Member Reviews

If you've ever been on a rollercoaster, you know that feeling that comes with the initial ascent? The slow climb that makes your heart pound and adrenaline rise, and then that little pause right at the top that has you anticipating the big drop. That is how this book made me feel. Jewell is a compelling storyteller who knows how to build tension and suspense and sustain it throughout the whole book. She paces this perfectly to keep you anticipating all the drops. I was off balance, uneasy, and questioning everything the entire time—and I freakin loved it! What a wild ride!

My advice is to go in blind if you can. This is dark, twisty, unsettling, creepy, and hard to put down. I am nursing a book hangover and still trying to sort through all the layers of dysfunction and deception. I don't want to spoil anything or say too much, but Josie, in particular, is a complex character that I won't soon forget. If you are a Lisa Jewell fan, the format of this is different from her other books, but it is perfectly suited to the story she is telling here and gripping right from the start. This is one of my fave Jewell books!

Highly recommended to anyone looking for an outstanding thriller. Add this one to your tbr, then buckle up!

Thank you to NetGalley, Atria Books, and Lisa Jewell for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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Lisa Jewell has delivered another terrifying trip filled with lies, love, and utter devastation in None of This is True. If you’re in the mood for a dark and mentally twisting adventure fraught with non-stop deception, this will leave you contemplating life’s choices.

Josie Fair is a complicated and dangerous woman. You wouldn’t know it at first, but her life has seemed to bloom from nothing but terrible and misguided decisions. Growing up in a single-parent household doesn’t last long as she journeys to adulthood much faster than anticipated.

Out to dinner with Walter, her much older husband, celebrating her 45th birthday Josie casually meets Alix Summer who is also celebrating her birthday. As the introduction lasts mere minutes, Josie is on a path to redemption through the help of Alix, a budding podcaster with her own problems. Intrigued by a mundane offer from Josie, Alix quietly befriends her as there is a story of epic proportions to be told that would be vivid and more than entertaining to her listeners. What ensues is a mind-bending and brokenhearted journey that covers untold lies, mysterious deaths, and an ending that will leave you breathless.

Jewell highlights the daring mental capacity of one strong-willed yet confused woman and her staunch for power. I was mesmerized by how she delivers the story; a blend of Netflix documentary blended with a true crime feel will leave you watching the story unfold and not wanting to stop. Her ability to create such vibrant devastation in such a calm manner is impeccable and underrated for sure. I was unsure of where the storyline was going to go after the first few chapters, but Jewell laid out a path that leads to an ending with the victim and villain all rolled into one.

Character building is one of her best attributes in None of This is True as she takes common issues and problems a lot of married couples navigate and turns them into dangerous hurdles. I can honestly say I was scared for one of the characters throughout and can tell that Jewell put a ton of time and effort into ensuring the emotions felt are nail-biting. This is nothing short of a psychological trip through hell for one family at the expense of a maniacal person.

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I was not expecting the ending. This whole book was a real trip and a half. The twists and turns were insane and still really good.

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Holy WTF just happened in this book!?! I honestly don’t even know what to write for a review because it would create a spoiler right off the bat. Plus I’m still speechless from the unsettling story it’s self…Not in a bad way, and you’ll totally understand what I mean once you read it.

I want to write a bunch about the layered plot, character dynamics, and the absolute genius in how Jewell pulled it all together. However, I can’t say more or I will let something slip, and I’m not giving up details. Heck…Don’t even read the synopsis. Go into the story blind and enjoy the ride!

What I can say is that I flew through this absolutely bat shit crazy, dark and twisted story, and could not get enough! Definitely a book you are going to want to read! So preorder it now!

P.S. Jewell is amazing and will discuss this book and any questions you have after reading!

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“Hello! I’m your birthday twin!”

Josie exclaims one night to podcast host Alix. This begins a twisty tale of secrets, lies, and half truths.

This book has everything you expect from a Lisa Jewell thriller. Complex characters, an intricate plot line, and twists along the way.

The format was the most interesting thing about this book! The chapters are told back and forth between Alix and Josie while also having the Netflix documentary about the events within the book. This gave the whole story a true feeling to it.

