Member Reviews

The Witches of Bone Hill was a surprisingly dark, spooky book that I ended up loving.

I will admit, the first 15% really didn’t grip me, so it took a while to get into, but I needed up falling for this book. The story follows two sisters who have no idea their legacy, so they’ve got to unravel the mystery of their heritage and the strange gifts they have inherited.

I enjoyed how rooted this novel felt. The characters and the setting had a fullness to them made the story come to life. Cordelia and Eustace and Gordon are all great characters. I feel like the sisters have the dynamic of Grace and Frankie—affectionate and chiding all in one. And they enable one another’s shenanigans. That said, I don’t remember how old they were supposed to be. I read them as being like in their 30s or 40s. Regardless, I really enjoyed their relationship.

The story explores themes of legacy, generational curses (literally and figuratively), and breaking cycles. I thought it did so very effectively, and in interesting ways.

What most (pleasantly) surprised me was how far the book leans into the paranormal. With the beginning, I really wasn’t sure, but if you’re looking for interesting witchcraft based in Viking lore, then you’ll probably enjoy this.

I will admit, the villain is pretty predictable, and at times I was just astounded at the density of Cordelia and Eustace. This novel keeps the reader as in the dark as the sisters, and yet it was still obvious to me from context. Though, I will admit that the twist is much less predictable.

There’s also something like a 3rd act breakup that really annoyed me, because it was too contrived. I don’t see why the involved person was so mad. But it resolved in a decent way.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


I could also do with the random mobster. His inclusion was largely unnecessary to the story, and the second Cordelia’s husband returned to their Texas home, it shouldn’t have been an issue for her anymore. I think the book would still resonate just as well, if not more, if that subplot were excluded.

I think the only reason it’s probably still in the book is to act like a red herring of sorts. After all, he serves as a possible antagonist. Only problem is that they never entertain him as a serious threat anyway, so he’s just kinda there in the background.

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A Spellbinding Tale of Family, Love, and Redemption - 5 Stars!

"The Witches of Bone Hill" by Ava Morgyn is an enchanting masterpiece that effortlessly weaves elements of the supernatural, family secrets, and heartwarming romance together. From start to finish, this novel captivated me and left me craving more of the mystical world it brought to life.

One of the standout features of this book is its perfect balance between the eerie and the horrifying. Morgyn's ability to create a palpable sense of unease without diving into gratuitous horror is commendable. The atmosphere she crafts in Bone Hill is tinged with just the right amount of creepiness to keep you eagerly turning the pages without needing to hide under the covers.

But what truly sets this book apart is its portrayal of the bonds between women, both living and dead. The sisters, Cordelia and Eustace, are complex and relatable characters, and their journey of discovery and reconciliation is heartwarming and empowering. The themes of female solidarity and the strength that can be drawn from generations of women coming together to protect one another are beautifully explored throughout the narrative.

The romance between Cordelia and the enigmatic groundskeeper adds a layer of passion and depth to the story. While it may seem fast-paced initially, their connection is palpable. As a reader, I found myself cheering them on, hoping for their happiness amidst the supernatural chaos surrounding them.

As for Eustace and her gifts, I would have loved to delve deeper into her character and abilities. Nevertheless, the story maintains a compelling balance between the different narrative threads, leaving readers eager to explore more of this fascinating world.

The build-up to the climax is intense, and Morgyn expertly keeps the suspense at a fever pitch. You'll find yourself holding your breath as the secrets of Bone Hill unravel, and the resolution is nothing short of redemptive and heartwarming.

In summary, "The Witches of Bone Hill" is a captivating blend of mystery, romance, and the supernatural, all wrapped in a tale of family bonds and self-discovery. Ava Morgyn has crafted a spellbinding story that will enchant you from the first page. It's a must-read for anyone who enjoys stories of witches, family secrets, and the enduring power of love and sisterhood. Five stars don't do it justice; it's a literary gem that deserves all the praise it receives.

