Member Reviews

In true Lisa Jewell fashion, None of This is True kept me guessing until the very end. I loved this book and would recommend to others who have enjoyed her other books, or who enjoy a good thriller. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Lisa Jewel is a queen of thrillers! This book kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time! The characters, the build up, and the plot twist are phenomenal! Five out of five stars /definitely read this one!

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This might be one of my top favorites by Lisa Jewell and I’m SO SAD her book tour is coming no where near me!!

It’s creepy, eerie, confusing, and you can’t put it down because you just need to know more. You know from the title that you can’t trust what you’re reading so my brain is right away trying to figure out what the real story is.

Josie is something else! Filled with secrets, or is she making it all up? Her story is a wild ride. Alix’s choices puzzled me, but I think she too wanted to know more. So many times I kept thinking, what in the world is going on!

This story is told by Alix, Josie, and the podcast in present time. The story jumps a bit in timeline to a Netflix documentary that was made after the podcast aired.

Lisa Jewell fans, you will love this one!

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This dark and twisting thriller has to be one of the best I’ve ever read. The pacing and interweaving of a Netflix documentary script was phenomenal and kept me hooked from start to finish. The eerie beginning quickly dissolved into something quite like a car wreck and i simply couldn’t look away. I finished the entire book, start to finish, within 3 and a half hours. I’m adding it to the list of top recommended thrillers for sure!

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None of This is True tells you right away not to believe what you read. It’s in the title. Still, As the stories are told in past and present, you have to decide what to believe. It seems to be pretty obvious, but that only made me distrust even more. This makes a book fun to read.

Josie and Alix were born on the same day. So what? Ok, they were born on the exact same day in the exact same place. A little more interesting. So why does Alix want to make a podcast about it? At first it is half an idea. As she interviews Josie more and more she sees a completely different story. And then obsession begins.

The story was impossible to look away from. You knew it was going to end terribly. There was no other way for it to end. But when exactly does it end? Love a book with questions.

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Lisa Jewell's latest Psychological Thriller grabbed my attention from the start and held it all the way through. This was absolutely addictive!!

When I first heard about this, I could hardly believe it. A story that follows two women turning forty-five, and I am turning forty-five this year. It can't be coincidence...I just knew I was going to love it and per usual, I was right. Not only did I love it, I freaking loved it. This will definitely be on my Favorites of the Year list.

An added treat was Buddy Reading it with my beautiful niece, Lyss. I definitely recommend it for Buddy Reads or Book Clubs. There's a lot to discuss.

This story follows two women, Alix Summers, a popular podcaster, and Josie Fair, an unassuming woman, whose profession is so inconsequential, I can't recall it. Alix and Josie bump into each other for the first time in the bathroom of a local pub, coincidentally on the day they were both turning 45. They were birthday twins!

Shortly after, they bump into each other again outside of the school that Alix's children currently attend, and Josie's attended years ago. As they are chatting, Josie, who has listened to Alix's podcast, pitches an idea to her. Alix should do a podcast focusing on Josie's life. Josie tells Alix that she is on the brink of making some very drastic changes and she'd like Alix to document the process.

Even though Alix finds Josie's vibe unsettling, she admits there's something fascinating about her. She is intrigued. Unable to resist temptation to dig into Josie's life, Alix accepts her offer and begins to record the podcast, inviting Josie to her home studio for interview sessions.

From that point on, the women's lives become entangled. It doesn't take long for Alix to suspect that Josie is so much more than she initially appeared. Josie is a smart woman, who happens to be hiding some very dark secrets. Josie infiltrates Alix's life so deeply, she eventually ends up living at her house. Alix hardly knows how any of this happened and then suddenly, Josie's gone. That's when Alix's real nightmare begins.

I was completely swept up in the lives of these two women. I loved the back and forth, learning about their past and present circumstances. Their dynamic, as well, was fascinating. Right off the bat, I was intrigued and I felt like I was being misdirected in some way. The path the story took, I was never quite sure who I could trust.

