Member Reviews

I wanted to love this book, but it didn't hold my attention too well and the writing was all over the place.

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I struggled to get into this one, and I'm sure it's me and not the book. I will give it another try when I'm in a better space

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It took me a little bit to get into Every Wish Way, but that's more of a me problem than anything to do with the book - focus is hard these days. That said, this book was adorable. I absolutely loathed Iza's mother, and her obsession with Mr Darcy was a little over the top for someone who isn't a huge fan of Pride and Prejudice, but Beckett and his insanity more than made up for that.

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This book had great potential. The main characters were instantly likeable, and their witty banter added a fun dynamic to the story. I found that there were quite a few unnecessary plot points that seemed to detract from the overall flow of the narrative.

While I'm all for a slow-burn romance, I felt that in this case, it was a tad too slow. With some fine-tuning and editing to streamline the story and trim down some of the extraneous side plots, I believe the romance could have really shone and the pacing could have been improved significantly.

That being said, despite its flaws, I still found the book to be an enjoyable and light-hearted read. It had moments of charm and humour, and I appreciated the potential that it showed. With a bit of polishing, I have no doubt that it could have been even better.

I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Good book. I liked the characters and the dialogue. The story kept me interested, so it was a quick read. A good read

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A unique and interesting adult romance novel! I recommend to those who think it sounds good!

I received an e-ARC from the publisher

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Cute book with a good story. I really liked the main character because of the relatability of the story.

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DNF @ 57%
I’ve been trying to finish this since September… wanted to like it but could not get into it.

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Quick Summary: A beautiful, magical chaos romance

My Review: Every Wish Way by Shannon Bright is a charming fantasy read. It’s a fast-paced, contemporary romp that explores love, sacrifice, and self-fulfillment.

About the Book: What do Pride and Prejudice, sparkling nail polish, enchanted wishes, and unconditional love have in common? Iza and Beckett’s relationship is the answer.

My Final Say: Wow! 🤩 This was so much more than I expected. It was really delightful.

Other: I loved how both Iza and Beckett came to a point of realization about life, wants, and those things that were good for true satisfaction. I also liked how the presented relationships were dissected and examined. In the end, they both found their voices and were firm in their choices.

Rating: 4.75/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A
Re-read: Yes
Keeper: Yes
Favorites Shelf: Yes
Status/Level: 💕🌶

Appreciation is extended to the author, to the publisher (Alcove Press), and to NetGalley. Thank you for the opportunity to review this wonderful novel.

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While holding a genie’s bottle (of nail polish), Iza accidentally summons her personal wish-granter, Beckett. Beckett is the opposite of her dream man, so Iza uses her wishes to create her actual dream man based on Mr. Darcy. However, Iza soon finds that Beckett’s may not be the perfect man, but he might be perfect for her.

While this was a cute spin on the traditional Pride and Prejudice retelling - and I love the idea of the genie appearing out of a bottle of nail polish - Iza annoyed me. It’s hard to love a book when you’re not a fan of the main character. Three stars.

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This was such a cute, fun book! I really liked the character development for both characters. I wasn’t sure about a genie concept, but it came out really well!

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I have mixed feelings on this book. I loved the premise of it, and I thought the way Beckett was characterized was hilarious, but there was a little too much cringe for me. Iza wishes for her own personal Mr. Darcy and tries to use the plot of Pride and Prejudice as a guide book on how to get him to fall in love with her, but she kind of goes about it like a nutcase. I get that the whole lesson in that is how you can't expect to happily fall in love if you're pretending to be someone else, but dang if the second-hand cringe wasn't strong when you read it.
That part aside, the story was extremely amusing and unique.

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Why is this book not more popular?! I thought it was adorable and I’ll definitely be following this author and her future books. I had a blast reading it and love the underlying meaning I took from it: do things in life that make you happy, no one else.

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I really wanted to get to this one, as it seemed interesting. This was requested when I first found out about NetGalley and I had requested so many ARCs that I could not get to all of them before they were archived. If I can find this somewhere for a reasonable price, I will try to get it!

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This book was SUCH a great read! I love when there's some magic in my romcom! I could not stop laughing and I loved the humour that Shanno Bright has injected into this book. It reminded me a lot of The Wedding Planner and a bit of Bridget Jones' Diary.

The best part is that the book is filled with turns that will keep you flipping the page and is a bit different than the regular romcom predictability which made me love this book even more! A great light quick read for anyone!

Thank you to the publisher for an eARC of this book!! So great!

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I enjoyed this book because it had so much potential. I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to wish for their favorite book crush? I do think it missed the mark just a tad, which is why I rate it 3.5/4 stars. This was a light, fun read.

Someone described this as a 90's romcom, and I have to agree with that completely in the positive and negative ways. (Lol) I always love a twisted tale, and this one combines Aladdin and Pride and Prejudice. I'm not sad I read it, but I wouldn't reread it, if that makes sense.

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Lovely, lovely book, I love it super cute and cozy!
Highly recommended 💕
Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the copy

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I really loved this book! I was pleasantly surprised multiple times throughout by their choices, which doesn't happen often in romance or any genre fiction. I loved the main characters, and while I am still a fan of Darcy, I am not sure I'd want a real one in today's world. Thanks for that!

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This book actually exceeded my expectations. I really liked the premise and the reimagined Genie and three wishes trope. Beckett was really likeable and I was rooting for him throughout the entire book.
I also believe that it has a great underlying message, which made me like it even more.
I only wished for the mother-daughter-relationship to be a bigger focus towards the end and see how they started rebuilding their relationship after the talk they had.
Aside from that is was a very cute read!

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Shannon Bright has written a wonderful book - you will enjoy reading!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely.

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