Member Reviews

Well....this was exactly what I thought it would be and exactly NOT what I thought it would be all rolled into one. Aside from the never ending formatting and grammatical and spelling errors, there is really no true plot. I expected this to be one novella but it turned out to be a bunch of short stories featuring the same character and outcome; Erin traveling back in time to get get herself off with a dinosaur. I will say, the first short story was the best out of all of them and the author should have kept going with it, if you ask me. Two stars for being exactly what I figured it would be, dinosaur porn, and two stars due to all the unnecessary errors. I hope the author fixes these and people read reviews before purchasing this set of stories.

It's hard to look away from a train wreck AND curiosity killed the cat. Just... why? Lol... just nope... so many errors... grammatically, cohesiveness and everything else ...

A few people were talking about this book in one of my IG groups and thought I would give it a try because I like shifter books. Only, this is NOT a shifter book. This is straight up bestiality dinosaur porn. I have never read anything like this before and I won't be in the future. Dinosaur porn is not for me.
The writing is not great, the stories have no plot and I hope the formatting is fixed for those who will actually purchase the e-book.

I certainly read the book in one sitting and did enjoy it - but probably not in the way that the author intended. It feels like a throwback to wattpad days - and not in a good way

I thought I knew what I was getting myself into with this one, but I still need to rate is 1 star. Not sure if it was my copy of the book, but it was unreadable. The spelling, the grammar, and the punctuation was all off. Nothing flowed within the story. Again, not sure if I received a bad copy of this was just the way it was written. But it was so all over the place, I couldn't understand any kind of plot whatsoever. I"m not sure why simple words weren't spelled correctly, either. I was expecting to just have some fun with this one, but unfortunately it was a complete bust. The publisher needs to check and make sure the format is what they want to publish.

look, I’m a lover of all the weird eroticas, including our friend the Dino but this was just something else. I liked the first story, with cera. I liked him and I liked that moment but it was just ruined with the writing and most notably, the formatting. the way the book reads on kindle is horrible. having every sub chapter begin with “#number triceratops and bottoms” … continues sentance was awful. so many sentences where cut off half way through just to continue after the title of the book was stated like above. another very notable annoyance is the spelling and grammar. I don’t think a single “all” or “fall” actually had both L’s. it was always al. originally I thought it was a simple spelling error but it happened with every single “all” mentioned in the book. the formatting of some words left them separated which constantly broke the reading pattern. I think this book could have potential if it was taken back to the drawing board and re worked. at present I wouldn’t recommend publishing until at least the formatting is reworked to provide a readable experience.

Why did I do that? I saw the cover. I read the excerpt. I STILL read the whole freaking thing. This woman is a KINKY time traveler who goes and does KINKY stuff with MULTIPLE dinosaurs because she's bored and horny.

What did I just read.
I saw this on netgalley and thought it looked ridiculous. I now want to gouge my eyes and brain out with a hot spoon.
Monster smut is one thing, but beastiality is a whole different thing, I'm gonna pass.
To review the actual book. The writing is terrible. Barely formed sentences with multiple errors. There is no characterisation, Erin is just a nymphomaniac into beastiality. The porn itself is also bad, looking past the actual content, every single story was the same. Erin meets a dinosaur, strokes its face, then gets on its back and gets herself off while riding it. Just so so bad.
I don't recommend

I've downloaded it because I saw some booktubers reading it. Yes, I knew what it was going to be reading this. I should've listened to my inner voice warning me... and now I have regrets.
I stopped after about 50% in. I'm not even going to say more about the content but the book is badly written and the kindle formatting is horrendous.

Oh em gee. What was that? What did I just read? What. Was. That?
Ok, I was really very well aware of what it is when I was downloading it. I was really very, very well aware of what it is when I was having a very heated debate inside my own head if I should read this. But still, I am all OH EM GEE WHAAAAAT now.
I thought I had made a very firm decision ages ago – I am not a romance reader of any kind, I am not an erotica reader of any kind, I am not a smut reader of any kind. Of course, when I made this decision, it was more based on the fact that most of those kinds of books are filled with heterosexual people, and the non-hetero women are often written by men or by whateverheteros, and that’s just cringe. But then, enter a… dino. Huh? Dino?! Ok. I am quite open-minded, right? I have never, ever heard of a dino romance. That is something totally new to me. No heterosexual men there, so, it should be fine, right? Right? RIGHT? I am never going to yuck someone else’s yum, right? And how do I know it is not also my own yum, if I know nothing about it, right? And curiosity got the best of me.
I am so confused now. I really have no words. It was… it was. Something. Else.
I am not sure how I feel about telling other people that I have read this book. I am not sure I want to discuss it with anyone. Like, ever.
I am not sure I will be recommending this book to anyone, ever. Also, I am not sure I will NOT be recommending this book to anyone.
Ok, to sum it up, it was the weirdest thing I have read. Ever. EVER. And I read a lot. And I read a lot of weird stuff.
Does it make sense? Not really. Is it fun to read? Not particularly. Have I become smarter now that I have read it? Not really, the opposite might be true in fact. Is it well-written? Also, not at all. As a cherry on top, the timeline for dinos was way off. Triceratops roaming the earth at the same time as brachiosaurus? What. A. Party. Pooper. Mixing up timelines like that, who even does that? Off by TENS OF MILLIONS OF YEARS, crazy! That ruins any fantasy by making it totally unbelievable. And how tall is the woman in this book? Nothing is said about the triceratops being incredibly small – so, that must mean that in the year 2122 (or something like that) all women are giants. If a triceratops is said to be about 30ft tall, there is no way it would be able to do all… umm… all THAT with someone who is, like, 6ft tall. That someone has to be at least 20ft tall.
Yet… ok, maybe you just need to read it for yourself. There, I said it. Go and read it. Just don’t blame me. Read the blurb, it is all true there. Read it. And then, welcome to the club. The club where we never tell anyone about the books we have read.
Also, if I had to add a title to my review, I would absolutely call it "Secret Confessions of a Very Confused Pearl-Clutcher".

