Member Reviews

I received an E-Arc by the publisher and marketing assistant Kejana Ayala (thank you!) and the author, Ava Morgyn and Netgalley for an honest review.

I could not stop reading this book. I literally was hooked on the story from the beginning to the end! I had to know what was going to happen next with the sisters!

I got this ebook from the publisher which was so nice. It was an awesome surprise! Thank you Kejana Ayala and author, Ava Morgyn.

Like I said this book had me hooked! Each chapter had me wanting to know what was going to happen next for Cordelia and Eustace. The two sisters inherit a house from an aunt they never knew and things happen!! Weird things happen! So many many things!

At first I thought the book would be a whimsical book but it's a bit dark with a tiny bit of horror. So if you are looking a dark but quick paced story about witches with some creepy bits in it, then this book is for you. Just to warn you if you don't like creepy things then maybe not read this book, ok? Creepy bits meaning: history is a bit creepy, death is mentioned, an animal is hurt badly (so animal lovers just heads up!), and there is someone who dies. I could all the creepy things happening because I kept focusing on what was Cordelia and Eustace's next move ? Will they survive this? What will they uncover next? What is so special about this house? I had tons of questions that I wanted to know.

I love how both sisters got each other's backs. I love Eustace's quirky moments which made me giggle. I love Cordelia going into investigation mode. The sisters made a great team and I loved how they learned more about their family history. The sisters both have secrets of their own and eventually they are told. Are they still sisters?

There was some romance happening with Cordelia and the groundkeeper which was nice!!! I liked how the romance slowly was incorporated in the story. I loved the groundkeeper's background story too. Do they get their happy ever after? You'll have to find out.

I will point one thing. Eustace did cook a nice meal for her sister and invited the groundkeeper to join them. While eating Cordelia and the groundkeeper who is named Gordon ends up saying some funny things. Why is that? Blame it on Eustace, hahaha! It was funny. I wished the book had a few more of these moments.

Who's the villain in the story? It had me guessing and you'll have to read it to find out.

Go pick this up when it comes out because it'll be a great autumn/Halloween read! If you like witches with a bit of spookiness and creepy elements here and there then this is the one for you. I may pick this up since the cover is so pretty too!

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I received this from netgalley in exchange for a review. 3.5 rounded up to 4.

I’d probably like this book more if I wasn’t a scaredy-cat. I could only read in small chunks because I tend to read before going to bed and would get scared easily. I liked Cordelia and Eustace and how their relationship grew as they learned and figured out their family gifts. The ghosts of their family and some of the other spooky things were not my cup of tea, and I kind of figured out what was happening around the middle of the book, so that helped me get the final chunk read faster, cause I wanted to see if I was right - which I was, but it was still a good ending. Having to read in chunks was hard cause I forgot things easier, but that’s definitely a me problem, that most people probably won’t have.

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The Witches of Bone Hill by Ava Morgan starts out with two sisters who have not spoken in several years, Cordelia lives in Dallas and is going through a divorce with a man who has absconded with more than all their wealth, dragging her good credit with him. Eustace does not live near her, but in Colorado and she grows marijuana for a living. Their lives are very different.

They are contacted by a lawyer who lets them know they have an aunt who has passed away and they must travel to Connecticut for the reading of the will. Cordelia hopes they can sell the property so she can pay off debts incurred by her absent husband.

When they get to Connecticut, they discover the estate is much different than what they expected. There is wealth there they could use, but the house has different ideas. Their mother left the estate when the girls were young and never went back, the girls have so many questions.

This book is such an engrossing read that you won’t want to put it down. There are interesting characters, some of them human. It should be macabre, the spirits make their meaning known and they can be frightening. Even if you don’t usually read fantasy, you will love this book.

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This story captivated my attention from the beginning until the end.

Cordelia, as the main character, was likable and I think most people could sympathize with her and recognized that she was in an overwhelming situation. So, her struggle to process and accept her unique family history and gifts was to be expected, but at times maybe she was a little too stubborn. But for me as a reader, it was her sister Eunice that really drew me into the story. Watching the two sisters rebuild their relationship and uncover their past was what kept me turning page after page until my eyes burned.

The romance was a nice secondary plot line. Sort of like an after-dinner mint to help cleanse the palette, which I needed from a few scenes dealing with animal mutation that turned my stomach and almost had me putting down the book (I did skim that part as I couldn’t handle the description). As for the “big bad,” I did figure it out, but that didn’t detract from the climatic and satisfying confrontation.

Fans of Paranormal Women’s Fiction be warned this is much darker than most, but is worth the read.