As the story progresses, it's like a veil being pulled from your eyes, but I still couldn't believe what I was reading. It was so twisted!

I absolutely recommend this to anyone who enjoys fast-paced and tense Psychological Thrillers. Bonus points if you have enjoyed Jewell's work in the past, or love stories that incorporate a podcast, or true crime, element.
For the record, I thought Jewell nailed the podcast turned True Crime documentary angle. Additionally, her use of mixed media, with the sections from the Netflix series, was amazingly well done; round of applause.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Atria Books, for providing me with a copy to read and review. This was an absolute blast to read. I cannot wait to pick up more from this author!

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Alix Summers is a podcaster who has no clue she is working on what will become a true crime podcast of her life. Josie is odd, obsessive and a liar. Alix meets Josie on their 45th birthdays and her life will never be the same.

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It’s like a train wreck you can’t look away from. The plot of this story is so messed up but you are aware of every twist. It’s a book with an open ending that left me with more questions than answers. If Lisa Jewell can write a 4/5 star book solely on vibes alone, then that just shows how good her writing draws you in.

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I hadn’t read anything by Lisa Jewell and so when I saw that NetGalley had an ARC available, I thought that I’d give her a try. And what a great introduction!

Podcaster Alix Summer meets Josie Fair at a pub celebrating her forty-fifth birthday and finds that Josie is also celebrating her forty-fifth birthday and eventually begins to interview her birthday twin for her podcast.
It turns out that there is a lot more going on in Josie’s life beyond what it initially seems.

This story was not your typical thriller as the story is intermixed with excerpts from a Netflix series covering the story. It’s an effective way to tell the story because while it takes a while for things to happen in the story, you just know that something is going to happen. As you hear more about Josie’s story and background there are things that don’t quite add up, but you can’t quite place your finger on what it is.

The book is a definite page turner, and the more that goes on the more interesting it gets. I’ll definitely be checking out more by Lisa Jewell.

Thanks to NetGalley for this Advanced Reading Copy

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Renowned podcaster Alix Summers and Josie Fair, a seemingly ordinary housewife, meet while out celebrating their birthdays. After several more chance encounters, Josie approaches Alix with a story so intriguing that she can't help but have her on the podcast. But soon Alix comes to the realization that there is much more to the story than Josie is letting on.

Wow this was a crazy one! Jewell has once again show herself as the queen of domestic thrillers with unforgettable twisted characters who all have their secrets and hidden agendas. This book is creepy, dark and completely bingeable and I was second guessing everything up until the very end. NONE OF THIS IS TRUE is the perfect summer thriller and is definitely one of my new favorites by this author.

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Soooo...which part of this was true again??

Hold on to your seats everybody. Lisa Jewell takes you for a ride with this one. Meeting your birthday twin is one thing...but when that birthday twin turns out to basically be your worst nightmare who upends your entire life all because of one chance meeting, well, you'll have to read to find out what happens.

Definitely worth the hype. Worth the read. Fast-paced, I didn't want to put this one down. I loved the podcast and Netflix series angle and kind of wish I could watch this documentary for myself.

I discovered Lisa Jewell yeeeaaarrrrsss ago and am happy to continue to call myself a loyal fan. Bravo.

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Wow i just finished this and am mind blown!! I think this is one of my new favorite thrillers. I was so hooked I read 60% in one sitting, I couldnt stop! I loved the different aspects of the podcast but also the text of the netflix show mixed in and just so many insane twists and turns. Solid 4.5 stars , so so good

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None of This Is True is a fantastic title for this book, because WHAT IS THE TRUTH?!! This lived up to the hype for me and I was hooked from beginning to end. Every character is flawed and the whole premise is unsettling, awkward, and nail biting. I liked the podcast element and how it slowly revealed things. It felt like little cliffhangers throughout. Usually I don't love such an open ended conclusion, but in this one my takeaway was the concept of perspective. Maybe I am totally off, but I thought memories aren't perfect and everyone had their motivations, and maybe everyone was telling a bit of their truth. I think it got spun and distorted by individual motivations.
Thank you Atria Books for the copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I have loved all of Lisa Jewell’s books, but I think this is my favorite to date! None of This Is True is dark, twisty, and so captivating you’ll never want to put it down. This story had everything in it that I love about Lisa Jewell’s books and more!

