting up the premise for a potential third book in the series. Main character Matty Redd’s ‘emotional overreactive hot-headedness’ was a little annoying at times but the overall fullness of all the characters in the story is notable. Steck’s penning of the vast and violent combat scenes read like detailed Tom Clancy-like passages. Such aspects of the story gave it noteworthy genuineness. I also liked the faith-based quality of the storyline. The narrative was progressive and evolving, the characters were natural and authentic – including the villains, and the story didn’t seem forced nor too cartoonish with its extensive and graphic action scenarios. Although I’m not a fan of cliffhangers, Lethal Range’s ending propels me to anxiously wait for the next book in the Matthew Redd thriller series. Thank you NetGalley, Tyndale House Publishers and author Ryan Steck for providing me with a digital Advance Reader’s Copy of Lethal Range in exchange for this review.

I have never read anything by this author but will definitely be checking out more of his books. Since I didn't read the first book, it took me a little bit to get to know the characters. This book had me turning the pages as quickly as possible to see what would happen next. The characters of Mikey and Emily were my favorite.
Thanks so much to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.

I’m thrilled to have gotten to read an arc of this book!! I absolutely loved it! I think I enjoyed even more than first in the series! I can’t wait to buy the audiobook for it when it comes it out!