Thank you to St. Martin’s for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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When I think of a book about witches, this would be the book that I would want to read.. More of a Grimm's fairytale story about witches than a rom-com fluffy witch novel. Thank you to the St. Martin's Griffin and NetGalley for the digital ARC. This review is my own.

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The Witches of Bone Hill
by Ava Morgyn
Pub Date: 26 Sep 2023

Ava Morgyn's The Witches of Bone Hill is a spellbinding, romantic novel about family secrets and two young women who discover they're Nordic witches.

Cordelia Bone's meticulously crafted life and career in Dallas are crashing down around her thanks to a philandering husband with criminal debts. When her older, carefree sister, Eustace—a cannabis grower in Boulder—calls to inform her that the great aunt they never met has died and they must travel to a small town in Connecticut to deal with the estate, she sees an opportunity to unload the house and save herself.

But once there, the sisters learn they are getting much more than they bargained for. The Victorian mansion they stand to inherit is bound in a dynasty trust controlled by their late aunt's aging attorney, who insists they retain and inhabit the house but keeps them in the dark about the peculiar rituals of their ancestors. Not to mention a sexy, tattooed groundskeeper with a shrouded past who refuses to leave the carriage house and a crypt full of dead relatives looming at the property line.

As both women grapple with their current predicament, they come face to face with a haunting family secret, the truth of what happened to their mother, and the enemy that's been stalking them from the shadows for generations. In a twisting torrent of terror and blood, the sisters must uncover the power within them to heal their fractured relationship, reverse their mysteriously declining health, and claim the lineage they wanted to escape but now must embrace if they are to survive at Bone Hill.

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The Witches of Bone Hill by Ava Morgan is a story of sisterhood, magic, and mystery. Cordelia and Eustace are sisters who learn an Aunt they have never known died and left them an estate. They travel to see it and meet the family lawyer and learn many disturbing things about their heritage. I really liked the story and hope it turns into a series! It was well written with twists and turns although the I would have loved the author to delve more into the past family members.

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Hands down, the best witchy, magical novel I've read in awhile! And definitely a book I would read again. As I was nearing the end, my one wish would be for the author to continue the story. Even though I knew who was causing the sister's troubles, I didn't expect the revenge component.

Thank you to NetGallery and the publisher for the chance to read it. Introducing me to a new author that I will follow!

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First of all - thank you to Ava Morgyn and Net Galley for this early-release copy. The Witches of Bone Hill will be published on the 26th of September 2023 - right in time for Halloween!

Cordelia is having a rough go at life, and when she gets a call from her estranged sister Eustace to tell her about their aunt's will, she sees it as simply a quick way out of her money troubles. However, they soon find themselves reunited and thrown into a family mystery.

This book was beautifully written, I was immersed in the story from the get-go. The relationship between Cordy & Eustace, the unraveling of each character's back story and personality (even the dead ones!), as well as the tactful use of suspense kept me hooked.

You won't want to put this down.

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Let me start by saying I finished this book in two days... all 416 pages. The story follows two estranged sisters who come back together when they find out their great aunt has passed and left them a little more than just an inheritance. This story had all the witchy, spooky vibes I love in a story. The writing was detailed in a way that immersed me in the story without being overdone. I felt like I was on a journey with the sisters.

I thought the overall story was well done. It had a pace that kept me intrigued and the twists/turns didn't veer too far off to be confusing. There were a few things, like the ex-husband and the romance, that felt a little off and I could have done without but it didn't ruin the story for me. The characters were thought out and I could envision them clearly and loved how the sisters interacted throughout the story. As previously stated, the romance felt off. Everything was initiated by Cordelia and it didn't seem reciprocated so when it advanced further, it seemed wrong to be, but I love how it all tied together in the end.

Overall, I enjoyed this story and plan to buy an actual copy of the book when it's released. I gave this a 4 star rating. I recommend this to anyone who loves witchy, spooky vibes in a book and/or wants a cozy mystery read. This is perfect for a fall/Halloween read.

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This book grabbed me and didn’t let go until I finished it. I found it interesting and it wasn’t only a book about witches but also romance and a mystery. The sisters were great characters trying to figure out what was going on and why. Gordon was a great love interest. All the other characters added to the story in various ways. I definitely recommend reading this book.

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Magic, gothic vibes, and romance all come together to create this wonderful mystery story. It's the perfect read for the spooky season!

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I loved the premise of this book and the witchy vibe that it gave in the overview. While it was a fun and fast read, I did feel like I was able to figure out some things before they were revealed and would have liked it more if that wasn't the case.
Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy in return for my honest review.