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Story of 2sister who inherited a old estate from an Aunt.
They discover that there is a lot happening on the estate.
Mysteries,magic,witches,,great characters and romance.
A great witch magic story.
Volunrarily reviewed.

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Overall, this book was not a favorite. I feel like the sister relationship was a bit too trite. I liked the concept of the book, but I found parts of it to drag too much (there is no reason why it should have been 416 pages). I also was confused by the plot.

Again, I liked the sisters as characters, but there were just too many other pieces of the book that I did not enjoy.

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Honestly when I requested this through NetGalley, I was not expecting it to be as gory as it was in some places. I thought it was a witchy romance and while it is, that's a subplot really. I didn't hate the book by any means but I have a hard time with animal death for the sake of advancing a plot. I guess in this case it made sense but I still had a hard time with it. I thought the magic was great and really interesting. The relationship between the sisters was great and I loved the house as a character. I just don't think I was prepared for it to be more on the horror side of things than the cozy book I was expecting.

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The Witches of Bone Hill is a spooky, witchy tale of two sisters discovering their family’s secret and just how powerful they are. It has elements of a slow burn romance which compliment the story without overshadowing the girls journey, and was one of the more unique witch stories I’ve read recently!

Cordelia and Eustace’s journey starts completely in the dark - separated by their mother from their family’s estate, and then estranged from each other, each sister brings their own set of traumas and problems to the Connecticut manor where they are summoned back to. As the plot unfolds, we’ll see the sisters find their way back to each other, and with the help of spectral ghosts, a fox, and WikiHow - they find their way back to their roots as well. It was just spooky enough to keep the suspense of the plot without being out right terrifying, and the pace was slow enough to follow every detail of the many layered story.

Overall I thought this was a super fun read - once it got going. The slow pace did have some hiccups for me, I was ready for the action to get going about three chapters before it did, but once the plot starts rolling, the pages started flipping for me. This is a great addition to anyone’s spooky list for Halloween season if you’re looking for a story of family, trust, and findings one way- with a smidge of kissing tossed in.

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A perfect fall read! It has a bit of everything:

sisterly love, ghosts, witches, mystery, light romance, murder

Cordelia is going through a divorce and Eustace is having health issues when these two sisters find out they’ve inherited an estate. They learn quickly that there’s more to their family than they thought and someone doesn’t like that they’re back.

I loved how the house is its own character. It was a central, intriguing, and fun part of the story.

The romance is on the lighter side but it offered just enough for those who prefer romance. I’d definitely say this is more women’s fiction/thriller but it was fun and a perfect read for this time of year (fall).

ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley.

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This was a slow burn read that had a spookier vibe than expected, and I liked it. It did tend to drag a bit, but overall a sold read for this time of year.

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Such a great witchy, modern gothic mystery!
This story had me hooked about two chapters in, as I'm a sucker for a sentient house, shrouded in death.
It also felt as though there were small nods to the Owens' sisters, a plus for me. Cordelia and Eustace are both likeable characters. I wanted to know who they are, who their misterious family were, and the secrets hidden within the Bone Estate. The Witches of Bone Hill gives you plenty of thrill and magic laced with Nordic mythology, AND a bit of horror and romance.
I wouldn't hate it if this were to become a series.

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Cordelia is under a lot of pressure: her estranged, cheating husband used her identity to rack up debts (including to a murderous mobster), and she’s losing her home and probably her real estate business. Then her estranged sister Eustace (“I told you so about Jack”) calls with news that great-aunt Augusta of Connecticut, someone their deceased mother specifically escaped from, has died and left them a Victorian mansion called Bone Hill. Cordelia wants to make a quick sale, but as what happens with haunted inheritances, according to the will, someone from the family must always live in the house to appease the ghosts. So much for a quick sale to pay off the mob guy and stop the foreclosure on her Dallas home and business.

The sisters agree to check out the mansion and also try to determine some of their late mother’s quirks — her fear of cemeteries and music, her war against roses, her constant headaches, her death (officially an aneurysm) which included someone cutting off her weird tattoo as she died. There are secrets in this house (and a sexy caretaker) and the sisters decide to stay long enough to uncover them. This is an emotional story, too, about sisters rediscovering each other and embracing their inner witches.

