Member Reviews

I have read many of Jewel’s books and my ratings run the gamut.. None of This is True unfortunately falls into the lower end. I think it was a weird premise I just couldn’t get past.

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This was my first Jewell thriller and I can't wait to read another! None of This is True tells the story of Alix, a podcaster waiting for her next story, and Josie, a woman with a story to tell. The two meet at a restaurant where they're both celebrating their 45th birthdays and their stories become forever intertwined. The pacing of this thriller was perfect. Micro doses of foreshadowing will keep you hooked the entire time. A cast of complex and unreliable characters will have you constantly questioning what is true. There are twists and shocks and a satisfying ending that still keeps you guessing. What a fun read!

Thank you to @NetGalley and @AtriaBooks for the eARC!

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Absolutely fantastic. I do enjoy Lisa Jewell’s books usually, but I have to say that this could be her best yet. I loved Alix and Jodie was written so well. I spent the whole time reading trying to figure out who was lying and what was going on, could not put it down until I was done. Excellent!

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I've read a few Lisa Jewell's books & they have been a hit or miss for me usually but I am happy to say I loved None of this is true. It had me intrigued from page one and it had me guessing. The characters were flawed and had you second guessing their true nature and I really enjoyed this one. It also features a podcast in it which is always a huge draw for me in a book.

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WOW, what a dark, twisty read this was that kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end. Alix is a popular podcaster who is married to Nathan who likes to go on frequent benders. Alix is celebrating her 45th birthday with friends when she goes to the Ladies Room and meets a rather strange woman, Josie Fair, who is also celebrating her 45th birthday. Josie declares that they are "Birthday Twins." A few days later, Alix runs into Josie and Josie has an idea for a podcast. Things get very strange from there on! I really enjoyed this book with all the strange happenings!

Thank you NetGalley and Simon & Schuster/Atria Books for the ARC of this very exciting and scary at times book that was a real page turner.

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Wow this book! And the way it ended I’m still not really sure who was telling the truth and I love it!! This was fast paced and made you want to keep reading. Many times I felt like I had no idea what was going on and absolutely loved it. Just incredible!!!

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“None of This is True” is a new novel by Lisa Jewell, centering on an English podcaster named Alix, and her “birthday twin”, Josie. I found the description of this story intriguing, but struggled to get through the book. It wasn’t until I was about 40% finished (yes, I checked) that the story started to capture my interest. Before that point, I was reading a few pages here and there and struggling to get into the story.

After meeting at a restaurant they had both gone to to celebrate their forty-fifth birthday, Josie turns up again in Alix’s life and shares her interest in being the subject of Alix’s next podcast. Alix is intrigued enough by Josie’s unusual demeanor, style of dress, and how different their lives are to start talking with her, and quickly realizes this story could end up being something worth sharing with her listeners. Josie’s instability becomes clear early on, and while juggling her own struggles at home, Alix continues to make time to learn more about what has made Josie who she is today… or at least the version of events that Josie chooses to share.

I thought there was some good writing throughout the story, but I also did not find any of the characters relatable or remotely likable, which made it hard for me to care how the story would end. The plot twists kept getting more and more far-fetched, and I found myself caring less about how the story would end as it wound down to its somewhat predictable conclusion.

I am clearly in the minority with my two-star rating on this one, and this is the first book by the author that I have not enjoyed, so I will definitely be reading her next project in the hopes that “None of This is True” was just a one-off for me.

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Although, the beginning was a bit slow I still really enjoyed this book.I was on the edge of my seat half way through. It had me second guessing everything I thought I knew and I'm still not sure what is the truth! It was a fast read and highly recommend.

