Member Reviews

Two stars only because I liked the idea of the plot, but the execution was not great. The writing style was so simplistic - it came across like reading “see Spot run” over and over. At a point, I actually imagined the characters as dolls with a little kid speaking the dialogue. It was omnipresent narration and hearing the inner thoughts of every character (even side characters) made it hard to follow and choppy. I’d skip this one.

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I don't typically care for a holiday romance and this one was especially horrific. I'm not sure how this one made the cut on multiple peoples ends. It was such flat characters and lazy simple writing. I'm still not sure that their looks were ever described. And the pacing was so choppy and off-putting. There also was a love triangle fake engagement overlap that was all unnecessary. I just don't understand the point or structure of this entire book.

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Unfortunately, this book did not work for me across the board. It was written in third person omnipresence and there was a lot of head hopping. There are numerous plot points that were far fetched (which admittedly can work for me, but it just didn't here). And the biggest issue - the heroine cheats on her fiance with the hero, with no discussion, consequences or introspection. Any one of these things on its own might have made it easier to get through, but all together, just didn't work at all.

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Juliet and Keith Giglio have done it again! This fantastic holiday romance delivers humor and holly by the truckload. I'm not normally a second chance romance reader, but this is one of the best I've read thus far. The romance is well balanced with the excitement (and ups and downs) of making movies. It gives an excellent look into that world without being too "inside baseball" which is something I also enjoyed in their first novel The Summer of Christmas.
I'm so glad that I was able to pick this up for the holiday season as it's the perfect December (or Christmas in July) read! I'd recommend this one for movie lovers, holiday romance readers, and those who enjoy a good second chance romance.

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Kerri and Jon wrote a movie script together, years ago when they were still a couple. Now, that script has resurfaced and even though they are broken up, they need to work together on this film. But when the notoriously challenging star of the film sees Kerri’s engagement ring and assumes she’s engaged to Jon, the two decide to pretend they are still together for the sake of the film. In the process, will their feelings resurface, or will it all go terribly wrong.

This is the second Christmas related story I’ve read by Juliet and Keith Giglio, and unfortunately both fell super flat for me and did not keep my interest well. While the storyline about the drama with the movie was interesting, the second chance romance just didn’t feel right to me. There was so much going on with the story and the side characters that it all distracted from the romance and I never really connected to it.

Thanks to Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for the advance copy.

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Written by two people, this book was a bit choppy and the plot meandered quite a bit. It's a cute premise but this was not my favorite.

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The Trouble With Tinsel written by Juliet Giglio and Keith Giglio, where do I start with this book? The Trouble With Tinsel was NOT for me AT ALL. I knew I should have DNF'ED this book, but I was halfway through, so let's be honest here, I skimmed this entire book. It breaks my heart to rate a Christmas book one star and wanting to DNF it so bad, but let me just say, there were so many things wrong with this book. The writing style was so poorly written, it was written in third person omniscient, which left me totally confused because I had no clue which character was being talked about, there were so many irrelevant characters involved, the emotional and physical cheating was just DISGUSTING! I don't understand why authors have to write about cheating, like it's truly the worst and most heart breaking thing a person has to go through in a relationship, but here's my deal, the cheating kept happening and the main character didn't even feel guilty for cheating on her fiancé. This girl was literally engaged to her fiancé, why not just break the engagement off if you wanted to keep cheating? I thought the cover was extremely cute, and the blurb sounded very promising, but in my opinion this book was just horrible. I don't want this review to seem like i'm hating on the authors in anyway, but this book was just poorly written. Let me make this clear, ANY hate comments on my review will be deleted immediately. These are my opinions and my opinions ONLY. I'm going to keep this review short and to the point for those of you who want to read this book.


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The Trouble with Tinsel is a holiday rom-com about a pair of ex's who wrote a screenplay together only for it to get picked up to be made into a movie after they break up and are in new relationships. Wanting to keep the big stars on board to make the movie they wrote come to life, the couple, Kerri and Jon, decide to fake that they are still together. This book could've been such a hit if it was different...
Overall I just could not get behind this book. I did not care about the characters and thought they were just being annoying putting on this giant hoax as Kerri is engaged to a new man. There is a ton of "borderline cheating" going on throughout this book which I was not a huge fan on. I also just could not find a character to root for in this book.

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Thank you Sourcebook Casablanca for the advance copy.

No. There should be absolutely ZERO cheating in an holiday book. What kind of cheer is that? It is a DNF for me.

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Can a fake engagement lead to renewed love? Kerri and Jon used to be writing partners in love... Not so much now. After the break up, Kerri moved to New York where she met her new fiance Beau. Jon stayed in LA. They are drawn back together when Jon manages to sell a script they had written. They have just a month to make their movie, and challenges abound. The largest being that the star of the film believes that Kerri and Jon are engaged, and if she is disillusioned, she may just quit the film. But pretending to be engaged may actually be simple, when real feelings exist.

