Member Reviews

4.5 stars

None of This is True by Lisa Jewell is a psychological thriller about a podcaster who meets someone who turns her life upside down.

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Atria Books and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My Synopsis:    (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions)
Alix Summers and Josie Fair first meet at a restaurant where they are both celebrating their 45th birthday.  They are "birthday twins".   

Alix is a popular podcaster who promotes women and their accomplishments.  She has two young children, and a husband who is starting to drink too much.

Josie is a seamstress, and has two older children, and an older husband who she feels may be holding her back.  

Josie starts following Alix's podcasts, and approaches her with an idea.  Josie wants Alix to tell her story, the story of a woman whose life is about to change, instead of those women who have already made it.

But there is something "off" about Josie, and Alix starts wondering if she is being manipulated.  Before she knows it, Josie is living in her spare room, and her dark secrets are coming to light.   Before Alix knows it, her family is in danger.

My Opinions:
This book has you questioning what is true on every other page.  Your mind will reel with the twists and turns.

The book is about lies, deception, and manipulation.  It covers both physical and emotional abuse.  The book is a bit creepy, often unsettling.  It may make you think twice about who you befriend.  The ending was perfect!  Although not specifically mentioned, mental illness definitely comes into play in this book.

The characters, including the supporting cast, were well-written.  Whether you trusted them, liked them, or hated them, they were interesting. I wasn't always keen on Alix's decisions regarding Josie, or regarding Nathan, and I definitely didn't like Nathan's decisions either. Josie is in a category all her own.

I felt the book started a little slow, but it certainly picked up speed.  As well, a few of the last chapters could have been omitted (well, not the last one!)  The only real problem I had with the book is that the pedophile topic seemed to blame the young girl instead of the 42-year old man.  Even if she manipulated him....he was at fault.

Anyway, even with my criticisms, I still really enjoyed this book and definitely recommend it to anyone that likes to have their minds and thoughts twisted into little knots.

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I enjoyed None of this is True overall, but wasn’t enthralled by any of it. The characters were fine and the plot twists were fine.

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This book was SO MUCH FUN to read! It’s so much more than just a thriller, although it will have you on the edge of your seat with its suspense. It’s a deep dive into the stories we tell others about our lives – through our social media feeds, our appearance, or our own (sometimes false) testimonies – versus the actual truth. I’m a sucker for any book that peels back the curtain on what outwardly seems to be a normal or even perfect life and shows the messiness underneath.

Alix is a podcaster who has wrapped up a successful but fairly straightforward series interviewing strong women about their backstories. She’s trying to figure out what comes next and is hoping for something a little more complex. I think it’s really important to remember that she is really focused on building a successful career and growing her influence at this juncture, because otherwise there’s really no excuse for how openly she trusts Josie and crosses all sorts of boundaries with her.

Josie is… well, she’s a nut job. She’s married to a much older man, has complicated (to put it nicely) relationships with her grown children, and doesn’t have any friendships. She latches onto Alix and proposes a podcast on her own life. Alix, having no idea what she’s getting herself into but really wanting to do something new, agrees. And the rest is… well, you just have to read it for yourself!

I think this book would have made for an excellent buddy read, because after every few chapters I would have loved to discuss the book with someone else! The twists and turns, the suspense and drama! Some parts of this book were genuinely so sad - and it made me think about my own family and the good things I often take for granted when focusing on the negatives in my life. I absolutely recommend this book! Pairs perfectly with a quiet night on the couch with a bottle of red wine!

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A psychological thriller that I couldn't put down. Josie and Alix meet at a restaurant on their 45th birthday. The coincidence of them both being born on the same day in the same hospital sets off a very uncomfortable friendship. Josie is married to a much, much older man and Alix is a well-known podcaster. How their lives ultimately intertwine is intense and disturbing.

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Lisa Jewell is the master of the twisty tale. Her latest novel, "None of This is True" is illustrative of her creative mastery. The novel starts off with two ladies celebrating their forty-fifth birthdays. Alix is a trendy podcaster, featuring successful ladies. Alix, however, in a loving marriage has some challenges ahead with a husband who seems to be redeveloping an alcohol problem that is resulting in overnight "benders". Josie is a bleak character married to a much older man; her life seems colorless with children whose personalities are mysterious. In a staged chance meeting Josie convinces Alix to do a podcast on her efforts to change her life. Alix agrees and the stories begin. The muck of Josie's life gets deeper until it ends with the revelation of a horrendous crime and twisted lies. I enjoyed this book and would call it a "can't put down until the end" novel of intrigue. Thanks to #NetGalley#Noneofthisistrue for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Going to start this by saying that I received an early copy of this book prior to release- but I would've GLADLY paid full price for this novel.


