Member Reviews

I am jumping on the amazing book train with None of This Is True. I have been reading fantastic review, after fantastic review and I knew I was in for one hell of a ride. It blew my mind and had it spinning all at the same time. Lisa Jewell wrote a masterpiece when she penned this book! It kept me engaged, guessing, and the plot was engaging. The characters are all well developed, layered, and a few of them extremely dark. Be sure to clear your calendar, switch off your phone, and just enjoy the ride.

In a twist of fate Josie finds her birthday twin. They are both out celebrating at a hip, fun restaurant. They are the same age, born in the same year, at the same hospital. What are the chances of this happening? Slim to none. Josie is immediately infatuated with Alix. She feels herself being drawn to her. The more she digs into Alix life, the more she needs to become a part of it. She sets herself in Alix's path. She is outside her children's school, just happens to be passing by her favorite coffee shop. She needs to have Alix make a podcast about her and her disaster of a life. Alix falls hook, line, and sinker. She knows that Josie's story will resonate with her listeners. Just how much will she have to pay to have Josie in her life?

I loved this book so much! It keeps your attention the entire time. The storyline is fantastic and keeps on giving. The characters will have you gasping out loud. The ending will make your jaw drop, as you slam the book shut. Do yourself a favor and pick up this book...what are you waiting for? Thank you to Lisa Jewell and Atria Books for this sensational read.

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I'm not a huge psychological thriller reader, but after hearing such good reviews I decided to try it. And omg. Never once did I know where this was going. The narrators kept me guessing and I was enthralled from the very beginning. I will absolutely be reading more of Lisa Jewell's novels!

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WOW! Stop whatever you are doing and read this book!

I have always enjoyed reading Lisa Jewell’s work. She’s a great author with a lot of talent. This book, however, is way above and beyond anything else she has written. It’s not just the twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. It’s that she plays her readers as well as the Josie and Alex play each other. You can never figure out who has the upper hand. But what I do know is that it was never me. WOAH. What brain games! Read it.

Thanks to #netgalley and #atriabooks for the ARC of #NoneofThisIsTrue. The opinions expressed here are my own.

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Lisa Jewell is always at the top of the thriller game and her newest book, None Of This Is True is no exception! I couldn’t put this book down! Forever a fan of unreliable narrators, the two MCs kept me on my toes and at the edge of my seat. I appreciated the two main perspectives that kept me questioning everything amidst their manipulations, selfishness, and complete messiness! This sharp and edgy psychological thriller is one you need to read TODAY if you haven’t already!!

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This is the best thriller of the summer!

During a chance meeting, Josie and Alix discover that they are birthday twins. They realize that this is pretty much all they have in common but Josie is convinced their meeting is destiny. As the women get to know each other, it’s clear neither is quite who the seem.

None of This is True has so many amazing components: unreliable narrators, twisty characters, a podcast within a story. I flew through this one in two sittings. It’s a must read for summer 2023!

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Lisa Jewell is an "auto buy" author for and WOW this book did not disappoint. Eerie, confusing, and uncomfortable are the best words to describe her new book, "None of This is True."

I absolutely loved this story start to finish and was questioning where it was going at every page turn. I think this will be considered one of the best if not THE best thriller book of the year.

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Wow, this was a wild ride and I loved every second of it!

I didn’t reread the synopsis before starting this one and I’m so glad I didn’t. Knowing very little about this story will definitely enhance the reading experience. While there were a ton of questions I had by the end I still loved it and can say it’s the best Lisa Jewel book I’ve read!

If you’re looking for a book you can’t put down that has true crime and podcast aspects go and grab this one off the shelves right now!

Thank you

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This is Lisa Jewell’s best!

I don’t even know what to say about it. The whole time I was reading I was like WTF is going on!? Josie is an odd woman!

I wouldn’t consider this a fast-paced thriller, but you can’t stop reading because you just need to know what’s going to happen.

I loved the two POV’s from Josie and Alix (a woman making a podcast about Josie). I loved the mixed media of the podcast and Netflix show. It was dark, twisted and mind blowing. If you enjoy thrillers…just read it!

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Thank you Atria for the advanced copy of this book!

One of my favorite books I’ve read this year! This gripping psychological thriller takes readers on a rollercoaster ride of suspense, secrets, and unexpected twists.

The story revolves around Alix Summer, a popular podcaster who celebrates her forty-fifth birthday at her local pub. It is here that she crosses paths with Josie Fair, another woman also celebrating her forty-fifth birthday. Their chance encounter sets off a chain of events that will change their lives forever and Alix soon realizes Josie is not all that she seems.

As the plot unfolds, Jewell masterfully builds tension and suspense, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. The pacing is impeccable, with each chapter revealing new layers of complexity and further deepening the mystery. I found myself turning page after page, unable to put the book down until I finished.