Ava Morgyn has an engaging plot and two wonderful main characters (maybe three with the hot groundskeeper). I was engrossed from the beginning and needed to find out the secrets of Bone Hill as much as the sisters did. Warning: there is some disturbing animal cruelty in the plot.

4 stars!

Literary Pet Peeve Checklist:
Green Eyes (only 2% of the real world, yet it seems like 90% of all fictional females): NO But what’s up with Gordon’s amber and cognac eyes?
Horticultural Faux Pas (plants out of season or growing zones, like daffodils in autumn or bougainvillea in Alaska): YES The overgrown wild garden of Bone Hill is particularly spooky, but there still shouldn’t be dogwood blossoms in autumn. Marigolds and hydrangeas, yes.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for a free advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review!

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Do you ever have a book come into your life at just the right moment? The stars align and it ticks all the boxes of what makes an amazingly entertaining read. One that you cannot put down no matter what you do. Ava Morgyn drew me into this fantastic setting of a moody, atmospheric mansion, which is so much more than it appears. There are ghosts, witches, curses, family history, a dark mystery, family drama, new love, affairs, and the list marches on. The characters are phenomenally written and draws you into their lives. I felt myself watching everything unfold from the corner of the rooms. Trying to decide exactly what was going on and why.

Cordelia Bone is getting a divorce from her miserable husband. Who not only cheated on her, but he is also wiping her out financially. She is desperate to find money to clean up his mess. Her sister Eustace calls with the news that their great aunt has died and they must head to Connecticut for the reading of the will. Both girls are dumbfounded. Their mother never mentioned any family. She moved them constantly and had a string of horrible boyfriends. She died a tragic death a few years ago and the girls are still trying to figure out what exactly occurred that night. When they pull up the long driveway and catch a glimpse of a hauntingly beautiful Victorian mansion, they are left wondering what their mother was running from all these years.

This book starts out with a bang and does not let up. I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning to finish and finally put to rest what this family has been experiencing for centuries. It will leave your heart racing, your mind spinning, and the hair on the back of your neck will rise. You will question going into any dark rooms, and the basement is a no go for at least the next few days. This is a perfect spooky season read that I will be recommending to everyone. Thank you to Ava Morgyn and St. Martin Griffen for this enchanting tale.

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The cover of this book fools you into thinking you are going to read cute autumn witches well… in the beginning it kinda is..

The deeper you read the darker it gets.

Great story! I enjoyed the read. Must add to TBR if you have a spooky list.

- Family secrets
- Sister witches
- horror
- Romance but not spice
- Spooky elements

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A compelling portrait of the strength of family and sisterhood and of witches. My favorite character was Eustace, who I thought was fantastic.
Many thanks to St. Martin’s Press and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I really wanted to love this book and the premise seemed like the perfect fall book with witchy vibes. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this book as much as I hoped to.

Cordelia Bone’s marriage has fallen apart and her husband has left her with a mountain of debt. Just as her financial problems reach what seems to be an unsurpassable amount, she receives a call from her estranged sister who she has not spoken with in five years letting her know that they have inherited their long lost aunt’s estate in Connecticut. Cordelia thinks this might be the solution to her financial problems and travels to Connecticut to reunite with her sister and settle the estate, but it is quickly clear that things are not as they seem with the old mansion.

I really struggled to connect with any of the characters or their relationships. When Cordelia and her sister Eustace meet at the airport after five years of estrangement, I expected tension and struggles to reconnect leading into character development and growth. Instead, it is almost as if no time has passed, and they are just instantly reconnected. I did not find it genuine or believable. I also struggled to connect to Cordelia’s romantic interest in Gordon; she seemed to go from criticizing and instantly disliking him to being deeply attracted to him with no real explanation or relationship growth.

