Member Reviews

Thank you to @atriabooks for my copy of this book which I will cherish and re read for sure. This one is out now.

I love Lisa Jewell and I’ve really enjoyed everything I’ve read by her but honestly, this book is the best one. Gosh I ate this whole thing up in 24 hours and I’m so glad I had the time to devote to it. This book is definitely my favorite of the year. It’ll be a while before I can get these characters out of my head. I didn’t read the blurb before, I just saw her name and hit request. If you need more convincing I’ll post the official blurb below. If you’re like me, I recommend going in blind.

Blurb 👇🏻
Celebrating her forty-fifth birthday at her local pub, popular podcaster Alix Summer crosses paths with an unassuming woman called Josie Fair. Josie, it turns out, is also celebrating her forty-fifth birthday. They are, in fact, birthday twins.

A few days later, Alix and Josie bump into each other again, this time outside Alix’s children’s school. Josie has been listening to Alix’s podcasts and thinks she might be an interesting subject for her series. She is, she tells Alix, on the cusp of great changes in her life.

Josie’s life appears to be strange and complicated, and although Alix finds her unsettling, she can’t quite resist the temptation to keep making the podcast. Slowly she starts to realize that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it, Josie has inveigled her way into Alix’s life—and into her home.

But, as quickly as she arrived, Josie disappears. Only then does Alix discover that Josie has left a terrible and terrifying legacy in her wake, and that Alix has become the subject of her own true crime podcast, with her life and her family’s lives under mortal threat.

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Wow this book is an adventure!!! Loved it!

This book was very compelling from the beginning to the end. I could not put it down. The premise- two ladies are out celebrating their 45th birthday. They do not know one another just see their celebrations from a far. They meet in the bathroom and find out they are both celebrating their 45th birthday, born in same town, same hospital. Alix is a famous podcaster. Josie and Alix run into one another a few days later and Josie proposes her story for a podcast for Alix. You start to question what is the truth, who is telling the truth in this story. Very quick fast paced read, excellent novel. Loved reading it and left me with many thoughts to discuss! This book would be a great book club option. Many thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for the digital review copy of this novel. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Josie is out celebrating her birthday with dinner at a posh restaurant when she spots another woman celebrating as well named Alix. Alix is a famous podcaster and Josie gravitates towards her immediately. They connect over the fact that they are “birthday twins” in the bathroom, and part ways. Until Josie just “happens” to run into Alix again, sharing that she would like to tell her life story on Alix’s podcast platform. Alix is looking to try something new and bites on it, not knowing that she is turning over stones that will never be unturned.

OOOOOOKAY I read this book in one sitting. I literally could NOT put it down (yes, I tried multiple times). The writing is quite simply, magnetic. Interspersed with scripts of the podcast as well as the premise that it’s been turned into a true crime documentary by Netflix, I was sooo driven to find out what ended up happening. Josie was so unhinged, and the little details Jewell wrote about her made her so creepy. I loved the title and thought it was super fitting. I knew there would be one last twist at the end, and I was right! I know it will leave readers pondering for a while about which theory they believe. The pacing and suspense were unmatched in this thriller!

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Wow. This was a fun thrill ride! Really shows you how don’t know everything about someone. I loved the formatting of this. Between the actual narrative and the podcast transcripts and the scripts from the Netflix series. It was very well written, and I was constantly in a state of what will happen next! This was my first book by this author, and it definitely won’t be the last.

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Oh. My. God. This is easily my favorite Lisa Jewell book! I could NOT put it down!!!

First thank you to #netgalley and Atria books for an eARC of this book. All opinions are my own!

This book gripped me and pulled me in from the very beginning!

We meet Josie, a seamstress with a shady demeanor, and Alix, a podcaster, who discover that they are birthday twins on their 45th birthday. Josie approaches Alix about doing a podcast on Josie's life, promising that there are twists and turns that Alix's readers would die to hear about. As the interview progresses, Alix notices that Josie's story seems more and more farfetched and works to discover what is real and what is fiction.