Jewell's characterization is superb, breathing life into Alix and Josie. Alix's internal struggle between her fascination with Josie and her growing unease creates a palpable sense of tension. Josie, on the other hand, is a master manipulator, leaving readers constantly questioning her motives and true nature.

"None of This Is True" is a masterclass in psychological thrillers. Lisa Jewell's storytelling prowess shines through, making this book an absolute must-read for fans of the genre and why she has catapulted into being my favorite thriller author! It will keep you guessing, second-guessing, and completely engrossed until the final page.

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None Of This Is True was truly one of the best new books I’ve read all year. I ate it up in a day, and I’m not the fastest reading so that’s saying something.

The story hinges on a seemingly fateful meeting of two women who discover they are “birthday twins”, born on the same day at the same place. As they get to know one another their lives become increasingly difficult to untangle, leading to an adrenaline-spiking thriller that is impossible to put down.

I highly recommend this book for fans of thrillers, true crime, or anyone looking for a quick, extremely entertaining read. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!

Big thank you to NetGalley and Atria books for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I mean, she told us in the title 🤣🤣🤣

If you like psychological thrillers about podcasts where you don’t know who or what to believe, this one is for you! Everyone’s got their own version of events. I love these types of books and this one was no exception. 🙌

Alix is a podcaster who gets tangled up with a woman named Josie after a chance meeting at a restaurant. Josie weaves a tale of abuse and domestic turbulence, but her husband and kids tell a different story. Again, Lisa Jewell told us that {checks notes 📝} NONE OF THIS IS TRUE 😂🤣😂

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley for the early e-copy; it was a dream come true!

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This captured my attention from the beginning. It reads like everything is okay, but for some reason, something just feels slightly off. Every chapter gets a little more and more 'off'until you're completely disturbed (and hooked!) I normally love her books, and this one was no exception!

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Lisa Jewell's "None of This Is True" is a gripping psychological thriller that takes readers on a rollercoaster ride through twisted characters and captivating prose. While the novel excels in its pacing and suspenseful storytelling, it also raises important questions about victim-blaming that may leave some readers feeling uncomfortable.

The premise of the story, revolving around a woman who becomes the subject of her own popular true crime podcast, is undeniably intriguing. The intricate connections that develop between Alix Summer and Josie Fair add layers of complexity to the narrative, keeping readers engaged as they navigate through the twists and turns of their relationship.

Jewell's writing style is undeniably enthralling, and the author's ability to build tension and create an atmosphere of unease is commendable. The exploration of dark secrets and the gradual unraveling of Josie's unsettling life create a sense of anticipation that propels the story forward.

However, it's important to note that the novel's treatment of victim-blaming may be a point of contention for some readers. While the story delves into the complexities of Alix's involvement in Josie's life and the dangers that arise, the narrative may inadvertently perpetuate victim-blaming narratives that can be triggering or uncomfortable for certain readers.

"None of This Is True" is a psychological thriller that excels in delivering suspense, intrigue, and a captivating storyline. Lisa Jewell's skillful storytelling and ability to keep readers hooked make this book a compelling read. However, the sensitive issue of victim-blaming within the narrative may affect some readers' enjoyment of the story.

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Whoa. Talk about a wild ride of a book. If you enjoy twists and turns and constantly wondering where the story is going to go, None of This is True is perfect for you!!

Alix is a popular podcast host who meets a woman named Josie on the night of their 45th birthdays. Both women are exactly the same age and, Josie in particular, becomes obsessed with that fact. The women begin to form an unlikely friendship when they start to work on a podcast together.

I spent the entire book wondering what exactly was happening!! Just when I thought I knew what was happening, it would take a turn. I feel pretty confident that I am going to be thinking about this book for a while.

I am so grateful to Simon and Schuster as well as NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / Pages: 389 / Genre: Psychological Thriller

This book is the kind that you just can’t put down and is so deliciously bingable! Because Lisa Jewell is one of my favorite authors, I purposely went in not knowing anything about it. So I’ll just tell you that there’s a true crime podcast thing going on and as the title suggests, things get very twisty as lies and truths are revealed. The more you read the more you need to know what is really going on. So good!

I received an ARC of this so I greedily read every page, but the audiobook has a full cast so even though I haven’t listened to it, I have no doubt it’s amazing. So you might want to check that out first before deciding to read or listen.

Thank you @netgalley and @atriabooks for the advanced copy of this book. I absolutely loved it!

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Happy publication day to Lisa Jewell and None of This Is True!!

Josie and Alix are Birthday Twins, meaning they were born on the same day and in the same hospital. Their worlds collide when Alix, who has a successful podcast, decides to feature Josie on the show, and dark familial secrets start to surface.

