Member Reviews

This is the perfect book for the start-up of spooky season. I enjoyed this book and the two sisters and their character development throughout the book. You will definitely enjoy if you like haunted eerie haunted house stories. The writing is beautiful and will definitely be reading this author again. Thank you for the copy of this e-arc
4 star

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Big thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for letting me read an ARC version of this book!

I really enjoyed this book, watching two sisters mend a broken relationship while learning about their family history is right up my alley. The book had the right amount of spooky for anyone who is not into horror.

I gave this book 4 stars because there were a few places where I felt confused. Mainly during Cordelia’s visions/dreams. I found myself having to reread those parts to follow along better

Would read another by this author!

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This was unfortunately a pretty big miss for me.

All were things that should have ticked my boxes (and normally do!) :
-woman getting her life back after a major upheaval
-estranged family members
-a house that’s basically a character on its own.
-witchy powers
-a slight mystery
-a touch of romance

But it all just fell flat. The pacing was slow and then erratic, the main character was difficult to relate to or empathize with, the romance was too sudden, and all of the drama felt very brushed over. I feel like we sort of floated along the surface of the story when I desperately wanted to find the depths of it all.

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Happy Spooky SZN, y’all!

Normally, I see a book tagged horror and run the other way as fast as I can. Whoops, didn’t see it and thought [b:Witches of Bone Hill|65214066] by [a:Ava Morgyn|16973182] was a witchy romance (which it was!) but be warned, this does get a little icky and very creepy.

Given that I am a wimp when it comes to horror, I was surprised at how much I did end up enjoying it. The romance didn’t do much for me, but he relationship between the two sisters and their discovery of their family’s legacy and their witchy inheritance was moving and fascinating. The lore Ava Morgyn creates (pulling in various historical myths and creating something that seems pretty original) was just the right amount of creepy and badass. And the ~vibes~ are excellent – she gets a TON of mileage out of the actually haunted house the two sisters inherit and where the majority of the story takes place.

CW: Suicide, murder and attempted murder, killing of animals in gruesome ways, killing of people in gruesome ways, cancer (in the past, off page).

<i>Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.</i>

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I enjoyed the characters but the plot was confusing. Maybe I'm just too stupid to understand it but a lot of it didn't make sense. I think it should have been multiple pov's, that would have helped tremendously. The romance was there but it was very underdeveloped, I wanted more from it.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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An unfortunate miss for me.

The writing itself is fine.

The story is a lot of drama. Cordelia, who is a mess but not in an especially entertaining way, is our only POV character. I think we (readers) and the story would have benefited from having Eustace’s POV, as well.

The mansion would have been a fascinating place to explore, but we don’t do much of that.

When we get to the magic, it just sort of happens. No explanation or buildup. Like one day you wake up with powers, just shrug and say, “Cool.”

There’s a mob subplot that is ridiculous and pointless.

The “mystery” of everything happening is obvious from the start.

The “romance” is instalust.

And watch where you step, because plot holes…

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Cordelia Bone is having some trouble -- she's getting divorced and there are lots of bills to pay. When she finds out she's inherited a large estate with her sister Eustace, that just might be her ticket out of her money troubles.

Only it isn't that simple. The sisters are forced to live in the Victorian mansion in Connecticut to fulfill the requirements of the will and in the process they learn all about their history. There's juicy secrets galore here. Witches as the title might suggest and all that comes with what witches do. And there's the yummy caretaker to add a little bit of romance to the mix.

The synopsis was certainly interesting and this is the time of year for some good scary stories. There's a bit of horror in this one too to make it extra creepy. I liked that about it, although I could have done without the animal cruelty.

I also enjoyed the mythology used in this story, along with the relationship between Cordelia and her sister. Although there were slow spots and most of the real action happened at the end, I thought the Witches of Bone Hill delivered a suspenseful story of witches with a dash of horror. It's a solid debut in adult fiction.

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Slow to get into
I had a very hard time getting into this book. Cordelia is not the aware, self-assured woman who knows what she wants and has plans on getting there. Her character confused me, and I was about 30 percent in before I started understanding the story, and the characters. Once that happened, I did enjoy the book, so that if there is a second book dealing with the sister’s character, I will read it. Just know if you start reading, and seem to be struggling, keep going. The story gets better and the book is worth it. 5 stars for having a good story and satisfying finish.
I received an ARC through NetGalley, and this is my honest opinion.