I liked the characters but felt that some of the storylines went a little too far, AKA Josie and her husband. You’ll know once you start reading. I can see where that plot point was going but it still didn’t sit well.

Overall, this was a decent thriller that was slowly paced with some twists.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the gifted copy. My reviews are always honest.

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Josie is out enjoying her forty-fifth birthday with her husband, Walter. They have strayed from their typical, quiet celebrations at home with takeout to try a trendy new location to ring in the her age. Alix also happens to be at the exact same restaurant, at the exact same time, celebrating the exact same birthday with her loved ones. While Alix pays no mind to Josie, Josie becomes entranced Alix. In Alix, she sees the polar opposite of her life, what it could have been: Alix is wealthy, successful, and happy. Josie is a far cry from all of those things. To get her clutch tighter on Alix, Josie propositions her: allow her to be a recurring guest on her incredibly popular podcast and she will deliver a transformative story about her dark, unusual life. Alix is intrigued and quickly agrees. But the more the women talk, the more cryptic Josie’s situation seems - and the more Alix begins to fear that something is deeply wrong, both with Josie and the stories she’s telling.

This book is all about manipulation, deceit, and figuring out what to believe. It takes awhile for the story to really form, but the chapters are brief so it’s easier to work through the slower beginning. You could tell from the start that Josie and her obsession with Alix was alarming, but I had no idea where it would go. It sucked me in and kept me wondering until the very end. A big thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for the advanced copy!

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Is any of this true? I don't know how to answer that.

Thank you to Simon & Schuster and Netgalley for the free copy for review.

I was thrilled to read None of This is True by Lisa Jewell because I enjoyed The Family Upstairs so much. But this truly was a horse of a different color.

I enjoyed it, but I didn't love it. There were so many far-fetched and outlandish claims made by Josie that I just didn't know what to think. Did she make all of this up in her head? I read the book; I should know. But I don't know; I have no clue.

On the other hand, Josie's behavior had me dropping my jaw so many times. I was pretty wowed by it. I just had to know what happened next.

Halfway through the book, I was able to predict what happened, but the ending left me clueless.

Although this book captivated me, I ultimately decided to give it a three-out-of-five-star rating. It had a great premise and was creepy, but overall, it was sad and I felt misguided.

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Lisa Jewell introduced me to mystery thriller and I am hooked since then! None Of This Is True was one of my most anticipated read of the summer and boy it delivered.

Alex and Josie have their birthday the same day and they were born at the same hospital, living a mile or so apart but their path did not cross until their 45th birthday. Story is to.d from both of their POV and loved the Netflix series and podcast version of story telling in between.

As expected it is hard to know or believe who is telling the truth and the ending adds to the twist of the whole plot. I really enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend to all mystery thriller lovers out there to read this masterpiece it also one of @botm pick for the month of Aug!

Thank you NetGalley for the gifted digital galley. This book releases on Aug 8, 2023

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Okay well, I absolutely inhaled this book and am so grateful to Atria for giving me access to an ARC prior to publication.

This is only my second Jewell book, and she’s proving to be one of my favorite authors. I love the way she writes domestic/neighborhood thrillers and this one absolutely hits the mark!

Jewell throws together two unreliable MC’s, both with very different but interesting pasts, and makes them birthday twins. They’re born on the same day, in the same hospital, and by happenstance, end up meeting at the same bar on their birthday.

What ensues, is an opportunity for Josie to tell her life story on Alix’s podcast- and it seems like a great opportunity for both of them, but things quickly start turning.

I had no clue where this book was going and the ending reminded me of Verity… the ending kind of leaves stuff open to your interpretation on how you want to take things. I literally ended it and was like “omg, I have no idea who is at fault/who is being honest.”

This makes me so excited to keep diving into Jewell’s backlist!

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Do you have a birthday twin? The new book from Lisa Jewell, None of This is True, has a pair of unlikely birthday twins pulled together.