Unfortunately, I didn't love either of the main characters. Jon is the more sympathetic of the two. He has carried a torch for Kerri the entire time they were apart, which is sweet, but he pursues an engaged woman. Not the best move. Kerri on the other hand, has moved on. Even though she clearly doesn't have strong feelings for her new fiance, it doesn't excuse the way she acts with Jon. She strings Beau along for way too long (the entire novel). Cheating characters always put me off. I did like the Christmas-time setting. It's fun for romcoms to be set at this time of year. I also did enjoy the little side romance between Amari and Richard, though it didn't develop until the very end. The story was very slow in general, and then everything ramped up during the last ten percent. Some aspects definitely needed more buildup. Not my favorite read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Many thanks to Netgalley for an e-arc!

Wow, this was a book. A book that's getting published?

The writing is so choppy, the characters are so flat and I'm confused ?? Why are we jumping perspective mid-chapter so many times.

The dialogue is awful. Do not recommend reading this book at all.

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A fun read about the making of a movie by two script writers previously together. I thought Jon was unlivable to me …but I liked Kerrie…intelligent, funny, ambitious…except for her choice of man.

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I’ve seen a lot of mixed reviews on this one and I think there’s quite a few redeeming qualities it contains. I would read more by these authors.

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I haven't read anything by this writing duo but as a film major in college I was looking forward to this fun film holiday read. Unfortunately, this one was definitely not for me. I couldn't decide whether or not I should like any of the main characters (Kerri, Jon, Richard, Amari - especially Kerri and Richard)

I didn't get the plots or subplots and how they contributed to the love story... I kind of wish Beau was not a good person because the way that Kerri treated him was just horrible. I couldn't root for her. And Jon using this as an excuse to be close to Kerri again was very manipulative...

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Ex screen writing partners (and lovers) are thrust back together again in this Hollywood Christmas rom-com!
After years of not speaking Jon calls Kerri up with the news of one of their old projects being picked up for a movie. Kerri has moved on and living in Brooklyn, engaged, teaching and happy. But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and she jumps on a plane to LA. Once the lead actress makes the assumption that Jon and Kerri are the ones engaged they have no choice but to go along with it…at least until the filming is done.
This was such a fun read! I loved Kerri and Jon and the banter that shared. They truly were each other’s partners in work and in love.

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The idea of this story sounded good but it id not leave me in any type of holiday cheer. he thing I can NOT stand is a protagonist who is in a relationship ad goes about in some fake relationship and we are supposed to root for this fake couple? I hated it all. I did not want them together by the end and hated Jon and Kerri and their reason for breaking up was stupid to me. It didn’t make me feel any holiday cheer, and didn’t believe a bit of the movie making process. The writing style made me feel it was all at a distance so I didn’t connect with any of this one. It wasn’t for me and I really don't think it’s a good holiday romance for me.

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Kerri is currently living in Brooklyn with her fiance Beau. Jon lives in LA and has continued to try and sell their scripts. He is finally able to an Kerri is forced to go back to LA to work on the movie. While working on the movie, Kerri realizes she still has feeling for Jon and doesn't truly love Beau.
The movie is a disaster from the start. They end up have to firing the director and lose the whole crew. Kerri and Jon reach out to classmates from film school. The classmates help them finish production.

The Trouble with Tinsel focused too much on the outside characters. There were moments it focused on Kerri and Jon but not much. We also didn't get to see much of Kerri and Beau. It felt like it was set up at the beginning to show Kerri knew she loved Jon and belonged in LA even though that isn't the case. Overall, it was a quick easy read but just fell a little short for me.

I received an ARC of The Trouble with Tinsel from NetGalley.

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A cute Christmas rom com. The plot could’ve been better, but I loved how things turned out. This book will definitely get you in the holiday spirit!

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For some reason when the holiday season hits, it means romcom times. I always go on a romance kick during that time period. This was very fun, the second chance romance was cute and the story was lighthearted. Honestly, this felt like what I imagine a hallmark movie feels like.

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Love a cute holiday romcom.

Kerri and Jon were once a couple and screenwriting partners. She has moved to New York and is engaged to Beau.

One of their scripts gets picked up for production and Kerri returns to LA for a few days to meet with Jon and get this going. The movie's star Amari isn't aware they are broken up, sees Kerri's ring and assumes they are engaged. To her they are couple goals and they are afraid if they tell her they are not, the project will be off.

It is clear from the beginning that Jon is still head over heals for Kerri. Can he win her back or will she return to Beau?

Many thanks to Netgalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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