Member Reviews

Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book! The title and this beautiful cover drew me in and i was excited to read this book! I will be recommending this book to others for readers advisory.

I got an ARC of this book earlier last year and wish I would have read it sooner, when I was really struggling with burnout. When I finally started reading it recently, I thought “oh this would’ve been a great book for me to read three months ago, but I don’t think there’s much for me to get out of it now.” … I was sure wrong if you have ever struggled with being tired of trying burn out, stress or anxiety, then I highly recommend this book. Ashley does a great job of referencing scripture, and sharing her own struggles to point us back towards the Lord. this is a book that I will keep in my library, and read it again during hard times as a reminder of why the Lord lets us endure struggles, and that he still loves us more than we can ever imagine.

The message of the book is good, especially for those who find themselves constantly working towards perfection and acceptance. It is important to understand that God does not love us because of our works. I also appreciated the view that truly understanding this sometimes means wrestling for quite some time. However, I found the author a little immature and this was reflected in the writing. Because of this, I gave 3 stars. The book was good but not great.

The title of this book really intrigued me and this met me at time in my life where I truly am tired of trying. Ashley Morgan Jackson's words and stories are a refuge in the midst of utter exhaustion. This was a great book, and I really enjoyed the persistent return to scripture throughout the chapters. This book feels like it has something to offer women of all ages, and I'm thankful to have read it when I did!
I received an advanced copy of this book. all opinions are my own.

Such a great message! Timely, too. Ashley reminds us to look for God’s purpose through all things and gives us permission to lay down the burdens we carry.

Fantastic book that challenges and encourages you! I enjoyed reading this book and was left encouraged and challenged to press on during trying times.
One of the many thoughts I reflected on was "He says no because there is a purpose He can accomplish in no other way."

Facing frustrations in unhealthy ways like me? Instead of checking out or numbing out, how about we accept the invitation to wrestle with God? I love how the author unpacks Jacob’s story using the analogy of a wrestling match and showing us how God also invites us to wrestle with him. Having grown up watching wrestling on TV every Saturday night, I’ll never look at the sport the same again.
As a special needs mom, I feel like I wrestle often with God, but yet I still strive to control everything and it is exhausting. This book is an incredible resource if you too are tired of trying and ready to enter the ring with God.
I highly recommend you grab your girlfriends together for a book study and dive into what God can reveal within the wrestling match of your life.
Some of my favorite quotes:
Face your “what-ifs” head on. God has met you in this wrestle to bring you clarity about both who He is and who you are in Him.
Wrestling is not easy; it is not fast; it is not a box quickly checked so you can move on. There will be days you make mistakes, days you doubt, and days you fall down and feel like staying down. When that happens, remember that how you feel in that moment is not how you will feel forever. It will pass, and you will see light again.
The enemy will often convince us that others don’t understand or don’t care, and that we must wrestle on our own. But refusing to believe this lie is also part of the wrestle.
God is not in a hurry with me. He has given me the power to be more than a conqueror, and He is teaching me once again to tell the enemy to shut up, because I know who I am in Him. I am His.
Conquerors become conquerors by fighting. Overcomers become overcomers by persevering. Warriors become warriors by staying in the battle through both the pain of defeat and the amazing glory of victory.

Ashley Morgan Jackson has great storytelling and weaves scripture through the book. I struggled to finish the book because it lacks theological depth and is more personal storytelling than I'd prefer.
I was gifted a digital ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my review.

Within the first few pages of reading Ashley Morgan Jackson's "Tired of Trying", I knew that this would be a wonderful tool for others who have a similar testimony. Her vulnerability in sharing her struggles with her mental health and trying to achieve perfectionism in her faith with God was relatable and understandable. I enjoyed reading Ashley's journey in learning how to let go of the expectations she placed in her life in which God never set, and I think her book will help break the chains of those who also feel "Tired of Trying" in their faith walk. I have already recommended this book to a girl I counsel and I will continue to share Ashley's book with others in my community!

I loved this book. It is honest, raw, and inspiring,. I think it's going to help so many others with their struggles in life. What better way to learn how to trust in God more than from someone who's been down in the pit of despair and lived to tell others how to get through. Will definitely be looking for this author and following. I received this book through Netgalley for free.

Opening with honest storytelling about her own struggles, Ashley Morgan Jackson encourages the weary reader to not give up in the middle of the wrestle. Along with her own story, she weaves a small passage of Scripture through the entire book -- when Jacob wrestled and was named Israel. While there were only a couple sentences underlined/highlighted by the end, and no big take-away other than reading how someone else has wrestled too, I did appreciate the overall message and find it to be one readers will resonate with (even just from the title).

I was immediately drawn to this book- The title and the cover caught my attention, and I was convinced I had to read it after reading the blurb.
I could identify with the concept of the book, and I was curious how it could benefit me at this time.
I liked how vulnerable this book was. The author shares her difficult times in her life and invites the reader into the struggles she faced and doesn't wrap her life into a nice bow.
The book's author provided several interesting insights, which I also enjoyed. She brought up some interesting ideas that were worth reflecting about. The book was also simple to read.
However, I lost interest in reading after a certain point. I eventually put it down for a while and picked it back up later. I will admit that I enjoyed the second half of the book a little bit better than the first.
It was a decent read all around.

