Member Reviews

I really enjoyed Chasm, it kept me entertained and on the edge of my seat at times. This world is easy to be consumed by. Can't wait for the next book

That's it. That's my review. Need to process, bye.
Edit (9/20): Now that I have processed (a little). This was sooooo good. Wow. I loved every second of the book. It kept me on my toes every step of the way. It's so engaging. There were so many twists and turns, hardships, loss, emotions, oh my God. It was even better than the first one, and the pacing was just right. Needless to say, I'm invested in this series, and can't wait to see more of Dawsyn, and the gang!
Highly recommended to all fantasy lovers. This one is for everyone.

I really wanted to love this book as much I did Ledge, but it just wasn't enough for me. I love the idea of this book, but I felt it dragged on. The flashbacks to Dawsyn's past were a little confusing - it's easier to discern when there is a memory/flashback when the writing is italicized and not the same font as the rest of the chapter.
The story did pick up for me in the last 40% and I was enjoying it a lot. I am very excited to read the next book because I think there's going to be a ton of action and I can't wait to see Dawsyn and Ryon succeed!
My rating is a 3.75.

The story continues….
After ending on a cliff hanger we are thrown back into the action right away. Dawsyn escapes capture and works together with her friends to attempt to free the people of Ledge.
I’m really glad that the writing style seems to have settled and is much easier to read. This book is one of those books that seems like a filler. There is lots of extra information that the author wants us to know but not the same level of action or intensity as the first book. I’m thinking it might be the calm before the storm. This book has lots of angsty moments where characters are full of doubt about themselves. The first and last parts of the book are the most action packed. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens in the next book.
I read an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to netgalley, the author and publisher.

This was a fantastic sequel to Ledge! I laughed, swooned & cried. I'm excited for the final book in the trilogy.

The ending of Ledge left me gutted on the floor. I wasn't sure what to expect heading into Chasm, and it was good and bad. One thing you learn quickly is don't cross Dawsyn. She's fierce and strong and doesn't forgive easily, if at all. Her harsh upbringing on the Ledge has left her independent and prone to go solo. However, as this book progresses, she attracts loyal companions, which starts to evoke changes in the hard-hearted heroine. That, along with her burgeoning powers that she must somehow learn to control (or find a peaceful co-existence with), makes this portion of the trilogy more about the evolution of Dawsyn than anything else.
The pace at the beginning left me wanting to throttle Dawsyn at times; she's so emo. But as she discovers her goal and reconciles things in her mind and heart, the story becomes all adventure and heart. Found family is the core of this one, and there is much sadness in their adventures. But we are left with another cliffhanger, but this one aims to the unknown. I can only imagine the power we have yet to see realized in Dawsyn, and I cannot wait to see where this ends.

If you know the term 2nd book syndrome, this book is a good example. I was super impressed by the first book and excited to get into this one as well, but it just felt a bit directionless. Thank god for the great characters, especially the secondary ones.
👍 What I Liked 👍
World Building: One of the issues I had with the first book was the lack of world building and background information on the Glacians. This book delivered, and I really enjoyed getting more into this universe, which is quite special and unique.
Characters: There are so many good characters to enjoy. Especially the secondary characters are strong and very well fleshed out. You really get a sense of them and come to care for them. I particularly liked Esra and Salem.
👎 What I Disliked 👎
Plot: As others have remarked, I felt like the plot lacked direction. There was a lot of seemingly aimless wandering around. There didn't seem to be any point to anything the characters were doing, which made this book feel slow and drawn out. I would have loved more attention on Dawsyn's magical training, also in order to understand the magical system of this world even better. But that felt more like an afterthought than an actual plotline.
Drama: The drama between Ryon and Dawsyn was, to say the least, pointless. It felt extremely forced. As if McEwan needed to have some sort of tension in the book, so Ryon and Dawsyn had to have a falling out. Even if it was a quite pointless falling out. That was drawn out for far too long. And came to a way too abrupt resolution.

This book was perfect than Ledge and I absolutely loved it! The story and the characters are well improved! The romance was slowly burning and am here for it! I loved action scenes because I could easily imagine it happening and my gods, secrets and suspense!! Losing my mind over here!! I'm looking forward to the upcoming book!

