Member Reviews

Lisa Jewel did not disappoint with this drama filled thriller. I found it a compulsive read from the start.

With the title in mind, I automatically questioned everything that came out of Josie's mouth. She was definately not a reliable character with obvious issues. However, I certainly never expected the depth of Josie's mental illness,which ended up including kidnapping, cover-up and gaslighting on an Olympic level!

I enjoyed the multiple voices in this story and really enjoyed the podcast element.

Kudos, to Lisa Jewel, for holding out on that last twist at the conclusion....throwing me back to questioning everything all over again .
Solid 3 1/2

Thanks to Netgalley and Atria for allowing me to read this ARC.

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Bingeable and a completely compulsive read. I quite literally could not put this book down. I don’t think I have ever read a book so fast. Bravo Lisa Jewell! Already pre ordered a hard copy of this and told all my friends. This is absolutely one of my favorite thrillers of the year.

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“ Who is Josie Fair? And what has she done?”

Alix Summer, a popular podcaster, meets her birthday twin, Josie Fair. Josie tells Alix that’s she should do a podcast about her and how her life is about to change. Alix agrees, but slowly starts to find herself the subject of her own popular true crime podcast.

Whew, what a book! I loved the plot of this book along with the story being told from different perspectives. Since the podcast turned into a Netflix documentary, I really enjoyed how that was weaved into the story in each chapter.

Josie was a very complex character, one I could never quite figure out, and always kept me guessing. Up until the very end of the book, I still couldn’t figure out who was telling the truth and who was lying, mainly because of Josie!

I wish the ending was a little bit longer to wrap up as I felt like the book just ended. Overall a wonderful read!

Thank you NetGalley, Lisa Jewell, and Atria books for this ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

Pub date: August 8, 2023

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None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell follows Alix, a popular podcaster, who becomes entangled with Josie, a mysterious woman celebrating the same birthday. As Alix delves deeper into Josie's dark secrets for her podcast, she unknowingly puts her own life and her family's at risk, discovering the terrifying legacy Josie has left behind. I liked None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell. The alternating chapters from Josie, Alix, and Alix's podcast created an engaging narrative. I particularly found Josie's perspective and Alix's podcast episodes to be the most captivating. While I found Alix's character and her family a bit dull, I understood their purpose in the story. The book tackles heavy subjects like domestic abuse, emotional abuse, gaslighting, and pedophilia, which made it a dark and intense read. I was able to anticipate most of the major twists, but the pacing felt a bit inconsistent at times. Nevertheless, I appreciated the way the story concluded. Overall, I would give this book a solid four stars. I recommend this book if you're a fan of Lisa Jewell's work.

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This book was an awesome thriller. I got sucked into this book almost immediately and could not put it down. The Fair family is so incredibly creepy and Josie gave me goosebumps almost right away. I did not trust her at all and then once she started stealing things from Alix's home it was an immediate "oh no, here we go" reaction. I have always loved Lisa's books and this one was no different. I love the way this was written with flashbacks and then being incorporated into the documentary style. It made the story easy to digest and also made you need to know what happened and who dies. And then in typical Lisa fashion, we get left with that last chapter that makes you question everything you thought you figured out before. I did have an instinct that Roxy was more involved in Brooke's death than was initially implied but dang! I also really enjoyed Alix's last words to Josie in the podcast. I did a little fist pump in the air. This was a great book and I cannot wait to pick up a physical copy of this. Definitely going to recommend this to my followers. This has jumped up to being one of my favorite Lisa Jewell reads!

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I love all things Lisa Jewell. Her writing is captivating and I become obsessed with her characters. Such a great read!

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Wow! This was a real page turner! Excitement was building from page one! I love psychological thrillers and this one has twists and turns that I didn’t expect! Excellent character development of Josie and Alix, with the details of the podcast being made in between. I absolutely loved this book! I believe it will be a huge hit!

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Lisa Jewell’s supreme talent is once again evident in her latest psychological suspense. Her characters are phenomenal with so many flaws and intricacies. Plot twists abound and every chapter reveals something completely unexpected right up until the last page. The story is original and will not disappoint. For fans of Heather Gudenkauf and Gillian McAllister.

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Lisa Jewell has redeemed herself in my eyes! This book was absolutely nuts, and I finished it in 24 hours. The little breadcrumbs that were left every few chapters mixed with the Netflix clips made me want to keep reading and find out what truly happened.
I loved how unreliable Josie was, especially as we changed perspectives and tried to glean the truth from each woman. It went a bit off the rails with the whole "killed her husband" plot, but I truly did not see any part of this book coming. I am still up in the air about the ending, and I think that speaks to how little we knew from Josie, and how well this was written, An insane read. Special thanks to Netgalley and Atria for this egalley in exchange for my honest review!

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I wanted to read this book because I love Lisa Jewell. I read “Watching You” and “Invisible Girl”. Both were five-star reviews for me.

I enjoyed “None of This is True”. However, it was just short of 5 stars. I felt there were too many holes in the storyline and the ending didn’t clear everything up. The ending made it more confusing in some ways.

I received this galley from NetGalley.

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I liked this novel. I didn’t love it. I thought it was an entertaining read, but it lacked substance. It could have developed into a great suspense novel, but it came off more of a quick, fun read, rather an in-depth thriller. I finished this story three days ago and it’s already unmemorable. I’m a huge fan of Lisa Jewell, she is a mastermind, so I do recommend reading her other novels.

