Member Reviews

I really loved the idea of this book! However, I think some aspects need to be fleshed out more.
Things I loved:
- Eustace's character and development with her magical abilities
- the Bone family histories and female ghosts
- the 'protective' nature of the house

Some things I struggled with:
- Gordon and Cordelia's relationship made no sense to me. Beyond physical attraction and the mystery with Gordon's mom there really wasn't anything else to their relationship, so during their "break-up" I was confused why Cordelia was so heartbroken. The sex scenes were also kind of a let down, I'm fine with closed-door, but these were a blink and you'll miss it because they were buried
- The way things with John just ended. I liked that he showed up out of nowhere in search of the inheritance, but if that chapter fell out of the book, literally nothing would change.
- Cordelia's "action" scenes, where she follows ghosts and gets into trouble were disjointed

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The Witches of Bone Hill is equal parts magical witchy mystery, haunted house, and generational family drama - with a bit of horror sprinkled in for fun. I love books that merge genres and this one delivers. We follow two estranged sisters as they discover an inheritance from a distant relative. Both sisters are in tough financial situations and find themselves unable to reject this opportunity. However, once they arrive at their ancestral home, they discover that there is way more to the story than meets the eye.

I really enjoyed the sisterly dynamic and the discovery of generational secrets. There were many twists and turns, some that I saw coming and others that were a surprise. I could have done without some of the superfluous side stories (the mob, insta-love, the comically horrible ex, etc.) but this didn’t detract from my overall inability to put this one down.

Thank you to Netgalley and St Martin’s Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I received an ARC of this title, these are my honest thoughts.

First, to cover my biggest trigger, which revs up whenever an animal shows up in anything horror related or horror adjacent, does the primary animal/pet live?<spoiler> No. And it's sad and brutal. I think it served a genuine purpose , which I'm not sure is always the case. </spoiler>

Cordelia and Eustace are sisters who've been estranged due to Cordelia marrying a walking trash bag. They inherit a house and an estate from a great aunt they've never met as their mother kept them from their family for reasons that become clear.

I love a beautiful old house on lots of acres. It might be my defining characteristic, really. This setting, especially in a book that's a mix of horror, mystery, and thriller, is my ideal. I need a tour of this house IN THE DAYTIME. If old, haunted house with seemingly endless rooms, tragedy still lingering in the air, is one of your favorite settings, you'll love Bone Hill.

Other than a bit around the 70% mark where the story felt like it was lagging, I was consistently entertained and engaged. I really want to return to this story and these characters in the future. I felt like there should have been a few more paragraphs here and there clarifying or where people had needed conversations. In one case, a character changes plans rather dramatically, and while we can surmise why, it seems like something that needed to be said, even in a sentence or two.

Ava Morgyn did a great job of setting up one perception of events or motivations, or prophecies, only to plausibly change those perceptions. Some of the twists or revelations weren't shocking, the identity of the principal villain, but still satisfying.

I cared about Cordelia and Eustace, and the secrets contained in this old house. I liked their sisterhood, and their learning about their family history and who they are in the present. I was creeped on a few occasions. I wondered why they didn't Google more stuff. I hope I encounter them again some day.

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"Cordelia Bone's meticulously crafted life and career in Dallas are crashing down around her thanks to a philandering husband with criminal debts.

When her older, carefree sister, Eustace—a cannabis grower in Boulder, calls to inform her the great aunt they never met has died and they must travel to a small town in Connecticut to deal with the estate, she sees an opportunity to unload the house and save herself."

*There aren’t any published trigger warnings, but please make note there are graphic scenes of animal abuse.*

This story had all the witchy, spooky vibes I love in a story. The writing was detailed in a way that immersed me in the story without being overdone. I felt like I was on a journey with the sisters.

I thought the overall story was well done. It had a pace that kept me intrigued and the twists/turns didn't veer too far off to be confusing. And this is HUGE for me!!

I was able to read this book thanks to NetGalley sending me a free eARC. All of the statements above are my own opinions.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins press for the opportunity to review The Witches of Bone Hill. This book surprised me with its descriptive and creepy atmosphere, I almost didn’t want to read this book in the dark!