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In The Witches of Bone Hill, sisters Cordelia and Eustace Bone inherit their ancestral estate from their estranged aunt and soon learn that their family legacy is far more complicated than they ever knew. I went into this book thinking it was going to be a fun witchy family story, but I was so surprised by how dark and spooky it was. It gave me Haunting of Hill House vibes and definitely rode the line between fantasy and horror. The scaredy-cat in me had to put it down while reading at night. It was an atmospheric slow burn with a modern gothic, dark, and twisty plot. I was fascinated by the Scandinavian folklore and magic and loved how it was incorporated into the story. As someone who adores a family saga, I wish we could have gone even deeper into the family’s history and each of the ghost’s stories that we encounter because they were so interesting. I thought the main characters were brought to life beautifully, however; I thought the estrangement of the sisters was solved too easily and would have liked to have seen more strain and repairing done between them. The romance between Cordelia and Gordon had great tension and fire and they were an easy couple to root for. This mysterious story was full of surprising twists and turns with an ending that packs a punch and it is a perfect read for spooky season!

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🧙‍♀️ The Witches of Bone Hill 🧙


Potatoes and Paperbacks 3.5 ⭐️


Thanks @netgalley for the arc!


With her marriage falling apart, and her husband leaving her penniless, Cordelia finds out that an aunt has died, leaving her and her sister the family estate. Estranged from their mother’s family, the sisters travel to Bone Hill and find a mysterious and spooky old mansion, as well as long buried family secrets involving magic, ghosts, and danger from unlikely places…


💭 Thoughts 💭

This was a great read to kick off spooky season. Witches, ghosts, gruesome and creepy situations abound. I could definitely see this as a spooky movie. However, the whole book felt a bit long and dragged out, I definitely wish it wrapped up faster.


⌛️ Favorite Moment ⌛️

Bone Manor was a character in itself. When Cordelia tried to sell off some heirlooms to pay off her husbands debts, the house made its will known in quite an obvious way…


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THE WITCHES OF BONES HILL by Ava Morgyn is a contemporary, adult, paranormal, murder/mystery thriller focusing on the Bone sisters Cordelia and Eustace.

Told from omniscient third person (Cordelia) THE WITCHES OF BONE HILL follow sisters Cordelia and Eustace Bone as they struggle with the direction of their lives. Estranged for five years, the death of their distant great aunt Augusta would bring the sisters together, in an effort to claim their rightful past. For years, the Bone sisters had heard the rumors of witches and magic but their arrival at the Victorian mansion, once owned by Augusta and centuries of heirs, would elicit a well of magic within Cordelia and Eustace, magic that placed a target on the sisters’ lives. Meeting groundskeeper Gordon Jablonski, revealed a familial connection to the house on Bone Hill but a connection that was dark and dangerous for everyone concerned. Dealing with the locals was going to be difficult but dealing with their great aunt’s attorney would prove deadly and wrong.

THE WTICHES OF BONE HILL is a slow building story of family and secrets, power and lies, magic and witchcraft, greed and murder. Cordelia and Eustace Bone would discover a family history of clairvoyance and necromancers, beast riding and magic, obsession and murder; and an oath that would require bone for bone, blood for blood. The premise is suspenseful, intriguing and thrilling-bordering on horror; there is a slight romance developing between Cordelia and Gordon; the sisters are determined and desperate; the secondary and supporting characters are questionable and powerful.





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Cordelia Bone's life is falling apart when her estranged sister calls to tell her their great-aunt (who they didn't know) has died and they must go to Connecticut to collect the inheritance. Cordelia thinks is the answer to her problems or at least a light in the very dark tunnel her life has become. But she may find more than she was bargaining for.

I wasn't sure what exactly I was going to get with this novel. I was drawn to the family drama and the two sisters searching for answers to their past. I was hoping with "witches" in the title I wasn't picking up a horror novel. While it has all the creepiness of a Gothic novel, it didn't give me nightmares.

I liked Cordelia immediately. My heart went out to her. Her life is crumbling around her and she's not sure how to pick up the pieces. She just wanted to fit in - have a normal suburban life after the rocky childhood of constantly moving around.

I didn't warm up to her sister Eustace as quickly. We don't get to know as much about her and she takes a backseat to her sister in the story. Even though Eustace is the older sister. I think I would have liked the story to have been equally focused on the sisters.

I typically prefer a more character-driven story, but this one is all about the plot. And it is a great plot. I like reading fantasy where at least one character is as much on the outside as I am (think Harry Potter being introduced to the magic world). The sisters have no idea about their family history and are just as unsure as the reader as to what is going on. The story is quite intense at times.

In a story like this, an author has two choices in how to break up the creepy scenes. One option is to use humor and the other option is to use romance. Morgyn chose lust.

I say lust instead of romance because the relationship didn't feel romantic. I wondered at times if their attraction was the result of a spell rather than a result of free will. The lack of chemistry between the characters might be because this is a plot-driven story instead of a character-driven one. In other words, the "romance" was needed to move the plot forward.

The book has everything you need for a great Halloween read - creepy characters, a haunted house, unexplained happenings.

My review will be published at Girl Who Reads on Saturday -

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The Witches of Bone Hill is a deeply engrossing story of lost family and magic (and murrrderrrrrr).