Happy pub day to one of my favorite thriller authors!! I found this one to give off eerie vibes the entire time I was reading it, and the ending did not disappoint! I loved the podcast/Netflix feature and thought it was a unique approach to include in the story. I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll simply just say READ THIS BOOK!

Obviously, given the title I was questioning what was true and what wasn't, and I had my suspicions of what I thought would happen, but I was still caught off guard. The open ending has me still thinking about this book, and it's been DAYS since I've finished it!

Another successful novel from one of my autobuy authors!! Happy pub day to Lisa Jewell and another masterpiece page turner!

Read this if you like:
✨️Unreliable characters
✨️Podcasts or Netflix documentaries
✨️True crime
✨️Eerie vibes...THE ENTIRE TIME

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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𝑵𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒆
Author: @lisajewelluk

Read if you like:
▶︎True crime podcasts
▶︎Short chapters
▶︎Dual POV's

Josie meets Alix out at a restaurant, both celebrating their birthdays. Something entrances Josie about Alix, and she has to talk to her birthday twin. Josie follows Alix into the restroom, they talk, and Josie learns Alix is a popular podcast host.

Josie becomes a little too obsessed with Alix, researching and digging into her life. Soon, she tells Alix she has a great story for her podcast. Josie agrees to bring her on thinking her story would be a great topic of discussion, but Josie gets way too close to Alix's life and things take a weird turn (that's putting it mildly).

I needed to figure out where this story was headed and I was totally captured by it. Right from the beginning, you can tell something is off with Josie, but there were also times, I felt something off with Alix. I wanted to know more about each character and their families.

I felt the short chapters were highly effective with the podcast style format. I think this would be an awesome audiobook and even though I've read this, I'll probably listen later on to see how this plays out as a podcast.

Buckle up friends. This one is wild. I don't want to spoil anything!

Thank you so much @atriabooks and @netgalley for an advanced reader's e-book copy of Lisa Jewell's new novel, which releases today! I was so excited to receive this, as this is one of my favorite authors!

Published: August 8th, 2023

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This book is an irresistibly creepy read. Characters who aren’t what they appear. Twists that surprise you and keep you guessing all the way to the end. Dark stories with an ick factor are revealed in a matter-of-fact way. It’s got all this plus!

A shared 45th birthday is the connection that first sparks an interchange between popular podcaster Alix Summer and the seemingly ordinary Josie Fair. Besides having been born at the same hospital, both women are married and have children, but that’s about the extent of what they have in common. Yet their lives become increasingly connected.

And as the relationship develops, readers are lured into peeling back the layers of these women’s lives. I found myself cringing and wanting to holler, “Stop! Don’t do that!” It was like watching someone dig themselves deeper and deeper into a hole that couldn’t be escaped.

Great writing by Lisa Jewell. Terrific character development and perfect pacing kept me reading past my usual lights out. I rarely read suspense or thrillers because it’s way too easy to scare me, and I’m a big chicken. But I’ll definitely check out more of Jewell’s work.

Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for allowing me to read an advanced copy.

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All I can say is "Wow!" Lisa Jewell has created a taut mystery that keeps you on the edge of your seat. This is probably my favorite novel by Lisa Jewell. This is the story of two "birthday twins". Women who were born on the same day at the same hospital. Josie and Alix meet at a restaurant where they are both celebrating their birthdays. Alix is a podcaster who agrees to do a podcast about Josie and her journey to shake up her life a bit. What ensues is a creepy (in a good way) story where the reader is never certain what is actually true and is always trying to get inside the head of the characters. Truly a gem!

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In this edgy, dark psychological thriller, two women coincidentally meet at a local pub having been born on the same day, same hospital (“birthday twins”) and out celebrating their 45th birthdays. Alix Summers’, a popular podcaster who focuses on successful women’s stories of ascendancy, has a strong circle of friends, two close sisters, a handsome husband, 2 kids and an ideal home. Josie lives with her 27-years older husband and has 2 troubled children- one a gaming shut-in at home and another a teen runaway.

Josie seeks Alix out, enticing her to make a podcast about them being birthday twins and Josie’s embarking on a profound shift in her life as well as a painful, secret past. And that past either involves a past of sexual assault and manipulation, or something even more sinister. A dark cloud follows Josie as she stalks out Alix and slowly, inexorably and perniciously embeds herself in Alix’s life.

The podcast that emerges becomes one of true crime, as murdered bodies start piling up and the parts that a not true start unraveling. The novel alternates between Alix’s and Josie’s points of view, with interviews with friends and neighbors interspersed throughout.

Overall, a bit dark and sinister for me without much hope in sight for redemption.

But LOVED the clever twist by Jewell of writing the book as a script for a special Netflix murder mystery. And so, of course, we’ll just have to wait for the real Netflix adaption to arrive!

Thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for an advanced reader’s copy.

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