Having a Dark Night of the Soul? This book is for you. I really appreciated this book and found it very helpful. The author tells her story of going through a rough time in her life and struggling to come out of it. She goes through the "why me's?" and the "what did I ever do to deserve this" reactions that most of us think in our deepest moments of spiritual struggles. Though the author's physical struggles were very different from my own, her story nonetheless spoke to me and gave me comfort.
The tone of this book was like St. John of the Cross' Dark Night of the Soul, but with the voice of a gal pal over a couple of glasses of wine. Her voice comes through loud, clear, and authentically. This is just the kind of book many people need to get through the dark times of their lives, especially when dealing with sensitive and highly personal topics they might not want to discuss openly with others.

Writing from painful experiences Ashley Jackson teaches us how to rest, how to struggle but in a good way. She doesn’t give us the Sunday School platitudes of read your Bible more, pray more, serve more to get out of your difficult situation. She advises to trust and listen and wrestle with the tough questions: Why do we insist on being angry, disappointed, bitter? Why do we insist on seeing ourselves differently from the way God sees us? Why do we not learn from the examples of people who had difficult, if not catastrophic, circumstances in the Bible?
Too often we insist on control, and want to see only the desired effect to what we cause. If we do this, then this will happen and it will be good. But what if it isn’t? As Jackson writes, we think we’re saved by grace but everything else in our life is totally in our control. Ask the person who’s laid off for mistakes made by management. Or the person filing for bankruptcy because medical bills following a car accident piled up. Things happen and we happen to be in the way: the wrong place at the wrong time. Likewise, we think we created the good things in our lives—cf. Deut. 6.4-12–instead of realizing that we might have just been in the right place at the right time.
Also, we can learn from God’s response to Job. God was not angry with Job—only the knuckleheads chastising him for some unknown, unconfessed sin. God tells Job, “Stand up. Get up out of the ashes. Stop feeling bad about yourself. You’re a man, made in My Image. Though you didn’t create the universe, or even nature, or aren’t as marvelous as many creatures that inhabit the earth, you are still My beloved.” (My paraphrase of chapters 38-41). Ashley Jackson shows us how the Psalmists questioned God, as well as several heroes of faith. She follows the story of Jacob—deceiver—as he becomes Israel—wrestler—understanding the ways of God in high times and low times. And Jacob passed along the blessing he received to his clan….and to the rest of us as spiritual descendants.
This book should be read/listened to by everyone who is struggling with life. This isn’t a book of sympathy that tells us to “get over it” but, using a example she saw, lays down in the driveway in the rain with us because we just can’t do it, take it anymore. She comes with us.

Thanks to NetGalley for the e-ARC. This book started off promisingly and I enjoyed the first few chapters, but as it went on I struggled as it seemed a little repetitive. A good book though for those struggling who perhaps have not encountered books on lament.

A solid read! Jackson is very thorough, almost bordering on redundant in much of her explanation, but it’s all good stuff! I’ll be looking into her future reads for sure.

This book caught my eye due to its compelling cover and easy-to-agree-with title. "Tired of Trying: How to Hold on to God When You're Frustrated, Fed Up, and Feeling Forgotten" was written by Ashley Morgan Jackson, who knows how it feels when you just can't find your way out of a tough situation. Her honesty and transparency comes out in her writing, making the reader feel understood. This book is split up into three parts: hard choices, struggling with God, and the blessings of being broken. I appreciated the way she differentiated between reframing and rebuilding, and how these concepts can both help us.
Finally, this quote really resonated with me: "God is not more in love with a future, holier version of you." If you're tired of trying and just want some answers, this is the book for you! I found it highly helpful and encouraging. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

This book was a timely read for me in a season of upheaval. I just stumbled upon it and was granted access to read it before the publication date, and only God could have orchestrated that.
What I really appreciate about the approach to this book is that the author is authentic enough that you get the sense she knows intimately what she's talking about, but she doesn't bog the reader down with details of her own story. Rather, it's written in such a way that it's easy to read your own story into it and see the intersections the author is trying to point out.
It seems strange sometimes when we try to take stories out of Scripture that are so short, so quick in the grand scheme of God's story, and elaborate on them, but I think this is something we need to do more of. It's too easy for us to read past the "short" stories in Scripture and miss the DEEP connections that they have to our actual lives - like this scene of Jacob's wrestling. Which, to be honest, too many Christians have too many questions about, so it's easier just to skip it and not pay much attention. It's messy, so best to just keep moving toward something more neat and clean with a nice little bow on it. I love seeing a book like this that isn't afraid to engage the messy.
The mess of it is why this book only gets 4 stars from me - not the mess of the book, but the mess of me. My life, in a season of needing this book, is tumultuous in some interesting ways, and that means a book like this makes my head and my heart spin in some places and tangles me up a little deeper in my own story. While I am someone who appreciates that and who understands that is exactly what the book is supposed to do, I think it's only fair to those looking for recommendations to add a little hesitation (like a missing star), just to say - this book is not going to solve your problems. It's not going to fix you. It isn't the magic bullet that makes everything better. It requires something from you.
But it's worth it.

This book was nothing short of just about brilliant, and I really feel like I was meant to read this. I highly recommend.

This book... WOAH! The whole narrative has resonate to me strongly. The message here is hard to pratice, but still, it's worth it all. I can relate with almost everything that the author has explained in the text, and I find the way She did the pratical tips very clear and simple to be understood. Embrace vulnerabilites, emotions that are uncomfortable and insecurities is part of the process every human, and in this case of aplication, specially christians has to go trough in order to become every day, one step at a time , a little bit more like Jesus and be able to explore his love and purpose in this unknown yet beautiful journey that is called life. This is a book I will cherish forever! Good Job and God Bless!
Thank You. Netgalley for the ARC.