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I received an advanced copy from netgalley in return of my honest review. The writing is very good, however for me, the story just didn't quite come together. I feel like this could have been a good story without the supernatural elements and with more character development. Overall not a bad read. Something to consider for Halloween time. Thank you @netgalley for the opportunity to review this book.

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The Witches of Bone Hill excels in the construction of its gothic estate, sprawling with all the blood, bones and things that go bump in the night that genre savvy readers could ask for. Bone Hill itself is atmospheric, its spirits as unsettling as they are unsettled, skeletons spilling out of its closets.

Where this novel falls short is not its premise, which will make fans of Anne Rice's Mayfairs right at home, but its execution. While the setting is excellent and its ability to build tension adept, the characters are unremarkable stock and the twists lead to a predictable denouement which is surprising less in the nature of its twist than the fact that it was, in fact, used as the twist. This is the recurrent problem in Witches; Cordelia is a frustrating enough protagonist to very nearly sink the novel as a whole, not because of any character traits of hers, but because of how utterly at the mercy of narrative contrivances her characterization is. She is capable of great mental feats when some plot thread needs to be connected for the reader; she is incredibly dense and incompetent when an inevitable reveal needs to be dragged out. She is irrational and unreasonable only to create contrived conflict nonsensical enough to be melodrama, and only for the duration necessary. She is as aware of her abilities at any given time as it is narratively convenient for her to be, leading to redundant revelations regarding things that have already been observed. Most of what we know about her, or any given character, is purely expository; information is doled out in paragraphs before readers are given reason to care about the background being thrown at them, and supporting characters' motivations are handed to us in soap opera monologues or explained away after the fact.

This is, ultimately, a novel of great potential that falls short, resorting to almost satirical genre cliches and characters more recognizable as plot devices than characters with rich inner lives. It's a fast, easy read for a dark and stormy night, but doesn't live up to its promise nor predecessors.

Thank you to NetGalley!

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This book had everything I love - magic, a mystery, spooky gothic vibes, some romance, and sisterly love. I liked seeing Cordelia come to terms with their family history and powers, her reconnecting with Eustace, and her relationship with Gordon. Did it feel a little insta-love? Yes, I could’ve used some more flirting or lead up, but I was still here for it. I would’ve liked a little more backstory on the villains and why they did what they did, or maybe I just rushed through the explanation and didn’t grasp it all because I was too excited to see how it was going to end. Either way, I loved it and would recommend this book for fall/Halloween/spooky season since it comes out September 2023.

Thank you NetGalley for the e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This spellbinding book had me captivated from the first page. This was so good. I absolutely loved this book so much! It was perfect for me. It was just what I was looking for!
I just reviewed The Witches of Bone Hill by Ava Morgyn. #NetGalley
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The Witches of Bone Hill by Ava Morgyn is a riveting, romantic novel about family secrets and two young women who discover their Nordic witches.

I was under the author’s spell from almost the first page.
Cordelia and Eustace are well-developed characters who I instantly started to love.
Their journey was completely interesting and their story kept me reading till early morning hours.
The author's writing style is descriptive and immersive, bringing the magical world of these sisters to life.
This had an interesting, gripping plot that kept my attention and left me satisfied.
TWoBH was engaging from the first chapter. And I couldn’t have enjoyed it more if I tried.
I hope she continues to create such stories as this because it was outstanding!

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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The Witches of Bone Hill follows two estranged sisters, Cordelia and Eustace, as they inherit an old Victorian mansion from an aunt they have never met. However soon the girls learn things are not as they seem as they discover family secrets and their connection to witchcraft. This book had everything I could want from a spooky fall read. Morgyn nailed the atmosphere, from the moment the sisters arrive everything is so eerie and ominous I had chills! As someone who enjoys reading about sister relationships, I thought this nailed the vastly different/estranged sisters who come together and reconnect as they discover their magic. I was rooting for them the entire time! The only thing that took me out of it was all the drama with Cordelia’s husband, the whole mob thing felt weirdly out of place and it just felt so jarring compared to the rest of the story. Overall this was such a fun read and one I can’t wait to revisit this fall.

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This novel has a gothic feel and is perfect as a fall or Halloween read. Two sisters learn their great aunt has passed away and they are to inherit their family estate. This comes at the perfect time for Cordelia, the youngest sister, as her marriage has fallen apart and she is in massive debt.
Cordelia and her older sister Eustace have been estranged for years and I really enjoyed their relationship in this novel and how they work to repair it. Finding out about their heritage and all the family secrets definitely kept the book interesting. If you enjoy paranormal books I would definitely recommend this one.
Thank you to Netgally and St. Martin's Press for the arc.

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