I don't think I could have guessed all of the twists and subplots if I tried! This had me on the edge of my seat! I absolutely loved that it had alternating timelines. One was the interview between Alix and Josie and the second was set up as a Netflix Documentary showing bits of the aftermath of the interview. I'm not sure there's enough words to describe how intense portions of this book felt and made me shiver sometimes (even when seemingly nothing was happening). I still have so many questions with the end of the book and I NEED MORE!!

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Alix is a popular podcaster, when she meets her birthday twin on her 45th birthday her seemingly perfect life is plunged down a dangerous and deadly road.

I'm not sure why I am always shocked when I read a Lisa Jewell book.
Why I am always surprised by how good it is, or  how the ending and twists are always unpredictable, and how I can never put the book down until it's finished.
I should know by now that a Lisa Jewell book will be a great ride.

This book is twisty and creepy, thrilling and gripping.
A definite recommendation for thriller and mystery fans.

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I’m writing this review immediately after I finish this book because I need to capture all of my excitement about this book.

This right here friends - is the thriller to beat of 2023 for me.


Creepy, icky, unsettling, dark and completely unputdownable.

I felt on edge the entire time I read this book. Found myself having to take short breaks because my heart was pounding and my brain was spinning.

This is what every thriller lover hopes for right?!

Blown away.

My new favourite Lisa Jewell and one of my favourite thrillers in the past few years.

5⭐️ ….YES the elusive FIVE STAR thriller - they’re so rare!!!

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What an enjoyable twisty slow burn suspense! If you enjoy gaslighting, unreliable narrators, podcasts, and cringey characters you will love this book.

This is a domestic thriller that certainly makes you feel things - I was morbidly uncomfortable throughout the entire story- because of the grooming, obvious manipulation, lack of boundaries, and strange mannerisms of the FMC. There are a lot of unlikable characters. In fact I hated quite a few of them. Lisa Jewell masterfully wrote the FMC - and Alix, a bored housewife who lacked the ability to establish boundaries.

What I didn’t love- a lot of loose ends that were not tied up. I also was expecting a big reveal/twist at the end, and while there was a surprise, I didn’t have a “wow”’ moment. Maybe this is setting the scene for a sequel - but it wasn’t enough of a cliffhanger for me to be extremely excited.

It is a pretty classic unreliable narrator story with a somewhat predictable path. It was a very enjoyable read and great for readers who love gaslighting and slow burns.

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Read if you like:
🔀 Twists and Turns
⁉️ Questionable Narrators
🤨 Wondering what’s the truth
🎙️ Podcasts
🎂 Birthday Twins
🔪 True Crime

This freaking book!!!! Oh my gosh! This was my first Lisa Jewell and damn it I am a fan and now need to read her backlog!!!!

I loved the feeling of reading from Julie’s perception and feeling like she had some nuts and bolts loose as fuck but also feeling like she is a victim- but also a fucking weirdo?! It was the perfect atmospheric vibes for the book- especially when she somehow got Alix afraid to tell her no and let her stay and was being a total weirdo while in Alix’s life.

I loved the pov of Alix recording the podcast and trying to get Josie’s story out and what a freaking story that was!

Then bam! The twists and turns, the pacing, and then being in Alix’s PoV trying along with her to piece together what ever the hell was happening and trying to figure out who Josie was doing what she was doing.

I absolutely loved this one but there were a couple knit picky things with the ending and Josie’s husband not being called out so much for his part in the shit show that went down, but all in all, love the book and the final moments in Josie’s head that absolutely leave me wondering what was even the truth?!

Thank you a million times over to the publisher for my copy of this one!

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So so good!! The whole time I was like “wtf is going on” but in a good way. I binged it because I had to know what was going to happen and what was true and what wasn’t and then the twist and the end 🤯 Read this now!!

