Member Reviews

Tastes like Shakkar tastes like a fresh rom-com with a sizzling added spice. Bobbi and Benjamin had chemistry, friendship, and banter galore. Nisha Sharma is a favorite of mine after Dr. Dil, but I love this book even more then Dr Dil.

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Trigger warning: very descriptive intimate scenes. This was my fat Indian wedding, complete with the beautiful bridal gown! Enemies to lovers, great banter, and an even better friend group! This is a sequel to Dating Dr. Dil, and they reference the first novel often. It was definitely a good read, and you root for the kids to stand up to their parents.

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This book was fun and an easy read. I absolutely loved learning more about Desi culture and wedding traditions. I think there were some pacing issues and it was more of a tell-you & not show-you romance. For example, you're being told the characters have chemistry through dialogue rather than feeling that build up of tension between the characters. And you're given the ‘they talked all night about everything and nothing’ line instead of being privy to at least some of that dialogue. For me, I love to read about those little moments. That being said, those issues are completely my preference within the genre. Overall the book is great and I adore Nisha Sharma and the If Shakespeare Was an Auntie series. I can not wait for Veera’s book!

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This book was absolutely delightful! I adored Dating Dr. Dil and didn’t think the “If Shakespeare was an Auntie Universe” could get better, but this book did not disappoint. The banter, the sex (phew!), the mystery and sabotage, the found family – I found myself swept up in all of it and loved every single moment. There were a lot of laughs, but also serious moments with complicated family drama and dynamics that are highly relatable. Bobbi and Bunty’s relationship is fiery, and sweet, and loyal and I am rooting for them all the way. Cant wait for Veera and Deepak’s story next!

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Overall I enjoyed the book. Not all of the tension between the characters felt realistic to me, but I love Nisha’s writing and will always recommend her books to people.

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Tastes Like Shakkar was a very intriguing and refreshing story. I loved reading about the food, culture, wedding rituals, and the relationship between benjamin and Bobbi. I liked the romance aspect of this and Sharma does a really good job of the spice and romance.

However, where my struggle is the pacing and lack of romance that I had hoped for. I wish we saw more development rather than being told. I needed more from them as a couple. It was the hardest part for me to get through. But I am very excited for the next book in this series!!

Thank you SOO much to Avon for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I love this book! I cannot stop talking about it. It has enemies to lovers, wedding planning and cooking on it, what's not to love! I would give this 6 stars if I could.
I just reviewed Tastes Like Shakkar by Nisha Sharma. #TastesLikeShakkar #NetGalley
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Nisha Sharma does it again 🙌🏽

Enemies to lovers, food, bondage and fat girl love all in one book! I didn’t think she could top Dating Dr. Dil but she did. I love way she explored a kink that is often shamed in our 🤎🖤 community. I felt so connected to this book from the way we focus on our worth in relation to how much we work. Also how coming from an immigrant we do so much for our families because of guilt vs taking care of ourself. I could go on and on about how much I love this book, but then I would give away too much.

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Loved this book! Great representation in terms of race and body type. I enjoyed the dialogue and the chance of pace from the typical romance.

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I am so glad that I got the chance to read an advance copy of Tastes Like Shakkar by Nisha Sharma. This is a modern/ South Asian adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing and it is utterly swoony and steamy. The story features wedding planner and best friend of the bride-to-be, Bobbi Kaur and her enemy-to-lover Benjamin "Bunty" Padda. Bobbi and Benjamin are forced to put their differences aside in order to pull off the best wedding for their best friends Prem and Kareena (from Dating Dr. Dil) all while battling a wedding saboteur. The chemistry between Bobbi and Benjamin is intense from the first time they meet. They both face to their own insecurities and familial obligations. This is a classic story of enemies-to-lovers, she feel first but he fell harder, grand gestures, spicy lovin', with an unforgettable cast of characters. This is a must read!

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Thank you, NetGalley for the ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

I enjoyed the Indian background in the contemporary romance genre. This was a fun read. It had the elements that you see in a romance book with the enemies to lovers, the will they won't they, love declarations, and many Indian elements like a big involved community, family, and of course a big fat Indian wedding.