When Cordelia and Eustace Bone’s great aunt passes away, they didn’t expect to inherit a whole manor filled with antiques, gardens and even a handsome groundskeeper. However, the manor is also full of their ancestor’s secrets and possibly the reason why their mom refused to come back to the manor, even in death. While the two sisters try to figure out what they truly are and overcome their past, they must also find out what sinister force is behind the weird occurrences in the manor.

I really enjoyed this book. The atmosphere was great and I was invested in the Bone sisters and the problems each were facing. Although I had predicted the ending to an extent, I was happily surprised to find that there was an extra twist that I would have never expected. Overall, The Witches of Bone Hill would make a great fall read!

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A fantasy with enough mood and tension to keep even horror fans engaged!

Dark, spooky, and thoroughly entertaining, readers won’t want to stop reading and may not be able to sleep at night!

A novel that asks: is the home inheritance really worth it? And what will it ultimately cost?

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I struggled with getting into this one. The book was very descriptive and if you like atmospheric books, it’s probably a book for you. I personally felt like it was a lot of telling and not enough showing. The dialogue felt forced to me too.

I think if you like witchy books with a side of horror, you’ll love this one though!

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The Witches of Bone Hill by Ava Morgyn is the story of two sisters who have not spoken for five years. They are brought together when their aunt leaves them the family home, a large gothic place that is imbued with magic. Although the book dragged in the middle, it was definitely worth finishing! An excellent story with a spooky twist. Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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In the book, "The Witches of Bone Hill" by Ava Morgyn, two estranged sisters reunite to inherit an estate from a distant relative on their mom's side of the family. One there, their sisterhood is put to the test as mysterious forces haunt around every corner, even within themselves.
This story was such a good read.
Anyone with a sister, younger or older, will be able to relate to the relationship with the sisters. The story keeps you guessing throughout the story when things starts heating up. There is some romance, if you are into reading romance, but I have to warn you it takes a backseat to the main idea of the story, so be prepared for that. I have no complaints honestly. There was so much drama and suspense, I was never bored. The ending, my opinion, really tied everything up and was not rushed. Overall, I had a great time reading this

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I was really intrigued by the beginning of this one, and really looking forward to diving into the story. Unfortunately it got darker than I expected quicker than I expected, and in a way that felt disjointed and confusing rather than intriguing and curiosity-building....

I found all of the characters irritating and their behaviors odd and unlikely,and found myself suspending too much disbelief too early on to feel connected to the story. I love a good dark atmospheric tale, and don't mind horror, but this one felt gruesome for no other reason than throwing in curve balls. This one wasn't for me.

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This is a book that grows on you. It took me a few chapters to get into it, but once the plot got rolling I was hooked. I really enjoyed how the mystery unraveled and kept me guessing. The inclusion of ancient lore, the supernatural, and gore upped the enjoyment factor for me.

There is some light romance I found really cute, but the highlight for me was the relationship between the sisters. It was sweet and humorous in typical sibling fashion. My only complaint is the character John deserved a good punch to the face.

This is would be a perfect fall read!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Wow, I really liked this book! Magic, mystery, suspense, romance, and a dark and spooky atmosphere, this book has all the hallmarks of a great mood read, and it’s absolutely fitting that it is due to release at the end of September.

I will admit that the main character, Cordelia, could be a bit irritating a couple of times and her poor luck and dire circumstances at the beginning of the book seemed incredibly contrived and over the top (mafia boss, really?), but honestly, those were minor hiccups for me. The rest of the story and the magical world the author created was just so imaginative. I loved the way the sisters reconnected and interacted with each other. I loved the Norse influence, the house that had ways of making its will known, the ghosts of family members past, all of it!

I wish there’d been a little more effort in developing the relationship between Cordelia and Gordon, which felt, if not like insta-love, then at least insta-love adjacent. Again, that’s only a minor complaint. This story was just such a fun and transporting read, I was compulsively tapping those eBook pages until the end. If you’re looking for a great Halloween mood read this year, look no farther!

Trigger Warning: some gore described in moderate detail, which is why in my genre listing above I said it was horror-ISH.

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Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest and unbiased review.

Cordelia Bone and her sister have not spoken in 5 years, since Cordelia married a sweet talking, identify thieving, cheater – of course Eustace knew this, but her sister would not head her warnings. Present day, Cordelia is drained of her dreams, money, and safety and she receives a phone call from her sister. Apparently, the sisters are heirs to a family estate in Connecticut and must venture there in hopes of helping with the finances and finding out more about their family history. While there, they discover bone chilling experiences and unravel their family history in a way they never expected.

