Member Reviews

I enjoyed None of This is True much more than the other book of hers I read. It was more of a slow burn for me, not really picking up until the last 30% but I was still entertained throughout. I liked the way the story was told, with the documentary transcripts and podcast element. The twists and ending were a bit a predictable but if you're looking for a quick and engaging read, this is it!

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THIS WAS SO GOOD. As in, I stayed up way past my bedtime because I had to finish it immediately kind of good.

This is the fourth of fifth Jewell book that I've read and they've all been absolute stunners. This one was told through past and present tense with Netflix documentary and podcast interviews spread throughout. I loved how ominous and creepy and twisty it was in such a subtle way. Jewell really kept me guessing and on my toes throughout the whole book. I couldn't put it down!

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I have probably said this a million times before, but Lisa Jewell had done it again! This has to be one of my favorite books by Lisa to date!
None of This is True is written in present day and future snips from the fictional Netflix documentary. Josie was hella creepy from day one and I just could not put my kindle down. I needed to know what was going to happen. And let me tell you when the poo finally hit the fan, and everything started unraveling quickly I was up until 3am to finish the book I started the day before.
After I finished this amazing book, I had to google and see was this podcast real…was this book based on a kind of similar true story. I am a true crime junkie, so I was like I need more.

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I started this amazing book yesterday and was so hooked from the very first page. I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that this book was so good that I didn’t leave my house all day today until I finished reading it. Every time I thought I had it figured out, I was proven wrong, right up to the last page. I’ll be recommending this book to all of my mystery-loving friends. I’ve been a Lisa Jewel fan for a long time, but in my opinion this is without a doubt her best!

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This is my 6th book by Lisa Jewell and it certainly won’t be my last, but neither will I finish it. 52% was more than enough of these horrible people. Actually, Alix wasn’t a “horrible” person, but incredibly naïve and foolish. There was absolutely no one in the book I would cheer on.
A good psychological mystery is right up my alley, but this one became so very dark (in Part Two), that I simply could not read further.
I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am very sorry I was not able to finish it.
Best wishes to Lisa Jewell and the publisher, Atria Books.

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This was my first book by Lisa Jewell and what a ride it was. I was on the edge of my seat. I found myself not wanting to put this book down. The podcast/documentary scenes were so good. I could envision myself watching this series on Netflix. So many twists and turns. Unhinged chaos at its best. I can't wait to devour more books by this author.

Book Releases August 8, 2023

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the E-ARC

All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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NONE OF THIS IS TRUE by Lisa Jewel 5 stars OH MY GOSH! My jaw dropped multiple times. I read this in less than 24 hrs. The format makes it feel like you are listening to a podcast but also watching a true crime netflix documentary. It makes for a binge worthy read! It definitely gets creepy, but I appreciated the lack of detailed gruesome scenes, mostly just alludes or enough detail to get the picture.

None of This Is True is a psychological thriller about two women who, through a chance encounter, learn that they are birthday twins. Their unlikely meeting turns into a podcast in which shared confidences become the motive for murder. Chapters alternate between Josi and Alix. Josie is alluring, intense and odd. She is off-putting but you just can’t look away! Alix’s chapters are not as interesting in that sense, but she offers stability to the story. She is also dealing with issues in her marriage and is the host of the podcast.

This is an addictive page turner that I couldn’t put down, but I wouldn’t call it a fun read. Some of the darker themes include pedophilia, alcoholism, and physical and emotional abuse. I think if you read Verity you could handle this one. (I will never be the same after Verity and that book makes me ill!)

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This thriller was captivating! I found myself a little impatient trying to get to the end and figure out what happened with everyone involved. I found the storyline about a woman coming up to her birthday twin and asking her to tell her story in a podcast fascinating. I found myself at the edge of my seat savoring each new detail the author slowly fed us. We’ve got a woman who seems obsessed with the other and a lot of mystery mixed with deep rooted family drama! I couldn’t ask for more. Oh man, but that ending was fantastic! Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better! Thank you for the ARC.

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Thanks to Simon & Schuster audio for a complimentary ALC nad NetGalley for the egalley.

