Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for this arc in exchange for a honest review.

Lisa Jewell is such a great author. The way she captivated me from the beginning. This thriller had me on the edge of my seat. The multiple POVs and the Netflix excerpts turd it together well. The ending was so good.

Definitely and highly recommend this book!!!

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I obsessively read this entire book in 24 hours. It was bonkers and made me feel disturbed and agitated and was so good

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Lisa Jewell is one of my favorite authors and None of This is True might be one of my favorite books she has written thus far. Seriously, this story is everything you expect in a psychological thriller and whoa that last chapter really left my jaw hanging agape.
Thanks to S&S I was able to listen to the audio and it was phenomenal as it was a mix between a true crime podcast/book.
Loved it as it was so intensely satisfyingly creepy.

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Lisa Jewell is such a gem of an author. I am so picky when it comes to thrillers, but Lisa continuously creates stories and characters that I can't help but look away from.

I knew I was enjoying this novel when I realized that, halfway through the book, I had no idea what was going on, who to trust, which perspective was the truth and what was a lie. I really didn't trust ANYONE, which made the reading experience that much more enjoyable for me. It's rare that I don't at least have THEORIES when it comes to thrillers, but this one truly stumped me until the very end.

I am so glad I read this perfect thriller and I will absolutely be recommending this book far and wide.

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Thank you NetGalley, Atria Books & Lisa Jewell for this e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

I love Lisa Jewell and this may be my favorite yet of hers! Her stories are always so complex and are never exactly what you think they're going to be. I assumed going into it that there would be a lot of twists (hence the title None of This is True) and I was 100% right! This took so many twists and turns I had no idea which was actually true! My only "complaint" was that I think it could've been shortened a tad, but it doesn't change my overall opinion of this book. I loved the multiple POV's and the chapters from the Netflix documentary. This was so well done and I absolutely loved it!

4.5 stars but rounding up to 5.

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5 stars wow!! this book was absolutely amazing and had me on the edge of my seat from the jump!! i was instantly captivated & didn’t want to put the book down!! if you love verity then this book is for you!!

thank you so much to Lisa Jewel, NetGalley and Atria Books for the advance copy!!

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None of This is True is a perfect psychological thriller. It is a book about a Netflix series about a podcast series about two women who meet on their shared 45th birthdays. One is a successful podcaster, and the other is a seamstress who convinces the first to do a podcast about her as her "birthday twin". The podcaster agrees and is pulled into the seamstress's bizarre life and is unable to disentangle herself. So many good twists and turns in this one!

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this could had been 120 pages less and actually riveting. i felt like the story kept dragging and you had to keep paying attention to the details changing.

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This book was amazing! I was on the edge of my seat the whole book. I loved that it was split in to parts, and also that it was a combination of Alix’s POV, Josie’s POV, and the excerpts from the Netflix show. It was so well-done! Another one hit out of the park by Lisa Jewell!

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4.5/5 stars
TW: physical abuse, sexual abuse, grooming

On her 45th birthday, Alix Summers celebrates at a local bar with her husband and friends when she crosses paths with Josie Fair and they discover that they birthday twins being born on the same day and even at the same hospital. A few days later they bump into each other again with Josie suggesting Alix use her story for her next podcast project. Hesitant but intrigued, Alix accepts and begins working closely with Josie as she reveals her story to Alix during their sessions. The more Alix learns about Josie the more she is captivated yet disturbed by what Josie is telling her and the closer Josie gets to Alix the more Alix begins to realize how dangerously close Josie has inserted herself into Alix’s life.

This was one twisty ride! I have never really read a book like this one before, the ending left me dumbstruck and questioning EVERYTHING. I could not put this one down and loved the way it was written, it kept going back and forth from Alix’s POV, Josie’s POV and a true crime documentary based on everything that transpires. The tension was built up perfectly and leaves you devouring each page needing to know what happens next. This was a unique thriller filled with unreliable characters that just leave you not knowing who or what to believe. I did feel left with a some unanswered questions at the end which I wish we had some more details about and there were somethings that seemed essential to the plot mentioned in the beginning but then really did not have anything to do with the story, which, in a way I didn’t mind because it just completely threw me for a loop on what I was expecting when I started reading. I would recommend this one for all the true crime and podcast lovers out there, the story was tense and the perfect thriller binge. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I just loved the way this one was written - the Netflix documentary descriptions, podcast recordings, and multiple POVs. It kept me eagerly anticipating what craziness was going to happen next. The ending was a bit confusing but with clarification from other readers (who asked the author!) I think I get it. Regardless, it was a wild ride!

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Lisa Jewell is back with this psychological thriller! If you’re a fan of true crime podcasts, be sure to check this one out! This whole book is basically a true crime podcast, well I guess it literally is one, but it is written in such a creative way that you’ll be hooked from the beginning! It would definitely be amazing on audio as well… just like a true crime podcast!

