Member Reviews

When they first met, Bobbi Kaur and Benjamin “Bunty” Padda had instant chemistry, but, oof, Bunty bungled that interaction. Now almost a year later, the two have been forced together to plan their best friends’ wedding. Kareena and Prem of Dating Dr. Dil are getting married; Bobbi is the wedding planner; and Bunty is the chef in charge of the menu.

Bobbi and Bunty’s antagonistic banter in the midst of all the wedding planning and attempts to thwart a shaadi saboteur’s plotting is downright delicious; their chemistry is spicy inside and outside of the kitchen; and it turns out that despite how much they butt heads, they truly are good for each other.

Read it for the South Asian and plus size rep; the drool-worthy food descriptions; the sweet moments, notes, and messages between Bobbi and Bunty; the aunties’ antics; and the delightful nods to William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing.

I received an advance copy of the book from Avon and NetGalley. All review opinions are my own.

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I am a little torn over this series. I like the characters and the plots so far, but I am a fan of less-is-more when it comes to descriptive sexual scenes. And I need to say up-front that Tastes Like Shakkar got into some kinky stuff that I'm not usually a fan of reading about. I did skim some of these scenes, but I also think that Nisha Sharma could have gone in more depth than she did, but I'm glad she didn't. I want to continue the series to see how the next book will go because I'm a fan of the characters, but I will continue to skim those scenes if necessary.

Benjamin and Bobbi are friends of Prem and Kareena from book 1, Dating Dr. Dil. Benjamin slipped up and said something to Bobbi that he didn't mean one night. Bobbi took it in the most negative way possible, and she's been out to be enemies with Benjamin ever since. But we all know that enemies to lovers is one of the best tropes. Is there any readers out there that hate this setup? I'm genuinely curious.

Prem and Kareena's wedding is getting messed with, and since Bobbi is the wedding planner and Kareena's best friend, she's determined to find out who is trying to sabotage this wedding. Only what ends up happening is that Prem and Kareena call in some best friend cards to get Benjamin and Bobbi to work together on the menu and planning of the wedding. The time spent together means these two need to call a truce which leads to the past being explained, and of course, the tension between them comes to a head. And it wouldn't be true romance if feelings didn't develop.

Finding out who was sabotaging the wedding was impossible. The reader didn't have enough information to figure things out. But it was fun to wonder if various side characters were involved. And I didn't mind the mystery because it wasn't the biggest part the plot, but it did help move the story along.

My biggest questions was whether Benjamin would open his newest restaurant on the east or west coast. I knew the two would end up together, because hello...but would Bobbi relocate her wedding planning business to the west coast to be with Benjamin, or would Benjamin tell his family no and stay east coast with Bobbi and his friends?

Favorite quotes:
-He was already discovering that love tasted better with a little cheese.

-Why was having a little bit of Benjamin so much worse than being alone?

Poor Bobbi went through it in this book. She's trying her best to plan the best wedding possible for her friend who has never had much attention and spotlight in her life. She's also planning other events and maintaining all her clients, friends, and family relationships. She's forced to work with someone who hurt her, but she comes through that. Even still, she wonders if she's investing her heart only for things not to work out through the potential distance these two might have to face. In the end, Tastes Like Shakkar was a really good read. I liked how these two characters faced nearly everything together, and none of the conflicts felt unrealistic or forced. The mystery didn't take over the story, but it did help move things along. Tastes Like Shakkar gets 4 Stars. Have you read Tastes Like Shakkar? What did you think? Let me know!

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Oh my word I absolutely ADORED this book so so much! This is the follow up to last year's Dating Dr. Dill and while I enjoyed that book, this one was just way more my style. It had me literally laughing out loud and was spicier than I expected going in!

Gosh the chemistry between Bobbi and Bunty could be felt off the page - it was truly electric and created some of the best banter I've read in awhile! Bobbi has everything I love in a strong female character - she is not perfectly imperfect and has high standards that she holds dear. Her commitment to her family and friends is admirable and created the perfect environment for a mix of silly shenanigans (including some wedding sabotage) and some incredibly heartfelt romance. Plus there was some super steamy bondage scenes that were sooo unexpected but I loved to see!

I love seeing Indian culture in a romance novel because I'm surrounded by it everyday in my work - it's vibrant, full of love, and I am glad it's getting to be shown in more books thanks to authors like Nisha Sharma!

I definitely recommend this book and think you should pick it up right away if you like EXTREME banter, explosive chemistry, shaadi saboteurs, and overly involved families!

This is easily a 4.5 star read!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC. All opinions are my own.