"Alix Summers is a popular podcaster. On the night of her 45th birthday she crosses paths with a woman named Josie Fair. Josie is also celebrating her 45th birthday. Alix runs into Josie a few days later and Josie convinces Alix to create a podcast about her and the changes in her life. Soon, Josie is sitting down for several sessions in Alix's home studio. Alix is shocked by the story she hears and feels like she might have another hit podcast series. One night Josie appears at Alix's door, bruised and covered in blood. Suddenly, she is living at Alix's house.

It's not until she leaves that anyone discovers the bodies..."

This is a slow-burn story from Jewell. But once the fuse is lit, the story takes off and you don't want to put it down.
I spent a lot of time yelling at Alix for seveal of her decisions. ("What are you doing? Don't do that! He's not going to change!") Jewell gives just enough clues to hint at the darkness underneath. It's much worse than you think. I like that Jewell kept me guessing about what was coming. And even the memory that Josie had about an incident - True? - Not True?

Wild story and great characters from Lisa Jewell.

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None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell is a very highly recommended twisty psychological thriller. Un-put-downable from beginning to end!

Alix Summers and Josie Fair discover they are birthday twins, born on the same day at the same hospital, when they are both out celebrating their 45th birthdays at a pub. After this brief encounter, Josie becomes obsessed with Alix, a podcaster, and makes sure they meet again. Alix finds her odd, but Josie convinces Alix that her life story would be an interesting subject for a new podcast series. Alix decides to start interviewing her, which starts Josie's increasing intrusion into Alix's life. As Josie shares disturbing details of her past and her family, the story becomes increasingly ominous.

Jewell has done it again! This compelling, riveting novel is hard to put down once started and will keep you guessing about what is the truth. There is no doubt that the novel is unsettling. You will immediately feel that something is awry, which will put all your senses on alert for clues. All families can be dysfunctional, but some families are much more complex and ominous than others.

Inserted between chapters in the narrative are excerpts and transcripts from interviews for Alix's podcast and these foreshadow something bigger and more ominous is coming. It is a literary device that is very effective in this plot and the different perspectives provide varying versions of events. Readers will have to discern where the truth may be as the sense of danger become palpable and nothing may be as it seems.

Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of Atria via NetGalley.
The review will be published on Barnes & Noble, Google Books, and Amazon.

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None of This Is True is hands down my new favorite Lisa Jewell novel! I devoured it in a day and was riveted the whole time! The afternoon just flew by. Alix and Josie meet on their 45th birthday while they are each out celebrating and discover that they share the same birthday and year. Alix is surprised to bump into Josie a few days later and they gradually form a relationship. This relationship will lead to devastating consequences for one of the ladies. Be prepared to read this in one sitting! Read and enjoy!

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None Of This Is True (ARC)
Lisa Jewell

Pub Day : 8/8/2023

While celebrating her 40th birthday, Alix meets Josie, her birthday twin. Alix is a famous Podcaster and Josie wants to tell her story. And even though Alix finds Josie very unsettling, she is hooked, unable to resist and feels the need to complete the podcast. Until she realizes that things in her life are starting to get out of the ordinary. And one day, Josie disappears altogether... but not without her final message to Alix.

What a fantastic read! I was a Lisa Jewell virgin and I've been hearing so much about her books since starting bookstagram. This was such a good book to be introduced to her! I was so pleasantly surprised that I was given an ARC for this. Thank you @netgalley and @atriabooks for the opportunity to read this before Pub day!

My anxiety level while reading this book was too high. The obsession, the stalking. It was ridiculous. It's so annoying to me that there's bit and pieces of Josie's family early on that I couldn't make sense of. I couldn't even make a theory. THE ITCH OF NOT KNOW WAS AGGRAVATING (in a very good way)! I did sense how unstable Josie was. But I was confused nonetheless. I wasn't sure who the victim really is/are. I did see some foreshadowing and anticipated some things but the big twists crept up unsuspectingly until the big ending! I cannot discern what's true and what's not. How appropriate is the title? Even towards the end, everything was chaotic. The characters, especially one, were made to appear extremely unreliable. I love it. It gets the job done. My thriller heart is happy.