Lisa Jewell has done it again. I now believe that if I pick up a Lisa Jewell book- I shall face no disappointment. I was hooked on this book from the moment that I picked it up. It was a true thriller with SUCH a good story. There were times that I truly could not even figure out what I believed! She wrote this with true flair and you can genuinely tell that she puts her all into the plots she comes up with. I'm so impressed by this book and I would recommend it to ANY thriller lover out there.

I was attached to every. single. character. I needed to know more about everyone. The characters had this elusive, bizarre, dark, and addicting ways to them... I needed so badly to learn more about them and turn over each rock I came across.

I ate this entire novel up in 3 sittings. Excellent.

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3.5 stars
Thank you to #NetGalley and Atria Books/ Simon & Schuster for the eARC of None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell. I feel like a definite outlier with my review. I did not enjoy reading this book. The story moved very quickly and kept my attention, but in an uncomfortable way. I think the author gave away the whole story plot with the title. This novel's main character, Josie Fair was an unreliable narrator to the point of being disturbing and dangerous. The other main character, Alix Summer, a Podcaster, was so naive and trusting that it just became annoying. This book contains so many triggers that I hope are clearly defined before a vulnerable person starts reading.

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None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell is a fast paced, thrilling book that will have you thinking about it long after you finish it. The book begins with Josie Fair and her husband at a fancy restaurant celebrating Josie's 45th birthday. They don't normally go out to celebrate, but Josie really wanted to this year. She wants her life to change for the better. As they're sitting at their table there is a large group of 10 or so next to them. The group is there celebrating Alix Summers 45th birthday. Alix is somewhat famous for having a very popular podcast that focuses on successful women who have overcome a lot to reach success in their lives.

Josie hears someone wish Alix a Happy 45th Birthday and can't believe that beautiful woman is the same age as her! When she sees Alix get up to go to the restroom, Josie excuses herself and follows Alix in. She tells Alix that she's also celebrating her 45th birthday and Alix says they're birthday twins! They chat a bit and find out that not only are they birthday twins, but they were both born at the same hospital! What a coincidence. As they go back to their tables, they say goodbye and exchange pleasantries. Josie watches Alix and her friends the rest of the night.

Josie's husband is much older than her and most people think he's her father.. They've been married since Josie was 18 and they have 2 daughters. Josie hasn't had a happy life and blames others for her unhappiness. She's very interested in Alix Summers life and does a deep dive into her life by looking online. Josie finds out that Alix has a podcast and spends most of the night listening to several. She then looks at pictures on instagram and Facebook and finds out that Alix has 2 young children that attend the elementary school that her own girls attended years ago. She decides to walk her dog near that school tomorrow morning in hopes that she might run into Alix again.

Josie does run into Alix by her children's school and she tells her she listened to some of her podcasts and that she thinks she would be a good subject for her next one. Alix isn't sure what to make of Josie but agrees to meet her the next day for coffee and discuss it. When they meet Alix is curious about Josie's story and decides to try it. She tells Josie to come to her studio the next day and they'll feel it out. As Josie and Alix meet, Josie tells her story about getting married at 18 to a man 27 years older than her, having kids soon after, and being very unhappy for years. She insists she's going to make changes in her life and that the podcast could be about that.

Josie and Alix continue to meet twice a week or more and Josie's story is one of loneliness as a child to now having one of her daughters gone without leaving word about where she's gone. Josie's other daughter lives at home but, locks herself away in her room as an online gamer. She only comes out when Josie isn't home and she only eats baby food that Josie must leave on a tray outside her door. Josie tells Alix that her husband isn't a nice man. Are the things she's telling Alix true or is Josie dramatizing things for the podcast?

The book does a wonderful job of telling all sides of the story through different points of view through the podcast and the many people involved. Will Alix know what is true and what isn't before her own family is at risk? Will Josie find the new life that she wants? Will the podcast be successful? Lisa Jewell does a tremendous job of building the suspense more and more until you won't be able to stand it anymore! You'll be reading this book without even thinking of putting it down. I loved None of This Is True and rate it 5 stars with my highest recommendation. The book comes out on August 8 in the U.S. I'd like to thank NetGalley and Atria Books/Simon & Schuster for an advanced copy of None of This Is True. #NoneOfThisIsTrue

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Lisa Jewell returns following The Family Remains with her latest, NONE OF THIS IS TRUE, a dark and twisty psychological thriller about a woman who finds herself the subject of her own popular true crime podcast— where nothing is as it appears.

