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The Witches Of Bone Hill By: Ava Morgyn

5 Stars

In the pages of this book, I believed I'd find a book about witches, and I did, but this book was so much more. It was magic and sisterhood. It was danger and redemption. It was awesome to read. Cordelia and Eustace Bone go to Bone Hill after a family death leads them home. Once there, they begin a journey that will change them forever and reading this may just change you.

I absolutely loved this story. The characters were real and relatable. Bone Hill was a place of mystery and magic, and with each page, I could feel that. This wasn't just a witch story. It was a story of two sisters fighting to survive. Around every corner, with every turn of the page, more action came. Yet, I never knew what to expect. I loved Bone Hill. If you want to fall into pages full of mystery and magic this is the book for you. One of the best books I have read in a while.

I'd like to thank the author and Netgalley for this Arc in return for an honest review. I am honored.

Stormi Ellis

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Thanks to St. Martin's Griffin for the copy of this book!

Don’t let the cutesy cartoon cover fool you - The Witches of Bone Hill gets dark! Think crypts, haunted houses, blood magic, and gore. While it does start off more in the women’s fiction genre, it definitely ends on a more horror genre note.

I loved the concept of a line of witches connected to a house involving sister heirs to the house at Bone Hill. I also fell for the “brooding, tattooed groundskeeper” mentioned in the synopsis. However, the romance was definitely more minor with an interesting trope choice. I think this book was quite a bit too long - and it might feel that way because it’s told in third person, and the takes a while for dialogue to appear on the page. When there is dialogue, some of the characters sound like they’re from the 1800s even though this is a modern-day book.

Overall, I kept reading because I liked the general storyline - think of it like a darker, more modern Practical Magic - but it didn’t quite hit the mark for me.

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I liked the spooky aspects and magical dramatics of this book. Tying in Norse mythology was done very well with multiple pieces used but not overly so. The family history was balanced great with Eustace's and Cordelia's own personal problems and learning how to be witches with their newly discovered magic. Bone Hill manor is an intricate Gothic estate that I could easily see ghosts inhabiting and locals avoiding warily. The vibes would be great for reading during chilly fall weather.

While I enjoyed the story, the writing style does not fully work for me. The book felt a bit heavy on descriptions, and considering the length of the novel, I expected more to happen. I found myself skimming over chunks to get to more action or more secrets revealed or more magical understanding for the sisters. Gordon was a good supporting character, but he felt like an accessory to Bone Hill. He would have been better as a more fleshed out character, even with some scenes from his pov. I also wish some parts of the book weren't so predictable, but the author may have intended that with subtle clues being dropped that Cordelia and Eustace didn't pick up on due to their newness to magic.

Thank you to St. Martin's Griffin and Netgalley for a chance to read an arc of this book!

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I picked this up off of Net Galley because it sounded interesting. After a very slow start (I almost tagged it as DNF) things picked up and it got better.

Cordelia and Eustace are estranged sisters with a ton of individual baggage when they get the call to return to the family ancestral home they didn’t know existed - and that’s just the beginning of the oddities that occur.

From a plot perspective, I would give this a 3.5 stars. The mystery of the Bone family estate is woven into the story for the sisters to discover. The reader is figuring things out along side the characters and there are twists and turns that keep you on your toes.

For characters, this is a 3 star read. It’s not that I didn’t like characters, but I never felt like I understood them enough to become invested who they were as people.

The last 40% of this book is what saved the story. The author gave the Bone family a very complicated back story, but then made it difficult for the sisters to figure it out. I get that some of that was on purpose, but it made it hard to become interested in who the latter family was and what would happen next. Add in significant events that don’t seem to be fully resolved and this is a very average book for me.