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I could not put this book down! I read it in one day because I was so enthralled. Alix and Josie's stories were so intriguing, and the way Josie integrated herself into Alix's life was so creepily fascinating. I really enjoyed the format, between narration, podcast format, and scenes from the Netflix documentary. It was really well-thought out and jumping between these formats kept me engaged throughout. It's been a while since I've read a suspense novel as good as this one!

The only thing that keeps this from being a 5 star for me is the ending - I didn't like that Walter had a redemption arc after what he did (summarizing to avoid spoilers). I also felt like Alix's husband's behavior was glossed over at the end (again, summarizing to avoid spoilers). It was a big plot point and had a big impact on their marriage, but by the end Alix wrote it off as his way of blowing off steam. It felt like it didn't quite line up.

I highly recommend this book. Looking forward to the next one!!

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Jewell has a way of weaving her stories in such a way that you're left quite literally breathless, and None of This Is True is no exception.

Josie and Alix bump into each other at a restaurant while celebrating each of their birthdays, only to find out that they not only share the same birthday but were also born in the same hospital. When the latter tells Josie that she's a podcaster, Josie is compelled to tell Alix that she has a story for her: the story of meeting her much-older husband and their subsequent life and children. Josie feels ready to "break free" from the story she's been living since she was thirteen, but how far will she go to be successful in her endeavor?

What I love the most about Jewell as a storyteller is how she can take mundane, day-to-day action and weaving it with strong character development, whether the characters are likable or not. The alternating point of view between Alix and Josie deliciously builds the tension in what I would consider a masterclass of suspense-building. Throw Netflix documentary clips in between chapters as a foreboding presence about what happens to Alix and Josie, and the book is impossible to put down.

The last 15-10% of the book does lose its steam a bit as Alix and Josie's stories come to a resolution, however necessary it is for the conclusion of the book as. a whole. However, the originality of Alix being a podcaster/Josie telling her story was what drew me into the story the most.

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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My favorite Lisa Jewell book by far! Wow, this was a great read that I binged in a day. I love a book that has the reader guessing from start to finish, and I’m still not 100% sure what the truth is. A big thank you to NetGalley for this advanced copy!

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Lisa Jewell has truly outdone herself here!! Not only my favorite by her, but quite possibly my favorite of the year (yes I know, it’s only August)

A bone chilling and twisty little story based on two women that share a birthday. Hi! I’m your birthday twin!
Alix is a popular podcaster host, has a beautiful home, a beautiful family and basically has it all. And then there’s Josie, a woman who is all around upset with her life.
When the two women meet, Alix agrees to a podcast based on Josie’s life with the promise that it’s about to change and it will be interesting, but oh does Alix have no idea what she’s got herself into. This twisty little thriller was filled with red flags, and also absolutely perfect. I could not recommend this one more!!

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Well, dang. This book was a little nuts. I enjoyed it; there were plenty of twists, and it definitely had a very interesting premise. I did find it to be a touch predictable, and I wasn’t a huge fan of the ending. BUT, nevertheless, I really enjoyed it and read it super quickly. I’d recommend to anybody who loves thrillers & is in need of a book to get them out of a reading slump!! Lisa certainly does not disappoint!!

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC copy of this book!

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This may be my new favourite Jewell. From the moment I picked this one up I was hooked. None of This is True kept me up way passed my bed time and I didn’t want to put it down.

If you’re into podcasts and twisty thrillers I would definitely recommended this one. It was such a dark and chilling story that I found unputdownable.

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👖 None of This is True by Lisa Jewell 🎤

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 4.5/5

👉🏼 Publishes 8/8/23!

Genre: Mystery/Thriller
⚠️ TWs: Domestic violence, murder, mentions of sexual assault/rape, kidnapping, alcoholism, difficult parent/child relationships

📖 Read if you like 📖
🌀 Plot twists
🎙️ True crime podcasts
✌🏼 Dual POV
😳 Suspenseful stories
📺 Netflix documentaries
✍🏼 Short chapters
🚫 Unreliable characters

💭 Thoughts:
I really enjoyed this one! I especially loved the mixed media formatting! It read like a podcast turned tv series, and it could easily be made into a real series. The plot twists and dark, unreliable characters made this book hard to put down! If you like true crime documentaries, you will love this one. I definitely recommend it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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