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Lisa Jewell delivers with her newest release. Evenly paced and well written, dark and captivating. Well developed characters and brilliant plot execution. A page turner, held my attention from start to finish

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Lisa Jewell truly never disappoints. It was so twisty and set up the perfect environment and atmosphere that kept me wanting more but also throughly creeped me out as the story kept progressing. Lisa’s storytelling is some of my favorite kind.

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None of This is True Is a psychological thriller that follows podcaster, Alix Summer. While Alix is celebrating her 45th birthday at a local pub, she meets another women who is her birthday twin, Josie Fair.. A few days later, she runs into Josie again. Josie has been listening to Alix's podcasts and she thinks she may have something new to offer her.

While Josie states she is on the verge of great changes, Alix soons learns their is much more than meets the eye as she becomes the next subject of her podcast. Josie has very dark secrets that are bound to unravel.

I was hoping for a more shocking ending, but it was still a fun read! This book was an interesting and captivating story for any true crime or podcast listeners out there!

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Reading this twisty psychological thriller is like watching the teenagers in the movie go into the scary house. You want to scream at them to stop, but you are powerless. From the moment Alix Summers meets Josie Fair as they are each celebrating their 45th birthday, you just know this isn't going to end well, and not just because this is a Lisa Jewell book. Alix is a well known podcaster and Josie is positive her life will make a great podcast. Alix isn't sure at first, but Josie's story becomes more and more compelling and ends up entwining both of their lives. This book slowly sucks you in and before you know it, you can't put it down. I read the second half in one sitting because I was afraid if I didn't, it would haunt me. Kudos to the author for another great book.

My thanks to NetGalley and Atria books for an advance copy. My opinions are my own.

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First line: Josie can feel her husband’s discomfort as they enter the golden glow of the gastropub.

Summary: At a local pub, Alix Summers and Josie Fair, meet each other and discover that they are birthday twins, they were born on the same day in the same hospital. A few days later, they bump into each other again and Josie has a proposition for Alix. After listening to Alix’s podcast, Josie believes that her story is one that Alix will want to share. As the women start recording, Josie starts to work her way into Alix’s life and even her home. Even though Alix finds Josie to be a bit strange she cannot help needing to know her story. But as suddenly as she appeared, Josie disappears. It seems like the end until Alix finds that she has been living inside a true crime podcast. And the big question is, who is Josie?

My Thoughts: After finishing this I had to sit and think, ‘What did I just read?!’. This is probably the best Lisa Jewell I have read. It was absolutely crazy! This story was jam packed full of shocking events, eccentric people, horrifying back stories and an ending that leaves you guessing.

I never knew what to make of Josie. As a reader we saw what life was like in her home and inside her head. But how much of this is real or skewed based on her perceptions? This is the ultimate unreliable narrator. Josie is very willing to discuss her past with a total stranger. She reveals a life that was filled with misfortune and regrets. I felt sorry for her and shocked as more of her life is revealed. But with each new detail you start to wonder how this has affected Josie and what is she going to do to change it?

I highly recommend listening to this book because it is told using a full cast. Since the premise is that it is a podcast recording that is picked up as a true crime documentary, the full cast idea adds an extra layer to the story. Using this format style, it is easy to forget that this is a novel and not an actual podcast.

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Lisa Jewell's latest psychological thriller had me captivated right from the beginning. Alix Summers, a popular podcast host, crosses paths with Josie Fair, who shares her birthday. The story unfolds with a compelling mix of mystery and tension. When Josie suggested being a guest on Alix's podcast, I immersed myself in their intricate lives. The narrative cleverly switches between podcast excerpts and chapters, maintaining a gripping pace. Josie's shadowy past and Alix's seemingly perfect existence collide, revealing deep-seated secrets that had me eagerly devouring each page. The pacing was impeccable, with every revelation intensifying the suspense. However, the ending left me torn. While the twists and character complexities were masterful, I longed for a more definitive resolution. Nevertheless, Lisa Jewell's expert storytelling and the eerie connection between the characters made this book an unsettling and memorable read.