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This new domestic suspense novel was a real page-turner. Fast-paced and making me wonder what was going to happen. I liked the format that included podcast and Netflix documentary transcripts. I was not as thrilled with the ending. I didn't hate it but it felt unsatisfying somehow. Maybe I was expecting a bigger twist? Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book.

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First of all, special thank you to Atria Books via Netgalley for the e-ARC in exchange of my honest review. Boy, was I glad to get my hands on this piece!

This psychological suspense with domestic violence, who-dunnit-thriller told in dual POV between a famous podcaster Alix Summers and a simple housewife Josie Fair who happens to be birthday twins! The coincidences of their paths crossing did not just stop and their date of birth, they were born on the same hospital of the same day on the same year and their kids go to the same grade school. Their 45th birthday was celebrated on the same pub and this celebrated was the start of it all.

How far were their messy lives get tangled? One has to read this gem to find out! Did it live up to the hype? For me-its a YES. Because this story is full of quirky characters that drive me nuts. I was annoyed, intrigued, lost sleep and was mentally invested in all of their insane, unbelievably weird situations. The dark and twisty build up was great that it actually made me buy the audible book even if I was already at 60% of reading it. Why? I do not know, maybe because I can’t put it down when I was driving or doing chores and the more I got deeper in the story, the more confused I become! Plus, I have convinced myself that the extra sound effects the audio offered was worth it!

I was happy to go blind and I am still thinking of where is that killer long after the last page of this book has turned!

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Well, I have no idea what is true and what is not. Great title for the book.

Was hooked from the start and entertained throughout. Great book with lots of suspense and apprehensive moments.

The audiobook was very well done. While I read the entire book I would listen while falling asleep, forget everything by the time I’d wake up and had to reread what I’d listened to. Loved the podcast episode sound effects.

This book actually gave me nightmares. Or 1 rather. I’ve never had a book do that before. So that was a new experience - and I read a lot of fked up stories.

One of the top books for being fked up. Fked up characters doing fked up sh*t. Loved every minute of it.

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I will always pick up anything that Lisa Jewell writes. I was so excited to receive a preview copy of None of This is True. I could not put this book down. I wasn’t shocked by the twists but enjoyed them. I was hooked from page 1.

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BRB, adding more Lisa Jewell books to my TBR. This might be more of a 4.5 ⭐ but I'm rounding up because I could not put it down! It has been a while since I was able to get into a good thriller like this and this book reminded me why I love them so much.

The entire time I was reading None of This is True, I just kept getting creepy vibes and just knowing something terrible was about to be revealed. And it was. And it kept happening. You start to question realities and characters and you know some things are true but you don't want to believe they're true (or are they??).

I loved podcasts so I was immediately hooked by Alix and the premise of her creating a podcast around Josie, her birthday twin. Josie is clearly so odd but so fascinating! I also really enjoyed the multiple POVs and their clear voices. There were some parts that I wish I had answers for but I believe that was done on purpose. Anyways, highly recommend if you're in the mood of a twisty thriller!

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion and review.

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I am a big Lisa Jewell fan, I love her writing style and typically love her storylines. Was this my favorite book by her? No. I was entertained for at least 95% of this one, I was super into the story and I needed to know what was going on. I couldn’t put it down. You already know I absolutely love a podcast format, so I loved that. Were there some issues? Yes. I didn’t love the ending - I expect a lot from this author and I just didn’t feel like the ending lived up to those for me. I will say that you should check the triggers before you read this one.

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