Two separate women are celebrating their forty-fifth birthday at a local pub. Josie and Alix. (Birthday twins). They were born in the same city, hospital, and the same place to celebrate their 45th birthday.

Alix Summers is a famous podcaster aspiring women for second chances. She is happily married, has a great home, two young children, and a successful husband. Nathan is keeping late-night with drinking benders, causing friction in the marriage—otherwise, a perfectly curated life from social media views.

Josie Fair, housewife, a plain Jane. Josie met her husband when she was 13, and he was 40—married to a much older man, mother of two daughters in their twenties. Her life is unsatisfying and unfilled.

Josie manipulates chance meetings with Alix to insert herself into her life. She is quite clever and is obsessed with being a part of Alix's glamorous life. Josie has been listening to Alix’s podcasts and thinks she might be an interesting subject for her series. Does Josie want to help her escape her sad life?

Josie’s motives are much more sinister than simply becoming the subject of a podcast, and soon, she creates far more complications than Alix ever anticipated.

Josie tells Alix about her traumatic life of abuse and neglect (pedophilia, child abuse, spousal abuse, alcoholism, trauma, and murder). Shocking, but are Josie’s stories true? Josie becomes a stalker. Could Alix help Josie? OR did Alix make a mistake agreeing to make this podcast?

Alix develops: Coming to Netflix in May: Hi! I'm Your Birthday Twin! 2019 A podcast within a documentary, with host Alix Summer—better known for her All Woman series of podcasts about successful women. The new podcast is about a local woman born on the same day as her.

Things become strange, dark, and weird—where nothing is as it seems. Josie's life is complex and unsettling, but is she telling the truth? Alix is intrigued and put off by Josie at the same time. As the project progresses, Alix starts to learn more about Josie, and within weeks, her life is in shreds, and three people are dead.

Then Josie disappears. Has Alix become the subject of her own true crime podcast, plus her entire family is in danger. Who is Josie? The secrets are peeled back, and you must read to discover the dark unknown. Most of the story unfolds from Josie and Alix’s points of view, with snippets of interviews from a Netflix show filmed a few years after the meetings.

Lines are blurred between fact and fiction. The author cleverly keeps the reader guessing about Josie and a perfectly fitting title with unreliable characters and menacing undertones. The ending is a bit anticlimactic and ambiguous (some may like or dislike it), and you may have to suspend your disbelief.

The power dynamic between Alix and Josie was fascinating, and you had to question a successful journalist like Alix to be so trusting.

Complex, eerie, unsettling, claustrophobic, and disturbing with a creepy vibe. A twisty wicked game of cat and mouse whydunit! As always, Jewell is imaginative and clever, a skilled writer with her signature twisty, intriguing plots and characters. Lisa's fans will love NONE OF THIS IS TRUE.

Thanks to Atria Books for a gifted ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Blog Review posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
Pub Date: Aug 8, 2023
My Rating: 4 Stars
Aug 2023 Must-Read Books

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Thanks to NetGalley and Simon and Schuster for access to this eARC in exchange for a fair review.

This book is wild! It’s my first Lisa Jewell book and it was fabulous. I could not put it down! It’s rare I don’t see where a thriller is going, but this one had me second guessing what was true from the very first page.

Josie and Alix were born on the same day, the same year in the same hospital. When out celebrating their birthdays in the same restaurant Josie introduces herself to Alix, a successful podcaster, saying “Hi, I’m your birthday twin!” Fun coincidence or just creepy?

A few days later Josie approaches Alix with an idea for Alix’s next podcast series; follow Josie as she is about to make some big changes in her life. But who is Joise and how much of her story is even true? What changes is she planning and are these for good or ill?

I loved the way Jewell integrates the podcast into the plot and as a means of storytelling itself. We to learn about past events while also developing the women’s relationship in the present. Oh boy is it creepy! And yet, this book had me questioning my own judgements of the characters multiple times.
It’s one of the best thrillers I’ve read in a very long time.

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At a party for her 45th birthday, podcast host Alix meets her “birthday twin” - a woman, Josie, born on the same day, even in the same hospital, as her. A few days later, she bumps into the same woman again, and Josie has a fascinating idea for Alix’s next podcast project – Josie's life, and the big changes she’s about to embark on. But Josie has some disturbing secrets, and before long, Alix finds that in letting Josie into her life, she’s invited a deadly danger into her home.