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The instant I finished Dating Dr. Dil, I needed this book the way we need oxygen. And when I finally got my hands on the advanced copy, I simply consumed it. Bobby and Benjamin did not disappoint with their Bollywood-esque banter, and chemistry. I love the way Nisha Sharma explored Bobby’s self love and how natural it was. Bobbi and Bunty had you rooting for them from the first chapter. Both characters are headstrong and mature but tend to prioritize their loved ones over themselves. We still get to see them grow along side each other, and take the reigns of their of personal happiness, despite familial obligations. Throw in some very spicy times (didn’t expect that lol), and all those troublesome side characters we know – you have one the best rom-coms I’ve read this year!

I must also mention my favs rina and prem and how much i devoured every moment they appeared, i’m always rooting for my girl rina and it broke my heart to see her special day almost ruined. I also CANNOT wait for deepak and veera’s story…i have ideas about what it might be and i’m soo excited.

Thank you Avon Books, Netgalley and Nisha Sharma for sharing an ARC with me.

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If you are looking for a heartwarming, sexy story with tension that you could cut with Bunty's chefs knife, you have come to the right place! Nisha Sharma's second book in this series is an absolute masterpiece that dives into complicated friendships and feelings that get pushed to the limit when someone decides they want to sabotage a wedding for Bobbi and Bunty's best friends.

The story outside of the romance alone is funny and incredibly entertaining, but the love story is what makes this book so special. You have two characters who have mutual friends who don't get along when they get off on the wrong foot during their first meeting. Then you have those same characters forced to work together on their best friend's wedding and on top of all of that, they have to catch the person that is trying to ruin that wedding. The set up of this story is entertaining on its own but then you add in hot sexual tension to the list, and you have a book that you simply cannot put down.

Aside from the beautiful love story between Bobbi and Bunty, you also have this found family aspect within their friend group that makes you appreciate platonic relationships as much as romantic ones. I have always enjoyed seeing strong friendships in romance novels and Sharma does a phenomenal job illustrating that with the six characters at the core of this series.

Overall, I loved this book so much. I love Bobbi and Bunty. And I love Nisha Sharma.

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A dollop of enemies to lovers romance, a dash of wedding planning chaos, a pinch of mystery, and a sprinkle of delicious sounding food and you have the recipe for Tastes Like Shakkar. In this retelling of Much Ado About Nothing, Bobbi is determined to plan the perfect wedding with her best friend, but unfortunately that involves working with Ben, a man who gets on her last nerve. To make matters worse, someone is trying to sabotage the wedding. As Ben and Bobbi team up to ensure the wedding happens, they realize there might be sparks between them. But are those sparks enough to last after the wedding is over?

This book is another win from Nisha Sharma! The mix of romance, auntie antics, and cozy mystery was absolute perfection. I adored Bobbi and Ben together as well as their individual journeys to stand up for themselves when it came to their families and careers. The humor, the steam, the banter, all of it was just amazing. I will definitely be buying anything Nisha Sharma writes.

Thanks to Avon Books and NetGalley for the advance copy.

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4.25🌟 this follow up to dating dr. dil leans into the silly shenanigans and whimsy with the aunties and their antics surrounding the saboteur of the wedding, which made the reading experience so much fun!

the chemistry and flirtatious banter between bobbi and bunty was off the charts! the kitchen scene??? i loved reading about two very career-oriented people having to strike a balance between ambition at work, family, friends, and their relationship. bobbi is so determined and unflappable and it was so sweet to watch as she slowly let down her walls and started to allow bunty to take care of her the way he wanted to. another unique aspect to their story is that they, of course, experience conflict within their relationship, but are also dealing with external pressures, grappling with familial obligation and expectations placed upon them.

the focus on the importance of platonic love and friendship in this series is also really refreshing. i feel like often friends in books are just put to the wayside and used as a way to show that the main characters have lives outside of the romance. these friend groups can lean on one another, open up about their emotions freely, and give and take advice, and i love spending time with them!

*thank you to avon, netgalley, and nisha for the eARC!

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I love a good Shakespeare retelling and I also loved the first book in this series, Dating Dr. Dil. Just like Dating Dr. Dil, Tastes Like Shakkar is based on one of my favorite Shakespeare comedies, Much Ado About Nothing. There's just enough to know it's based on Shakespeare, but you definitely know that it's the author's story and she's made it her own.

10 months ago, Benjamin/Bunty almost ruined Bobbi's career and now they're forced to work together for their friends' wedding, Bobbi as the wedding planner and Benjamin as the caterer. They antagonize each other and there's some pretty epic banter that I love. With their forced proximity, it leads to some epic tension.