It has suspense, mystery, lovable characters, gasp-worthy moments, and more! It is totally binge-worthy (stayed up all night and basically finished in one sitting) and will definitely cure any book slump you might be suffering from!

Don’t expect to feel any sense of closure with this one because, ummm, none of this is true! Ok but seriously I’ve loved Jewel’s thrillers in the past and I will continue loving them in the future… but this one might be my fav so far!

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I heard this was a fast read, but for me it was a slow burn. It definitely had an intriguing begging, but felt sluggish. The chapters weren’t super long and the different POVs were fun. I also enjoyed the pieces of the podcast/tv show added into it. Even in the end I’m still question what the heck happened.

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Wow, I’m still not sure if I even know what was true or not?⁣

This was such a twisted, mind bending story that I devoured. I loved the different chapters going from podcast to tv show to present days and past dates, that I truly couldn’t figure out was the truth and what was a lie. ⁣

Just… 🤯⁣

So many unreliable characters, incident after incident released- the grooming of a teen in the past, but they’re married? A spouse with a drinking problem who crashes in hotels instead of coming home his family? A child that “ran away” at 16. Another child who never leaves the house and only eats baby food, as a teen? A very disturbed woman itching for a friend. Two women with the same exact birthdays “birthday twins” on this eerie, disturbing podcast recording journey. ⁣

This was just a wild, disturbing ride. That I couldn’t put down. ⁣

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Wow, this has been my favorite Lisa Jewell I have read so far! Loved the podcast aspect and really enjoyed the characters/unreliable narrator. The pacing was a little slow for my liking in the beginning but overall liked this one!

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I absolutely loved this new one by Lisa Jewell! I thought the podcast and Netflix series elements were executed masterfully. The dual points of view and unreliable characters really made for a suspenseful read. I thoroughly enjoyed the full cast audiobook with music that really set the creepy tone of the book. I never knew what/who to believe and the ending had me questioning everything. This is officially my new favorite Lisa Jewell book!

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced digital copy of this book.

From the moment Josie spots Alix, she is intrigued. This woman obviously has the life Josie has always deserved. And when she discovers they are both at the pub to celebrate their 45th birthday, and that they were born at the same hospital, and so many other connections, Josie is SURE she has finally found her best friend. And one who can show her just how she can have that perfect life too.

When Josie finds that Alix has a popular podcast, has just finished the current series, and is looking for an idea for a new one, she has the perfect idea. She, Josie, will tell Alix her life story, how it has never been what she wants and envisions for herself, and how she has been a victim and mistreated all her life. But now she is changing everything and Alix is invited along to witness the changes and help her do it.!

Of course, all the stories she tells are lies. Told to make herself a victim, and to give Alix incentives to help her change to a better life. But the other people in Alix's life just see a weird woman who hangs around way too much, and wonder if Alix has gotten too deeply involved.

Then things start happening. Josie arrives at the door late one night with cuts and bruises and tells Alix her husband has beaten her "again". She stays in Alix's guest room long after her welcome has ended. When she is finally forced to leave, Alix' s husband suddenly goes missing - not just an overnight bender, as he has done before, but truly missing. And some things seem to not add up.

There are times you will be SCREAMING at Alix to open her eyes and investigate just a little of what she is being told. But the climax, although you suspect it is coming, is still surprising. And the ending will make you wonder just exactly what IS the truth?

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Lisa Jewell's publisher tells us this is the best book of her career and I would have to agree. Every bit of this book had me guessing what was going to happen next. So many lies and so many secrets. Just when you think you might have it figured out, she throws you for another loop. I absolutely loved the story of Josie and Alix. It really makes you wonder how well you know people and what secrets they might be keeping!

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Everything I’m about to tell you is true. I am a professional singer, in my shower. My vocal cords match Taylor Swift, and I own my own dog palace in Switzerland. I have never read any books. I actually have hired people to read them for me and write these reviews.

Okay…. maybe that wasn’t true but did I have you second guessing? 😏 That’s what this book does! It captures a hold on you and continues to place doubt and trust back and forth in your mind like a washing machine on a heavy load spin cycle. I HIGHLY recommend reading this with the audiobook because the podcast element will give you chills. Lisa Jewell is a master at making you self doubt! I was hooked from beginning to end.

Note: Please look up trigger warnings.

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Eh ⭐️⭐️ Not sure if popular ‘thrillers’ are really for me - this one’s premise seemed promising, but like most of the ‘thrillers’ I’ve read lately, left little to be desired. I mostly got through it just to see how it would. The title mostly gave it away - and the lack of character charisma left me with this thought - ‘none of this I care about’.

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