Oh my god, this was such a terrific read for me! Amazing. Jam packed with a delicious plot, an enthrallingly incredible love story, tinged with an entertaining plot and; sharp, witty main characters , Chasm, is the “it book” of 2023 for me! Can’t wait enough for the finale already!

This is book 2 in the Glacian Triglogy, and it really is an overall great series. The setting and world is unique and the characters really hook you in. Dawnsyn is one of my new favourite female characters. She's a mix of Katniss Everdeen and Rose Hathaway, but with her own unique features. She's stubborn and unpredictable, yet fierce and uncharacteristically loyal to her people. She's a fighter and a survivor. I did read this book slower than I expected to, but it may have just been due to a lack of time. The middle could have had a bit of a faster pace, but the beginning and especially that action-packed ending definitely made up for it! I'm excited to see where this series will end once book 3 comes out!

3.5 ⭐️ 1.5🌶️
I loved Ledge and have impatiently been waiting for Chasm after that intense cliffhanger.
This book picked up right where Ledge left off and things were looking pretty bleak for Dawsyn. But while the beginning of the book hooked me, the middle of the book dragged on a bit and it took me longer than usual to get through it. But the ending was worth the wait. It was intense and has me excited for the last book in the trilogy.
Dawsyn was stubborn and headstrong. Two traits which served her well on the Ledge but frustrated me a bit in this book because it meant she was reluctant to accept the help of others or listen to their explanations or advice.
This book felt very much like setup for the third book and I wish the pacing was better. It felt like they were either in an incredible rush and things needed to be done immediately or they were at a standstill waiting for certain things to pass.
I really enjoyed learning more about the history of this world, especially more about the Glacians.

3.5 ⭐️
*potential spoilers for the ending of Ledge*
Chasm picks up immediately following the ending of the first book, Ledge. After that scorcher of a cliffhanger, Stacey Mcewan certainly didn’t hang around with kicking off the drama in book two.
Dawsyn is a prisoner in Queen Alvira’s palace. After Ryon’s betrayal and death at the end of Ledge, she is conflicted. Heartbroken and grief stricken by his death but also fuelled with anger at his deal with the Queen to kill Dawsyn to remove her as a threat to the Terrsaw throne. After refusing to stand by and accept a place in the Queen’s court, she is sentenced to death with the Queen twisting the story to garner public outcry and sympathy towards the alleged ‘assassination attempt’ on the Queen’s life at Dawsyn’s hand. In perfect timing from allies, Dawsyn is saved from hanging and escapes Terrsaw alive with the mage Baltisse by her side.
For a while it appears Ryon is dead but it seems the Queen wasn’t happy with this arrangement. Ryon is revived, and threatened, his only out being to hunt down Dawsyn and returning her to the Queen. Obviously this is not happening and he manages to escape, eventually reuniting with a very angry and unforgiving woman who, whilst relieved and shocked to see him alive, is still filled with rage and anger.
We now find ourselves returning to Glacia, a place that should be harmonious now Vasteel has been removed from the throne with the hope of freeing the people on the Ledge.
As previously seen, McEwan writes great supportive side characters and a few are added to the mix here. Salem, Baltisse and Esra are back as well as the introduction of Ruby, the captain of the guard and now deserter, Tasheem, Yennes and a few others. The main mission in Chasm was maintaining their freedom from Queen Alvira, freeing the Ledge people and making sure Adrik, the new self appointed king of Glacia didn’t become Vasteel the Second (spoiler: he did and was in general another villain that added to Dawsyn’s list of problems).
I wasn’t disappointed per se with the second book but it did spend a lot of time filling and moving the plot forward which obviously will have a penultimate conclusion in the third and final book. I felt at times it was a filler novel waiting for book three to snatch up all the loose ends and drama. There was less romance in this one, obviously due to the distrust and betrayal experienced. It was fun seeing more context being provided which helped explain a lot of points mentioned in both books.
I look forward to reading the third book, seeing everything come full circle. I expected Second book Syndrome slightly, which happens with most trilogies or series as authors try and keep the plot progressing, but at points I felt there was a lull in the story, as if holding out for book three. Thank you for the eARC!