This book also had a whodunnit/cozy mystery feel to it, surrounding the wedding, and I kept trying to figure out who was behind these sabotages.

Just like the last book, there's plenty of food, so don't read on an empty stomach. It also wouldn't be complete without the meddling Aunties. They're so much fun!

Overall, I loved it. It's funny, super steamy, and I loved the plus-sized rep. I'm definitely enjoying this series and can't wait for the next book!

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager. I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

4 1/2 Stars

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ARC kindly provided by NetGalley though all thoughts are my own.

Nisha Sharma has incredible sense for comedy.

Bobbi Kaur and Benjamin Padda are at odds with each other. After Benjamin nearly singlehandedly ruined Bobbi's career, they've been downright enemies of each other. But all that slowly changes as they are forced to work together when both their best friend's get married.

I absolutely loved the mini wedding sabotage plot line and the relationship bobby and "bunty" were growing. they are hot between the sheets too. And the army of aunties make me wish I had that for myself.

This book will absolutely make you want to go to a wedding like this and also will make you incredibly hungry. I loved it and I highly recommend.

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Tastes Like Shakkar was my most anticipated romance release this year after I devoured Dating Dr. Dil in one day last year. I was so excited to re-enter the world of these characters and see how the friendships and family dynamics continued to play out. And wow!!!! I loved this book! I found Bobbi and Benjamin to both be complex and their chemistry was incredible. The mystery element of them tracking down the saboteur was exciting to follow and I was always rooting for them. I found their conflict believable and selfishly wish there were 100 more pages just so I could read more of their love story. (also wow.....the spice???? incredible!!)

I enjoyed this addition to the If Shakespeare was an Auntie series even more than the first and cannot wait to read the third! Thank you Avon and Netgalley for the e-arc 💛

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**Thank you to Nisha Sharma, Avon Publishing, and NetGalley for allowing me to receive an ARC of 'Tastes Like Shakkar' in exchange for an honest review!!** I LOVED this book! I previously read Dating Dr. Dil and I was so excited when I saw there was a sequel coming out! Bobbi and Bunty are such fun characters and their romance was so hilarious and heartwarming. I love the concept of the Shakespeare retellings of this series and this was a great choice for these characters. Their awkward first encounter made for a good 'friend of my friend that I hate' version of enemies to lovers. I laughed out loud on multiple occasions, and I definitely cried as well. I love seeing representation from different cultures and I loved seeing all of the different aspects and time needed for an Indian wedding. The secondary plotline made so much more sense when I thought about how much time and energy it took to plan the wedding! I am SO looking forward to the next book with Veera!!

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This was my first book by Nisha Sharma and I was not disappointed. I loved the cozy mystery element as well as the romance. Bobbi and Benjamin are both super likeable characters that you want it to work out for and Sharma doesn’t leave us waiting for the relationship to develop. Super spicy and well-written, I devoured this in less than a day and can’t wait to go back and read her first in this standalone series.

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Enemies to lovers? Rope play kink? And showing care through food? Tastes Like Shakkar by Nisha Sharma, the second book in the If Shakespeare Was an Auntie series, has it all!

Bobbi and Benjamin start out as enemies because of a misunderstanding. Unfortunately for them their best friends are in love, and that means seeing each other more than they’d like as they both help prepare and plan the wedding events. Throw in a “shaadi saboteur” who sends threatening notes and cancels the cake, and they enlist the help of the Aunties to solve the mystery. Bobbi and Benjamin declare a truce until the wedding is over but the more time they spend together their animosity turns into friendship and then love.

I really identified with Bobbi and Benjamin and their roles as the family managers. It’s tough to be relied upon to help your family while sacrificing your own wants and needs. I’m glad both stood up to their parents and the world didn’t end. Families might not understand their choices but they have to accept them.
Bobbi also is no pushover and feels like she has to do everything herself. When she finally asks for help and receives it, her friends and family step up to show her they care and she’s doesn’t have to carry burdens alone.
It’s so good! Definitely one of my fave reads this year.

- enemies to lovers
- forced proximity
- moderate steam
- WDTK? chapter 11

Pub date: Aug. 1
eARC provided by Read Now on NetGalley.

