Member Reviews

Every few books or so I get the urge for a little magic, a little fantasy, a witch or two. So, whenever one pops up that looks intriguing, I grab it.

I also have to admit, that typically with magic books, I tend to get lost. There is usually a lot going on, and it’s nothing familiar, so I read and usually enjoy it, but a lot of times I am confused. I am happy to say that I don’t think I was confused once in The Witches of Bone Hill.

Cordelia Bone learns that she and her sister have inherited an estate from a great Aunt. They didn’t even know the aunt existed, much less an estate. Cordelia is thrilled because thanks to a shady soon-to-be-ex husband she is rolling in debt with even the mob after her. She plans on a quick visit, a quick appraisal, a quick sale and boom back to her now debt-free life.

However, she didn’t plan on it being so creepy, or with so many questions about her family history. Does she come from a line of witches? And who is trying to scare her off of the property? Why did her mother leave and never tell her about the family?

A good solid witch book, not really scary, but with a slow build of excitement that ended dramatically!

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Unfortunately I had to DNF this one, but I hope other readers will enjoy it. I had a hard time getting into the story and eventually had to put it down because it didn’t seem like it was the book for me.

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I really like witchy stories and jumped at the chance to read this book. It starts with two sisters learning of an inheritance then the fun begins and they have to fight for their survival all while trying to figure out what kind of magic they inherited. The first half was a bit tough to get into but the second half of the book flew by and I struggled to put it down.

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Thank you SMP for the advance copy.

I tried on multiple occasions to dive into this book but I just cannot get into it. Unfortunately it is a DNF for me.

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I thought this was about one thing but it turned out to be another. I loved it though.

All the magic is there. The ups and downs. The family secrets. A wonderful novel from start to finish.

This author did a fantastic job with this book. It had all the things I enjoy when reading. Well written and a few surprises along the way. This book is so good.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC.

Five big stars from me.

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This book sounded intriguing but I didn't love it. I found it sluggish and hard to get through.

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and St. Martins Griffin for my advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest feedback.

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Ava Morgyn wrote an engaging and entertaining sibling paranormal story. It has lots of atmosphere, history, and drama. I did guess who the villain is and why right away, but I enjoyed the journey the women took to get there. I really hope there is a sequel because I want more of the two women and Eustace didn’t get a love interest in this book. I read The Witches of Bone Hill in one sitting. It was that good.

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This one will appeal to fans of fantasy that focuses on family dynamics. It wasn’t exactly what I was in the mood for, so I found it to be a bit slow. Others will surely enjoy this more if they enjoy magical reads.

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The Witches of Bone Hill by Ava Morgyn
Paranormal, fantasy, horror.
Sisters Cordelia and Eustace inherit a house from a great aunt in Connecicutt they must live in. The house comes with a dynasty trust, a carriage house with a groundskeeper, and a crypt full of dead relatives. They will need to learn the family secrets, face off an enemy and reverse their mysteriously declining health issues.

The flowery language and over-abundance of descriptions of the first few chapters had me stalled for a long time. Plus adversarial relations are difficult for me.
I skipped a lot of the long descriptions in the first few chapters to try to move forward but found eventually that I was missing pieces. Lots of secondary characters, death, ghosts and bones.
Overall, it was a depth of history of the family the sisters needed. I did enjoy the grow room at the end, with all the micro greens and vegetables and the way the sisters had grown to accept and even appreciate each other.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley.

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Witchy fiction is my favorite 'sub genre' of fiction and The Witches Of Bone Hill did not disappoint! It was a little more creepy at times than I expected (I'm not a horror fan anymore) but I throughly enjoyed the book overall!

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There is something I always love about a Victorian mansion. It seems like they become another character in novels and this holds true in this one.
Coredelia’s life comes crashing down when her cheating husband upends their relationship and entire life. When she receives a call from her older sister that their great aunt died leaving them the mansion she heads to Connecticut thinking all her problems are solved. Family secrets, ghosts and a mystery kept me turning the pages.
Thank you #StMartinsPress and #NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I really did not care for this one at all. Unlikeable characters made finishing this book a chore. Also, there was so much happening in the plot. Mafia, witches and crime Oh My!

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Thank you Netgalley for the advance reader copy of The Witches of Bone Hill by Ava Morgyn in exchange for an honest review. I requested this book as it sounded similar to a book by Darynda Jones which I liked. While there were similarities, it was also different. This was a very interesting read and I thought it was really good.

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Without even meaning to, I read two witchy/gothic books back to back and I am definitely not complaining. I enjoyed this spooky read so much! It was giving me Charmed vibes throughout the entire story (where are my Pipers at?), and of course that made me incredibly happy.

I loved the fact that there were so many witchy elements, but the book started off in the non-magical world. Seeing the sisters (Cordelia and Eustace) come into their powers was so much fun.

There was so much involved in the story and I loved every aspect of it. There was a romance, but it wasn’t a huge focus of the story and I thought it was touched on a good amount. There was also a great storyline about sisterhood and the power of families. That warmed my little heart, especially because I have a sister that I love to death. And the sisters were actually funny, and that was a nice little reprieve from the darker elements.

Also, the writing was wonderfully done and the author did an amazing job with the imagery and descriptions.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for my gifted copy!

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The Witches of Bone Hill, by Ava Morgyn

Conceptionally, I love this novel hasn’t had many elements that I adore - spooky witches, and murder.

Where it lost me was the add on of a mob boss and their cronies. Because of that, the book felt a bit disjointed.

Selfishly, I would’ve preferred if the novel had left that part our of the plot and focussed more on the families curse, and the mystical underpinnings of this magical family.

In addition, the pace of the book was rather slow in many parts, and I struggled to push to the end.

That said as I did enjoy many bits of this novel, I intend to circle back to this book in the coming months to see if I will have a different experience and feel for the book which may have been impacted by the busyness of this spooky season.

Thank you to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for my digital copy of this novel to read and review.

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I grew to love Eustace and Cordelia Bone throughout their plight to save their family name and break the family curse. The organization of the book felt a little disjointed, but overall a good mystical and witchy read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this ARC which has not affected my review.

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I enjoyed reading this book. Some of it ran a bit slow for me. At some point I almost put it down but, I’m glad I kept reading.

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This was a perfect read for the spooky season!
The story ended up being more scary than I anticipated. The house was its own character, but the Bone sisters were the perfect pair to uncover the story of their family and the house that they inherited. I would suggest going in to this one without knowing a lot, it made it that much better!
Thanks to Net Galley and St. Martins Press for the ARC.

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Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read this book.

I was seeking a cozy fall book and this wasn't quite that. This was definitely more spooky and not in a Casper kind of way. I struggled to continue reading this, it wasn't griping my attention and I didn't feel connections to any characters.

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This looked like the perfect spooky season read and I was so excited for it. Unfortunately it did not work for me and I ended up DNF’ing around 40%. The pace of the story was too slow for me and because of that could not hold my attention. I had a hard time connecting to the characters and the mix of everything was just not for me.

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