Member Reviews

Not your typical witchy read. This story had a little bit of everything from family drama to romance and a lot of emotional depth. I loved that there were Nordic influences too that made it a unique and interesting read. Looking forward to reading more by this author in the future! Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review! (Really loved that cover too!!)

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Three ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Stars overall.
Four ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ For vibes
One 🌶️ (implied alluded to)

Loved the practical Magic vibes and the Gothic mystery. There were some things that felt slow, and I found myself wanting to skim read at times though. I think the writing style was maybe slightly slower than I was in the mood for.

Overall, I would still recommend to fans of Gothic mysteries and real life witchy vibes.

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For me this book was a 3.5 out of 5 stars. While I absolutely loved the atmosphere with the house setting alongside the unique family history (you know I love odd family stories!), there were some elements that were put into the book that I felt didn't do much other then to add a complexity that was unnecessary. I loved watching the sisters uncover their legacy, haunted by generations past to discover their true selves.

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The Witches of Bone Hill
Author: Ava Morgyn

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

Synopsis: Cordelia Bone's meticulously crafted life and career in Dallas are crashing down around her thanks to a philandering husband with criminal debts.

When her older, carefree sister, Eustace—a cannabis grower in Boulder, calls to inform her the great aunt they never met has died and they must travel to a small town in Connecticut to deal with the estate, she sees an opportunity to unload the house and save herself.

But once there, the sisters learn they are getting much more than they bargained for. The Victorian mansion they stand to inherit is bound in a dynasty trust controlled by their late aunt's aging attorney who insists they inhabit the house and retain it but keeps them in the dark about the peculiar rituals of their ancestors. Not to mention a sexy, tattooed groundskeeper with a shrouded past who refuses to leave the carriage house and a crypt full of dead relatives looming at the property line.

As both women grapple with their current predicament, they come face to face with a haunting family secret, the truth of what happened to their mother, and the enemy that's been stalking them from the shadows for generations. In a twisting torrent of terror and blood, the sisters must uncover the power within them to heal their fractured relationship, reverse their mysteriously declining health, and claim the lineage they wanted to escape but now must embrace if they are to survive at Bone Hill.

My Thoughts: In this spooky novel, you get a fun, world-building, fantasy escape into a unique paranormal romance. Cordelia Bone’s world is falling apart, she has a cheating husband and loan sharks threatening great bodily harm after her. When her sister, Eustace, calls to let her know that their great aunt has passed and left them a house in her will, she thinks this will be the opportunity to finally get a clean break. However, there is a creepy stipulation to the inheritance, she and her sister must live in the house to keep it; add in that Cordelia’s “talents” are in force in this spooky little town in Connecticut. Also thrown into the wrench is a certain tattooed groundskeeper, not to mention the house creepy uniqueness.

The story is narrated by Cordelia, in a third-person POV. The detailing of the creepy estate and the rich characterization of the house was stellar, it was really its own character. The house is creepy, dark, mysterious, and brooding. I love the constant struggle within Cordelia to lead a life with normalcy versus using her talents, it added an extra layer of richness to the story. The ghosts were also each characterized fantastic and detailed. This is marketed as a paranormal romance but it felt rushed and non-believable, the storyline would have been great without the romance element. The third-act breakup, while a central element to most romance plots, needed to be something different. I don’t know how to explain it without giving it away. The characters were developed well with depth, were mysterious, witty, compassionate, and creatively spun. The author’s writing style was complex, creepy without horror, an atmospheric gothic blend, and engaging.

This was a great story for the spooky season. I think the story would have been better if Eustace also had a narrating POV. When we have a lot going on, it is sometimes necessary to tell the story in a slow mode to build the atmosphere and characters, however, I felt it dragged on to slow and there are an abundance of elements to keep up with and digest. Some of the elements could have been eliminated to clean up the plot and to keep the plot as the focus. The last chapter serves more as an epilogue and does a great job at filling in the holes and wrapping the ending up nicely. I would recommend this book to other readers, especially as we approach Halloween.

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This was so atmospheric and the PERFECT Fall read. Exactly what I wanted in a witchy book for spooky season. The twists were perfect, the pacing was perfect and the teetering on gore was phenomenal. Absolutely loved this.

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This is a perfect time of year for a novel about a house with its own agenda, two sisters on a journey together to learn about an unknown past.