Bobbi was a great protagonist. She is very likable and someone that I was rooting for. Benjamin was also a sweet guy without any red flags that make you question why we are supposed to like him in the first place. There is a slight mystery playing out in kind of a subplot, which I thought was interesting. I would like for that to be more of the main plot, but I get that it is not the point of the book.

I recommend this to anyone who enjoys light contemporary romance books and especially if they want an Indian twist.

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Book : Tastes Like Shakkar
Author : Nisha Sharma
Release Date : 01, August 2023

Thank you Net Galley, Avon and Harper Voyager and the author of this book for an opportunity to review this ARC.

This book cover is fabulous! I love a good cover. This author nailed it with yet another one!!! Book one was amazing and I loved this book just as much! I read and finished this book in one sitting.

The characters are so much fun & the laughs and romance in this book are perfect; just the right amount. You can absolutely find a character to relate to in here!

I cannot wait for this book to release so I can have a physical copy in hand. This is a must have, pre order, stick on your shelf and gobble up the entire story!!! You will not be disappointed.

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I loved Dating Dr Dill so much that I finished Benji and Bobbi's book SO FAST. IT was hot. It was steamy. It had meddling aunties named after Desi authors. LOL. I loved this book and will scream forever that Nisha Sharma is one of the best romance writers out there today. It was a little mystery and a lot of comedy. I loved it

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If Shakespeare were an Auntie series by na Nisha Sharma is officially my favorite modern romcom series. Dating Dr. Dil was my favorite book in 2023 and I was so excited to see the series continue. Bobbi and Bunty have chemistry off the charts! Reading them overcome their own issues and come together was a joy! Sharma does a wonderful job of discussing the immigrant experience and Indian culture in America. Additionally, she does a wonderful job of writing female friendships, and male, friendships. I literally cannot wait for the third book in the series. I need more now!

Thank you #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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First, let me say: I WAS SCREAMING THE WHOLE TIME!!!
In my effort to assign a Taylor Swift song to each book that I read this year (and in honor of the Taylor Swift references within the book that I LOVED), I have to say: this reminds me so much of Long Story Short. There's no more keeping score for Bunty and Bobbi--they just know there's more.

After reading and loving Dating Dr. Dil, I knew I’d love Nisha Sharma’s second book but I didn’t know just how obsessed I’d be. Shakespeare adaptations are always hit or miss for me but this was a bullseye. You could definitely see the nods to the source material if you were looking for them but they were subtle enough that they didn’t punch you in the face and the mystery in the story kept me guessing at every turn.

I’m not of South Asian descent but Nisha Sharma’s writing is so amazingly vivid, you can’t help but see just how beautiful the culture is. I was unfamiliar with certain clothing, traditions, and food items but I found myself googling and falling into internet rabbit holes as I learned. (And now I’m so excited to try some new recipes thanks to Chef Padda’s descriptions!) In addition to the beauty, she doesn’t shy away from addressing the internal prejudice within the culture and I deeply appreciate that look into an unfamiliar world.

Seeing a fat heroine who is unapologetic and doesn’t have to go on a journey of discovering self-love in the book was so refreshing; Bobbi loves herself and knows her worth and to me, that makes all the difference. I love how multi-faceted Nisha’s characters are because even if you can’t identify entirely with a character, it’s easy to see yourself within someone (shoutout to Bobbi’s gorgeous size, penchant for organization, and making everyone’s life easier except her own) in her world and I love how connected that makes me feel to the story.
Benjamin as a hero was everything! I love seeing a man so obsessed with a woman who doesn’t want to give him the time of day (even if it’s just because he put his foot in his mouth the first time things got a little heated). His journey of standing on his own outside of his family and the life they’d built was so well done. I don’t want to spoil anything but the resolution to his and Bobbi’s relationship conflict made my heart sing.

All in all, I loved this book and I am so excited for other readers to get to experience it firsthand.

Finally, thank you to NetGalley for this ARC!

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Get ready for an exciting and cute adventure in "Tastes Like Shakkar" by Nisha Sharma. I really liked this book and gave it 4 stars. Bobbi Kaur is determined to plan a special wedding for her best friend, but she faces two big challenges.

First, there's the egotistical and handsome chef, Benjamin "Bunty" Padda, who is supposed to help with the menu. Second, someone is trying to ruin the wedding!