This thriller is full to the margins with unreliable and unlikeable characters. The story is a bit chaotic and unhinged. I never really knew what was going to happen next, but that was what kept me invested. I just strapped in and went along for the ride. The full-cast audio narration was superb and because of the podcast element within the story, it was meticulously produced. I'll admit I was a little let down by the last 1/4 of the book, but not enough to ruin the overall reading experience.

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Wow this latest book by Lisa Jewell is amazingly delicious, addictive, fascinating, dark, and so hard to put down!!!!!!!!!! This story is crazy good!!!!!! You do not want to miss this book for sure!!!!

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I am a huge fan of thrillers and so I was very excited to read Lisa Jewell (arguably one of the queens of the genre) early. In the beginning, I loved this book. Alix and Jodie's podcast scenes had me on the edge of my seat wondering what was real and what wasn't. What I didn't love is the way the author (improperly) handled what should have been a very serious issue. Victim blaming teenager girls in pedophilic relationships instead of the men who prey on them is not only inappropriate, but also completely disrespectful to real victims.

I extend my thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the advanced reading copy but I will not be recommending this book to others.

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I love true crime. I love Netflix documentaries. I love murder mystery podcasts. I love twisty, creepy,
NON-CHEESY (or predictable) thrillers. So, needless to say, I LOVED this book!! I don't know what else to say! READ IT!

^ Thank you to @netgalley and the author for the opportunity to read this ARC!

Read if You Love:
Psychological thrillers
Unreliable characters
Netflix docs
Dual POV
Plot twists

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Wow! This was crazy good! Did I expect anything less from Lisa Jewell? No I did not, however she exceeded my expectations here yet again and this might be my favorite of hers yet. I had sort of figured this out, but I can always count on a mind blowing last sentence with her books and she did not disappoint here, throwing everything off and leaving me just sitting there thinking OMG WHAT??!! Which is the exact reason why I am a huge fan of her work. I read this in one sitting, definitely needing to know what the outcome would be, and it was a page turner for sure. I LOVED the podcast element worked in here which is what made the audio so great for this one. She had me questioning everything, everyone was messed up in their own way, and it was such a wild ride. This one MUST be on your list when it comes out 8/8! August is turning out to be a superb month for thrillers and I am SO excited about that!

Thank you to Simon Audio, Atria, and NetGalley for the advanced copies to review.

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I read this in practically one sitting on an airplane, and it was definitely engaging, exciting, and enjoyable. Lisa Jewell is the queen of unusual family situations and dynamics! This one was particularly twisty, and I was waiting for one more punch at the very end, which she delivered! My rating of three stars may be a bit unfair because I'm comparing Jewell to, well, herself. I have read most of her works. And I loved The Family Upstairs and Before I Met You, both of which I will definitely reread. None of This Is True stands apart as a strong novel, well worth the time. It just won't become part of my cherished favorites. Regardless, well done, Ms. Jewell!

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I was sucked into this story so fast. There is an ominous tone. As a reader you know something is going to go horribly wrong from the clues the author teases with, but you have to keep reading to see it all come into the light.

It all begins when Josie turns 45 and meets her birthday twin, Alix, at a local pub. Little did Alix know, her life would never be the same from that day on. 🫣

This is a story that will make you gasp, question everything, and ultimately feel satisfied at the end as all the puzzle slides into place. As usual, Lisa Jewell doesn’t shy away from the depraved aspects of human nature and this may be my favorite novel of hers yet.

I loved that this book uses a Netflix podcast/true crime documentary angle included throughout. It breaks up the linear format and creates a dynamic thriller.

4.5/5 stars rounded up

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Lisa Jewell never disappoints when it comes to fabulously twisty thrillers starring people who feel like us. Alix Summers is a popular podcaster looking for something new for her next season. While she’s celebrating her 45th birthday, she meets Josie, her birthday twin who was even born at the same hospital Alix was. When the women bump into each other a few days later, Josie shares that not only has she been listening to Alix’s podcast, but she also has a story to tell.