Cordelia Bone, stuck in Texas with a cheating partner who has run up debt so bad she’s about at the end of her rope, and her sister Eustace, a bit more laid back, find out they have inherited a house from their last surviving relative. Off the sisters go to see this house, each with different expectations - but what happens instead will bond the two sisters together, give light to their past and the murder of their mother and teach them about their birthright as they come into their own power.

This book was a quick read, well done, and worth your time.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Publishing Group and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this. All opinions are my own.

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Cordelia Bone's meticulously crafted life and career in Dallas are crashing down around her thanks to a philandering husband with criminal debts. When her older, carefree sister, Eustace calls to inform her that the great aunt they never met has died and they must travel to a small town in Connecticut to deal with the estate, she sees an opportunity to unload the house and save herself.
The sisters couldn’t be any more opposite. Cordelia sells upscale real estate. Eustace is a cannabis grower in Boulder.

Once there, the sisters learn they are getting much more than they bargained for. The Victorian mansion they stand to inherit is bound in a dynasty trust controlled by their late aunt's aging attorney, who insists they insists they not only retain the house, but live in it.
Cordelia is determined to sell the place off anyway. But her ancestors, the house, and even her own latent witchy powers, which she doesn’t fully understand, all have their own agendas. And there are secrets. So many secrets.
As Cordelia and Eustace explore the house and the land surrounding it, they learn about their ancestors and how they are tied to them. The house reveals their family history, sometimes freely and sometimes reluctantly. Even the sexy caretaker who lives on the property has secrets. The sisters are keeping secrets from each other as well – and then there’s that big secret that has haunted them both for so long – what really happened to their mother?

As both women grapple with their current predicament, they come face to face with the truth of what happened to their mother, and the enemy that's been stalking them from the shadows for generations. In a twisting torrent of terror and blood, the sisters must uncover the power within them to heal their fractured relationship, reverse their mysteriously declining health, and claim the lineage they wanted to escape but now must embrace if they are to survive at Bone Hill.

If you enjoy dark and stormy nights, eccentric characters, spooky Victorian mansions, and witchy family histories, this is the next read for you. Brew a cuppa, find a comfy reading nook, and dig in. You’ll be reading well into the night.

Thanks to author Ava Morgyn, St. Martin’s Press, and NetGalley for a digital review copy so I can post my honest and unbiased opinion.

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I’m definitely in the minority for this one, but I just didn’t enjoy this as much as I hoped.
I think it will appeal to many, especially those who like magical realism, so I would still recommend it.

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Thanks to St. Martin’s Press for the arc!

3.5/5 ⭐️

* Questionable inheritance
* Victorian mansion full of sinister secrets
* Sisterhood

Read this if you’re into:
* Ghosts, magic, witches
* Romance subplot and borderline horror
* Family origins

This book’s right in time for halloween!

TW: animal cruelty and gore

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The Witches of Bone Hill is a spooky, atmospheric read about family and legacy and how to move on from having your entire life upended. It's beautifully written, if occasionally a little over the top, and while it started a little slow, it sank its claws into me by the end.

Cordelia Bone has lost everything - her job, her husband, and soon her house - when she finds out about her estranged aunt's passing and the house that Cordelia and her sister will now inherit. She packs up what's left of her life and treks to Connecticut, to the house their mother fled decades ago. What waits for them is more than just a Victorian mansion packed full with priceless antiques. There's also hundreds of years of family history waiting to be discovered, a legacy of magic, and a sexy groundskeeper.

It did take me a while to get into this book, since it takes its time easing you into the atmosphere of Bone Hill and unpacking Cordelia and Eustace's stories. Their renewed bond was one of the strongest parts of the book to me, and watching the two of them discover their family legacy was more satisfying because they did it together. The writing is also lovely, although there were times where it felt a bit overwritten. The book as a whole is spooky and magical in the best way, suited for a fall day and a cup of tea.

I do have mixed feelings about whether the romance with Gordon was necessary, and there were times when the plot felt both a little overcomplicated and easy to predict. But overall, a lovely, witchy read!


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A wonderfully creepy thriller full of family mystery, amazing characters and even a sweet romance. Perfect for spooky season, this was a really entertaining read. *I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The Witches of Bone Hill is the perfect book for spooky season. It follows Cordelia and Eustace Bone, two very different sisters, as they navigate the inheritance of a spooky victorian family home from their aunt. Through this adventure they discover their witches and not just any witches but Nordic bone witches. This book is well written with suspense, family and love and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good read for the Halloween season.

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I absolutely adored the creepy atmosphere and vibes this book gave me. I'm all about haunted houses, vengeful ghosts, and stumbling into a world of ancestral magic. This book gave me all of that and even more.