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Why I loved this story

-Excellent character development and interactions.
-family secrets/secret history vibes

What I didn't like as much

-There were some horror elements present in this story that I would not have quite expected from the initial book description

who I recommend this novel for
Fans of stories like practical magic looking for a darker thriller vibe in a story that still holds that magical atmosphere will love The Witches of Bone hill

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It’s hard not to draw comparisons to Practical Magic and The Witches of Bone Hill was darker than I think the cover led me to believe. That’s a good thing. I really enjoyed the gruesome thriller aspects. Everything worked out the way I hoped and I had fun reading the journey to get there.

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A wonderful book to read - perhaps in the fall/Halloween. Estranged sisters come together to learn about their past and about themselves. Thanks for the chance to meet a new to me author.

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This review is made possible through an ARC via NetGalley.

Witches of Bone Hill has something that I love to see and always want to see more of: sisters with a shared past who stopped telling each other things but you can still tell that they love each other. Cordelia and Eustace have a believable dynamic and the way they communicate felt very real.

I was a big fan of Cordelia and Gordon almost from the moment they met. The small town/big city-ish dynamic plus Gordon knowing more about Cordelia's family than Cordelia made for a good romance as well as being a solid base for the romance arc.

I would have liked to have seen more from the magic system and I'm still a bit confused as to how the powers tie into what kind of magic it is. The novel also featured more horror elements than I was expecting, but I think Ava Morgyn wove them in quite well.

It's hard not to go into my favorite parts without going into spoilers because I thought the second half was stronger than the first despite quite liking the dynamics of Cordelia and Gordon and Cordelia and Eustace from the beginning. I'd love to see more out of Ava Morgyn in the future and look forward to her future projects. This is the first book I've read from her and it left an impression on me that she is someone who can do platonic female relationships, complications and all, in a way that really works for me.

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After a nomadic childhood with just her mother and sister as family, Cordelia Bone is taken by surprise when she receives news that not only did she have a great aunt, but that aunt has left Cordelia and her estranged sister their ancestral home, Bone Hill, in her will. Since Cordelia is in financial duress, she sees the inheritance as a chance to sell the home, make some money, and get on with her life after her divorce. The problem? The mansion is part of a dynasty trust that dictates the sisters must live in the house.

Both Cordelia and her sister, Eustace, move into the house, and strange things start to happen. Eustace is feeling healthier than ever before, but Cordelia is seeing ghosts. The sisters will have to band together to figure out the secret history of the family they never met. Blood and soil, runes and ruins, enemies and enigmas – mysteries and challenges abound in this exciting novel!

This book was filled with twists and turns. Initial impressions aren’t always what they seem, and people aren’t always who they purport to be. I loved how creative and magical this story was. There were relatable family troubles, themes of sisterhood, and an emphasis of being a part of nature, not its owner. If I could forget this whole book and read it over again fresh I would do it!

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Such a great book! Lovely use of magic realism and I loved the romance. This author has a way with words that will paint the picture right in front of you. I love that!

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!!