Dawsyn’s crusade to free the Ledge continues. The Glacians are gone and the queens want nothing to do with freeing her people thanks to a bargain made years ago.
With no other option, she has to go back to Glacia and convince Ryon’s old community to help her.
This was an amazing sequel and I enjoyed it so much! I love Dawsyn as a main character. She’s so strong willed and will fight for those that can’t fit for themselves.
The writing style and storyline are both phenomenal and I can’t wait to read more from Stacey

I loved Ledge, and this sequal… chefs kiss!! But I will be forwarding my therapy bills to Stacey McEwan for my emotional trauma. This book was so good, and kept me on the edge of my seat. Being back with characters from the first book was like a hug from a dear friend. The dialogues were really fun, the plot was intriguing while also terrifying as I kept expecting things to go sideways and Stacey did not disappoint. I can’t begin to describe how much you should start this series if you haven’t already. I got some answers to my theories while at the same time added more questions, and that ending… I’m literally on the LEDGE of my seat with that cliffhanger. See what I did—? I’ll see myself out hahaha. But, seriously, if you haven’t started this series, do yourself a favor and dive in the CHASM with the rest of us. Ok, I’m done! :)

I was so excited to receive an ARC for this book!
The end of the first book in this series left me on the edge of my seat. So I was extremely excited to jump in.
This book did not disappoint. It is exciting and the pace was perfect. McEwan writes stories that captivate and engage and I fell further in love with her characters. This book and series is a must read!

“All things find a way back to their home.”
I have once again been a victim of a Stacey McEwan cliffhanger and heartbreak.
I honestly don’t want to give ANYTHING away but this story tells of Dawyn’s journey as she is stuck between the evils of the Queens of Terrsaw and Glacia. Dawsyn’s sole goal is to rescue her people from the Ledge, where, years ago, they were condemned by Terrsaw and reaped year after year by the Glacians
This is book 2 in the Glacian trilogy and it was SO MUCH MORE than I expected. Book 1 left me utterly reeling and this story gave so many new redemptions, trials, tribulations and heartbreaks. There’s so much character development with some of the same characters and some new ones. The best thing about these books is the complexity of the secondary characters. You truly grow to love and root for each and everyone of them.
I’ll just say, Baltisse is my Queen and my hero.
I received this free ARC from netgalley and am providing my honest review voluntarily.

Thank you to Angry Robot NetGalley, for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I really enjoyed LEDGE so i was very excited for CHASM. The book picks up where we left off (maybe a week after) but not much has happened in that week so we're fine. I think knowing that the Glacian Trilogy is a confirmed trilogy, i had to remind myself that this is book 2, which typically tends to be a "travel" book and is very much on the slower side. I had to remind myself that this is typically the case. As much as the found family is pushed here, some of the characters in the found family trope didn't feel like they added to the story. It felt like it was more to show that they were still there. At least that's how it came across in this book. I could be wrong and see how they play out for book 3.
A lot of the story didn't feel like it was something to be excited about, but hopeful to see how it contributes to the overall trilogy and to see how it impacts the third book. I'm not sure if I would reread this book. If I were, maybe I'd only read the conversations. That's where all the meat and background was. Otherwise it feels like there's so much unnecessary exposition.
*Please note this review will be updated with a link to the podcast episode on 9/18 as agreed upon with the publisher*

I absolutely loved this book. A perfect follow up to Ledge. The world building was amazing, and I adored how the story progressed. Fast paced but with a great, angsty slow burn that made me swoon. Can’t wait for book three! *I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This was a magnificent follow up to the previous novel Ledge. I really enjoyed the pacing, the plot, and most of all the atmosphere that the author has created in this deeply complex and dark world. This is a perfect read for the winter months and I plan on rereading this again. Thank you again NetGalley for providing this ARC for my honest review.

I really enjoyed the first book and this instalment was no different! I sped my way through this book and I completely enjoyed it! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book.