The plot was fun and spooky. A perfect read for the Halloween season. I also enjoyed the Norse mythology that was tied in. Though, there were some things that I could do without.

I didnt really connect with Cordelia. She put out "my way or the highway" vibes, and was often hypocritical and selfish. I also felt absolutely nothing towards the "romance". It was just there. I could care less about Gordon, let alone Cordelia and Gordon. The story would've been great without that relationship.

*Spoilers ahead*

I was also thrown off about the unexpected pregnancy? They just met? They had just gotten together? It was so sudden and out of the blue.

Lastly, the mob?? If her husband went back to their house, then why didn't they just focus back on him?? There was no reason to keep bothering Cordelia when he fell right back into their laps? Idk. Another unnecessary plot line to me.

Regardless, I had a fun time!!

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The death of a great aunt leads to an inheritance which includes the family Victorian mansion in a small town in Connecticut. The inheritance however, has rules. Eustace and Cordelia, twin sisters who have been estranged for years, reconnect with the chance to save themselves from the troubles of life. Sprinkle in family history they knew nothing about, a cheating husband bringing Cordelia to financial ruin, the mafia and an enemy lurking.

The Witches of Bone Hill is a wonderful story of family, forgiveness, learning family history, healing, love and of course, witches and magic. Oh, the Practical Magic vibes, I loved it. It's several genres in one which I wasn't expecting but really enjoyed; the gore was a nice touch.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC!

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I went into The Witches Of Bone Hill thinking this was going to be a light witchy read for spooky season, and unfortunately that’s not what it was, bordering on some darker themes. I think I would have enjoyed this more had I known it was a darker read!

*this is full an issue of it’s not you, it’s me*

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A little bit spooky, a whole lot of witchy, and a huge amount of fantasy. The Witches of Bone Hill has a little bit of everything magical and revengeful to suit this Fall season. Animal violence abounds though, so if you are weak stomached for furry creatures and of course bones in general, it is probably best you pick another book. However, if you are weak kneed for Jason Momoa, then this book has a character right up your alley!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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The Witches of Bone Hill is a truly unique read. The magical setting and plot immediately caught my interest. As a fan of horror, I also loved the darker moments of this book. I didn't love the romance subplot, as it felt a little unnecessary, but regardless I had a great time reading this novel. I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a spooky read this fall.
Thank you to St. Martin's Press for the eARC in exchange for an honest review

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If you like Nordic history, witchcraft, love, and family drama all wrapped up in a thriller/suspense novel, The Witches of Bone Hill is for you. I was a bit nervous about starting this book because I don't tend to read thrillers, but I'm so glad that I did. This will probably make my top 10 books of the year.

Cordelia Bone's perfect life has begun to crumble around her, starting with catching her husband having an affair. Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, her sister, Eustace, call to tell her their great aunt has passed away and that they both have to travel to her estate in order to settle inheritance matters. Once they arrive in Connecticut at their aunt's huge mansion, the sisters quickly realize that they're in for way more than they bargained for.

Cordelia wants to quickly sell everything so she can settle things back home. However, their aunt's attorney and trustee of the estate is rather insistent that the sisters take some time to look over things before deciding what to do, and that they remain in the house until all of the paperwork is signed. After only staying one night, Cordelia and Eustace notice that something is strange about the property. The energy isn't normal. Not to mention that the groundskeeper is covered in tattoo that look satanic.

With the looming unknowns of their family's history that their mother desperately kept from them, Cordelia and Eustace search the mansion to discover more about their ancestors, but in doing so, they unearth something dark and dangerous about their family's past which seems to continue to threaten the Bones even to this day. Together, with the help of their ancestors, Cordelia and Eustace work to end this threat that puts them and all future members of the Bone family in jeopardy.

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Lyrically written and an intriguing plot. Characters were complex and fascinating. A great spooky season read.

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Cordelia and Eustace Bone have been estranged for years when Eustace calls her sister. Their relative has died and they have been named as her heirs. Cordelia is delighted as she thinks this is the answer to her financial problems. However, there are conditions and stipulations that have to be met before they see any money. The first is that they have to move to the Victorian mansion that they have inherited. From that day on they find themselves in a world they never knew existed. Can they survive in it?

The author has crafted an exciting and unique story. Packed with ghosts, magic, witchcraft and so much more, it is difficult to put this book down. Well plotted and engrossing, this book is well worth reading.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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