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I have read almost all of Lisa Jewell's books, but I believe that None of This Is True is the jewel in the author's crown. While I read this book, I was on the edge of my seat, picking up every subtle clue that the author gave to the reader. The story revolves around two women- a podcaster and a woman who claims that she is going through a change in her life. They meet on their birthday, which they share. Alix learns about Josie's life and decides to do a podcast about her very dark past. This book is so filled with twists and turns it will give you whiplash. Lisa Jewell- congrats on this bone-chilling story which I haven't stopped thinking about.

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Thanks so much to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with this e-Arc! I have a planned review of this on my Instagram and will also review on Goodreads once I get to this read. This is one of my most anticipated reads of this year! Until then, I am giving a star rating as a placeholder on Netgalley. Stay tuned for my in depth review on all my social media platforms!

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—n o n e o f t h i s i s t r u e—⁣
Who is a go-to author for you? ⁣
Listen, if Lisa Jewell writes a book, I’m probably going to read it. I don’t make the rules. ⁣
None of This is True is the latest release from domestic thriller queen Lisa Jewell. It follows two vastly different 45-year old women as their worlds intwine. Alix is a successful podcaster while Josie is a mostly unassuming seamstress. They share a birthday but not much else. After some run-ins (that are maybe not entirely unintentional) and some convincing from Josie, Alix decides to feature Josie in her podcast and the rest is twisty, propulsive, unsettling. ⁣
The format is a strength as the book and features alternating perspectives in present and documentary clips from the future. Secrets abound. The writing is strong, as I’ve come to expect from this author. I was immediately hooked and could not stop reading. ⁣
The book features some heavier topics (alcoholism, for example, and those parts HIT DIFFERENT, let me tell you) and Jewell does not tiptoe around the dark world she has created - instead you are immersed from the first page. The characters are fully realized and flawed and I could not look away from them. Especially Josie who in the book was exceedingly unsettling and strange (tho not unbelievable).⁣
If you like thrillers, read this one (it comes out august 8!). It’s unpredictable, creepy, dark. I absolutely loved this book and am grateful for the opportunity to read it! Thanks @netgalley and @atriabooks for the ARC!⁣
#bookstagram #bookreview #bookreviewer #bookreviewsneedlovetoo #booksaremagic #noneofthisistrue #littlebooknook📚

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None of This is True [out on 8/8/23!]


I have to admit, this upcoming release was my first Lisa Jewell read — I’ve seen her books everywhere for years, and I don’t know why it took me so long to pick one up!

Josie Fair is turning 45 and is taking a hard look at her non-existent relationship w her kids, her aging husband, and her lack of interactions outside of the house…in a word, her life is stalled. Alix Summers is also turning 45, and she seemingly has it all — a successful podcast, a husband she loves, two cute kids, and a nice house in the heart of London. When Josie sees Alix and her friends living it up at Alix’s birthday dinner, she decides it’s time to spice things up. Josie approaches Alix and suggests they make a podcast about Josie’s past andshe’s going to change her future. As these two start to spend more time together, Alix realizeJosie is far from what she expected … and her own life may be turned upside down as a result.

I think I’m a pretty harsh critic on thrillers, but this one exceeded all expectations. I loved it. The uneasy tone kept building throughout the entire book, and although I had a few suspicions, I had noooo idea where this wild ride was headed. I loved the form of the Netflix show transcript which had the podcast recordings, and then getting to flip back to 2019 to pick up the story from Alix/Josie’s POVs. This was a book where I kept being like “ugh need to get home to read this!”

The ending is 🤯🤯🤯. I stayed up til 1am because once you hit 75-80% it’s impossible to not know what happens… if you read it, lmk what you think because there is a lot to discuss after the final page 😯👀

Just FYI there are some unsettling topics here, so check the TWs before you read. I think this will be the thriller of the summer — thank you to @netgalley @atriabooks for the early copy. Grab this on 8/8!

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I have a feeling this 5 star read is going to be the thriller of the summer!

Lisa Jewel once again does not disappoint, and in fact, her books just keep getting better. None of This is True is a psychological thriller that had me second guessing everything and constantly flipping the pages to find out the truth. I enjoyed every part: the characters, the pacing, the twists and turns. I highly recommend!

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This book was captivating from start to end. I enjoyed the format of Alix and Josie telling their parts of the story with podcasts interspersed. I thought I had figured everything out early on, but then the last chapter threw me off, and I still have so many questions. It was definitely worth reading!

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Good book, and I was interested immediately. I just can’t get passed the ending. I don’t like how it’s questionable. I like when all the loose ends are tied up.

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Another twisty novel by Lisa Jewell. I found it a bit slow at first but once the two main characters lives became more entwined, the more I was hooked. Alix seemed like a genuine person, one who was intrigued by Josie but also felt a measure of responsibility for her well-being. And it became harder to decipher Josie the victim from Josie the deceitful manipulator. Quite the ride!

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Lisa Jewell is such a masterful storyteller, and None of This is True showcases her talent brilliantly. When Josie meets Alice at a restaurant where they both are celebrating their 45th birthdays, she senses a need to get closer to her “birthday twin.” Alix is a successful podcaster who is looking for a next project, and Josie pitches her the idea of interviewing her, a woman on the cusp of a huge change. As Alix learns more about Josie’s past and her intended shake up to her life, she can’t tell fact from fiction, and her life quickly spirals off the rails.

You want to go into this one as blindly as possible, but still read the TWs. I was immediately obsessed with figuring out what actually went on in Josie Fair’s home, and pleasantly surprised by the nuanced inspection of feminism, and the truly disorienting nature of the story that brings the reader into what it feels like to be gaslit.

I thought the ending would feel a little more grounded, with an explanation that fit the level of suspense and mystery in the first 85% of the book, so this one gets 4 stars, but it was so close to a 5.

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