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Oh my, what a book! This is probably considered bias, since I am a big fan of Lisa Jewell, but this might just be one of the most thought-provoking, nail biting, edge of your seat thrillers that I’ve ever read! The beginning does start off a bit slow but when things pick up, they TAKE OFF. I could not believe some of the stuff I was reading, and I’m still not 100% sure what or who to believe. I do know that I flew through these pages and did not want it to end! I can’t recommend this one enough! Lisa Jewell is such a fantastic writer and I’m so honored I had the opportunity to read this one early!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Read if you like
🤷🏻‍♀️ Unreliable female narrators
🎙️ True crime podcasts
📺 Netflix documentaries
🤔 Ambiguous endings

What To Expect
Josie and Alix meet on the night of their birthday and start recording a podcast to document Josie’s life…what happens next is shocking

My thoughts 💭
- I could not put this book down…like actually. I read it in basically one sitting and just had to know what happened next
- Throughout the book you get to hear the story from both Josie and Alix’s perspectives but there are also parts that are written like a podcast transcript and some that are written like you’re watching a netflix documentary. So engaging
- I thought the pacing was great however toward the end it got a bit slow but then that last chapter picked up
- It’s definitely an ambiguous ending…like I have many questions and I actually don’t know what to believe 🫢

I think this was my first Lisa Jewell?? But I really enjoyed it and will defo be diving into her backlist

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*ARC Review*

Outstanding, gripping, uniquely plotted, another 5 ⭐️ work from Lisa Jewell.

I swear I could read Lisa Jewell’s grocery list and it still rate at least 3 stars. She’s just that good. She writes along with some of the best leading thriller writers like Ruth Ware, Lisa Unger, and Riley Sager. It is no question why she is a chart topper with each release!

In “None Of This Is True” we meet and follow Alix, a 45 year old mother of two. A SAHM who runs a podcast in her downtime.
Alix has what appears to be a charmed life. Although she keeps many secrets, don’t we all?

When Alix meets Josie, her “birthday twin” in a chance encounter at a local pub. On both of their birthdays.. she thinks it’s just that.. a weird chance encounter. But then she starts “harmlessly” running into Josie out and about. But she will soon come to find out Josie is anything but “harmless”.
Meeting her is going to have tragic consequences for not only Alix and her family, but also Josie’s family as well.

Thank you so much to #netgalley for this advanced copy. It was absolutely fantastic.

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A thriller with a twist I am still thinking about for sure, but the age-gap romance I just can’t do. I don’t like it, and I realize that’s my issue. True crime story with a twist of what is the true story that will leave you wondering. An ending that has me thinking and still unsure of what really happened. I love how I went into it thinking it was just a thriller story and got a true crime/thriller instead.

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None of This Is True
By Lisa Jewell

Lisa Jewell does it again! I absolutely devoured this one. It takes a lot to keep me reading past 11:30 these days, but I would have stayed up all night to finish this one. And I certainly considered staying up!

This is easily my favorite Lisa Jewell to date. The drama. The suspense. Everything. It was chef’s kiss 🤌🏼

I found Alix to be very interesting. As a podcast lover, I loved the storyline of creating a podcast.

Josie was 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 from the start. Talk about #sus
If you like an unreliable narrator, Josie is your gal!

I truly didn’t know what was going to happen next. This book is perfect for those who love thrillers, but don’t want to sleep with the lights on. I would consider this more mysterious and suspenseful, not necessarily “thrilling”.

Prior to reading, I heard a couple of people compare this to Verity. And as a certified Verity lover, I was all about it. I personally didn’t see the connection, but that might be because immediately before reading this, I read a thriller that gave me Verity vibes. So just know that this book has been compared to Verity and if you’ve been searching high and low for a similar reading experience (I know I have), this might be the perfect book for you!

I’ve seen lots of hype for this book and rightfully so. 10/10 definitely recommend!

Thank you Atria and Lisa Jewell for the eARC! This one is our August 8 and you should def get your hands on it!

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Well in true Lisa Jewell fashion, my brain has been melted and I’m not sure it will reform in the same way again. I wasn’t sure whether I would get into yet another podcaster story, but this one was twistier than a roller coaster and while there was definitely some predictable moments, the journey to get there was a wild one!
Ali’s Summers records a podcast about inspiring and motivating women. One day while waiting for her kids to get out of school, she is approached by Josie, who seems to have a story that would be great for the podcast, so Alix agrees to work with her on something completely different-this would be a story about Josie’s life and how she’s ready to make some major changes to it now that she is 45. Which, as it turns out, is something that she and Alix share-they have the same birthday and we’re born at the same hospital, making them birthday twins. As Alix starts to interview Josie and dive into her story, she begins to question whether what she’s saying is really real. Then one night Josie turns up claiming to have been beaten by her husband and wants to stay with Alix and her family while she recovers. Not long after, Alix’s husband goes missing and Josie doesn’t appear to be who she says she is.
Great psychological thriller.
Thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for this eArc in exchange for my review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an early access copy to read and review prior to its August release date.