Bobbi dreams of taking over her family's event planning business, but she must be careful not to make any mistakes. Bunty agrees to help with the menu, and they start to develop feelings for each other.

As they work together and face a mysterious troublemaker, Bobbi and Bunty's connection grows. Will their love story have a happy ending once the wedding is over?

With funny meddling aunties and lots of excitement, "Tastes Like Shakkar" is a book you won't want to miss. Join Bobbi and Bunty on their amazing journey!

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Received this ARC via NetGalley

Enemies to lovers trope. This is the 2nd book of the series, after Dating Dr. Dil.

To my fellow 2nd generation immigrants, this had a very relatable theme of family obligations/expectations and trying to navigate those dynamics and difficult convos.

I also liked that this had a mystery plot to it that made this a fun and engaging read.

Also, this had some really spicy sex scenes! Be prepared! 🌶️🔥🥵

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Tastes Like Shakkar by Nisha Sharma
Content warnings: fatphobia, and racism are present in this story. Each time they come up in the story, they are dealt with swiftly and the characters are supported and kept safe. Be gentle with yourself if these are triggering for you.

I was sooooo excited when my NetGalley request was approved. This is the 2nd book in the If Shakespeare Was an Auntie series. You can read it as a standalone, but Dating Dr. Dil is spectacular and you don't want to miss it.

I absolutely loved Tastes Like Shakkar! It has been immediately added to my must own booklist.

Things I am here for:
Bobbi is a curvy Desi heroine, who does not apologize for her curves!
Benjamin is a gorgeous Desi man who loves all of Bobbi and treats her like the Queen she is
The Aunties are back! I love them so much and I love that they are named after other Asian authors.
The steam in this book, yes! Open door, consenting bondage, but without the D/s relationship. It was sooooo refreshing!
Bobbi, Kareena, and Veera's friendship as well as Benjamin, Prem, and Deepak's friendship
There are a few instances where Bobbi lays the smack down, and she is still totally professional and totally in control. Magnificent!

I can't wait to read the next book!

I received an advance review copy for free from NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I was so excited to go back to the world Nisha created in Dating Dr Dil, so thank you NetGalley and Avon for giving me the opportunity to read and review an ARC of Tastes Like Shakkar!
All of our favorites are back for this novel, and Benjamin and Bobbi do not disappoint! The sparks fly between these two strong personalities right from the beginning as we learn the origin of their mutual dislike of each other. The story takes off from there, and the ride really never slows down. Bobbi is headstrong, independent (almost to a fault) and loathes to admit that her heart beats a little stronger when Benjamin (Bunty) is around. Benjamin loves his carefree bachelor life, but soon starts to notice that it’s not as carefree as he thinks and can’t deny his attraction to Bobbi. Both characters fight the good fight against each other as they are forced to work together to plan Kareena and Prem’s wedding, track down a “shaadi saboteur” trying to ruin the wedding and manage the expectations of their respective families. When they come together though…the chemistry is off the charts! I loved having all my favorite characters back, especially the Aunties! Nisha paints such a vivid picture in my head of this world she’s created in Jersey City. Get ready for the banter, humor (one liners that made me laugh out loud) and all the romance we got in Dating Dr Dil. I can’t wait to read the next offering in this series, bring on Veera and Deepak.

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I didn't love Dating Dr. Dil, but I'm a sucker for Much Ado About Nothing, so had to give this series one more try.

And I have mixed feelings on it. One one hand, the way the craziness that is Much Ado About Nothing was integrated into a modern story in a way that made sense (if a guy in a book in 2023 were to shame and break up with his fiance at the alter because he thought he saw her making out with someone on her balcony without talking to her, there would be literally no way he could come back from it) and was fun. On the other hand, the way everything came together and the story itself was just okay for me.

The Aunties were still fun and the characters were good, but the writing overall just does a little more telling a little less showing that I like.

As has been the case with the last few books I haven't loved, I did like the last few chapters of the book more than the rest of the book which makes the rating hard. But the reality is, I don't have any interest in reading the next book, which leaves it at a 3 stars for me.

Thanks to Netgalley and Avon for the advance readers copy. My opinions are my own.

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