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Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
Expected publication date: October 3, 2023
Fans of Alice Hoffman’s “Practical Magic” will eagerly devour Ava Morgyn’s newest novel, “The Witches of Bone Hill”.
Cordelia Bone’s life is in pieces after her divorce left her penniless and more alone than ever. When her estranged sister, Eustace, a cannabis grower in Colorado, reaches out, stating that both herself and Cordelia are now the sole heirs to an estate in Connecticut, Cordelia wonders if her luck may be changing. When Cordelia arrives, she sees the aging, but significant, estate as the end of her money troubles. But Eustace doesn’t want to sell. In fact, the entire house seems to be resistant to the idea. Their neighbours shun them, and the legal representative who presides over the case is reticent to reveal any details about the house or their departed unknown Aunt, who left the house to them in an ironclad will. Through their investigation through the house and its property, the sisters soon learn the family secrets their deceased mother kept from them, secrets that connect them to each other, their ancestors, and the very house itself. As they begin to uncover more about their family, the Bone sisters soon discover their own power and are forced to use it when their inheritance- and their lives- are threatened.
“Bone Hill” is Morgyn’s third novel and, like her previous works, this one also focuses on the supernatural. The Bone sisters are witches (this is not a spoiler, as it’s pretty evident from the first few pages), with varying talents, who come from a long line of witches, who have lived a relatively normal life due to the fact that their mother ran away from her past and her talents. Cordelia was a real estate agent in Dallas, and the story is told from her perspective, in one flowing timeline and consistent plot arc. Although Eustace doesn’t narrate, she definitely shares the protagonist role, and her free-thinking, pot-growing personality is nothing like Cordelia’s, but she is just as likable, if not more so.
The Bone Hill House is terrifying, with ghosts literally in every corner, complete with dusty pictures of ancestors on the walls and deadly herbs growing in the garden. Morgyn can paint a heck of a picture, and she created the ultimate spooky setting for the sisters to concoct their magical plans.
The ending had two components to it; one, I completely guessed from the beginning. The other component is one I dislike for its lack of creativity and soap-opera predictability (I won’t give it away but if you are familiar with my reviews, you may recognize what it is). However, Morgyn did manage to tie up all loose ends and provide a satisfying conclusion to the plot. Two witchy sisters, living in their deceased Aunt’s house (that is now their house), within a community who is curious and terrified of them in equal measure? Alice Hoffman fans, you’ve found a new author to enjoy.

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This is the third book I’ve read this year with the word witches in the title. The first was a lighter paranormal romance, the second a little darker- more magical realism than fantasy, and lastly, The Witches of Bone Hill, a much darker fantasy, almost straddling the horror line.

Cordelia Bone’s life is spinning out of control. Her cheating husband left her nothing but debt, ruined credit, a house covered in black mold she needs to sell to pay her bills and a career off track. Oh, and a mobster threatening her life over a bad loan. Then she gets a call from her estranged sister informing her that their great aunt has died and left them her estate. This just may be the thing that saves her.

Cordelia and her sister Eustice are strangers to their heritage and the Bone legacy. Their late mother left home as a young woman and refused to discuss her family with her daughters. But Cordelia hears whispers, sees ghosts, and experiences the same debilitating headaches her mother had. When arriving at the Victorian mansion left to them, and seeing the creepy and weird contents, both sisters quickly realize that there is something quite different about their Bone ancestors.

This is a mix of mystery, suspense, and supernatural coming of age. Cordelia and Eustace have to decode the legacy of their family all while fighting many of their own personal battles, and a sinister intruder on their property that is threatening both their lives and their sanities. This was gorier than I expected- blood runes, dissected animals, and patches of skin removed from dead bodies- but, I like the horror genre so I kept turning pages. The mystery aspect was well done, but I will say the villain is one I suspected early on. I enjoyed Cordelia and Eustace’s coming into their powers very much. The history of the Bone witches was an interesting one.

There is a romantic element between Cordelia and the tattooed, ex-musician groundskeeper. Gordan helps the sisters as they acclimate to their new normal, and keeps them safe when all the BAD THINGS happen. The romance is subtle and closed-door, but it worked for this story.

The Witches of Bone Hill is an atmospheric, eerie read just in time for the Halloween season.

Content notes- Animal abuse, past death of a parent, blood, gore, mentions of cancer and cancer treatment

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Thanks to NetGalley for the e-ARC. I was a little skeptical about reading this when it was partly classified as horror. Horror is not a genre I go for, but I didn’t find it to be all that gruesome; only a few parts. Cordelia and Eustace inherit their aunts home and quickly find out about their troubling family history. I thought it was a bit drawn out because I was sure I had the ending figured out. Well… I was partly right and the twist at the end did actually surprise me. This would be a good fall/Halloween read for sure.

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this was okay, but read a little juvenile and i didn't feel connected to the characters or what happens to them at all. i can see other reader enjoying this a lot tho!

— thanks to the publisher and netgalley for the free digital ARC.

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This book was so unique and whimsical, and I really enjoyed reading this one. It was different and I loved that!