There was also a mob tie in with Cordelia’s ex-husband’s financial problems that did seem to fit and came off almost as an excessive attempt to emphasize the stress Cordelia was under. It felt like it detracted from the story and the intent of that story line could have been achieved in a more realistic way.

The ending was ok, not great. I did enjoy the ending more than the rest of the book. Overall this was just not the book for me and I gave it 2.5 stars, rounded to 3 for the 5 star rating system.

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The perfect creepy witchy book with strong emphasis on family and a splash of romance!

Cordelia Bones and her sister Eustace reunite when their estranged Aunt passes away and leaves them the old family house. Little do they know that the creepy manor will soon reveal family secrets they couldn’t even begin to imagine. The handsome groundskeeper, Gordon, will also prove intriguing with secrets of his own. With someone out to get them to keep them from taking on their family legacy, they need to unravel their family history before it’s too late.

I thought this book was beautifully written and kept me guessing throughout. There are lots of different pieces to this book with everything coming together with an amazing ending. It was creepy, scary, and at times gory, but very addicting.

Arc copy received from Netgalley for an honest review.

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I liked this book just okay. I'd hoped for more of the witchy stuff and less of the romance.. also, the character Cordelia was all over the place and often annoying. I really liked the character Eustace.
I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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The mafia angle really took away too much of the paranormal and witchy aspects for me. I found the tactic as a lazy plot twist. I couldn't find myself invested in the characters at all.

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Rating: 4.5/5
I received an eARC for my honest opinion.

What would you do if your great aunt passed away, and you found yourself and your sister to be the new owner of an old, yet beautiful mansion? Would you keep it and live there, or would you see if you could sell it and get all the money you depressingly need. Oh, maybe I should mention that there might be ghosts living in there, the house will give you the creeps and someone or something keeps breaking into the house and leaving scary notes and gross things… Would you still stay?

I loved The Witches of Bone Hill. It had a little of everything, from mystery, a little bit of a thriller, romance and of course the supernatural. I found this witch book to be different from the others that I have read, and I really loved it. I think the mystery of trying to figure out what the sisters were and who was causing all the issues was a lot of fun. The romance is there, it’s not like upfront and center, but you will get a little of it throughout the book and it doesn’t take away from the plot. However, it gives you a new element to the book. I loved the spooky vibes in this book and seeing all the weird things that start happening throughout and trying to really piece it together. I enjoyed seeing the sisters working together to try to piece their lineage and what exactly happened to the women in their family.

I thought Cordelia was a little stuck up for me at the start but getting to know her throughout it really helped me open up my eyes to who she is and why she acts the way that she does, also I loved seeing her really embrace her true self and coming to terms with everything that happened to her in the past and understanding that she has the power to change it. For me I loved Eustace right off the bat, she is my kind of person. I loved her carefree attitude and I loved that she was not scared to embrace something new in her life, but she has secrets of her own that she didn’t want her sister finding out and so does Cordelia.

I liked the message I took from the book, that you can’t change the past by hiding it away and acting like nothing happened, you have to talk about it and have people around you that will be there for you. I liked that it also talked about embracing yourself, the parts you might want to change now and the parts that you love and the last part you’re truly never alone.

If you like spooky mansions, mysteries with a little bit of thriller added in, romance and of course supernature you need to read this book.

I want to thank NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to review this book.

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The witches of bone hill had so much heart. I was completely enthralled by this world and the magic within it. The estranged sisters reconnecting portion of the book really reminded me of practical magic (the book not the movie) which is one of my favorites. I loved watching each sister really step into herself as the book went on. This will be a re-read for me for sure. Perfect start to spooky season.

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Cordelia and Eustace Bone find out they inherit an estate and a trust. The house gives off a spooky vibe and strange things start happening. They wonder why their mother left this place and never talked about the family.

This book was so enthralling as it had ghosts, witches, black magic, mystery, murder and love. The two sisters were estranged but then due to death in the family it forced them into each others lives. They discovered the truth about their family and how to protect their family and move forward.

If you are looking for a book for spooky season this is it.

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