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I am so happy that I found author Nisha Sharm and her world of If Shakespeare was an Auntie! I am in awe of her ability to bring the reader into her culture with honesty and humor.
Benjamin and Bobbi are characters who are relatable and compelling in every way. The book begins with their meeting months 10 ago and it is evident from that brief encounter that we are going to enjoy an enemies to lovers trope complete with biting banner and simmering attraction. Bobbi is best friends with Kareena and Veera from Nisha's first book, Dating Dr Dil, and has volunteered to be the wedding planner for Kareena and Prem's upcoming wedding. This brings her a situation where she has to work and socialize with Prem's best friends, Deepka and Benjamin. Everyone knows Benjamin and Bobbi get along like oil and water so the two agree to a truce until after the wedding.
There is something for all readers in this book: larger that life Aunties, realistic family drama, deep supportive friendships, an unusual mystery wrapped in hilarious situations and above all an emotional romance between two dynamic characters who are more alike that they could every imagine!
I love reading Nisha' books with the culture and the friendships she brings to her readers. A a newbie, an addition of a chart of Indian words with their meanings would help as I was looking up many of them( can't help it because I am a retired librarian). Tastes like Shakkar was a " couldn't put it down experience" for me and I am looking forward to reading future books Nisha Sharma..
I received a A R C and I am pleased to give an honest review based on my reading experience

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A steamy, heart warming story about learning to accept love and help from others and prioritizing yourself.

— dual POV
— 3/5 🌶️
— enemies to lovers
— forced proximity
— chef & wedding planner
— a bit of a mystery/whodunnit sub-plot

*potential spoilers about third act breakup below*

I really loved the themes in this book, as someone who is really bad at asking for help from others, I connected deeply with Bobi.

I also appreciated that the issues the characters experienced in this book were tied to cultural expectations. I’ve read so many books with third act breakups and it starts to feel like the issue is just being thrown in there so that the characters suffer before their happy ending. But I felt like the familial expectations put on Benjamin ‘Bunt’ were believable and realistic.

HOWEVER I didn’t think it was believable that a man who flew across the country just to spend ONE NIGHT with her would then see her world crumbling and be like “mmm yeah I’m so sorry but I really need to go”. He just didn’t seem to struggle with that decision enough. It felt like it would hurt him to see her that way?

The romance is a little insta-lovey, but the chemistry and tension between the characters was so good that I didn’t mind. They had amazing banter!

And the SPICE?! Nisha…I was not ready!!! 🥵

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This was a really fun rom-com! I enjoyed it even more than Dating Dr. Dil. Sharma is hilarious and I actually highlighted a few lines that made me laugh out loud. I also love food, so I had a fun time reading about all of Benjamin’s creations in the kitchen.

Bobbi was my favorite! She’s an independent, hard-working woman who is also super fun and has high standards for men. Definite Barbie energy! For some reason I just did not like Benjamin. I think it’s because he came off as really fake to me and his behavior never seemed genuine. I understand men written by women in romance novels are not going to be that realistic, but I think Benjamin was just a stretch too far for me to fully enjoy.

The actual plot remained very light-hearted, but the book did touch on subjects such as family control over your life into adulthood and bias against fat women in the dating world. There are also a lot of supportive female friendships (including the aunties), which I really love to see in a romance book.

Overall, I recommend for anyone looking for a fun (and very spicy - I was unprepared) romance novel!

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after reading dating dr dil and it being my favourite read of 2022, I was highly anticipating tastes like shakkar!

the story was entertaining, funny and sexy. the different plot lines gave a fast pace to read the story. but the romance for me was the part that least interested me, I loved Bobbie, but the insta-lust / fast-burn character of their story was not for me, I don’t usually like these trope. but the entirety was enjoyable and I had a lot of fun reading it. I just think that I set high expectation for this book after loving dating dr. Dil so much, but that’s clearly on me. But one thing is nisha knows how to write drama and I love her for that

after reading the epilogue I’m so very excited for
Veera’s story??? the drama that is going to unfold from it??? OH LORD HOW AM I READY FOR IT!!!!! it seems a scandalous book to end the series!


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What a fun follow up to Dating Dr. Dil! Our favorite east coast friends are back, this time helping Kareena and Prem plan their wedding. Wedding planner Bobbi and restaurant owner Benjamin put their animosity aside to be there every step of the way for their best friends. A misconception is quickly cleared up, and the two soon give in to an undeniable attraction. But busy careers and family obligations, not to mention Benjamin’s west coast responsibilities, conspire to keep them apart just when their feelings start to deepen. Throw in someone trying to sabotage the wedding, and the friends and lovers have to put out one fire after another. Thank goodness the aunties are just a text message away. With them on the case, will the saboteur be uncovered and stopped on time?
Once again, the supporting cast stole the show! This community of family and friends is one of my favorites, and I loved getting to revisit so many familiar characters from Dating Dr. Dil. The mysterious evil villain was a nice twist that pushed the story forward and brought a satisfying conclusion near the end of the book. As for Bobbi and Benjamin’s romance, they went from enemies to lovers very quickly. However, they didn’t actually spend much time together, and most of their relationship develops through text messages and off the page interactions that are briefly referenced or skipped altogether. There were many scenes where I wanted more detail and descriptions, like the weekend in Vegas where we only experienced one day with them. All in all this is a fun book that tackles some grown up issues and I highly recommend it!
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC to read and review. All opinions are my own.