Cordelia Bone is in a tough spot, with a soon-to-be ex-husband who’s gambling debts have gotten them both in trouble with the local mob. When her estranged aunt dies, she finds herself reunited with her sister at the surprisingly grandiose mansion they’ve inherited. The only thing getting in the way of their inheritance is some unfinished family business…

I don’t know what I was expecting with this, maybe something cozy and heartwarming? I was getting way different vibes from the cover. It definitely was way more aligned with a horror novel with a decent amount of gore and terrifying situations. These witches don’t play around!!

But look, that was a good thing for me! I was apprehensive starting but found that I couldn’t put it down! Cordelia and Eustace were such interesting characters and I loved their sibling dynamic. There’s something so great about creepy family histories and small town superstitions. Loved the nordic witch touch as well - the magic system was so intriguing and original!

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3.75 stars rounded up to 4

I really enjoyed "The Witches of Bone Hill". Inheriting a house from their estranged Great Aunt is something Cordelia and Eustace never thought would happen. But it seems that it happened at the most opportunistic time in their lives. Then again was it the right time? Things keep happening to the sisters that they can't figure out and they want to leave but can't. Why you ask? Well I'm not will have to read the book to find out.

The story had a little bit of everything including mystery, ghosts, witches and Norse mythology. This is the first book I have read by Ava Morgyn and I hope it won't be the last. The author did an excellent job keeping me vested in the story. I did find that the story dragged at certain areas and that the Bone sisters had to keep rehashing things. I almost gave up, but I persevered and finish the story because I just had to find out how it ended.

I really loved Cordelia and Eustace's relationship once they got over their past and not telling each other everything.


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Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Griffin for this ARC! I voluntarily give my honest review and all opinions expressed are mine alone.

The Witches of Bone Hill by Ava Morgyn 9/26/23

Page Count:406

Genre: Paranormal, Mystery, Contemp. Women's Fic

Tropes: Witches, Sisters, Family Drama, Family Secrets

Setting: Connecticut

Cordelia Bone-a real estate agent w/ a cheating husband (John) left with her former assistant Allison. He had loans with the mafia, that become Cordelia's. Hasn't spoken to sister in 5 years.

Eustace Bone- a carefree cannabis grower living in Boulder.

Summary: Their great aunt Augusta has passed, and as the Bones' only living relatives, Cordelia and Eustace go to the Bone Hill mansion to deal with her estate. They may inherit, both needing the money, but her aunt's old attorney Bennett Togers is hiding something.

*Review: This was a great read for this time of year. It has a haunted house, a suspicious death, and some kooky
characters. Both sisters discover why their mother wasn't close to the family and the true history of the Bone family.

*Rating: 4/5 ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐

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The title and that gorgeous cover caught my eye when I was considering fall books for Spooky Reading Season. Ava Morgyn is a new to me author and I didn’t pay close attention to the synopsis or the buzz about The Witches of Bone Hill when I took it up and started reading. What a bewitching and somewhat dark magical read.

I don’t generally run to book comparisons, but as a recent fan of Alice Hoffman’s Practical Magic series, I was tickled to find a story that would compare well. Two very opposite sisters who drifted apart as adults, come from a long line of female witches with a creepy family legacy and old home in New England with a picturesque bittersweet writing style as well. Check!

But, The Witches of Bone Hill is its own tale. For one, the two sisters didn’t know they were witches or much about the family legacy that brought them home. Oh sure, the pair of them were aware they had certain uncomfortable gifts and their mother was always oddly silent about some things, quirky in her own way, and adamantly full of very eccentric rules they must live by, but it only starts to make sense when their great aunt dies and they must return to the sentient house on Bone Hill in Connecticut and learn their power before it’s too late.

There is an ominous tone that grows stronger so that I was getting the heebie jeebies and could only read in broad daylight once the story got rolling (take that with a grain of salt since I’m a wuss about horror and others might see this as mild). Eustace with her free spirit ways accepts the situation better than skeptical, world-weary Cordelia who just went through a divorce with her cheating con artist ex who took her to the cleaners and his debts have the mob sicced on her. Cordelia is the narrator and the story unfolds from her perspective. I liked that there were surrounding characters that had the sisters unsure as to their intentions good or malevolent and the mysterious caretaker. There is romance, but it was properly secondary to the harrowing magic and mystery the sisters’ face.

All in all, this was a grisly, murky and truly satisfying spooky read that I can recommend to those looking for something to thrill at the witching hour.