This was a new author & trope for me. I thought it was fun, bonkers, and steamy! I do believe you need to go in not expecting high hope for a romance bc it’s just sexy times with Dino’s! I thought it was so entertaining and do look forward to what’s next from this author! I also hope she makes an ending for Alice & Rex!

I read this because everyone is talking about it... And yep it's just as bad as expected.
Amusing though.

just had to see what this was about when I saw it was up as read now! I've seen posts about it all over lol.
It most definitely delivers exactly what the cover and synopsis promises I suppose. 🤷 But ehhhh, the editing could use a lot of work and the plot is non-existent (alas if you're looking for this sort of erotica and just want to get to the "good stuff" I suppose that doesn't matter?)

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for this arc. I have to just say this book was weird, I saw a post about in a Facebook group and decided to check it out. I stopped reading after she went back in time. The dinosaurs are not shape shifting men, which what I assumed they would be, I did stop reading so who knows. I ignored the grammar errors, which could be something to do with the publisher.

One of my buddy read groups on Instagram convinced everyone to download this and I can’t believe I actually read this hahahaha. This was straight Dino porn with no storyline at all. It was entertaining but big yikes hahahaha. I guess thanks for letting me read this? Though a part of me wishes I never knew about a Dino’s penis so there’s that.

This was wild. I had actually heard about this author earlier this week, so thought it was only fitting that I read this one when it popped up on NetGalley.
A collection of short stories, all revolving around intimate relationships with dinosaurs. It honestly was exactly what I was expecting it to be. Some of the short stories were better than others, but we got what we signed up for.
Formatting wise, definitely needs some editing, but this is an advanced copy so it might be heading for some more edits.

Overall there isn't much by way of characters and plot, we briefly learn of Erin struggling with boredom in the year 2122. "She'd gone around to various inhabited worlds, having sex with men, women, and beings [aliens] of all races" and still wasn't satisfied.
Then there is an invention of a time machine and she travels back to the Jurassic, where she meets a Triceratops and discovers dinosaurs are not only sentient but they also can understand her and communicate. One thing leads to another. 😚
Triceratops and Bottoms is the longest story in the book, and there are multiple short stories of Erin's travels back in time after her experience with him & wanting to connect with more dinos: My Boyfriend is a Plesiosaur, Mile High Pterodactyl Club, A Carnotaurus for a Christmas, and My Sexy Supersaurus.
Triceratops and Bottoms set the tone for the rest of the reading, and the rest of the stories didn't hold as much passion as that one did. I think it would have made more of an impact if it had just been left at that without the little additional stories afterwards.
There is a bonus story separate from Erin's called Tyrannosaurus Sext. I much preferred this one. A woman named Alice discovers the anonymous coworker she's been messaging is actually a T-rex. This story was different than all the previous stories because it takes place in a modern society and the T-rex speaks and has dialogue.
I wasn't sure what to expect but it definitely was what I should have been expecting based on the cover art, synopsis, and titles. I don't know that I'll be able to look at a Triceratops the same way.

This was exactly as the description mentioned, A bored, horny woman, Erin, goes back in time to have sex with dinosaurs. Obviously this is unrealistic, but adding in that the dinosaurs understood her when she was talking to them, and that they were able to show concern/enotion towards her just took it to a whole new level of ridiculousness. I know this erotica is geared at a very specific kink category, which clearly is NOT me. The writing was very poorly written, very juvenile, and it just made me uncomfortable and creeped out.

I really cannot believe I just read this. It was very quick, had no actual plot, and was most definitely dinosaur porn. Keep an open mind I guess. Some formatting issues that I assume come from converting into an epub. I’m fairly confident I will not be reading dinosaur erotica again. But go for it. You never know.

This was exactly what it said it would be, and my issue isn't with the content. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised by how tender it was at times while being downright hilarious at others. My issue was with the writing -- there were tons of weird sentences and misspellings and my brain had to fill in a lot of gaps.