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Okay, I started off rough with this book and I will say I didn’t feel myself get immediately immersed in the story until about I'd say 35 to 40% of the way through. Don’t get me wrong, this book was amazing and it had some of my favorite tropes like enemies to lovers, forced proximity and we can’t forget about all the yummy food they describe along with the recipes sometimes!! I'm a huge foodie so when there's talk about food in books, I need to be able to read the discretion and imagine the taste and Nisha Sharma did exactly that!! Another fun twist in this story was the little mystery intertwined into their story forcing them to spend more and more time together. Overall, I would rate this book 4 stars because it was delightful after that initial rough start.

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Tastes Like Shakkar is the second book of Nisha Sharma’s interconnected standalone series of “If Shakespeare Was An Auntie.” This book an Indian American reimagining of Much Ado About Nothing, starring wedding planner Bobbi Kaur, and all star chef Benjamin “Bunty” Padda. In true enemies to lovers, Bobbi and Bunti get off on the wrong foot, only to find themselves months later working together on a wedding for their best friends, Kareena and Prem. However, while planning the wedding, some mysterious person is trying to sabotage the happy event, so Bobbi and Bunty must unite with a truce in order to deal with the shaadi saboteur.

Tastes Like Shakkar is ultimately the story of two eldest siblings learning to ask for help and rely on other people while grappling with placing their self-worth on what they do for those same people— all while falling in love with each other. Bunty is the bicoastal chef playing family manager between his brother and his father, who wants him back on the West Coast, away from the East Coast where Bobbi lives and where he’s built a life with his best friends. Bobbi is her uncle’s best wedding planner, yet he holds little trust in her with his business, which she’s worked for for ten years. While Bunty learns to let go of his feeling responsible for family, Bobbi learns to let go of being the sole person in control and placing her worth on what she can do for her loved ones. While meddlesome family, friends, communities, can surely be a lot by way of being over-involved, there’s something beautiful about reading and living with those some people acting as pillars and foundation for community care to ensure that no single person ever has to bear too much weight on their own. I absolutely loved the story of how Bobbi’s community shored her up and how Bobbi and Bunti grew towards each other in the tumult of the shaadi saboteur.

Bobbi and Bunty’s story is full of physical comedy that had me actually laughing out loud (which honestly does not often happen for me when reading romantic comedies). And the banter between Bobbi and Bunty and the ways in which they try to get the other, *chef’s kiss.* So much of my highlights are dedicated to what had me kicking my feet from giggling.

Also, miss ma’am, the spice in this book was spicing. I was screaming. Shibari!! In a traditionally published romcom!! Featuring South Asian Americans!!

Also also! I’d be remiss if I didn’t talk about the fat representation in this book. Bobbi is sexy af. And honestly, she’s probably the sexiest woman that Nisha has written. I absolutely love reading such positive fat representation. A joyful story of a fat woman of color falling in love? Sign me up. Every single time.

While I have no claim on the specificity of living life as a South Asian American, as a different type of Asian American who actively seeks diverse books written by diverse authors, especially with those shared identities, there was something special that Nisha Sharma did in Tastes Like Shakkar. I’m often privy to conversations about stories written and starring minoritized people having to cater “mass audiences” aka white audiences. With google and the internet so readily at the hands of many readers, I’m firmly on the side that states that minoritized authors should not have to delineate every nuance to readers who don’t share their identity. I spent a lot of time googling to understand different aspects of Indian weddings, and I loved it. While no one voice can ever be representative of an entire ethnic/racial experience, Nisha Sharma captures her love for her culture and her people in her writing. There’s something comforting to me that she is writing first and foremost for South Asian readers, and it shows in the care with which she writes her characters and their stories. It gives me hope that publishing is truly changing for the better as more minoritized voices take up space in this dominantly white industry.

I didn’t know that I could love Tastes Like Shakkar even more than Dating Dr. Dil, which was an immediate add to my favorites shelf, but I do. Thank you Avon and Netgalley for the ARC!

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