This was my first Lisa Jewell, though I have had several on my “want to read” list for a while – and it was a real doozy. I liked the docuseries as a frame for the story and a way of introducing different characters, their points of view and their versions of events. The story was fast paced and compelling and hard to put down, and I’m definitely going to read more from this author.

Representation: lesbian character

TW: Alcoholism, child abuse and neglect, grooming, gaslighting, stalking, kidnapping and imprisonment

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Popular podcaster Alix Summers is out celebrating her forty-fifth birthday when she runs into a woman named Josie Fair who declares that she’s her birthday twin. The two casually run into each other again and Josie tells Alix she wants to be on her podcast as she plans on making some big changes in her life. When Alix agrees, she’s not prepared for what Josie is about to unveil and she finds herself trapped in a dark, messy web of a story.

NONE OF THIS IS TRUE by Lisa Jewell has already received a ton of advanced praise and I can see why!

This has easily become my favorite of her books and I had such a hard time putting it down! Jewell utilizes a multimedia format (LOVE), incorporating a podcast and documentary aspect to the story and I could not get enough!

The story was dark, twisted, and creepy and the way Jewell keeps you guessing from one chapter to the next had such a strong hold over me!

I think this one will be popular with a lot of people and I can’t wait to pick up my own physical copy!

Huge thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Publication Date: August 8

⚠️ check the triggers on this one ⚠️

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None is this is True is an interesting mix of documentary and podcast. Interspersed with chapters are the dialogue from a podcast and scenes from a Netflix documentary.

Meet Birthday Twins: Josie and her much older husband go out to a restaurant for her 45th birthday. While there they notice another birthday celebrant there with a group of people. Josie heads off to the bathroom when she sees the other woman head that way; turns out Alix is also 45 and when she asks where she was born they discover not only they were born on the same day but in the same hospital. But that is where the similarities end.

You can tell from the get go that Josie is a little different and she openly wants to change things in her life. She has two 20-something daughters, one who left home at 16 and one who never leaves her room. Her husband is retired and she works part time in an alteration shop. When she sees how Alix lives, she obviously covets her life. Alix is married, has two school age children, a career as a podcaster, and a very nice home.

Josie tracks Alix and invents times for them to run into each other. She suggests to Alix that she could be her next podcast subject. Alix, whose life isn't as rosy as Josie first assumed, needed a new subject and was intrigued by what she knew about Josie. Upheaval abounds from there out. The depths to which Josie is able to insinuate herself into Alix's life is downright scary.

Murder, kidnapping, missing children, and pedophilia are all there. Who to believe, who to trust? You think you have it all figured out and then there is another twist. I found the ending disturbing and a little unsatisfying, but I was so compelled throughout that I will think about the ending some more before I decide.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This was my first Lisa Jewell book, and it was a hit for me!
I consumed this book!

Two women who, by chance run into each other at a restaurant, learn they are birthday twins. Their coincidental meeting turns into a podcast in which shared confidences become the motive for murder.

Alix lives in a beautiful house with her perfect family and successful podcast when she meets Josie who has had a tough life & traumatic childhood.
Of course, Alix is nowhere near as perfect as she is perceived, and Josie is like an onion pulling back the complex layers of her childhood and motherhood.

This book is full of short addicting chapters with Netflix documentary excerpts and podcast transcripts that all make for a bingeworthy read. It is also dark, tense, suspenseful, and has some major creepy vibes. The ending will leave you with chills.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and Atria Books in exchange for an honest review.

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4..5 stars

This is an excellent psychological thriller read about two middle-aged women, Josie and Alix, whose lives become intertwined over the making of a podcast about Josie’s life. The story is told from the two women’s points of view and is excellently interspersed with excerpts from the podcast/Netflix documentary transcript and interviews. You can tell that Josie is troubled as she tells her story and the author superbly unfolds her past bit by bit, doling out clues, like peeling back layers of an onion. Just when you think you have it figured out at the end, the final few pages throw an unexpected, if ambiguous, curveball. The pacing is good and the writing is very easy to read. Lots of secrets, dysfunction and lies. You really can’t go wrong with a Lisa Jewell novel!

Thanks to Atria Books and Netgalley for this complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

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Synopsis: Celebrating her 45th birthday at her local pub, podcaster Alix Summers crosses paths with Josie Fair. Josie is also celebrating her 45th birthday. They are, in fact, birthday twins. When the two run into each other again a few days later, Josie mentions she has been listening to Alix’s podcasts and she might be an interesting subject for her series. Josie’s life appears to be strange and complicated, and although Alix finds her unsettling, she can’t resist the temptation. Slowly she starts to realize that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it, Josie has inveigled her way into Alix’s life—and into her home. But, as quickly as she arrived, Josie disappears. Only then does Alix discover that Josie has left a terrible and terrifying legacy in her wake, and that Alix has become the subject of her own true crime podcast, with her life and her family’s lives at risk.