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3 Stars
One Liner: Great atmosphere but gets burdened by unwanted elements

Cordelia Bone’s life is now a mess. Her husband’s affair and debts push her to the brink of ruin. With loan sharks threatening dire consequences, she doesn’t know what to do. A sudden call from her sister, Eustace, gives a ray of hope. Aunt Augusta may be estranged, but since she named them in her will, the sisters can sell her house and make money.
They fly to a remote town in Connecticut to realize that the house is in proper Victorian Gothic style. Cordelia knows her experience as a real estate agent will come in handy. However, the lawyer informs them about the additional stipulations. Also, Cordelia’s extra-sensory talents are back in action.
The house has too many secrets to unearth (including the dark past of the sexy tattooed groundskeeper). Digging into it may offer some answers about their dead mother and Cordelia’s skills. However, there’s danger everywhere.
The story comes in Cordelia’s third-person POV.

What I Like:
Aunt Augusta’s estate and the setting is wow. The house is a character of its own (though this gets diluted due to extra elements) and is quite creepy. I love every bit of the description of the estate. It’s dark, brooding, sinister, and tangible.
Cordelia’s initial struggle in using vs. suppressing her talents is well done. Her desire to lead a ‘normal’ life and the consequences of her decisions align with the creepiness of the house.
Eustace is my favorite character in the book. It’s too bad she doesn’t get her own POV and still manages to shine bright. She is the one who keeps things going when Cordelia sulks around.
The ghosts are great, though. I like that each has a definite personality and is easy to track. They have unfinished business but are also protective of their family.
The concepts of runes, coded writing (recipe books), secret rituals, etc., are interesting to read. There are some eww moments, which cannot be helped when you get into a dark basement with weird tools and scattered bones.
The pacing gets better in the last quarter where things move faster. But this means the atmosphere doesn’t hold steady. Still, I’m glad I could sit for a few minutes extra and finish the book instead of slogging through the second half.
The last chapter serves as an epilogue. It fills the gaps and provides a satisfactory ending.

What Could Have Been Better for Me:
The entire story comes in Cordelia’s POV (thank god for the third-person narration). However, she is hard to connect with. Though initially I empathized with her, as the story progressed, I found her voice uneven and erratic. She also sounds whiny and immature in some places.
Moreover, Eustace is a great character despite not getting an in-depth arc. I like her a lot more and couldn’t help but wish at least half the chapters come in her POV. It would have balanced the narrative. Though Cordelia is the MC and gets to save the day, I wouldn’t mind if it was otherwise.
The pacing is super slow. While this is necessary in the beginning to establish the setting and atmosphere, the story gets bogged down by too many elements. There’s a mysterious stalker, a creepy lawyer, Gordon (the love interest with a romantic track we could do without), a mafia lender (he wasn’t necessary since Cordelia had enough troubles to handle), a useless ex who gets a full chapter, and Cordelia going back and forth. Yep, it’s quite exhaustive and distracting from the central plot.
It’s a good thing this book is not marketed as a mystery (or is it?) since the clues are way too obvious and in the face. I’m sure everyone except the main characters figured out the danger and attacker.
I knew there would be a love track with Gordon in the picture. I wish it was believable or at least a real slow burn. This one doesn’t feel organic, and the third-act breakup is so stupid. It may seem like a way to advance the plot, but man, it’s horribly done. I can’t sugarcoat this.

To summarize, The Witches of Bone Hill has terrific potential but manages to deliver in bits and pieces. It would have worked better if the focus was limited to the house, family history, and the sisters instead of trying to force-fit too many threads.
Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press (Griffin), for the eARC. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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I want to start off by admitting that it took me a minute to connect to Cordelia. I can't quite put my finger on it, because I wavered at first, going from liking her to being annoyed by her. But I was on the edge of my seat for most of the book as Cordelia and Eustace begin to discover their familial history and the house begins to reveal its ghostly inhabitants.

Cordelia's life has spun out of control when her estranged sister Eustance calls to let her know the great aunt they never met has passed away. They must travel to a small town in Connecticut in order to deal with the estate that has been left to them.

Once there the sisters learn that the mansion and family fortune are bound in a dynasty trust controlled by their late aunt's attorney. He insists that they must remain at Bone Hill in order to inherit. The property also includes a sexy, tattooed groundskeeper who lives in the carriage house.

As both women try to grasp their current predicament, they learn a haunting family secret and discover what really happened to their mother and the enemy that's lingered in the shadows for generations, working against their family. They must embrace the power within them in order to survive Bone Hill.

Thank you so much to the author, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for this ARC to review.

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What is better than going into spooky season with a great read of witches! This book wasn’t scary, but it did have several moments that were creepy and kept you on the edge of your seat. Two sisters figuring out who they are, who their family was, and who they want to be. I do wish they got into more of when they got to be witches and start practicing more, but other than that, I enjoyed this book so much and am so thankful for the opportunity from NetGalley and the publisher!

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This was everything I had hoped for. A magical love story that dives into more Nordic mythos than I expected. Anyone who wants a fun time with some romance, and a loveable cast of characters should check this book out. The writing style was strong, with good descriptions of what's going on in the scenes. I will be recommending this to friends when I can.

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