What the actual F did I just read?! This title is perfect because I finished the book and am sitting here asking myself what was true and what wasn’t. Holy cow what a ride!

I’ve read a couple books by Lisa Jewell and liked one but not the other so I wasn’t really sure what to expect with this one. But holy crap did I love it!
I loved the podcast element, I loved the dual POVs, and I even enjoyed the creepiness I felt as I was reading, which Jewell did in a fascinating way. I had so many theories and questions and thoughts! I really didn’t see any it it coming! I honestly could have kept reading if there had been more because I was so invested and intrigued.

When this comes out in August, I HIGHLY recommend picking this one up! It’s a fast paced thriller that had all the creepiness and second guessing to make for a great thriller. People are saying that this is like Verity by Colleen Hoover and we all know how good that one was…

*goes to Amazon and buys all of Lisa Jewell’s backlist*

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This one was a craaazzyyy ride!! Lisa Jewell always brings with creepy twists and plots and she delivered with this one!

Throughout the book, it kept alluding to something sinister and creepy, and I was worried it wouldn't have the shock effect that it was being hyped up to be, but near the last 3/4 of the book, my jaw was droppppped. All my questions were answered and more. There was even one point when I was 97% into the book where I thought that it bypassed one huge statement, but it was quickly answered at the very end.

This totally got me out of my reading rut and I devoured it in a matter of days! 4.25 stars/5

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I have been a long-time reader of Lisa Jewell, eagerly anticipating her latest book, None Of This Is True, set to release on August 8.

Alix and Josie, who share the same birth date, decide to celebrate their 45th birthday at a local restaurant. Little do they know that their chance meeting will lead to a dangerous relationship with deadly consequences. This twisted tale revolves around a local podcaster and her birthday twin. What initially starts as a promising new series takes an unexpected turn that neither of them anticipated.

None Of This Is True is a skillfully written psychological thriller that kept me captivated throughout. Josie is a prime example of an unreliable and unlikable character, while Alix is more relatable, albeit with some questionable decision-making. The story delves into dark and twisted themes of dysfunctional families, complicated relationships, and hidden secrets. It is narrated from the perspectives of both Josie and Alix, which left me feeling unsettled at times but also eager to uncover more.

The only drawback I found was the ending, which I won't delve into to avoid spoilers. Nevertheless, this book offers a refreshing departure from Lisa Jewell's recent works in terms of tone and style. She returns with her signature suspenseful storytelling and unique plotlines, making None Of This Is True a must-read for fans and newcomers alike.

My thanks to Atria books, via NetGalley for a digital arc in exchange for a honest review .

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This novel is a taut domestic thriller that kept me reading well into the night. The unreliable narration worked incredibly well and was great for revealing surprises throughout the novel. And like so many thrillers these days, the book featured a podcast and even a Netflix series, and these tools really enhanced Jewell's ability to tell the story in a way that keeps the reader engaged. We'll definitely be stocking this one in the store!

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I received an ARC from both Edelweiss+ & NetGalley. I normally like this author's books, but this felt like an attempt to cash in on the psychotoxic books like Colleen Hoover's Verity. It ended up just being really stupid and very unthrilling.

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None of This Is True – Lisa Jewell

Star rating – 3.9

I was OBSESSED with this book from the first page to the last. I could not put it down. I found myself picking it up at every free moment because I just had to see what happened next.

My thoughts throughout the book were:


“Wait what is going on here?”

“No way…NO WAY!”

This was such an entertaining read, and the characters ALL of them gave me the major creeps. The ending I was able to predict most of it, so I rated it a little less for that reason, but overall, if you want a popcorn mystery/thriller, this is the perfect read! I highly recommend it if you are looking for a book to take over all your thoughts for the next few days!

Thank you, NetGalley, Lisa Jewell, and Atria Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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