Big Picture Plot
The Bone sisters must return to their inherited estate and investigate the family history to learn more of how to acquire their modest financial inheritance, and the mysterious death of their mother. The ghosts of their ancestors are haunting them and threatening their lives, the sisters make friends and enemies along the way while also trying to rekindle their sisterly bond.

Individual Character Musings
Cordelia is grappling with childhood trauma, the recent loss of her business, her finances, her husband to her younger assistant, and come to terms with the person she has shoved down for the last five years. Cordelia’s character development is not necessarily the focal point of the story; however, there were so many different experiences that she endured, that it became the focal point.

My Take
I find myself trying to reconcile my love for YA and NA fantasy while also trying to enjoy adult fantasy. I think Morgyn did a good job of molding together adult themes and yet still bringing a bit of mystique to the story. I was definitely not prepared for the creepy sensations I would experience while reading the book… but I am not mad about it! Overall, I enjoyed the story and enjoyed being able to predict some of the plot twists, but also be surprised by some.

Content Warnings: Death of animal, mutilation of animal, death of human by animal, mention of rape, death, spells, bones, ghosts

Would I Recommend?
Yes, I would recommend this to those who like a bit of suspense, but like being able to figure out a bit of the mystery before it unveils itself. Also, to those who like witchy vibes and secret family histories.

Rating: 3.5 stars

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This is a spooky and chilling story of two women who inherit their aunt’s ancestral home and discover all sorts of strange and eerie ghosts and characters. They seek to uncover the mysteries of their deceased mother and of their ancestors. Beware: there is a grizzly animal event. A really engrossing novel.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for granting me an advance copy of this book in return for my honest opinion.
Witches, yes sign me up.
Have never read anything by this author, but the book cover and synopsis drew me in.
Am so happy I was granted a copy to read and review.
The plot setting and most of all the characters made me fall in love with this book.
You will too. Will be reading more by Ava Morgyn!
Five stars. Recommend? YES!

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Overall I really loved The Witches of Bone Hill, and instantly got sucked in. Unfortunately about a third of the way through the pacing slows down a bit and I found myself getting bored.

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The Witches of Bone Hill by Ava Morgyn is a complex tale of two sisters, their mysterious family history, and the danger of claiming their legacy. Morgyn has written an intriguing story, with complex characters and a story that keeps you turning the pages.
I found the book somewhat slow to start, but it was compelling enough to keep me going to the part where things really took off. The family secrets are peeled back layer by layer, and revealed slowly for both the sisters and the reader. It is, at its heart, a story of family, albeit with a paranormal slant, and all of the good and bad that comes with it, both in the past and the present.
Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC of #TheWitchesofBoneHill .

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Cordelia is down on her luck - her husband cheated, left her with unimaginable debt, and she can't sell her home to recoup her costs because now it's full of mold. Then she and her sister learn that their great-aunt has passed and left them with the family estate - which they must visit to claim. Upon arrival, they learn they've inherited much more than just a house - and realize they must fight some dark forces to claim their birthright.

The first third of this book is a great introduction to the characters and the plot. It sets the atmosphere well and I was genuinely creeped out as they first explored the home and we start to see the sisters' gifts. But the second two thirds of this book fell flat for me - character development almost stopped, the romance came almost out of nowhere and didn't really grow from there, and certain elements of the plot didn't quite fit together. This book has a lot of interesting bones (pardon the pun), but didn't fulfill the promise. Interesting magic, good creepy atmosphere, some gripping antics, but overall I was left scratching my head as I worked to fill in the missing details.

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I don’t mind supernatural type books, so that didn’t bother me in my mystery book selection. I just felt it was missing something, and dragged on a bit. It could be me. However I don’t think this is the one for me.

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* This isn’t a book genre I would typically choose (suspense, ghosts) but I surprisingly enjoyed it.
* The mystery was great - there were enough twists to keep me from figuring everything 100% out.
* It felt a bit dragged out at times but not to the point where I’d stop reading!
* There is an unnecessary mob threat that sort of cheesed up the storyline.

Overall the book kept me intrigued and wanting to finish it as quickly as possible to understand the mystery of the Bone witches! That definitely warrants 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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