Review: What... did I just... read? I'm just going to say it- Josie gave me the absolute creeps and I've never felt creeped out physically from a fictional character, so BRAVO, well done Lisa. The long short- two women meet who share the same birthday. Josie begins listening to Alix's podcast and decides she'd be a great subject since she's about to "change her life". She begins telling Alix her life story- what she believes to be the truth. As they begin working together, Josie becomes obsessed with Alix and we escalate from there. I loved the podcast/netflix iteration of this story and could totally see this being on TV one day. The wrap up of it all with Roxy and Erin (Josie's daughters) added a lot to the plot and it was every bit as bone chilling, dark, and twisty as you'd imagine. Each of these characters had their own flaws that really added to the plot and it kept me turning pages at an unreasonably fast pace. Probably one of the better Lisa Jewell books I've read so far- read for yourself!

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review ✨

One of my favorite thrillers in a while!! This is so unique and captivating—it really is as good as all the reviews you’ve seen hyping it up. The pacing in the book was superb and the twists and ending was jaw-dropping. The format of this book was so entertaining to read: part narrative, podcast, and Netflix documentary transcript

Nearly every single character in this book is a victim in their own way (past trauma that made them the way they are or current events) which really made me think and have such conflicted thoughts about certain characters. This was not a typical good person/bad person thriller. I would love to hear your feedback if you’ve read as well

⚠️There are a lot of TWs in this book, absolutely look up or message me if you have any questions before reading!


After a chance encounter at a local bar and realizing they are both celebrating their 45th birthdays, podcaster Alix starts a new series with her birthday twin Josie. Alix soon finds Josie’s life is far more complicated and darker than she realized, and Alix has become the subject of her own true crime podcast.

Thank you @netgalley and @atriabooks for a copy of this eARC in exchange for my honest review!

🕰 this is out on Tuesday 8/8!
📖 384 pages
✨ 4.25 stars

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Another psychological thriller that I had to finish in one sitting. It took me awhile to “like” any of the characters, but as the story progressed I understood where the author was going with the character development. This is a perfect read to take you away and become engrossed in a thrill ride.

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This book is brilliant.

Alix is a podcaster celebrating her birthday when she meets Josie, her birthday twin (they were born on the same day in the same hospital). When they bump into each other again, Josie suggests that Alix make a podcast about her, promising her life will be interesting enough.

Alix agrees, but by the time she realizes what Josie truly has in mind, it’s too late.

I loved this book so much. This quickly became my favorite Jewell book. The format is so clever-there are parts written as descriptions of parts from a documentary, and parts written as a podcast.

The characters are very complex, and constantly keep you guessing. I had no idea where this book was going and absolutely didn’t figure out the ending. Trying to decipher the truth behind the lies will keep you thinking about this book long after you finish it. I highly recommend this book.

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🧐 my thoughts:
Holy. Cow. I honestly wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into with this book, but I was not disappointed. There was a lot of build up in the first half of the book leaving you wondering ‘where is this going?’ I honestly probably thought that until the end, and then I was left speechless with more questions and theories. This is definitely a top 10 read of 2023 for me. It has me even more excited to meet Lisa Jewell at Bookmarks in Winston-Salem in a couple weeks!

👌🏻what i liked:
I really enjoyed being left questioning literally everything. I would think I knew what was about to happen or where the story was going, but then something would happen or Josie would say one sentence that threw that entire theory out the door.

As someone in television production, I really enjoyed the scripting for the Netflix special. I felt like this added so much to the story. With it being entwined in the story the entire time, it made you keep thinking about how it was all going to come together. The interviews from anyone and everyone that was a part of what was going on was truly the icing on the cake.

I can’t remember the last time a book left me speechless like this.

🙃 what i didn’t like:
I didn’t like how I was left with so many questions at the end. I was content with the ending until the 4 weeks later and 18 month later segments. These created even more theories and questions for me, that I think now we need a sequel! What do you think Lisa? It was a really great read with great plot twists, but I am still speechless and need some closure (or a sequel) here haha

🥰 special thanks:
Thank you to NetGalley, Lisa Jewell, and Forever Atria Books for granting me this e-ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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