What follows is a deep dive into the sordid history of a woman who is complicated and just a bit off. Josie is hiding something, and the more Alix digs into her life, the less she wants to know about it.

Twisty and mysterious, I highly recommend this propulsive read!

Thank You to Atria Books for my gifted copy provided through NetGalley! It was my pleasure to offer a candid review!

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AUTHOR: Lisa Jewell
LENGTH: 10h 13m
PUB DATE: 08.08.2023 Now Available


What did I just read. My goodness Lisa Jewell has done it again.

The story is about a woman named Josie Fair who is celebrating her 45th birthday in a fancy pub she would never ever step in to. Josie takes notice of a beautiful woman in the pub who is also celebrating her 45th birthday - her BIRTHDAY TWIN - born in the same day and in the same hospital. From that day on, Josie finds herself obsessing over Alix Summers’ life, and to be a subject of Alix’s podcast for a story Josie wants to tell. Alix is immediately intrigued with Josie’s story, and finds herself completely entangled in Josie’s out of control world risking her own family for a story.

This book was unsettling, spine chilling, dark, mysterious, atmospheric, and sinister. I loved how the story was told through specific dates and times, pod cast interviews throughout, and the mystery revealing in just the perfect time.

This may be one of Lisa Jewel’s best work yet. Mind blown!

AUDIO BOOK: With a full cast of characters - this was an incredibly fun audio book to listen to!

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This book was awesome! A favorite for me by Lisa Jewell! I plan on recommending to anyone I see! I kept me wondering until the end. Thank you NetGalley for the advance reader copy! My only complaint is that it wasn’t released for all my friends to read with me!

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Lisa Jewell does it again! I'm just a fan and have yet to read a book of hers that I haven't liked. This one is dark. It's disorienting. And it's sad. Nothing is what it seems.

Celebrating her forty-fifth birthday at her local pub, popular podcaster Alix Summer crosses paths with an unassuming woman called Josie Fair. Josie, it turns out, is also celebrating her forty-fifth birthday. They are, in fact, birthday twins.

A few days later, Alix and Josie bump into each other again, this time outside Alix’s children’s school. Josie has been listening to Alix’s podcasts and thinks she might be an interesting subject for her series. She is, she tells Alix, on the cusp of great changes in her life.

Josie’s life appears to be strange and complicated, and although Alix finds her unsettling, she can’t quite resist the temptation to keep making the podcast. Slowly she starts to realize that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it, Josie has inveigled her way into Alix’s life—and into her home.

But, as quickly as she arrived, Josie disappears. Only then does Alix discover that Josie has left a terrible and terrifying legacy in her wake, and that Alix has become the subject of her own true crime podcast, with her life and her family’s lives under mortal threat.

Who is Josie Fair? And what has she done?

This book is sooooooo good. It's so well executed. Lots of twists and turns. I want to say more, but can't without giving so much away. Just experience it.

Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the advanced copy. The book will be available on Tuesday, August 8, 2023. Pre-order it now. It's worth it.

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Alix Summer and her husband and friends are celebrating her 45th birthday at a pub in London. While there she meets Josie Fair who is also celebrating her 45th birthday. Josie and Alix discover that they were born in the same hospital, on the same day and that their children went to the same school. Josie declares that they are “Birthday Twins”.

Alix is a popular podcaster who is on the brink of hitting it big. When Josie “accidentailly” runs into Alix in front of the school as Alix is dropping her children off, Josie convinces Alix that she should consider doing a story about her. Josie says that her life is a mess and she wants to make some big changes. As Alix interviews Josie, she is horrified about what Josie is telling her but strangely drawn to her because she senses that this might be the podcast that will advance her career. As Josie’s story becomes more and more horrifying, she begins to ingratiate herself into Alix’s life with her family. Is Josie telling the truth? As Alix begins to interview others in Josie’s life, the story changes until she doesn’t know what the real truth is and when the stroy takes a deadly turn, nothing will ever be the same.

This dark, twisty thriller kept me reading and I couldn’t put it down. Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the advanced reading copy in exchange for an honest review. None of This is True will be published on August 8th.

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