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Cordelia Bone finds her meticulously constructed life and successful career in Dallas unraveling before her eyes, all thanks to a cheating husband burdened with criminal debts. Just when she feels like everything is falling apart, a call from her carefree older sister, Eustace, a cannabis grower in Boulder, brings unexpected news. Their great aunt, whom they've never met, has passed away, leaving behind an estate in a quaint Connecticut town. Seeing this as a chance to dig herself out of this hole, Cordelia jumps at the opportunity to unload the house.

Once they arrive, the sisters learned they were getting much more than they bargained for. The Victorian mansion they just inherited is tangled in a dynasty trust controlled by their late aunt's attorney who insists they inhabit the house. Not to mention the sexy, tattooed groundskeeper with a mysterious past and a crypt full of their dead relatives on the property line.

Navigating their challenging circumstances, both women confront a haunting family secret, unravel the mystery surrounding their mother's fate, and confront an age-old adversary lurking in the shadows. In a chilling whirlwind of terror and turmoil, the sisters must tap into their inner strength to mend their fractured bond, reverse their unexplained health issues, and embrace the lineage they once sought to escape. Survival at Bone Hill hinges on their ability to uncover their hidden power and claim their rightful place.

This book has a sprinkle of everything. Ghosts, mystery, blood magic, witches, murder, romance, and a house that is described so vividly, you'd think it was alive. This book was fascinating. It was a bit hard to follow, mainly at the beginning, but it was honestly an amazing book. The story is so intricate and very well written.

I would be really interested in a sequel to see more of Cordelia and her sister settling into their powers and their creepy old house. I'd also like more of the groundskeeper. It was a bit easy to figure out who the antagonist of this story would be in my opinion, but the ending and the story overall made up for that. I truly enjoyed this and would love to read more from this author. A huge thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This book was certainly spookier than I was expecting! I was drawn to it for it's fantasy elements so I was a little surprised with how dark things got at times. This story definitely has some horror elements and I will have to keep that in mind when recommending to customers.

It's a real credit to the author though, to have taken elements that have bored me in other stories and arranged them in such a detailed and compelling way. The story is fleshed out really well. It feels complex without being convoluted. The main characters are interesting, as is their relationship. I feel like Eustace deserves to shine more, however, as a lot of her development happens off screen. There were parts where I felt a little bit frustrated by what I felt to be unrealistic reactions or behaviors (like a glaring under reaction or characters failing to ask important questions in the moment.) but I can be nitpicky about that kind of thing.

There is only one scene in the book that the writing itself felt weak to me, and that was in the carriage house when Cordy finds a notebook. The resulting conversation needs work in my opinion. The tone just felt off.

Besides that, I enjoyed reading The Witches of Bone Hill and will happily recommend it.

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This is a fabulous mysterious paranormal read that will keep you turning pages into the night.
Two sisters inherit a estate that is haunted, spooky and has a Nordic witch family history. They soon find that the house, the family history and the crypts on the property have opinions about them and don't hesitate to show them through hauntings. Its is a gritty horror novel in parts. i admit to skipping some pages as some parts are far to gritty for this reader and not my cup of tea. But as a reader you are entralled to keep reading to conclusion. its a fun read and wonderful writing. I enjoyed all the different paranormal aspects of this book . The author wrote strong women characters that perserve throughout their difficulties and join together to find out who they truly are.

Thank you to the publisher, to Net Galley and to the author for the opportunity. My review opinions are my own.

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So dark, so twisty, and oh so good. I'm so glad I was able to read and advanced digital copy. Thank you NetGalley! Dont miss this one.

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The perfect read to kick off the spooky season. Eustace and Cordelia’s lives are pretty much in shambles when notice arrives that they’ll receive an inheritance from a distant aunt. The women were kept from contact with other family while raised by their mom. When the sisters arrive at Bone Hill, they begin to unearth the many family secrets.

This was a delightfully creepy story that I couldn’t put down. I’d love to see more from this author.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this complimentary ARC. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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