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I loved it!

I don’t want to to say too much because I think this read is more enjoyable with the suspense of the unknown. BUT, I will say this:

🗝️ The twists are incredible!
🗝️ The writing is dynamic and intriguing!
🗝️ The characters are fantastic and keep you so enthralled!

I really loved this one and it might be my new favorite from Lisa Jewell!

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I was so excited to get an advanced copy of this title and just knew that I would want a hard copy so I was thrilled it was a BOTM selection for August! This was a propulsive psychological thriller and deserves ALL THE STARS! I struggled to post this today for Thriller Thursday or tomorrow for Friday Favorite because both are applicable.


Alix meets her birthday twin, Josie on her 45th birthday. Both born on the same day in the same hospital that have a brief encounter at the restaurant they both are celebrating at. Josie becomes obsessed with Alix especially when she learns of her fame as a podcaster. Josie proposes that Alix make a podcast with Josie as the subject, a woman in her midlife making big life changes. Alilx can tell that Josie is a bit off, but she is drawn to her and what this could mean for her career. She never expected that it would turn out that her family would become the subject of a true crime podcast.

My thoughts:
Lisa Jewell knows how to write a thriller! This book was fire and gave you the WTF did I just read feeling which is exactly what I look for in a thriller! The unreliable narrator and the magnitude of events create the perfect psychological thriller. Not only was I shocked but I felt grief. Alix’s loss was palpable and I found myself crying during the resolution of the book! . Jewell’s The Family Upstairs was my first book from #BOTM so it’s only fitting that my favorite of hers so far, was a BOTM choice this month ! This is definitely a contender for top thriller of the year for me.

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Whoa. This knocked my socks off! It made my pulse pound and my stomach turn like nothing has in a long time. The suspense was masterful and the intrigue was layered perfectly. It just kept drawing you in, until you were so far down the rabbit hole that there was no escape. I didn’t want to blink through the horrifying culmination of events near the book’s end, even though I feared I knew where it was leading. Trust me when I say, you won’t be disappointed… It was WILD, claustrophobic and totally unhinged.

This felt like it was written for all of us who grew up staying up late watching Forensic Files with our parents, and who now as adults binge watch serial killer documentaries, binge listen to true crime podcasts, and binge read books like Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl and Sharp Objects. The book was structured to be a bit like all of those things. It was slippery, dark, and full of shocking twists and turns. So unique and such an entertaining ride! It really, truly worked perfectly. I highly recommend staying up all night and finishing this one in one go. This is may be my first Lisa Jewell, but it won’t be my last.

Thanks so much to @netgalley, @atriabooks and @lisajewelluk for the advanced digital copy in exchange for an honest review. And thanks a million to for the physical arc, because I really love reading at the pool and I really hate reading on my phone. You’re a gem.

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This book ruined my plans for the day. Once I started it, I could not do anything else until I was finished. The plot immediately sucks you in, and you can’t escape until you reach the end. The story is about Alix Summers and Josie Fair. Two women, strangers to each other, who just happen to be “birthday twins”. But having the same day of birth is the only thing these two women have in common. They meet by chance at a restaurant whilst celebrating their birthdays! Alix is a beautiful, vibrant woman with a podcast celebrating the accomplishments of women who have overcome adversity. Josie is an unassuming part-time seamstress who is in want of a life different from her own. When Josie discovers who Alix is, she approaches her with a proposition; to tell the story of her life, a life she is determined to change.
However, Josie’s life has been anything but normal. Soon Alix uncovers uncomfortable truths about this birthday twin of hers (little objects are beginning to disappear from her house, and Josie is spotted on her home’s security camera rifling through recycling). Is Josie a victim? Or is she a psychopath?
Loved this novel. Perfect if you are looking for a quick-absorbing read.

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